View Full Version : Playstation 3 = Win
2006-05-11, 10:05 AM
Holy sweet mother of god. I just watched the PS3 Debut. Microsoft just got pwned. So did Nintendo.
The Wii is like... a light gun in a two handed controler.
The PS3 controler..... its classic. It wasnt broken, they didnt fix it. Thank god. They did how ever add some kind of movement detection on 6 axis.
Armored Core 4!!!! GOD YES!
Even better is Metal Gear 4. This is gonna be interesting....
2006-05-11, 10:08 AM
Late in the game though, will be interesting to see what happens once they are all on shelves.
2006-05-11, 11:05 AM
I plan on getting the PS3 console but not until mid 2007 or so.
2006-05-11, 12:28 PM
I plan on peeing on them.
because for 600 bucks it better come with a few blowjobs, and i didn't see them handing that out at the conference.
2006-05-11, 02:13 PM
Holy sweet mother of god. I just watched the PS3 Debut. Microsoft just got pwned. So did Nintendo.
The Wii is like... a light gun in a two handed controler.
The PS3 controler..... its classic. It wasnt broken, they didnt fix it. Thank god. They did how ever add some kind of movement detection on 6 axis.
Armored Core 4!!!! GOD YES!
Even better is Metal Gear 4. This is gonna be interesting....
Indeed, can't wait for Armored Core 4. Also, Wii got pwned when Sony revealed that the PS3 controller has a built-in controller motion sensor. Nintendo was banking on that being the defining factor of the Wii, and now Sony has just matched their trump card. Pwned.
Some other games that looked cool, Heavenly Sword, 8 Days (though that HAD to be CG or something... movement was too damn fluid!), Final Fantasy XIII (what happened to 12? O_o), and a bunch of other kickass games that I can't remember the names to.
I might be holding off on getting an Xbox 360, but then again, Gears of War was more impressive than ever at E3. Shit, come November I'm going to have to make some tough decisions.
I plan on getting the PS3 console but not until mid 2007 or so.
Yeah, I�m going to wait for a while before I even think about getting any new systems.
I plan on peeing on them.
because for 600 bucks it better come with a few blowjobs, and i didn't see them handing that out at the conference.The PS3 comes with a Flesh Light you can plug-in and vibrates along with the controller.
2006-05-11, 03:26 PM
2006-05-11, 03:34 PM
I would rather put 600$ into my PC.
2006-05-11, 03:42 PM
I would rather put 600$ into my PC.
$600 can buy you a video card... or, $600 can buy you a PS3.
I am really looking forward to Warhawk, 8 Days, that one game from Naughty Dog, and Afrika looks cool.
2006-05-11, 03:46 PM
Well a smart 600$ can buy you a mobo + CPU + video card + RAM...but then I dont make enough to just throw it away >.<
2006-05-11, 04:10 PM
Pics of the new PS3 controler? If it is the same shape as the last two PS controlers that sucks the big one. That thing is so fucking tiny.
2006-05-11, 04:12 PM
I like the PS controller... it's easy to use... and I don't feel like I could club a seal with it. (Aka the Xbox controller)
2006-05-11, 04:22 PM
Its just that I have big hands, but the orignal fatty Xbox controller has to be the best controller ever made for me.
2006-05-11, 04:52 PM
The PS3 motion control isn't anything like the wii's. Both the parts of the wii's controler have full motion sensing. Have any of you seen the sword fighting demo? Let's see the ps do that.
Given the PS3's price, I don't see why in the world I'd get it, when I could just get a 360 and a wii for the same price. I don't see anything special about the titles for PS3, no new forms of play just some shinier graphics, and the 360 does that well enough.
Or just get a Wii and play the new fun stuff on it and the plain old rehashed stuff on my computer.
With the PS3/xbox 360 it's the same old shit as before, if I want to play those kind of games I'll do it on my comp it looks just as good, and keyboard + mouse is far superior to the gamepad. Yeah, I need to put money into it every couple/3 years, but it's a fuckton more usefull than a console.
