View Full Version : The New CE

2007-02-20, 03:07 PM
Hey, I was just wondering about the new CE could someone give me a list of all the new things and there functions? And some opinions of how you think its going to affect the gameplay and is it a positive improvement or a bad improvement *cough* BFRs. :) :evil:

2007-02-20, 06:05 PM
Hahah Thats insinuating we're actually gonna get it. How long have they been threatening?

2007-02-21, 07:56 AM
Several years ;)

2007-02-22, 11:26 PM
Cloaking spitfires and super boomers sort of scare me. I just wonder how this will shake the balance up that has taken 3+ years to acheive. I didn't like the AV buff at first, but its more balanced now.

I ask the same question that the devs bosses probably do: will this bring more subscribers?

2007-02-22, 11:38 PM
You seriously think weapons are balanced? What game do you play :P

2007-02-23, 08:07 AM
I think their very balanced compared to what they used to be in Planetside. You can't tell me their not, because they are.

2007-02-23, 09:00 AM
They are good, not perfect by any means.

However it did come a long way. I remember back in the very early stages of beta the Phoenix was a one shit kill infantry weapon.. :lol: in a base in amerish the TR could not even get outside the base door because phoenix's were coming in from every angle. Shit, if you got it inside you could almost steerit down to the tubes.

2007-02-23, 01:14 PM
All I have to say is: old pounder. Mowing zergs single-handedly. But theres alot more like the old reaver, the old flail, Lasher 2.0, old surge.

Its give and take, but I think its 95% balanced. I think it would be stale if all the weapons were perfectly balanced and didn't have their own characteristics.

2007-02-23, 08:41 PM
BF2142 knows something of Balance, PS Not so much... Jack Hammers have to be the most over powered weapon in the game, IMHO. And Beamers by all means are the lose compared to the repeater and scat.

Max's are fairly balanced, atleast.

2007-02-23, 08:58 PM

2007-02-24, 07:14 AM
PS Not so much... Jack Hammers have to be the most over powered weapon in the game, IMHO. And Beamers by all means are the lose compared to the repeater and scat.

Max's are fairly balanced, atleast.

I'm so tired of hearing this. If you don't understand where the balance lies, its in the range. A Jackhammer does less damage past 10 meters than the others. Just because you got triple shot in the face doesn't mean its better or overpowered, it means you weren't countering it effectively.

Beamers are louder and more noticeable than the other two, but no less effective.

Think range......:groovy:

2007-02-26, 06:22 AM
I'm so tired of hearing this. If you don't understand where the balance lies, its in the range. A Jackhammer does less damage past 10 meters than the others. Just because you got triple shot in the face doesn't mean its better or overpowered, it means you weren't countering it effectively.

Beamers are louder and more noticeable than the other two, but no less effective.

Think range......:groovy:


JH does elss damage past 10m...... while that is true, we are talking HA here.

HA is made for headon fighting, closequarter. HA is the weapon with the real punch, or so it should.

JH dominates indoor fighting. you cant argue with that simple fact. MCG has range, but as soon as the Range becomes effective (CY, shooting from the walls) it is outclassed by MA. why do you think you see sooo many TR+VS (more TR though) looting JH's?

Beamers are a pos. scatpistol is the king of close quarter cloaking, repeater accuyracy is nice for sniping, beamer is pretty

2007-02-26, 06:24 AM
Max's are fairly balanced, atleast.

what are you smoking? a Scatmax mowes through infantry with ease. a smart scat can kill EVERY other max, including a locked down pounder

2007-02-26, 02:19 PM
what are you smoking? a Scatmax mowes through infantry with ease. a smart scat can kill EVERY other max, including a locked down pounder

As a full time cloaker, I can get around all Max's with ease. (TR's more so if they're locked down" but, I dont have a harder time with scats then any other.

2007-02-26, 04:56 PM
As a full time cloaker, I can get around all Max's with ease. (TR's more so if they're locked down" but, I dont have a harder time with scats then any other.

whats your point?? u dont care about them because u area a failure cloaker makes them not balanced

2007-02-27, 12:59 AM
whats your point?? u dont care about them because u area a failure cloaker makes them not balanced

Because that post made grammatical, or any other sense.

2007-02-28, 12:03 AM
Because that post made grammatical, or any other sense.

Your post didn't make any grammatical sense either. But I'm a caveman and I understand these things....


2007-02-28, 12:31 PM
proper grammar on the internets?

Not possible. :p

2007-03-24, 01:34 AM
The new CE is mostly crap...and/or useless.

2007-03-24, 01:10 PM
More than anything it's a pain in the ass. Especially with the abundance of it right now.