View Full Version : Infinity.

2006-06-22, 05:52 PM

Pretty good looking game run on Vista.

Only problem I have with it is the more I read about it, the more it's starting to sound like a Carbon Copy of EVE online.

Some Videos:

Inifinity: The Quest For Earth - Space Station and Planet Landing

Inifinity: The Quest For Earth - Planet Landing/Take Off

Infinity: The Quest For Earth - Planet Surface Texturing Prototype

Sorry if this is OFN, btw.

Apparently there's going to be Frigates, transports, battleships, Capitals, Carriers, Dreadnaughts....Jumpgates.....Jumdrives.....Well you see where I'm going if you're familiar with EVE.

It's also Supposedly free, 'cept you have to pay to get the really "cool" shit.

Also, on a final note, there are Missions and "Quests", quests are unique, and go along with the storyline, and if you complete one with a group or by yourself, it's gone and cannot be completed by anyone else, earning you fame and money.

2006-06-22, 06:25 PM
Whoever did the starfields in some of those screenshots has clearly read Greg Martin's tutorial.

And the universe is procedurally generated. That seems to be all the rage. It doesn't really sound like EVE too much however.

2006-06-22, 06:59 PM
It sound alot like EVE; just like EVE is similar to many other open ended space games.

Trading, wars, hyperspace, a naval-based ship class system.

It has some cool stuff behind it for sure, a realisticly scaled/physiced space environment! However at some point Having billions of planets isn't nessicarily a good thing. Think you could spend a lifetime playing this game and never see another soul!!!!!

Considering how many people consider EVE boring, a realistic scale in a space game coudl alienate huge numbers of people.

It also seems kinda vapourwareish, with a dev team of 6ish, and no apperant financial backing. Yes he can create the bigger bits of content by running a program, but He's gotta create a server system and get a substantial connection.

It differes from EVE in one big aspect. This game's storyline with be mission driven, with an acctual goal in mind(finding earth)

Eve's "story" is mainly created by the people that participate in it, we've suprised the even the devs with the incredible politics that happen.

2006-06-22, 07:41 PM
If this game has real time combat (and it ever exists) then I will be all over it. Hell if eve had real time twitch based combat I would NEVER stop playing.

2006-06-22, 08:20 PM
Looks really interesting. Doesnt look TOO much like EVE, but I do see a lot of similarities. Ill keep a look out for some more information on it. Hopefully this isnt like EVE where if you start playing a year into release, your pretty much behind everyone thats been playing since release, and there is no way to catch up.

2006-06-22, 09:38 PM
Honestly, If you're playing EVE to catch up to vet's, you're a moron.

There's only so far someone can train into one area, so if you do the same training in that area, you're just as good as them, the only difference is they've got more SP in alot of different areas.

It's apart of the game, boohoo, you can't beat some guy who's put 3 years into the game, that's the point. This game isn't meant to be #1 on the leaderboards. Join a corp and have fun doing what you want, don't play, or stfu about it.

2006-06-22, 10:58 PM
yea thats true. Im not saying it wasnt a good game, I enjoyed playing with you guys. I could just never figure out what I wanted to do. Too many options and stuff, just kinda got on my nerves. Whenever I talk about how much EVE sucks im joking, but im gonna shut up about EVE now because people seem to get pissed about it :\

But yea, hopefully this game will be good.

2006-06-22, 11:41 PM
Reading some threads, there's already tension between the EVE community and the Infinity one. Most EVE players think they're a rip-off of EVE, Infinity are calling them ignorant :p

Well lets see where it leads.

2006-06-23, 12:27 AM
Reading some threads, there's already tension between the EVE community and the Infinity one. Most EVE players think they're a rip-off of EVE, Infinity are calling them ignorant :p

Well lets see where it leads.

Doesnt look like there is nearly enough information to tell. So yea, could go either way at this point

2006-06-23, 12:37 AM
Most people are pointing out the names of the classes of ships, which I can blame them, both games have Carriers, Dreadnaughts, frigates, transports, Battleships, and stuff like that.....but those are names of real ships, basing Space ships off that isn't copying.

2006-06-23, 12:45 AM
lol who cares about names anyway? If I made a new game with the new conglomerate as one em, it doesnt automatically mean its a duplicate game (even though with a name that similar, its obvious where I got it from). People are just finding any excuse to call it copy:rolleyes:

2006-06-23, 09:09 AM
Drama for the lose.

Looks interesting

2006-06-23, 10:57 AM
However at some point Having billions of planets isn't nessicarily a good thing. Think you could spend a lifetime playing this game and never see another soul!!!!!

Considering how many people consider EVE boring, a realistic scale in a space game coudl alienate huge numbers of people.

It also seems kinda vapourwareish.

The whole overview text looks and sounds over-hyped... Well, if it won't have servers in Europe, it's out of the question for me...

2006-06-23, 03:18 PM
Where are all the trees on the landscape?

(Oh, and Eve sucks.)

2006-06-23, 03:36 PM
war of the fanboys rar

2006-06-23, 09:33 PM
Where are all the trees on the landscape?
It looks to me like they used Terragen for the landscapes, which is unable to properly render trees. All of the pictures shown look pretty amateur to me.

2006-06-25, 11:42 PM
Any supposed similarities to EVE aside, I really don't see what the game has going for it.

It looks like a bunch of ameature nerds got together to form a super-nerd game and failed.