Wii is going to acctualy be innovative, it's designed around fun, not just for pissy gamer crowd, but lots of people and I may get one.
In all however, fuck consoles.
2006-05-11, 04:57 PM
I don't see me having 600 dollars to blow on a a console.
Or the time to actually justify doing it.
I mean... I barely use the consoles I've already paid for.
2006-05-11, 06:37 PM
From what I've seen, everything about Sony so far at E3 seems to be doing pretty poorly. Nintendo is fine, they have oodles of playable games down on the floor, their motion sensor is much more robust, and of course the price is lower. I'm not sure what console I will get, but right now I'm starting to lean towards the Wii.
2006-05-11, 06:53 PM
Way too expensive. Not at all worth it.
And the Wii has to be the gayest console name ever.
2006-05-11, 07:18 PM
A few minutes after the show opened, Nintendo estimated the wait to reach a game station at about four hours. By 10 am, the wait had increased to six hours. By our estimates, there were at least 1000 people in line waiting, especially for a first look at Ubisoft's Red Steel first person shooter.
I don't think the name decides the success of the console anyhow.
2006-05-11, 10:23 PM
Yeah Sony did real bad this year i think, Nintendo is actually looking much better than when they had the GC debute, and microsoft gots halo3, so its all good.
2006-05-11, 11:20 PM
The game line up behind the Wii looked like a bunch of kid games. Red Steel looked like a horribly clunky game. The sword fighting did NOT look fluid at all. You could do the same thing with a analog stick. Oh and PS. The PS3 isnt 600 dollars. Its 600 for the 80gig HD. 20gig is gonna be 500. Why do you need a 60 gig HD?
The PS3 has more features than the Xbox 360. The advantage of the 360 is that it is out now. THe PS3 is going to have a HUGE game base to select from. Even months after the release the 360 game base isnt that big (its around 50 games or so), the PS 3 has 50+ games in development to go at launch.
The Wii controler looked clunky and unresponsive. Watch the guy in the sword fighting thing. He has to make the same move twice to get it to work sometimes. The Wii will hit its target audience. Casual gamers or people who dont game at all yet. Thats about it. Yes you will have die hards who will buy it for the Zelda title but really... the Wii is a Game Cube with a new controler. No inovative graphics, no processor power, no hints at online capability. Wii will have its market. The PS3 will have an even bigger one. Its out done the Xbox 360 by a long shot. Better graphics, physics, processor power, controler (the PS controler is probably the best controler ever), features, and game support. The only advantage the Xbox has is the 100$ less price tag. And if your going to go for a gaming system that will get you the most "bang for your buck" you should be going with the PS3.
Im suprised I say this really. I was a die hard Xbox fan, but the 360 pales in comparison to the PS3, and the Wii is targeting a totaly diffrent market with totaly diffrent games (Armored Core 4 vs Mario Galaxy). Also I like the PSP hook up thing. Thats gonna be cool.
2006-05-11, 11:23 PM
I don't think the name decides the success of the console anyhow.
Perhaps not, but the majority of gamers are incredibly naive. Hype anything up enough and they'll flock to it like crackheads to a street corner.
But hey, who am I to determine how people spend their money? Just seems like a waste to me.
2006-05-12, 03:35 AM
The game line up behind the Wii looked like a bunch of kid games. Red Steel looked like a horribly clunky game. The sword fighting did NOT look fluid at all. You could do the same thing with a analog stick. Oh and PS. The PS3 isnt 600 dollars. Its 600 for the 80gig HD. 20gig is gonna be 500. Why do you need a 60 gig HD?
Actually, the 20 gig won't have Wi-Fi, the ability to read flash memory cards, or HDMI output capability (for High Def video).
Still not a big deal for most people, but important to note. Not sure if you will be able to upgrade a 20 gig with these features, but I'm assuming so.
