View Full Version : 2142
2006-10-23, 08:14 PM
Yea yea, I know everyone thinks its just a over hyped mod for BF2 but this game is very very fun. I have alot more fun playing this than I ever did BF2. If you havnt got it or the demo yet I deffinatly suggest it. PS, if anyone is playing already search me on friends "JackMarslow" I can only play with Electro and Knight right now so I definatly could use a few more squadies.
2006-10-23, 08:33 PM
It's preaty sweet.
I've been playing it. Love for the upgrade Shotgun and air-burst rocket launcher.
2006-10-23, 08:49 PM
Haven't tried it, and won't. It has IGA Adware forced down your throat and you're only warned after you bought the game in a leaflet provided inside ("License agreement: If you don't want IGA to stream ads to your computer, don't play BF2142 online!"). And that on a game you pay? If it were for free, then one could give it a shot...
But according to this, maybe giving it a shot wouldn't be such a good idea...
EA released a patch for Battlefield 2142 today, but for players with a certain Windows security update it will crash the game. EA's bug fix? Uninstall the vital security update. Nice.
According to the Battlefield 2142 patch readme:
"Players who have the Windows security update KB917422 installed may suffer from an application error when running Battlefield 2142. This error can be solved by uninstalling the KB917422 update."
Wondering what the Windows security update KB917422 does? According to Microsoft:
"A security issue has been identified in the Windows Kernel that could allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system and gain control over it."
First EA put spyware in the game which monitors your browser activity, and now they're asking players to uninstall vital security updates. Is it just me or does this game sound like more trouble than it's worth?
2006-10-23, 09:13 PM
Deal with it, it is really not that bad in game. Still a fun game.
2006-10-23, 09:33 PM
Haven't tried it, and won't. It has IGA Adware forced down your throat and you're only warned after you bought the game in a leaflet provided inside ("License agreement: If you don't want IGA to stream ads to your computer, don't play BF2142 online!"). And that on a game you pay? If it were for free, then one could give it a shot...
But according to this, maybe giving it a shot wouldn't be such a good idea...
It inclues no adware, they only thign is keeps track of are ingame stats relating the the advertizing, how long you look at them, from what distances, how many you've seen.
Also, I've patched and my security is fully updated I've got no issues.
2006-10-23, 10:41 PM
does it have the same ranking system BF2 had? Same structure like weapon upgrades and such?
2006-10-23, 11:39 PM
for the most part yes, but your customization options are much greater.
2006-10-23, 11:53 PM
Blue screens with sound blaster audigy 2...
2006-10-24, 01:12 AM
Yea, the IGA thing is lame, but TBH I havnt even noticed the ads, honestly havnt seen one yet. The customising you can do is great. For example, I can be a sniper, carry C4, and a cloaking device. Or carry a cloak and a scope stabilizer or I could carry a Carbine for spec ops mode. As a support man I could take an assault shotgun a HMG or an LMG (the HMG and shotty are unlocks). I could carry an EMP nade, an upgraded ammo distribution box, a deployable sentry gun, or a deployable shield for cover. Any combination of the two. You can also unlock squad leaders items, three types of drones that fly above your head, one with a gun, another for scouting, and I frgt the last one. The only thing I dont like is that you have to use an upgrade for a grenade, something I still dont have and Ive got two teirs of unlocks open.
2006-10-24, 01:31 AM
only two drones, the otehr SL thing is a beacon for spawning.
I've got the C4 the Cloak and Carbine, then the Assault rifle shotgun, smoke, defibulator and upgraded medic box. The next will be the Voss L-AR, 40 round clip of pwn.
The grenade thing annoys me too, but generaly I just get it with one of the field upgrades, as I'm always in a squad.
Happy lil Elf
2006-10-24, 07:27 AM
It's 2142, there are giant robots walking around on battlefields and mankind still hasn't made something better than C4?
Wow. We suck.
2006-10-24, 07:54 AM
its not called C4 anymore, but its basicly the same thing, Kamakazing with jeeps covered in WPX is still just as fun :D
Btw rob, I unlocked all of the recon unlocks and am starting on the support ones, I want the Ganz HMG :) Support is great with the new cone of fire system on them.
2006-10-24, 11:08 AM
The BF series hasn't changed since 1942 really - I refuse to buy it again :lol:
2006-10-24, 11:13 AM
is it a lot of fun? yes. a ton better than 2? yes. but its what bf2 should of been if you have bf2 then it is a mod in a way.
however it is still fun.
