View Full Version : IDEA! Dev Team/Gm event on a 1-6 month basis..
2002-11-11, 11:33 AM
Here ya go, imagine this...
Once every 1- 6months, depending on the Dev/GM's they initiate a 2 week in game event, that culminates with one of the three empires obtaining a single, gravity bomb ThermoNuclear device.
This would be a big thing, thus the large spread between events.
At the outset, each empire would recive a tidbit on where the materials are to be found. Lets say the planet has no natural sources of Uranium or something like that, thus the only way a bomb can be built is if some falls in the form of a meteor or something like that (Make it semi-plausable).
There would be say 3 components that must all be obtained at the same time to "get the nuke" Each Empire would have a piece of the device. They would then have to get the other pieces.
Now, here is the thing, each empire would know where one peice is, NOT thier own. They would have to find/discover this on thier own. Once known, there would be a massive campaign to get the needed items.
Once one side or the other has all three parts, they could then make a single, high powered (I vote on the 1-10 megaton scale myself) Nuke. The top 10 ranking commanders would then vote on a target and select a pilot to drop the weapon at a chosen time.
Basically, by using this they could in essance gain a base in a single fell blow. The graphics for this would be fun for the team to do, and impressive to those that witness the attack.
The entire Empire would get some sort of morale enhancement that would last a few days or maybe a single burst of EXP for this... to make it a real team effort.
I think something like this could be a real fun, and powerful tool to build inter-empire rivalry.
What do ya'll think?
2002-11-11, 11:47 AM
Interesting Idea, but I don't think it would work. If people ganged up on the weakest empire, and they lost a base everytime the contest ran they'd be up a creek pretty fast.
Now imagine that it's your empire getting owned. Doesn't seem like much fun anymore.
2002-11-11, 12:03 PM
There are losers and winners in every battle. What if they, the devs/GM's gave the weakest of the three Empires one peice off the bat, in an attempt to help them out?
One Empire is gonna dominate, on every server. Period. Does that mean we should punish them?
2002-11-11, 12:18 PM
I think its an interesting concept, but I dont think it would ever happen heh.
2002-11-11, 12:25 PM
We did hear something about GM-organized monthly things and such, but those are most likely ancient history :)
2002-11-11, 12:39 PM
Why not use WMD? It is a future war no? A single, event driven use is no big deal. If you wanted to add ICBM''s... thta would ruin the game. hehehe But a staged, people driven event would rock.
2002-11-11, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by MrVicchio
Now, here is the thing, each empire would know where one peice is, NOT thier own. They would have to find/discover this on thier own. Once known, there would be a massive campaign to get the needed items.
You could not tell the entire empire, because people will have traitor account I'm sure. What you could do is only tell 1 or 2 of the super top comamnders, this would be a cool way add the following orders without understand them aspect to combat simultions .
Originally posted by MrVicchio
[B] Once one side or the other has all three parts, they could then make a single, high powered (I vote on the 1-10 megaton scale myself) Nuke. The top 10 ranking commanders would then vote on a target and select a pilot to drop the weapon at a chosen time.
The entire Empire would get some sort of morale enhancement that would last a few days or maybe a single burst of EXP for this... to make it a real team effort.
I think something like this could be a real fun, and powerful tool to build inter-empire rivalry.
Well I like the idea of a team based effort giving some sort of benfit to the whole empire.
But I don't like this idea of getting a free base.
What I mean is that I think you would feel cheated if you got this used against you, so it can't be something that would dampen other players play experience. Giving any sort of benefit to one group of players over another is going to piss some players off (like when they nerf weapons, as I am sure they will), but they can keep this to a minimum by choosing the benefit they give carefully, and only giving it for a limited time, or making it so minor that people [who missed out] wont care.
Maybe something like taking 1/2 time off the vehicle timers for a few days would be a more acceptable benfit. Or letting everyone use any vehicle for an hour 1 day (just for kicks) or something like that.
2002-11-11, 01:26 PM
I like the idea of the team effort also. I just hope the devs put in some sort of event like this. Just to keep it interesting. Anyway good idea!
2002-11-11, 01:43 PM
Heres one idea i like for events: on one of the underused conts a old underground complex has been discovered, and the first empire to hold it for 2 hours gets a perm +20 health to all their troops currently online. Do this during peak hours and send out hints for a few weeks in advance. Also on a weekend. That would be one hell of a battle, and something real and perment gained.
2002-11-11, 02:02 PM
I don't like this under current of "how would you like it if it happened to you..." line of thought.
a: ITS A WAR PEOPLE.... you win some you lose some.
B: ITs not a "free" base, your side won the right to obliterate the enemy in one single base after a hard struggle. How is that a free base?
C: You cannot appreciate victory, if you have never tasted defeat. Thus, if you do lose one of these, it will make your resolve to win the next event that much stronger.
D: If players are that easily discouraged by the loss of a base... then make the bases reset at the end of the day so no one can take em, just so as the losing side wont be discouraged... bah humbug on all that.
To the victors go the spoils, to the losers the reason for revenge.