PS: The Wii looks fucking retarded. All the games they showed for it looked like they were for 4-year olds, the graphics looked outdated (seriously, the Wii games I saw all paled in to comparison of the 360 and the PS3), and if you watched the Nintendo E3 Press conference you can see just how desperate they are to market to the "old ladys, moms, and kids" crowd, not hardcore gamers. Long story short? The Wii is lame. If I'm going to spend my money on a console I better be getting some bang for my buck. I'll most likely be getting a PS3 as well as a 360 eventually.
2006-05-12, 08:14 AM
You know, you can stop comparing the Wii's graphics to the others. Nintendo made it official that they weren't trying to compete in that department. E3 can work like a huge beta test as well. They still have several months to clean up bugs. That goes for Nintendo and Sony. I guess all I'm trying to say is that personally, I'll play whichever one I end up liking the most. I probably won't buy a console until next summer if at all. I'd like to see some original content in their games though. That's the only thing that matters to me.
2006-05-12, 08:39 AM
I probably won't buy a console until next summer if at all. I'd like to see some original content in their games though. That's the only thing that matters to me.
Great point. I grew up a console gamer and only gravitated to PC recently. The reason the switch? I was bored of playing the same type of games. Team based MMOs really brought the excitement back to video games for me.
2006-05-12, 12:00 PM
Great point. I grew up a console gamer and only gravitated to PC recently. The reason the switch? I was bored of playing the same type of games. Team based MMOs really brought the excitement back to video games for me.
Same here, although I just became bored playing any game that isn't multiplayer. Anyone can beat a single player game if they put enough time into it. Playing against other people is where real fun is.
I started out a PC'er and even then only played online games with a few signal player RTS's here and there.
When I got into consoles I still preferred PC's because I loved playing online. To me consoles where for when I had a friend over and we both wanted to play a game we just played some split screen game or something cause I didn't have more then one PC at that time.
But now with consoles with online abilities, I like the ease of use, the "plug and play" ability consoles offer to play online.
That's one reason I preferred XBox with Live over PS2. Don't get me wrong I love PS2 but the ease of use Live was even with the subscription fees was nice and easy to set up and use. So I played Xbox more then PS2 then, but PS more than both.
But it looks like PS3 is going to "take the cake" as far as online ease of use is concerned, but I'm sure I'll still prefer PC over consoles.
Double post, sorry.
Please don't ban me! :tear: :cry:
2006-05-12, 04:10 PM
Also, PS3 access will be included in SOEs Station Access pass, which seems like an awesome deal, I mean you get all this for $25/month:
-Station Access games
-Exclusive Privelages on PS3 Online.
Thats one hell of a deal.
2006-05-12, 04:22 PM
so I could pay 25 bucks a month to play with their shit. or I could play with my own shit and save 25 bucks.... hmmm
You play with yourself too much you need to leave it along for a little bit or it'll fall off.
2006-05-13, 04:59 PM
The "cheap" ps3 is less worth it than the Full price one:
Lower-end model also lacks HDMI, memory card slot and, erm, chrome lettering
Words: Oliver Hurley
Saturday 13 May 2006
Sony has today cleared up the confusion over the differences in specification between the two models of PlayStation 3 - and the cheaper version won't support wireless controllers.
As announced by the company on Monday, two versions of PS3 will be available at launch - one with a 60GB hard drive, and a less pricy model that features a 20GB hard drive. However, what the company didn't mention at the time is that the 20GB machine also lacks a number of key features that are included as standard in the more expensive model.
The 20GB console won't include an HDMI output, which means that it won't be able to deliver high definition pictures. But perhaps more disappointing is that wireless bluetooth controllers won't be supported; instead, gamers will have to make do with retro-style wired-up versions of the increasingly controversial PS3 pad.
In addition, the lower-end model also lacks WiFi and the slot for Memory Stick Duo cards included in the full-spec PS3.
A Sony representative on the show floor at E3 also emphasized that gamers won't be able to upgrade the memory of the 20GB version; if that's the PS3 incarnation you opt for, you're permanently stuck with a 20GB memory limit.