2006-10-24, 11:56 AM
QFT. Unfortunatly my 2142 took a massive side step. CCP just put KALI test bed on to the test server for EVE. All the new ships are pure sex and I think any social life I had regained over the past 4 months is quickly being sucked out the window. 5 bucks says I find a new girl friend now :( Between 2142 and EVE Im doomed.
2006-10-24, 12:56 PM
yeah the new CF system on the support MG's is awesome.
I'm really digging the Assults air burst rocket right now. Don't you hate it when the dude you just pegged to 2 HP is hiding behind some box of impenatrableness. Fear not, your new Assult rifle's underslung rocket launcher knows where he is and will put the fear of god him him.
2006-10-24, 02:05 PM
Id venture to say that 2142 is a reinvention of the series. Although, I do miss my B17 on El Alemain.
2006-10-24, 08:21 PM
The BF series hasn't changed since 1942 really - I refuse to buy it again :lol:
Agreed - The only BF game I bought was 1942 Deluxe. I'm tempted to try the Vietnam thing for the helo's sake, though - and, of course, use the classic islands... Wake Island Rullez!!! :lol:
2006-10-24, 10:41 PM
Rob, one tactic I saw was a guy on his own titan would sit in the window above the main room, hed wait till a bunch crowded a door to a guarded console and fire 3 rockets into the group. Good tactic.
2006-10-28, 11:52 PM
And millions of BF fans screamed out in terror...then were utterly silenced because Sentrosi successfully launched and killed every single BF2142 server.
My hatred for EA knows no bounds.
I Hate Pants
2006-10-29, 01:58 AM
I can't get into this game. I've played the beta and demo and wasn't overly thrilled.
I hate all these badges and unlocks. They're killing teamwork! While im working my ass off to keep the squad together and working together some moron in our squad is too busy to help because he wants his pilot , pistol or knife badge.
I miss the good olds days of playing bf1942 and vietnam with all my firends :(
Now im the only one left still playing PC games. So the bf games aren't as fun anymore.
2006-10-30, 07:12 AM
I dont go after the badges, not yet anyways. Ill prolly start doing it when I get all the unlocks I want, till then Im just whoring away. If i want medals Ill solo though.
2006-10-30, 02:24 PM
I always try to work with my squad.
Field upgrades are how I get my 'nades and the upgrade rifles.
2006-10-30, 06:03 PM
just bought it, pure awesome :D
2006-10-30, 11:24 PM
whats your name in game? Ill add you.
2006-10-31, 12:40 AM
2006-10-31, 07:16 AM
looks fun, might trry it out. Onlu problem is my computer can just barely play BF2 on minimum settings.
2006-10-31, 10:39 AM
same reqs, infact it preforms better on my machine than BF2 did.
2006-10-31, 03:53 PM
My comp couldn't handle it, had EVERYTHING turned down. I lag worse with it then I did BF2.
I'll probly be getting a gaming computer for Christmas, if we have the money.
2006-10-31, 10:53 PM
"My dad is so broke. I wont get anything for christamas."
*Later that day Peace, Electro, Everay, and Robstr discuss this*
"Lets get him an EVE present....."
*Xmo is given a shiney new ferox, and a rack of named heavy missle launchers to go with it*
"Hey guys. All I got for christmas was an Xbox 360, a 500' Small Screen LCD Liquid Cooled Atomic TV, PS3, 3 New Computers all with only a billion gigahertz, 60 terabytes of ram and a zillion in memory and a 100 terabyte graphics card."
"............ fucker."
2006-11-01, 04:12 PM
All I want for Xmas from my parents is my eve subscription back.
2006-11-01, 11:14 PM
Dude, kali, is teh pwn. The new BCs are SICK.
2006-11-01, 11:16 PM
Yea, you know why we didn't have any money? Cause back then both my parents had a meth addiction problem.
Now they dont.
And my dad has a better paying job.
EDIT: And I DIDN'T get anything that Christmas, tyvm.
And I got the 360 on my birthday, tyvm.
And I might not even get the computer, because my Mom just had a successful Breast cancer surgury, and is going to have to go through Kemo, so I don't even know if we'll get it.
All <3's though.
