View Full Version : Known cheats of Planetside

2006-05-05, 07:02 AM
Hmm. I caught this at another forum not related to Planetside in any way and tracked down the original thread in Sony's forums here (http://psforums.station.sony.com/ps/board/message?board.id=pswerner&message.id=402000&page=1)but the mods moved it so it seems that it can't be seen by reservists.

I decided to copy and paste what I saw in the other forum discussing this so you're informed.

Well folks, after what I saw yesterday I thought I'd come to the forum and post it in light of the 'KEKELALA' player threads (a player seen to be teleporting with the LLU and into generators etc). I have a sneaking suspicion of who this player might be, however regardless of who the player actually is, I saw exactly the same third party hacks yesterday by players I didn't think would use them.

I quietly left Soul Reapers yesterday after witnessing Ownbrand & IronMole sharing third party hacks, with Ownbrand providing IronMole with a tutorial on how to use them. I feel that I owe Ownbrand something of an apology on some level in that I allowed him & IronMole to demonstrate the hacks in front of me without divulging that I was not happy with what I saw and would be forwarding it to PlanetSide's Customer Service team.

Ironically, I actually would like to believe that Ownbrand is a good enough player not to need to use hacks, and in addition is probably, from what I know of him (which is limited), responsible enough not to use such hacks in game to spoil other's enjoyment. The sad part about it all however is that I think it's a serious error of judgement to pass third party hacks to outfit members and demonstrate how to use them - especially members that may be, on the basis of their behaviour and attitude previously, likely to use the hacks irresponsibly (if you can use them responsibely at all).

I attempted to record the Teamspeak conversation between IronMole & Ownbrand, but unfortunately it didn't turn out as well as I expected (there are gaps in the recording and whenever I pressed 'push-to-talk' it cuts out what everyone else was saying). There are however several instances in there that allude to the third party hacks - I was disappointed that I didn't have fraps or gamecam installed however.

1. Cone of Fire (CoF) Hack

After witnessing IronMole & Ownbrand using the third party hacks, I spoke with several players such as Sniperdude2k & Mohawk about what I'd seen. I eventually got speaking to someone that had tried the Cone of Fire hack, and he agreed to show me what it would do. I have a video of the CoF in action - anyone that wants a copy of the video showing an MCG scoring 100% hits from about 100m range, PM me and I'll send it to you on MSN.

In the absence of the video, here's what it does:

We crouched side by side at Dagda on Forseral and fired a full cycler clip into the wall opposite on full auto. On the left is my shot spread, and on the right (the single bullet hole) is where all 50 of the player using CoF hack's shots went.

I asked Ownbrand whether he'd ever tried it, seen as I had witnessed the earlier demonstration of third party hacks:

Even for 'testing' purposes, I'm not sure it's a good idea to try this in game, especially given that this information is then shared to less responsible individuals.

Note that I did not witness Ownbrand or IronMole using this - I merely asked if OB had used it.

2. Warping 1-10m Up / Down & Left / Right On Demand

This was demonstrated on Oshur, Ascension by several means - warping side to side to produce a 'blink' effect (ie. appears in one location, then disappears and reappears a few metres either side, or up or down). It was most noticeable in a tower, where Ownbrand and IronMole demonstrated warping through the floor or ceiling of a tower stairwell.

On the screenshot below, Ownbrand is below me on the stairs.. then a couple of seconds later, he appears round the corner, approaching from above. In the teamspeak conversation I've recorded, at 03:39 into the file, Ownbrand tells IronMole that it moves you 1m the direction of the key you press (keys are bound to movement directions - OB & IronMole were using '9' for up, I believe). Again, if anyone wants a copy of the TS recording, PM me and I will send it via MSN.

3. Infinite Stamina

At 03:14 of the teamspeak recording, Ownbrand is demonstrating infinite stamina. This was demonstrated by applying surge and jumping repeatedly whilst running around - obviously at best, under normal circumstances, you could achieve 10 jumps before running out of stamina (10 stamina drain per jump, plus surge drain). OB successfully kept running, surging and jumping for far in excess of this. Really needed fraps or gamecam to demonstrate this one properly.

4. Bye-Bye Flight Ceiling

Using the 'blink' (teleport) 1-10m described in point 2, the flight ceiling no longer applies. In the screenshot below, I am looking up and am at flight ceiling. Note that IronMole and Ownbrand are considerably higher than the ceiling normally allows.

5. Teleport to Location

Ownbrand demonstrates to IronMole how to teleport to a specific location using the third party tool. In this example, Ownbrand tells IronMole & me to head to the generator - about 20 seconds later, his mosquito appears inside the generator. Ownbrand then instructed IronMole on how to make this work - a few minutes later & IronMole was doing the same thing.

I also saw the lovely powersliding of infinite afterburn, but obviously thats incredibly difficult to show in a screenshot. Overall, I just think it's a real shame that players, especially of Ownbrand's quality, resort even to 'testing' these programs.

I remember the feint pang of irony when, at 01:27 of the Teamspeak recording, Ownbrand instructs IronMole not to go round abusing these hacks like last time, and the followup from Ironmole about how much fun it would be to use them on reserves accounts.

Can't help but feel its a gross error of judgement to share out third party hacks, even if you don't use them yourself.. however judging by what I saw, it's hard to tell any more.

COF MCG hack vid (http://mbnet.fi/miyagii/PS1.avi)

Team speak text file (http://mbnet.fi/miyagii/ts.txt)

Team speak mp3 log (http://mbnet.fi/miyagii/hax.mp3)