Amazingly, Sony big boss man Phil Harrison, in a BBC interview earlier this week, insisted, "What we should be clear about is that the functionality is identical in both machines. There is no difference in what the machine does."
Unfortunately, the actual facts seem to suggest otherwise.
Without it's hi-def features the PS3's better graphics are worth shit.
2006-05-13, 05:16 PM
Im not paying $600 to see Snake make himself a new head orfice.
2006-05-14, 11:06 AM
Ill prolly end up sprining for the more expensive one anyways. Truthfully though I find that pretty fucking lame by sony. Why dont they just make it modular? Bring it to a best buy or some crazy shit and have them toss some mods in it to do other things. A modular Consol would probably revolutionize the gaming world.
Imagine, The consol is out for a year and they release a new optional processor upgrade that opens it up for a whole new set of games. Buy an upgrade and play the new games seems alot better than buy a new system entirly.
2006-05-14, 01:37 PM
Not for them. They'll get more money if they release a new system because, as I've stated before, gamers are naive and will buy it.
2006-05-14, 01:45 PM
You realize that would destroy the two main advantages of a console over a computer?
Games always work, and because of optomization, nearly always play w/in accptable frame rates.
You, with few exeptions, don't need to put more money into a console in order to keep it up to date, and capable of playing all the games for it.
IMO it'd make me want to buy a console even less, knowing that I'll have to buy new inards for it, like you do with a comp.
2006-05-14, 03:36 PM
To be fair, you don't necessarily HAVE to buy new upgrades for the comp very often. Yes, gradually your system will be phased out and you'll go from being optimally prepared to barely hitting the minimums to not being able to play the game at all, but with the current rate of progression, that would take 4-5 years most likely. Granted, I don't want to be playing minimum specs either, but I've had my computer for 3 and a half years and it can still play the newest games decently well, albeit not as good as I would prefer.
I don't know how I feel about it personally. I'm probably just apathetic to the console market in general.
2006-05-14, 06:37 PM
Ermm... Kin... my 3 year old computer cannot run Oblivion... or Battlefield 2...
2006-05-14, 07:22 PM
Honestly I've been a Sony fan since my gaming birth, but lately, the PS will not win, and it's b/c of one word...
2006-05-14, 07:27 PM
If halo 3 get's released so soon... you can expect the fucking thing to be shitty (see Halo 2 as evidence... it took three years and they managed to rush the end making the game a total POS.)
In my opinion Halo is pretty fucking over-rated.
2006-05-14, 08:36 PM
Halo 2 was not rushed, its been commented on several times.
2006-05-14, 09:12 PM
Bugs... lot's of clipping... shitty plot and end... yeah... of course it wasn't rushed! That's like SOE saying that Planetside is perfect and balanced... get my drift?
2006-05-14, 09:48 PM
The story was supposed to end all WTF cliffhanger-y, as it's not really an ending at all.
HL2 would go down as the worst game in history if mid-trilogy/multi-part endings were based upon an actual story ending.
Speaking of which, HL2 Episode 1 is out in less than a month, who's stoked?
2006-05-14, 10:29 PM
not 25 bucks stoked. they can kiss my fucking ass. hl2 was fun once. I'm not paying just to play it again.
oh and where are the tons of bugs and clipping in halo2? I've never seen em.
2006-05-14, 11:08 PM
I agree with Gio, Halo is overrated. Its not good, its not terrible, its been done before, and I find it horrendously un-orrignal.
2006-05-15, 12:25 AM
not 25 bucks stoked. they can kiss my fucking ass. hl2 was fun once. I'm not paying just to play it again.
oh and where are the tons of bugs and clipping in halo2? I've never seen em.
Guess I'm just unlucky... either that or I should be a game tester! :lol:
Seriously thought alot of my friends have encountered bugs and clipping issues... the story has a whole also lacks, not just the ending.
2006-05-15, 07:31 AM
In most of the cutscenes, the bump maps would load after the scene started playing, but that's just my experience.
