View Full Version : Favorite Movie
2003-02-20, 07:54 AM
What is everyone's favorite movie?
To this day, mine is still Braveheart. :D
2003-02-20, 08:07 AM
Right now, its a toss up between K-19, We Were Soldiers, a bunch of WWII movies and the LOTR movies.
edit: how the hell could i forget Black Hawk Down
War Mongrel
2003-02-20, 08:22 AM
War: Gladiator or Black Hawk Down
Fanatasy: The Fellowship of the Ring or The Two Towers.
Sci-Fi: Predator or Aliens
Comedy: Tommy Boy or Happy Gilmore
2003-02-20, 08:29 AM
Fifth Element
2003-02-20, 08:29 AM
You want the manly answer or the real answer? I'll stick to the manly stuff. Snatch, Legend of the Drunken Master, Top Gun, Braveheart, Van Wilder and Zoolander.
2003-02-20, 08:46 AM
Serious: Braveheart, Gladiator, Face Off, The Patriot, We Were Soldiers, Saving Private Ryan, (just about all WW2 and vietnam movies), Tombstone, Bad Boyz, MI:2
Comedies: Dumb & Dumber, Ace Ventura 1 & 2, Road Trip, American Pie 1 & 2
2003-02-20, 09:07 AM
Technically not a movie but i'd have to say Band of Brothers.
2003-02-20, 09:10 AM
Snatch or Matrix
2003-02-20, 09:55 AM
fight club
2003-02-20, 10:06 AM
i thought fight club was gay.... it did have a nice twist at the end though
2003-02-20, 10:12 AM
I meant favorite movie, not movie's :p
2003-02-20, 10:16 AM
Anime: Perfect Blue - watch it in a dark room by yourself. ;)
2003-02-20, 10:17 AM
Billy Madison
2003-02-20, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by Hamma
I meant favorite movie, not movie's :p
i know Hamma! But i can't pick just one! Oh the horror if I had to pick just one............ Well i guess if i really had to pick one.... it would be braveheart... seriously (no ass kissing here) it has been a fav of mine since i first saw it.
2003-02-20, 10:27 AM
Want a custom title or somthing?
hahaha jk lol
2003-02-20, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by WRH_KoldFusion
i thought fight club was gay.... it did have a nice twist at the end though
how can u say fight club was gay??? that was one of the best movies of all time. Nothing about that movie was bad. I laughed so hard all through it. It was so creative:love:
2003-02-20, 11:52 AM
My personal fav of late is Unforgiven, don't know why exactly, but maybe it has to do w/ william money going from evil-good christian and then back to evil at the end. Hence the name of the movie. Not to mention the fact at the mere thought of evil killing evil. True story BTW.
Bowling for Columbine is teh best! :D
I've never seen Fight Club, although ive heard its amazing.
2003-02-20, 12:18 PM
If I have to pick one, I'll go with Braveheart.
,,, just know that Tombstone, Pulp Fiction, and Fellowship of the Rings are all up there :)
2003-02-20, 12:30 PM
Evil Dead 2
2003-02-20, 12:32 PM
I can't list less than 10 movies as my favorite.
2003-02-20, 01:12 PM
Hard to say. Could be empire strikes back or Wrath of Kahn. Or any of the original Trilogy I guess.
2003-02-20, 01:14 PM
I'd have to go with Mistled about the Tolkien trilogy. Great set of movies.
2003-02-20, 01:15 PM
Monty Python: The search for the holy grail. Best movie ever :rock:
Yes! someone finally said it.
Aliens was IT hands down.
*high fives Led*
2003-02-20, 01:57 PM
Starship troopers ,easily one of the best movies ,alos the entire startrek starwars and aliens films I really have to many favorites:D
2003-02-20, 02:15 PM
Comedy: Wrongfully Accused, Spy Hard, Last Action Hero, Army of Darkness!
Action: The Rock, Under Seige, Boondock Saints, Hunt for Red October.
2003-02-20, 04:08 PM
Favorite: The Usual Suspects
Other notable mentions: American History X, SLC Punk, Fight club was decent (despite having Brad Pitt in it), and I thought Pi was pretty good (although after seeing requium for a dream I thing Aronofski is a one hit wonder). I am a fan of almost everything by Stanley Kubrick
Not great cinema but for some reason I really love them: Sneakers, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Pulp fiction, The Doors, Friday, and Interview with the Vampire.
Movies that I have no clue about but am really interested in seeing: Dancer in the Dark (the movie starring Bjork), Virgin Suicides (directed by Sofia Coppola (Francis Ford Coppola's daughter)), and the movie that has Beck in it (I hear the plot is centered around finding and alien keyboard (as in a musical instrument keyboard, not a computer keyboard)).
2003-02-20, 04:12 PM
The Awakenings (with Robin williams...not based on Chopin. lol)
A Beautiful Mind
The Shining.
ya, i really love a lot of movies... but those have to be the best. :p
2003-02-20, 04:19 PM
AH CRAP I forgot to put LOTR on my list :(
2003-02-20, 04:25 PM
All time favorite-The Matrix. I know it's cliche, but how many movies have been quoted, ripped off or copied as much as The Matrix? Not too many. I can't wait for the new ones.
Other movies you should all check out if you haven't done so-A Clockwork Orange (it's so pessimistic it's good), The Boondock Saints (violent and funny, can't go wrong), Enter the Dragon (cheese at its absolute FINEST), I liked Blade Runner too...there's probably a ton of others I'm forgetting, but I'm not digging through my memory to remember their names.
If you don't agree that the old Star Wars movies were some of the best ever made, get the heck outta my country, ya don't belong. :p
2003-02-20, 04:26 PM
AH CRAP I forgot to put Matrix on my list :(
2003-02-20, 05:31 PM
Movie? I have to pick one? Hmmm....well, I'm gonna get flamed for this one....but Fools Rush In with the dude from friends, I really like that movie...ok I'm gay.
2003-02-20, 05:36 PM
^^ :rofl:
2003-02-20, 05:36 PM
I think that it is impossible to have a most favorite movie for me, so I am going to try to list my favorites from each category.
Scary: Silence of the Lambs
Comedy: Monty Python: The Quest for the Holy Grail
War: Braveheart
Fantasy: LOTR
Sci-Fi: Jurrasic Park
Action: Matrix
Comic Book: Dare Devil (go see it! Jennifer Garner = sex0r)
5th Element. and Both Rush Hours :D
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