View Full Version : Just some newbie questions
2006-07-10, 12:45 PM
Played for 5 days. have some questions.
how many battle ranks are there?
In order to obtain a collusus, what exactly do i have to do. it said some auxian core or something like that and i didnt understand.
What weapon is used to send like 10 rockets at every plane i fly? im always flying and as soon im in the air, i have missle lock. what weapon can do that?
i've tryed all three jobs and which one do u prefer.
engineer, hacker, or medic
air or ground?
plane or vehicle
bomber or sniper.
I know its alot of noobie questions. but thank you for anyone who responds to some if not all of them. See you all in Markov
2006-07-10, 05:12 PM
Played for 5 days. have some questions.
how many battle ranks are there?
25 BattleRanks, 5 Command Ranks
In order to obtain a collusus, what exactly do i have to do. it said some auxian core or something like that and i didnt understand.
a certain amount of kills in the caverns (75 i believe), a number of facility captures in the caves (5). once that is done, you simply go the the auraxian core building (in the middle of each cave) and step into the white beam. that will imprint you. AFTER you are imprinted you can cert BFR
What weapon is used to send like 10 rockets at every plane i fly? im always flying and as soon im in the air, i have missle lock. what weapon can do that?
AA weaponry. NC AA max or AA BFR. maybe it is not always 10 but 8, then it can be VS AA Max/BFR. just stay low and break the lock asap
i've tryed all three jobs and which one do u prefer.
engineer, hacker, or medic
air or ground?
i am a grunt
plane or vehicle
bomber or sniper.
both shit. both take no skill whatsoever
I know its alot of noobie questions. but thank you for anyone who responds to some if not all of them. See you all in Markov
go to EMERALD markov really sucks( population wise, crash wise.....)
2006-07-11, 06:19 AM
Just to add to what was said...
About the BattleFrameRobotics:
If you're a Reserve account player... forget it - you can't pilot a BFR, Reservists can't gain the imprint to be allowed to pilot BFRs.
About guided missiles: Apart from NC weaponry, the TR have an infantry anti-vehicle guided missile launcher that has like 5 missiles in a clip. Lock on once, and if you don't break lock, all following missiles will fly on target. Pretty pesky because basically any non-cloaker can carry such a missile launcher, except for MAXes.
Plane or Vehicle: This one is pretty obvious. Always prefer a plane to a vehicle because planes are faster and don't have to worry about mines and such, which most of the times you spot only when you're on top of them and it's too late, unless you're driving real slow...
Bomber or sniper: If by bomber you mean something like grenade-lobber, heck, I'd go for sniper. The Bolt Driver is the most accurate weapon you can get in this game, and since to get the Sniper certification you also have to have the medium weapons cert, you can always config a load-out with a Punisher and stock up with plasma grenades. It's perfect for assisting in Tower attacks and gives enemy infantry a really big heart-ache...
Since I'm a Reservist I think the best certifications to get are the Sniper, Rexo Suit and basic engineering, since with that I can be a well-armored sniper on the battlefield, basic engineering allows me to repair my own armor and with Battle Rank 6 you gain access to your implant which I'd choose the Regeneration Implant so as to obviate any medical skills and voil� - you're an autonomous, self-sustaining battlefield-capable fighting unit!
2006-07-11, 07:18 AM
Just to add to what was said...
About the BattleFrameRobotics:
If you're a Reserve account player... forget it - you can't pilot a BFR, Reservists can't gain the imprint to be allowed to pilot BFRs.
god bless soe for denying the fodders the BFR�s
About guided missiles: Apart from NC weaponry, the TR have an infantry anti-vehicle guided missile launcher that has like 5 missiles in a clip. Lock on once, and if you don't break lock, all following missiles will fly on target. Pretty pesky because basically any non-cloaker can carry such a missile launcher, except for MAXes.
as the original poster stated he wants to get a TR BFR, i figured he knows the TR weaponry. in addition, he wont get a lock on (and 10 missiles) by strikers
Plane or Vehicle: This one is pretty obvious. Always prefer a plane to a vehicle because planes are faster and don't have to worry about mines and such, which most of the times you spot only when you're on top of them and it's too late, unless you're driving real slow...
why is that obvious? aircraft (aka Mossie) surely are a given for any non noobs doing resecures all the time, if you just started the game, dont go airborne yet, you will just hate it. get a grasp of the game and ten go airborne.
important, if YOU engage another plane and he shoots back (a dogfight) do not try to run to the nearest warpgate. do not jump out of the plane whatsoever. fair 1on1 fights should be done until 1 guy survives, dont be a pussy
Bomber or sniper: If by bomber you mean something like grenade-lobber, heck, I'd go for sniper.
bomber= gunning in a liberator
The Bolt Driver is the most accurate weapon you can get in this game, and since to get the Sniper certification you also have to have the medium weapons cert, you can always config a load-out with a Punisher and stock up with plasma grenades. It's perfect for assisting in Tower attacks and gives enemy infantry a really big heart-ache...
odds of you "helping" with a punisher in a tower fight are VERY slim.
most likely things that will happen: hit friendlies and get grief stand in the way of someone trying to get out of the door and he gets killed die teamkill a friendly cloaker
5.someone who is annoyed by yor bleeping plasma will tk you
lots fo fun, heh?
