View Full Version : Where has Vic been last 2 weeeks?

2007-02-03, 11:53 AM
Outlands, with my Mage... whose 70, and flying on a mount.

I'm Mr.Vicchio, and I am a WoW addict...

2007-02-03, 11:55 AM
Is there a cure?

2007-02-03, 12:27 PM

2007-02-03, 12:44 PM
Is there a cure?


2007-02-03, 01:14 PM
Only cure I've seen is a Woman. But mine went to college so I went back to using.

2007-02-03, 02:06 PM
Is there a cure?

Permanent server downtime ;)

We must DDOS the WoW servers for great justice!..... oh alright maybe not. I'm just glad I hated the graphics so never started :P~

2007-02-03, 04:26 PM
I tried the "get a woman" routine.

Now she's hurt that I am lvl 70 and she's only like 65.

And I owe her 100g for my flying mount which I mock her with...

2007-02-03, 06:26 PM
alcohol and sex is my cure

2007-02-03, 09:46 PM
Quit being a question talker, you!

2007-02-04, 02:41 AM
More Cowbell, Less WoW.

2007-02-04, 03:42 AM
Fuck wow, college is my anti-drug

2007-02-04, 11:34 PM
I recently started back up after ebaying my account(s). I made a Blood Elf hunter and got to 23. Switched to friend's server and didn't feel like doing 1-23 again PERIOD, let alone the same class, so I made a Dranei mage. Had fun leveling in new content. Got the mage to 21, then rethought the endgame. I've just now made a druid who I got to level 6 in like 20 minutes play.

Druids now are overpowered as hell, so I'm looking forward to that. I've heard good and bad about mages. Thing is, there are a TON of druids being made now that they are overpowered. I did a /who in the newbie grounds and 9/15 were druids. I figure most of them will drop out by level 30 when they realize overpoweredness doesn't = easy leveling - especially as a druid.

I also hate having to level as a night elf. I've done 1-20 in both Blood Elf and Dranei lands, and that was the most fun I've had leveling. The quests and such were great. Those 4 zones (2 per side) were the first zones that I've ever done ALL the quests for. They should have put more low-level zones. I'm tired of playing the same zones over and over, which is probably why my alts rarely make it past 25. Leveling in the new zones was refreshing and made leveling fun again.

Vicch, how are mages at 70? Worth continuing leveling?

2007-02-05, 05:53 AM
I have a lvl 27 BE 'lock on Laughing Skull, and a level 30 NE Hunter on Uldum from mad long ago.

Its a fun game to play if you like losing brain cells. Playing WoW makes me feel like I'm banging my head against the wall... but after a long day at work, I don't feel the pain anyways. I usually run around in PVP areas trying to do missions until I get ganked by 5 level ?? Allies who feel special because they can gang up on noobs in Southshore. Then I log off and cry myself to sleep. (Not really.)

I play EVE here and there of course, but I just haven't been gaming a ton recently.

2007-02-05, 07:53 AM
I recently started back up after ebaying my account(s). I made a Blood Elf hunter and got to 23. Switched to friend's server and didn't feel like doing 1-23 again PERIOD, let alone the same class, so I made a Dranei mage. Had fun leveling in new content. Got the mage to 21, then rethought the endgame. I've just now made a druid who I got to level 6 in like 20 minutes play.

Druids now are overpowered as hell, so I'm looking forward to that. I've heard good and bad about mages. Thing is, there are a TON of druids being made now that they are overpowered. I did a /who in the newbie grounds and 9/15 were druids. I figure most of them will drop out by level 30 when they realize overpoweredness doesn't = easy leveling - especially as a druid.

I also hate having to level as a night elf. I've done 1-20 in both Blood Elf and Dranei lands, and that was the most fun I've had leveling. The quests and such were great. Those 4 zones (2 per side) were the first zones that I've ever done ALL the quests for. They should have put more low-level zones. I'm tired of playing the same zones over and over, which is probably why my alts rarely make it past 25. Leveling in the new zones was refreshing and made leveling fun again.

Vicch, how are mages at 70? Worth continuing leveling?

Druids over powered? How so? I really don't have a problem with them on my 65 mage. My shaman's account got banned for botting so hes more than shelved, and when I rolled this mage I decided it was time I developed skill, not button spam.

Hey vic what are you specced? And if its not an epic flying mount stfu ;) I myself am ice. All ice. 10 points fire for impact/range/CD, but the rest ice :D

2007-02-05, 04:10 PM
That must be painful, Heavy. Ice is pretty gimp as it stands now, and I've heard they're looking to nerf it some more.

2007-02-05, 05:29 PM
That must be painful, Heavy. Ice is pretty gimp as it stands now, and I've heard they're looking to nerf it some more.

I don't think you know what you are talking about bro ;). They Nerfed the damage coefficiants with improved FB's (Fire and Frost) and Empowered by like 3***37; per point? and that is just the talent, not the spell itself so yeah they did chip off an average of around 100 points of damage per FB's (depending on your gear), but Frost still has ice block and all the surviving goodness, and still hits like a train. Fire might not be looking so hot but I'm not a fan of it anyway and I haven't even tried it since the nerf.

Oh and, Two words, Skill lance.

If I really wanted to play an overpowered mage I would respec arcane, but I rolled this mage to play with skill, not cheap shit like my shaman. And an arcane mage does not take skill.