View Full Version : peace protesters = owned

2003-02-20, 04:49 AM


2003-02-20, 05:03 AM
that is great LOL!

2003-02-20, 06:19 AM

2003-02-20, 07:59 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

2003-02-20, 09:05 AM
LOL, that was hillarious.

2003-02-20, 10:36 AM
haha the protestors didn't know anything about the subject they were just complaining:rofl: :lol:

2003-02-20, 11:30 AM
Well, most of them don't. Protesting has become like a f***ing bandwagon sort of deal. "oh hey, there goes some people with signs lets join them!!" LMAO!! one of the best things ive seen in a long time!!! :D

2003-02-20, 11:39 AM
Absolutely beautifull, that was a good laugh :lol:

*edited for grammatical error.

2003-02-20, 12:35 PM
Excellent links! haha

Past mistakes are a merciless mistress; if we court her without remembering who she is, we will be burned by her again.

2003-02-20, 12:42 PM
did that guy just say we're going to war for 'total global domination'?? heehe.. freaks...

2003-02-20, 12:54 PM
Rofl, this is perfect! Thank you! I frequent another board that has quite a few vocal and WORDY (ugh, novels) antiwar folks. This should shut them up quite nicely :D

2003-02-20, 12:55 PM
omg rofl :lol: :rofl:

"Would you compare bush to hitler?" "Well... uhh... yeah without the mustache."

2003-02-20, 01:09 PM
:rofl: That's great

2003-02-20, 02:20 PM
"so what do you think should be done??" ".... uh.... uh... I don't know... "

... this is great :)

2003-02-20, 03:21 PM
I would have to provide an opposite opinion to everyone else's. MrVicchio, do you think that the people in iraq will be better off when the bombs start dropping? I am against war. There are many simpler solutions, such as assasinating Saddam, then installing thier own government slowl and peacfully. I'd also like to point out that Mr. Bush said "war is my last option", next to completely unrealistically asking Iraq to disarm. Bush is making a very foolish decision, and he has the support of American media. I know the war will happen, but i do not support it.

2003-02-20, 03:50 PM
I haven't seen the video yet, I'm downloading it right now. I'm guessing it's just like any other tv shows "talking to people on the street" segments. There probably WERE people who knew what they were talking about, but of course he'd just edit them out to make them all look stupid. A Canadian show up here (This hour has 22 minutes) had something like that, it had a segment called "Talking to Americans". Every American he spoke with obviously came off as a complete retard.

Is this to say ALL americans are retards? No, definitely not. Not all protesters know all the facts, but that doesn't mean they can't be opposed to war. I know plenty of people who think the war should happen, and they don't know the full facts either. For instance, many don't know that Saddam was actually put into power by the states in the first place.

2003-02-20, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Derfud
I would have to provide an opposite opinion to everyone else's. MrVicchio, do you think that the people in iraq will be better off when the bombs start dropping? I am against war. There are many simpler solutions, such as assasinating Saddam, then installing thier own government slowl and peacfully. I'd also like to point out that Mr. Bush said "war is my last option", next to completely unrealistically asking Iraq to disarm. Bush is making a very foolish decision, and he has the support of American media. I know the war will happen, but i do not support it.

Well, think for a minute how USA would look if we went and did a terrorist thing like assasinating saddam? Can we do it? sure. but maybe The implications of assasinating someone are far worse than a little war. think thats crazy? humans are very emotional, (duh) and if they find out S*** is going on behind thier backs they tend to go crazy. Or maybe saddam is hard to get to, maybe we arn't that good. Or maybe if we assasinate him a war will start anyways... (hmm asassination has started a war or 2 before)...

With all these asshole protesters (and the nonasshole ones) around, If I were bush I'd pull everyone back, and just wait. If nothing happend, fantastic and if saddam killed a few more thousand then it might shut everyone up and I could go in and kill him.
But bush can't do that, he's got to protect everyone and thier interest before stuff happens, (even the protesters too)....

Oh and to reply to silent. Of course you can be opposed to the war, but when you go to the hateful extremes as most of them were doing without know the facts you do come off as a complete idiot who has no right to be there.

2003-02-20, 05:24 PM
"like assasinating saddam"

Actually, the Geneva rules say we can wax his ass anytime we get a shot. He considers himself leader of the army, and holds a rank of general, unlike Bush who is CINC because of the constitution. You can kill military officer's all day long.

Best qoute of the whole thing:

"Do you that in the past the world community has held to it's responsability to deal effectively with Saddam Hussein?"


"But you think that they would do it now?

.................................................. ...................................

"hhmmmm, I hmm I don't think Saddam Hussein is the enemy."

2003-02-20, 06:21 PM
The average joe doesent understand war. Its a fucking war, people die. Civilians die, things like this happen in war :p

Anyway, we have never been good at assasinating people. Look at fidel castro back in the day, we tried everything to kill him. Exploding Cigars and more.

We have probably already tried to kill saddam

2003-02-20, 06:40 PM
Saddam has quite a few "body doubles" so it's hard to just pick him off in a crowd or something. We need to send in the Splinter Cell guy. That guy knows how to get it done. :D

2003-02-20, 08:40 PM
Go in, get the job done with as few casualties from our side and from civilians as posible, and only stay long enough to allow a stable Gov. to form.

I'm going to make an Anti-Sadam group:Students Trying Unsuccessfuly to Produce Iraq's Democracy, AKA:STUPID :D