View Full Version : Hamma Go Get A Webcam

2006-07-06, 05:00 PM
Hamma ever since you have removed your webcam my life has been horrible. I have wanted to commit suicide and have turned away from Plantside and to lame games such as World of Warcraft, however it did not satisfy my need for you. Please put your webcam back up so that my life could be complete once more.

2006-07-06, 05:21 PM
You always were a little strange.

2006-07-06, 07:55 PM
I think 321 has mommy issues.

2006-07-06, 07:55 PM

Our configuration now really doesent make it easy to have a webcam anymore.

2006-07-13, 02:39 AM

Our configuration now really doesent make it easy to have a webcam anymore.

Computer in the bedroom? :bananasex
Or, bathroom? :crapper: