View Full Version : Music Swapping Problem...

2006-04-19, 06:33 PM
Hey all.
The thing I did.. I created a batch file to replace my custom music with the standard ones before the launchpad would check, and upon finishing the check but before i struck "PLAY" I would press return on the batch, and it would swap out the standards with my customs. Now.. it's all wonderful and peachy, but the problem is, (I play TR) the TR_Sanctuary.mp3 file - I swap out, and it still plays the standard sanc music. Does anyone know why ? am I swapping out the wrong music? I don't believe that I am because I did test it by-ear and it sounds like the same music, so, why doesn't it work ?

Help please! Thanks all.

2006-04-24, 08:16 PM
This is pure speculation: But just a thought... some games (if they're not modded) I've played check the basic game files like music, splash screens, etc. against some hidden files in hidden directories. If they differ, the "old/original" files are copied over the "new files" you've put in or swapped. This was the case for some of the older mid-90s games (remember Jane's Fighters Anthology? Or Star Trek: Starship Creator?).

However, for MMO games, doing a client-side mod might not sync up with the version the other online players use so I wouldn't advise you trying to mod if you have only one copy. If you're on Windows, hit Start-->run... and type "cmd" and really explore the directories with an "attrib -h *.*" See what is there. Maybe this is overkill and Planetside isn't that complex, but that's how I changed some things on older games, music and pics in particular. Finally, I'm *not* a modder - I work 40+ hrs a week at a day job so this is just a hobby of mine. I play games more than I mod them. But this is at least one idea (I haven't seen any others so far). Good luck. :D