2006-05-15, 08:07 AM
Online its overrated, but I like the story.
I just read the other day that if you took everyone's combined Halo 2 playtime, it equals over 75 man years :huh:
2006-05-15, 09:48 AM
I just read the other day that if you took everyone's combined Halo 2 playtime, it equals over 75 man years :huh:
Yeah, it's sooooo over rated :rolleyes:
2006-05-15, 10:26 AM
All I meant to say, is that if it took them 3 years to make the god damn Halo 2... and now they're making Halo 3 in less then what? 2 years? It's bound to be rushed. Especially with all the new textures, models etc. for the 360.
You may like Halo... but I don't and that's that.
You may like Halo... but I don't and that's that.
Then lets drop it and get back to topic...
2006-05-15, 03:24 PM
that is painfully cute.
2006-05-15, 04:14 PM
I don't understand the logic behind paying $600 for a machine that in the end, has relatively limited use, and as a soon-to-be college student with a vastly limited income... that makes it look even worse to me.
I can pay $600 dollars into upgrading my computer - which is relatively open ended, allows me to play game, chat with friends, download/listen to music, do school work, surf the web, etc.
or I can pay $600 for a system that allows me to play games, listen to music, take up a lot of space, and look pretty.
Are Armored Core and Metal Gear Solid good series? yes, they are. Are they worth $600? not quite.
And in the end, thats all I'd really be paying for.
I don't understand the logic behind paying $600 for a machine that in the end, has relatively limited use, and as a soon-to-be college student with a vastly limited income... that makes it look even worse to me.
I can pay $600 dollars into upgrading my computer - which is relatively open ended, allows me to play game, chat with friends, download/listen to music, do school work, surf the web, etc.
or I can pay $600 for a system that allows me to play games, listen to music, take up a lot of space, and look pretty.
Are Armored Core and Metal Gear Solid good series? yes, they are. Are they worth $600? not quite.
And in the end, thats all I'd really be paying for.
You're not in College yet. Scam some family, parent, aunts, uncles, ect, to buy you one for a grat gift or something. :twisted:
2006-05-15, 05:16 PM
Also, you must remember that this is a BLu-Ray machine also. Standalone BD Players are in the $1200 range.
2006-05-15, 06:24 PM
Also, you must remember that this is a BLu-Ray machine also. Standalone BD Players are in the $1200 range.
Good point, but like Gryphon has pointed out before, will Blu-Ray take hold in the market place? With HD-DVD already out, everyone and their grandmother will be buying HD-DVD products.
2006-05-15, 10:47 PM
Good point, but like Gryphon has pointed out before, will Blu-Ray take hold in the market place? With HD-DVD already out, everyone and their grandmother will be buying HD-DVD products.
Yea, but then again, an HD-dvd player is the price of a PS3. So, you could buy a HD-DVD player, and only use movies for $500-1000, or you could buy a BD Player, and a state of the art game system for $600
2006-05-15, 10:54 PM
or be like me and buy neither because you dont have an uber tv to show off HD or Blu ray movies anyways.
2006-05-15, 11:00 PM
or be like me and buy neither because you dont have an uber tv to show off HD or Blu ray movies anyways.
Common misunderstanding of Next gen media. Example: You can buy a movie in HD Right now, but it would take up several disks. The thing is HD and BD arent going to enhance your movie, the content is. Video quality relys on the format of the video, not the disc. HD and BD have larger space, allowing for more upscalled and enhanced movies. atleast that is my understanding.
2006-05-15, 11:01 PM
or be like me and buy neither because you dont have an uber tv to show off HD or Blu ray movies anyways.
Common misunderstanding of Next gen media. Example: You can buy a movie in HD Right now, but it would take up several disks. The thing is HD and BD arent going to enhance your movie, the content is. Video quality relys on the format of the video, not the disc. HD and BD have larger space, allowing for more upscalled and enhanced movies. atleast that is my understanding. Meaning more content can be put on a DVD at higher quality. So while it is a thing of better quality and higher resolution, it also holds more content.
