View Full Version : Are you scared yet? Another Dynasty seeks to be born...
2007-02-03, 04:28 PM
I personally am sure Heir Hillary is gonna get the DNC Nod and the GOP is gonna put up someone that can't win.
:scared: :scared: :scared:
2007-02-03, 04:31 PM
No! I refuse to believe she might actually become president. Leave me to my own little world.
Seriously though please don't let her win. We would be so fucked.
2007-02-03, 05:15 PM
Hillary is exactly the kind of president we don't need...whether we want her or not.
2007-02-03, 05:23 PM
hillary sucks the big one.
I just hope Obama can combat all the ridiculous things that you know are going to be invented about him.
In the end if hilary is in the race you've got two reasons for voting, as her economics are basicaly as retarded as the republicans corupt bullshit:
Vote for her because you want change no matter what it is.
Vote for the GOP because the queers will take over otherwise.
2007-02-03, 08:07 PM
Why would you vote for Obama?
What doe she stand for? What has he accomplished that would lead you to believe that he has what it takes to be Chief Executive?
Oh, and the DNC is so uncorrupt, and pure...
2007-02-03, 09:06 PM
I'm voting for Obama or for McCain.
In either case, the mainstream GOP still loses my vote.
McCain is the only sure bet for the GOP, if anybody else should win... I'm off to the Netherlands. I'd rather watch this nation fall apart without me being stuck in the middle of it.
2007-02-03, 09:45 PM
Why would you vote for Obama?
What doe she stand for? What has he accomplished that would lead you to believe that he has what it takes to be Chief Executive?
Oh, and the DNC is so uncorrupt, and pure...
I'm gonna work backwards on this one.
First, no it's not. Everyone who comes in contact with politics is pretty much tainted in some way, kind of the nature of the system and all that.
The next part I won't really address directly but, does a candidate really have to have a laundry list of qualifications to be able to be president? I realize that the whole dark horse thing hasn't ever been extremely successful or beneficial, and maybe I'm just blind with hope, but Obama comes off as a guy who cares and might actually do some good. But, see, that's what propaganda does to people. Of course, half the people I know think he's still a Muslim, so we'll see how Obama fares in front of the general public.
To be honest, I too want to know what all Obama stands for. He needs to address this, so that people can support what he stands for and not what is supposed via hearsay and rumor.
One of the reasons I'm leaning towards supporting him is that, out of all the people in politics today, he's the first one who seems to be even REMOTELY in touch with the general population at all. This is something that all of the politicians/parties need to address. It seems like the ideas of the parties are completely disconnected from the intentions of the people they represent. This incidentally goes the other way too, where people seem to support one party just because it's convenient and not because they really believe what that party spews.
Now I just need to work on my cohesiveness.
2007-02-03, 10:33 PM
His keynote speech at the DNC was the reason I started to back him.
2007-02-04, 03:41 AM
Haha I love how people think America is going to fall apart just because of a president. News flash, even if Hillary becomes president, it won't fucking matter. Presidents only do so much.
Regardless, I'd like to see McCain or Obama in office.
2007-02-04, 05:15 AM
I care about someone who says what they mean.
Bush has from the get go. Whether you AGREE with where he has stood, that's neither here nor there.
I KNOW what Hillary stands for... /shudder
I haven't the foggiest what Obama wants, but so far he's very polished, very good speaking, but... what does he stand for. Not to use Bill Clinton as a model in terms of who Obama is, but there are similarities.
2007-02-04, 08:52 AM
I care about someone who says what they mean.
Bush has from the get go. Whether you AGREE with where he has stood, that's neither here nor there.
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Half the time he used word he couldn't even pronounce properly... did he mean those words? I very much doubt it.
Also: "There's WMD's in the middle east!" yeah... what did we not find..? What turned into a huge fiasco... yeah he really meant that! After all if he says there's WMD's in Iraq... there's got to be some! That's why hundreds of young americans gave their lives for nothing. Don't get me wrong. I like a war from time to time. I got fucked up the ass by the army when they rejected me for the asthma I didn't have so I'm no tree-hugger.
It's just ridiculous that you compare Bush to an honest president. Hell, maybe he did mean what he said! Well... let me correct that. Maybe he meant what he was told to say.
I for one think Obama would do some good change... let's see where this goes and let's hope for our sakes that we don't wind up with Bush number 3 in the end.
2007-02-04, 11:04 AM
/me ducks the incoming hamma-hammer
2007-02-04, 12:47 PM
2007-02-04, 01:16 PM
I'd take Bill again almost any day of the week, he was good for this country, he ended his terms with budget surpluses, and no American caused civil wars in foreign countries we invaded. He was a good speaker and a very inteligent man. Obama is very similar in that respect.
Bush may have stood up for what he wanted to do, but he was utterly wrong. It's taking him 3+ years to finaly start saying things have gone a tiny bit awry.
Sticking to his principles? Ok sure. Retarded? Incredibly.
2007-02-04, 01:51 PM
hillary is bat shit crazy and no fucking way would I ever vote for her.
YouTube - Hillary on Oil Profits
fuck no.
2007-02-04, 04:01 PM
Bill Clinton caused 911, eys please, more of that! Appeasement for the win! It worked for Europe in 1939
2007-02-04, 05:07 PM
WW2 wasn't caused by appeasment, It's greatest single cause was the world having to punish the german people into oblivion with massive reparations and sanctions, setting the stage for nationalists to easily take charge.
Bush caused the attacks just as much as Clinton did if you think inaction constitutes blame. More, if taking no action whatsoever on the warning when he took office, or the now infamous missed inteligence breif are taken into account as opportunities to take pre-emptive action. But In reality niether of them are to blame for it.
If your looking for the actual cause you need to look at the years prior to the Clinton administration. CIA selling Bin-Laden weapons durring the cold war. Is what allowed al-queda to establish itself. The closest thing to a direct cuase would be Gulf 1 where Bin-Laden was appaled by our men, well women, over there.
2007-02-05, 09:58 AM
Her first two terms weren't that bad.
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