Since I'm a Reservist I think the best certifications to get are the Sniper,
a sniper is worthless. once in a while it is fun to do, but in general its not.
Rexo Suit
rexo at br6 is a waste of points
and basic engineering,
important, yet only if you are doing towerdrops etc
since with that I can be a well-armored sniper on the battlefield, basic engineering allows me to repair my own armor and with Battle Rank 6 you gain access to your implant which I'd choose the Regeneration Implant so as to obviate any medical skills and voil� - you're an autonomous, self-sustaining battlefield-capable fighting unit!
regeneration implant is worthless. as sniper it is mandatory to have advanced targeting." a well armored sniper" is a dead sniper, nuff said
2006-07-11, 10:46 AM
Quote: important, if YOU engage another plane and he shoots back (a dogfight) do not try to run to the nearest warpgate. do not jump out of the plane whatsoever. fair 1on1 fights should be done until 1 guy survives, dont be a pussy
Comments like those are just what one would expect from a Reaverwhore... :rolleyes:
And, I don't know how you play on those american servers, but battle-sniping in a Rexo suit and using the Punisher loaded with plasma grenades actually works pretty well on Werner... Sniping with less armor than Rexo will leave you dead if you're duking it out with other snipers - if you bite more than one Bolt round before healing and repairing you're dead, and the armor is good to protect you from other lighter weapons, apart from leaving you an extra secondary weapon slot to be used in case an enemy gets too close for sniping, which also happens every once in a while. Also, using the Regeneration Implant is smart because you won't have to occupy your inventory with medical crap and, if you're a sniper, you're best off being alone and probably won't have a medic nearby to heal you. As for the Punisher and the Plasma grenades, I haven't been tk'ed yet for using them, and, stepping in the door to lob one at the enemy, getting out to reload, and repeating it has granted me some kills, plus people see what I do so they don't stand in front of me, although it's happened that someone storming the stairs upwards have been caught in the plasma effect... but make no mistake, the plasma grenade is the best grenade to use and the tactic does work, at least on Werner...
engineer, hacker, or medic
Engineeer and medic but, I have them for myself.
air or ground?
plane or vehicle
bomber or sniper.
Neither but, if I had to pick up one then sniper.
2006-07-12, 06:28 PM
Quote: important, if YOU engage another plane and he shoots back (a dogfight) do not try to run to the nearest warpgate. do not jump out of the plane whatsoever. fair 1on1 fights should be done until 1 guy survives, dont be a pussy
Comments like those are just what one would expect from a Reaverwhore... :rolleyes:
It's called respect. If you start the fight, you should damn well be willing to finish it. If you turn tail and run at the first hint of damage, not only will you look like a moron, you'll never get any better. Maybe you should fly some time and try it.
2006-07-13, 05:40 AM
It's called respect. If you start the fight, you should damn well be willing to finish it. If you turn tail and run at the first hint of damage, not only will you look like a moron, you'll never get any better. Maybe you should fly some time and try it.
Ever heard of the axiom: "Live to fight another day"? If it weren't valid then there wouldn't be a glue gun, armor repair, regeneration implant or medical stuff... :rolleyes:
Edit: I'm not saying I'm the kind to run away from a fight, I actually am the kind to die and respawn and come back to the fight to finish the bastard in a frenzy of revenge... :lol:
But having 5 years of CS behind me makes me understand that sometimes one is more useful alive than dead, at certain points and at certain times...
2006-07-13, 12:46 PM
For all new recruits I advice staying on the ground, most likely in a MAX. If you get into a plane or especially into a cloak suit you'll just end up getting frustrated by constantly dying.
Everyone loves a dedicated tank driver though.
2006-07-14, 04:37 AM
Being a very much n00b myself, I have to say that I got a bit frustrated learning to fly, but once I learned to break those missile-locks at least decently it all got much more rewarding. Once I get meself a proper controller I'll be pulling some manouvers big time ! (Yeah, right!)
But the MAX-suit suggestion is probably correct. But that frustrates a bit too, 'cause you really can't run away when in bad shape, on the open atleast.
just my oppinions though ...
2006-07-14, 04:04 PM
Being a very much n00b myself, I have to say that I got a bit frustrated learning to fly, but once I learned to break those missile-locks at least decently it all got much more rewarding. Once I get meself a proper controller I'll be pulling some manouvers big time ! (Yeah, right!)
controller? i dont know about that, just stick to keyboard/mouse
But the MAX-suit suggestion is probably correct. But that frustrates a bit too, 'cause you really can't run away when in bad shape, on the open atleast.
using maxes out in the open (especially alone) is not smart. maxes are for INDOOR fighting (except AA maxes obv).
just my oppinions though ...
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