2006-11-02, 12:14 AM
And a new car, and a new house, and an aircraft carrier, and a submarine, and a werewolf....
2006-11-02, 05:33 AM
Peace is just pickin' on ya Xmo. He's jealous. ;)
Who wouldn't want a werewolf?!
2006-11-02, 08:32 AM
Jealous of what? :groovy:
2006-11-02, 09:01 PM
You know my werewolf would fucking own you.
Back the fuck up kneegrow. :)
By the way, are you hopelessly forcing my old chars into having sex with each other? Or are they just playing grab ass doing nothing?
2006-11-03, 12:19 AM
1. My cinderblock shits own your werewolf
2. Your chars arnt active, I set BS5 training and something else, dont currently have the money.
2006-11-03, 07:21 PM
Kk :)
2006-11-04, 12:23 AM
Im using ur raven on Peace for the war with BoB and AAA btw.
2006-11-04, 12:31 PM
BAH! Fegget. Oh well :P
2006-11-14, 10:28 AM
Just to add some twist to sniping I found the normal sniper rifles are acctualy MUCH better rifles. They are just as accurate, have more shots, better time to kill, better rof (resulting in better TOK). The only downside is they dont hit as hard, the result is that if you hit someone with 80 HP they may not die. I was using it the other night with electro and got 50+ kills with it and the lambert when things got tight. One game that night I got 3 inflitrator pins 2 combat efficancy and 1 10kill one. With the kills and team points it was something in the area of 149 points :D
2006-11-14, 01:05 PM
The Voss is probably my favorite gun, the Krylov is sweet, as is the lambert.
The AV sniper gun is kewl aswell, though it's abit tricky with the delay after pulling the trigger.
2006-11-14, 04:07 PM
In my opinion the voss is probably the most unbalanced gun you can get your hands on. Its absolutly ludicrist how powerfull it is. The TTK is waaaay too high. A laid down, firing small cone of fire MG with plenty of heat left will lose one on one to a guy with a Voss if the voss user hits their marks. While I think its a BS gun Ill still be getting it. The acctual damage of the gun should be lowered though. It hits too hard for a close combat weapon. The lambert on the other hand feels VERY balanced.
2006-11-14, 05:02 PM
I'll agree with Peace that the Voss is way overpowered. It's ridiculous how powerful and accurate it is.
I can get a shit ton of kills with the Zeller, Active Camo and DemoPaks (I've got all of recon unlocked), but I'm gettin bored of it. At long range I can pretty easily pop infantry, though, as Peace implied, the 3-shot clip is a bit annoying. If infantry get close, I just run around with active camo on and knife them or lay demo traps.
Tanks are also easy to kill with Active Camo and demos. I get quite a few kills that way.
Recently I've been experimenting with a few other tactics. I've never liked the Lambert much (I tend to like fighting at range and it has a pretty lousy CoF), but using it in conjunction with Active Camo is pretty fun. Sprint towards an enemy at a tangent and often they don't see you if they're focused on something else. Or if they do, sometimes they spray wildly in your direction, and hit the bottom of their clip, as you come out of cloak and mow em down with the Lambert.
I've also unlocked the whole AA side of Engineer, which is kinda cool. Those rolling mines are fun as hell. Drop a couple EMP mines, surround them with the rolling mines a little further out, and you pin down a vehicle while the mines converge. It's absolutely hilarious to watch. Unlocking the AA weapon was a bad idea though IMO, since it does shit-poor damage to vehicles and I never seem to have it when hostile aircraft show up.
Lastly, the squad leader gun drone really sucks IMO. I thought it was the recon drone, just with guns included. Thus I figured it would sense hostiles and attack them. Thats a negative. It only senses stuff your squad members pick up through their net-bat helmets, and then only attacks them after a second or so of hesitation. Not to mention it makes you stick out like a sore thumb. Maybe if I unlocked some of the Assault kit and got that helmet that detects infantry it would do better.
2006-11-15, 01:12 PM
The helmet only Identifys infantry, it doesnt make them appear on the netbat. It tells you what class they are. I am currently unlocking the assualt tree as the friggen rocket launcher on the rifle is nuts. Using just that you can easily get top score on a server. Using the Voss and that your moderatly unstopable. But yea, dont use the zeller, you saw how good I was doing electro, when things get close range pull out the Lambert. I got 3 walkers with demo packs too :D Its so fun.
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