View Full Version : Specs...

2003-02-18, 04:17 PM
if the mininum ram requirement is 512 does that mean that the majority of people will have slow loading times?


will they make the mininum 256 the reccomended 512+?

Sniper Jack
2003-02-18, 04:27 PM
From what i understand, the minimum requirement is currently 512, but they're trying to lower it down significantly. I guess we'll know after beta...

2003-02-18, 04:36 PM
smokejumper said they WILL be lowering specs .. how much they don't know yet.

he also said it was done without sacrificing any game visuals. it was all code optimization.

2003-02-18, 05:21 PM
I have 384, so it should be ok after they lower the requirements.
256 will probably be the number they lower it to. I hope they lower the grafics card req. too. I think mine is a lowly 32M :( I may have to upgrade.

2003-02-18, 05:23 PM
Me too, I might need a new graphics card, and then some RAM, and then a new motherboard...probably a 400 dollar upgrade. Damn.

2003-02-18, 05:35 PM
got 1024 megs or ram DDR right now.. might get some more later.

I don't know if the 512ram is minimum or recommended tho... the dev team did say the final infos were not released yet.. to this is subject to change... but either way, you can never have enought ram ;)

Sniper Jack
2003-02-18, 05:38 PM

2003-02-18, 06:13 PM
Just make it easy on yourself and our HD. Get 512 MB. Itll run alot faster and look nicer with the textures.

2003-02-18, 07:35 PM
How much memory would this game take up on my PC? I here 512, KB , MB what?

2003-02-18, 07:42 PM
Are you talking HD space or RAM load?

2003-02-18, 07:45 PM
I was talking about the swap file.

2003-02-18, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by SmokeJumper
We have lowered the minimum requirments for ram. It is no longer 512, but now 500mb. Thank you.

Yea, he never said that, but it would still be funny.

2003-02-18, 11:12 PM
there's a lot of things you don't think about that can speed up your system performance.

always have the highest rotational speed hard drive available. it may not seem like it's a big deal but the seek time on a 7200 versus a 5400 really adds up if you find yourself doing lots of disk reads. realize that the hard drive is THE SLOWEST piece of hardware in your machine. also consider moving up to an ata100 or usb2/firewire2

remember that once you have enough ram, adding more will actually slow you down. if you have any experience in system architecture you know that every time you double the capacity of a chip you increase the time it takes to do a memory read. so if you play perfectly at 1024 don't get more or you might actually find you slow down a little until the software can utilize all that memory.

allocate a static swap space on your disc. if you let windows dictate your swap for you dynamically it will slow you down when you are reallocating space.

defrag often. keeping your most used files on the outside tracks will speed up (assuming your drive speed doesn't scale versus the location on the disc you are reading from).

mostly small stuff that can be done without changing any hardware. stuff like changing your hard disc tho is a huge step. moving to an ata100 would require a pro to install the controller card.

just some things to think about before you start planning that next vid card / memory purchase. there are a bunch of ways you can increase speed without shelling out the big bucks.

if you are planning on getting new memory make sure you get ddr sticks instead of the older pci format if your board will accept them. they are much faster data reads comparative and you'll notice a fairly sizeable increase in performance.

and if you are thinkin about a new vid card consider getting a lower card if you know you can safely overclock it up to be comparable. sometimes it can save you 50 bucks and you will get essentially the same performance.

2003-02-18, 11:15 PM
512 MB, 512 GB, what!? I'm serious I am seriously computer illiterate.

2003-02-18, 11:18 PM
512 Megabytes = 2^29 bytes = 536870912 bytes

btw, if you have 512 of any number it's MB. 512KB (kilobytes) won't even boot up windows much less play a game. 512GB (gigabytes) is not even economically feasible for you to have (not to mention there are no open market boards that accept that much).

the game atm has a sys req of 512 MB of ram. if you have that you are fine as the reqs will be dropping before release.

2003-02-18, 11:25 PM
Thanks alot man. I LOVE games like counterstrike and stuff I just don't know shit about computers. I'm a real dumbass. I blame it on my parents.