2006-05-15, 11:06 PM
Common misunderstanding of Next gen media. Example: You can buy a movie in HD Right now, but it would take up several disks. The thing is HD and BD arent going to enhance your movie, the content is. Video quality relys on the format of the video, not the disc. HD and BD have larger space, allowing for more upscalled and enhanced movies. atleast that is my understanding.
Apperantly no current TV has the built in DRM technology* that is part of the HD and Blu ray's technology selling point.^
Initialy it might not be DRM fucked, but it will after either tech catches on. They flip a litte swich on the fabrication line. Then you'll be limited to less than 480p(probably standard TV) resolution in every new movie, unless you get a new TV.
*(requires HDMI connection with special hardware in the player and the TV, so it's never allowed to become an analog signal that could be copied)
^(selling point to producers/developers/distributers not home users)
Parantheticals longer than the sentences don't make sence
2006-05-15, 11:12 PM
Hmm. Is DRM also a copy protection system? And I do see what you mean by the resolution limiting to increase sales on hdtvs.
2006-05-15, 11:23 PM
Hmm. Is DRM also a copy protection system? And I do see what you mean by the resolution limiting to increase sales on hdtvs.
DRM stands for Digital Rights Managment, meaning the right of companies to charge you over and over, for the same content.
If you want to, say, listen to a song in more than one format, you'll have to buy it in each version. Riping a CD to MP3 so you can use your MP3 player insead of luggin the disk around or for making a backup of thousands on a DVD, incase your CD's get stolen IS STRICKTLY FORBIDEN. But it's all to prevent piracy[that last bit's what "they" say. Customers rights aren't infringed at all with this plan? "No sir! Hrm fair use? What's that?"]
Not only do they want to sell HDTVs but they want to sell a second one to everyone that already had bought one before their new fancy format was released. Even if the only real difference is a feature now required of us becasue of greed. They'll get thier way with most of america too. The Depth of the media lobby's pocket is too great now for good ol' fashioned civil disobediance to change anything, unless it acctualy threatens a change in voting patterns. But the fact is, informed people at too few, and the rest can't live without their precious media interaction long enough to realize they're being robbed blind. The stigma of doing something illigeal is to great for them to stop paying for thier fix. Especialy with the RIAA's scare tactics.
2006-05-16, 11:10 AM
The funny thing they just don't seem to get is that whatever they do, someone on the internet will release a free utility to bypass it.
2006-05-16, 11:36 AM
Yup! Gotta love our hackers and crackers. :love:
2006-05-16, 05:08 PM
The funny thing they just don't seem to get is that whatever they do, someone on the internet will release a free utility to bypass it.
Still Average Joe consumer, who doesn't understand computers or want to face the possibility of penaltys, is still getting screwed.
2006-05-16, 06:20 PM
Still Average Joe consumer, who doesn't understand computers or want to face the possibility of penaltys, is still getting screwed.
And that's why I live in Canadia! No penalties!
2006-05-16, 10:18 PM
And that's why I live in Canadia! No penalties!
Woo! Party at my place! We can Watch Pirated movies, listen to pirated music, and watch pirated satelite!
2006-05-17, 08:41 AM
And watch while the french step all over the National Govt :D
2006-05-17, 12:03 PM
:lol: It's not really like that Hamma! ;) Only a small portion of Quebec are separatists.
2006-05-17, 01:01 PM
The first time I drove into Quebec and saw the Quebec flag flying above the national Canadian flag I was ready to bear arms.
2006-05-17, 01:30 PM
I dont get it... why would you hurt an innocent bear just for his arms???
meanie :p
Hamma you're so mean. Leave the poor bears along.
"Hamma, the bear butcher."
What's next? Squeezing kittens? :lol:
2006-05-17, 01:54 PM
Haha actually now we have a law. Ever flag must fly at the same height. Community, Country and province. I think it was passed in 2004... don't really remember.
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