View Full Version : New LP song

2003-02-24, 12:45 PM
Wow, some of you are really falling asleep on the job! I'm sprised there isnt a post on this already.

New linkin park song was released this morning in Los ANgeles on "KROQ" the local radio station, during their early morning radio show "kevin & bean" (www.kroq.com) was harboring a small radio, and headphones in Health class, waiting for the song to premier. Soon as it came on, my thoughts of concentrating on work, were out the ear. I listened through my teachers droning voice, and was horribly disapointed. I admit, my reception was horrible, and had to deal with lots of background noise. I'll have to listen to it at home, bofore i can really say how i feel about it. But i really hope that the rest of their CD is better than this one song they released.

well, lemme know what you all think of it..



2003-02-24, 12:55 PM
Nah. You were right it sucked. very disappointed

2003-02-24, 01:37 PM
Yep, it sucked alright. Then again half of the first album was the same whiney crap as this new song so there maybe hope for the album yet.

2003-02-24, 03:18 PM
LP does suck

2003-02-24, 04:06 PM
Well they had like 1 good song ,I expect nothing less than crap;)