View Full Version : Loss of Vehicles and Aircraft vs. Paid Game

2006-05-26, 08:41 PM
Many members have complained about the recent action to take away assault vehicles and assault aircraft when we have paid for the full game. Additionally, SOE has imposed cave fighting as the only means to recover these losses, forcing members to buy the expansion pack when it may not otherwise suit their gaming desires. The issue is this - if we've paid for a full version game, why do we not receive a full version game? If SOE wants to play around with ways to attract/keep suscribers, why not do it on a test site. Othewise, you are misrepresenting the product that is advertised. If you want something new, try adding or modifying, but not taking away.

2006-05-26, 09:55 PM
Someone correct me if I'm wrong cause I don't play anymore, but didn't SOE "give" or "unlock" Core Combat to everyone since the Reserves program started?

2006-05-27, 04:44 AM
yup core combat is 500% free:groovy:

2006-05-27, 12:09 PM
Someone correct me if I'm wrong cause I don't play anymore, but didn't SOE "give" or "unlock" Core Combat to everyone since the Reserves program started?
Yeah so this argument = pointless. Unless you're Fodderside... in which case you aren't paying for shit.

2006-05-28, 06:49 AM
What sucked about the event was the ghost hacks, you should have to fight to get credit for the cap. Like you do for BFR Imprint caps. That tiny detail would have made this whole pathetic event not suck ass.

2006-05-31, 05:37 AM
Well the event is now over... I wonder who got things done first, second and third on the servers? I've heard ppl say NC was last to get vehicles back on Emerald and Markov... I wonder if the same was also in Werner?

2006-05-31, 09:50 AM
I'm not sure who came in first on Emerald, but the NC did come in dead last.
