View Full Version : How fast will we be getting fragged in this game?

2002-11-09, 09:16 PM
I've been playing a bunch of differnet fps games. My question is will it be like unreal where you spawn and next second your dead,which really sucks be the way. or will it be like americas army, you get to take your time and plan and attack. Hmmmm wouldn't it be cool if we could use roger Wilco or something like it so we could just talk directly to one another instead of typing? just a few thoughts

2002-11-09, 09:26 PM
i think it will be much more strategic, given the fact that you have to spawn back at a friendly base, which can be quite a ways from the front lines. So, more like AA, i'd guess.

It would be really cool if they included voice comms in the game, like CS. You'd need options so you could set it to only hear your squad or something, though

2002-11-09, 09:32 PM
for sure but i think itd be way more effective plus fun to talk to teammates rather then type at them.lol. I really hope its more a strategic game because getting fragged every 3 seconds reall,really sucks. It would be Wayyyyyy better if we could plan an attack then watch the plan unfold or watch the enemy counter ,not just run around getting squashed in a sec or two

2002-11-09, 09:50 PM
imo, voice comms are essential. If nothing is built in, i can guarantee you that all squads will be using some for of voice comms-- roger wilco, gamespeak, gamevoice, etc. In alot of games where you storm a building or clear areas, such as CS, it's <i>essential</i>.

just my 2 cents...

2002-11-10, 01:34 AM
A squad without voicecomms will be like a fish out of water. BTW the best one I have come across is Teamspeak 2. (the most popular commanders might be the ones with their own Voicecom server running)

The speed will probably overall pretty slow. The speed of the battles will probably be determined by where your faction deploys the mobile respawn point. You will also initially have to wait while your scouts do their scouting, and you might need to be moving as slow as the slowest tank in yourt squad. Ground troops will probably get eaten up if they are not stealthy about their movements, but I imagine tanks and MAXs would be able to last for a good amount of time.

The landscape is pretty big so I would guess that it will often be a long treck to get to your enemies. Also, when you die you probably want to come in in waves instead of getting picked off one by one.

2002-11-10, 02:48 AM
This has been covered a few times although i dont remember where. Possibly in the dev chat. It all depends what your doing and where you choose to spawn. It appears there will be "spawn queues" and you will pick where you are going to spawn, at a base, or an AMS (advanced mobile station) kind of RTCW like

but everyone doesent spawn at once, ie your not going to be taking out an AMS and have 50 guys spawn there at once

2002-11-10, 04:22 AM
like unreal where you spawn and next second your dead,which really sucks be the way.

Sorry, but I just have to laugh at this. Ok so maybe you just started, but f you're good you don't die :o

If you rush in rambo style, then yes you will die fast. If you use tactics, and advance stealthily with cover then you shuldn't dei as much.

There will be no inbuilt voice communication. And although there is no support for programs such as RW or Teamspeak (because if there was Sony woul dhave to give tech support for them) but you can still use them.

2002-11-10, 04:54 AM
I've only played the demo for unreal and that was enough for me.:D but its the same thing with battle field 1942 no matter how good you are if theres a big ass tank covering the spawn point then YES YOUR GOING TO DIE.

2002-11-10, 04:56 AM
besides theres only two kinda tactics in unreal CAMPING and charging. NOt meaning to offend BUt in all the other unreals thats what my expeirnce has been and if your faster/luckier you don't die as much, but you will die, thats the nature of the game.

2002-11-10, 09:03 AM
There will be a voice command menu ingame but no Voice over Net program. So you can communicate like in T2. But you are allowed to use some programs like Teamspeak and Roger Wilco too. I could imagine that the "fragtime" will be longer as it is in T2 cause the terrain will be much bigger. But it sure could be shorter if you're defending a hbase and repop directly in front of an enemy's weapon :D

2002-11-10, 10:20 AM
After the enemy captures the spawn chamber, (ie, "fragging you as you spawn,") it's time to rebind your spawn, that base is pretty much captured...

2002-11-10, 11:31 AM
About transportation/ "moving as slow as the slowest tank"

I wouldn't be too concerned about the time it takes to get from one place to another in this game. The devs obviously made the land size massive, but they seem very intent on promoting the idea of various vehicles like dropships for transportation. Also if you've noticed they've also promoted heavily the idea of soldiers with other non direct combat skills like pilots and hackers.

2002-11-10, 01:40 PM
In short, the only time you will end up walking for 25 minutes is if you dont remember to bind a spawn :D

2002-11-10, 02:25 PM
Dont forget the resurrection ability of your medics. You will prefer lying on the ground for a couple of minutes and get a rez, instead of spawning at your bind point and take a 15 minutes run to the battle.
If possible, the enemy will guard your corpses so you cannot get rezzed if possible.

2002-11-11, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by Surtur
If possible, the enemy will guard your corpses so you cannot get rezzed if possible.

The enemy can probably blow your body up so bad that it can't be ressed (like Return to Castle Wolfenstien).

I would find it highly annoying to be required to camp corpses.

For example if while running a defensive screen I killed 2 guys, looked around saw nothing, left then 2 minutes latter was attacked by the guys again, because they had a stealth medic nearby invisible.
/End Example

2002-11-12, 04:46 PM
...you will be getting fragged within moments of respawn as artillery and tank shells rain down inside your spawning ground. All the super-elite troops in my yet-to-be-determined empire will go forever on one spawn. :eek: :rolleyes: :love:

2002-11-13, 03:35 AM
IN YOUR DREAMS AIRLIFT. blood thirsty clans gonna own you and your supposed elite gay boys..lol

2002-11-13, 04:33 AM
Originally posted by Hamma
In short, the only time you will end up walking for 25 minutes is if you dont remember to bind a spawn :D

That's going to be me... I just know it.

I do plan on learning to fly dropships though. I hope this game doesn't have any severe bugs when it comes out. I need not mention the nightmare game that did... I think we all know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, I plan on spending most of my time in a vehicle of some sort. Vehicles = win :D