View Full Version : Should I Come Back?

2006-06-09, 07:20 AM
Ever since i had to leave planetside(due to internet problems) i have been constantly thinking wether or not to return now that i have broadband. But i have heard of how the BFR's have ruined the game, What i was wondering was, is it still the awesome game that i remember?

...plz say it is:(

2006-06-09, 08:51 AM
Should I Come Back?
No. We were doing fine before you, and we've been doing fine without you.

2006-06-09, 04:05 PM
lol i know that. i just wanna know if its still the awesome game it was. i have heard people complaining and stuff about it but i think they just like complaining. i just cant see how an awesome game can be ruined by 1 new feature. so is the game still worth playing?

2006-06-09, 04:25 PM
People bitch about anything. Whiners are a boil on the ass of anything. Fact of the matter is, there are no games like Planetside. Everything will have an upside, everything will have a downside. And despite all of that, there's always going to be one pussy who can't stop crying because he or she isn't happy about the sand in his or her vagina. Need proof? Go to the official forums and look at all the slack-jawed yokels whining about the fact that they just fucking suck but don't want to own up to being a loser so they blame stuff that, strangely, others don't have a problem with.

It's your call on what you find enjoyable. I may get a kick out of griefing people with a Boomer - so I'd tell you yes if that's what I did. One man's fun is another's hell.

2006-06-09, 04:38 PM
You can always download the free trial and see for yourself. You don't get all the new stuff (Like the BFR's), but you'd get to play enough to see if you still like the basics.

2006-06-09, 04:41 PM
thxs guys at this point i'm almost positive that i'll be back. man ive missed it so much, not even halo compares to this...at least to me.

2006-06-09, 06:21 PM
HALO = teh sukk

mattew kane
2006-06-10, 04:37 AM
one BFR is not problem its just this game is getting faster and faster the only thing that people dont like about the GAME IS THAT BFRS cause hell for airboune units like the galexy