2002-11-11, 02:08 PM
But how much off a base would be left for you to take?
2002-11-11, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by Tobias
a old underground complex has been discovered, and the first empire to hold it for 2 hours gets a perm +20 health to all their troops currently online.
This would be bad for the networking system they have in place. You will not want to fight a battle where there are 1k people on your screen at once, this will slow your computer to .1 fps. :p
Instead if you noticed they said that they are creating a system that will encourage spread your forces (as an empire) out.
An alternative would be intead of using an underground complex to use a at the start of the event hotly contested continent. Then give all empires a couple hours to see if they can take over the whole contient or most of it, then give out a reward.
2002-11-11, 02:25 PM
Good idea there Stick, and while the NC and TR are trying to get that Vanu come in and capture the land those two had held for so long....
2002-11-11, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by MrVicchio
B: ITs not a "free" base, your side won the right to obliterate the enemy in one single base after a hard struggle. How is that a free base?
To the people that get bombed its gonna feel like they got "cheated" out of the chance to defend it. To them it will feel like a base was taken from them for free . But then again one base is not a big deal (as there at least 100 or more), and what you would propose this would not occur often so its not like its a big deal.
[i]Originally posted by MrVicchio
I don't like this under current of "how would you like it if it happened to you..." line of thought.
We'll ok, but ... um ... what if it happend to you? :rolleyes:
2002-11-11, 02:31 PM
Im Vanu, and so im glade i dont have to worry about it happening to me :)
2002-11-11, 02:33 PM
If it happened to me i would get my boyz together and wreck havoc on the enemy, not cry about how unfair it was.
War is for warriors, all others need not apply.
2002-11-11, 05:30 PM
Waaaay back in the early days of the original forums the devs were thinking that every month they would have a major campaign (war). You would have to register for it before hand and it would take place in a location that would change each month and would be seperate from the game world. They were thinking at the time that, among other things, doing this would satisfy the gamers need for pure victory in a game that never ends.
Are they still doing this? Who the hell knows.. maybe, maybe not.
a: ITS A WAR PEOPLE.... you win some you lose some.
Actually it's a game. A game that people pay each month to play, hence some peoples insistance that the game be fair and ballanced.
Well hopefully there will be special competitions or whatnot from time to time to spice things up. Like on easter the Empire who succeds in finding the hidden egg and bring it back to base would get a special bunny costume or something like that. :p
2002-11-11, 05:55 PM
Now that sounds like fun!!!
Yeah i can imagine flying over the enemy gloating and tauting them in our brand new Santa sled on 24th december. :D
2002-11-11, 06:14 PM
That would own. hehe
I would love it if they did stuff like that. My favorite game of all time so far is PSO(Phantasy Star Online) and Sonicteam did stuff like that for the DC players but since a DC mem card is very limited so were the possibilites, however on a PC they could send us plenty of special holiday stuff or competitions.
2002-11-11, 06:59 PM
No, sorry cant do that, not by Crazymikes logic. It might be unfair to someone else.
This is a War. It might be a game, but if you go into it thinking everything must be fair, and they make the game "fair for all" then it will suffer.
Yes, I do mean that. Fair in terms of base power amongst the empires is a nessessity, but some one has to lose and some one has to win. If you dillute that in order to not hurt someones feelings, then you take away from the game. Plain and simple.
The FAQ does state:
Yes, its PvP with a vengence.
That means someone is gonna get capped, and someones gonna do the capping.
2002-11-11, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by MrVicchio
No, sorry cant do that, not by Crazymikes logic. It might be unfair to someone else.
BTW it was me (stick100)<= not crazymike.
Originally posted by MrVicchio
This is a War. It might be a game, but if you go into it thinking everything must be fair, and they make the game "fair for all" then it will suffer.
I disagree, will be adressed later.
Originally posted by MrVicchio
Yes, I do mean that. Fair in terms of base power amongst the empires is a nessessity, but some one has to lose and some one has to win.
Fair in terms of base power... well what if we did what someone suggested and let undersome conditions people get more hitpoints. Ok lets say your empire never get it right, and for kicks VC always gets it, and after a year they have double the number of hit points you do, how are you going to feel. You are going to feel cheated every time you do 190 damage to a VC, reload, and he turns and does 100 to you and you die. These are the sorts of things that would make a game not fun and would make people quit.
For those that have played eq, how do you generally feel about event items. Most people would say "pissed, I never get em", this is the feeling you have to avoid.
2002-11-11, 07:58 PM
Stick... what are you talking about?
Base power, i.e. no one side has a clear weapon/hp advantage, and nor did I advocate such as your "example" would have done.
I just mean, that some ones gonna win, some one is gonna lose. I wont worry myself over what ifs and how would I feel if. Thats a bridge to be crossed if the Devs do that.
I mean, if your side loses... dont cry, get even. bah
2002-11-11, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by MrVicchio
Stick... what are you talking about?
Sorry I misattributed an idea to you that was someone elses [to lazy to look who].
Originally posted by MrVicchio
Base power, i.e. no one side has a clear weapon/hp advantage, and nor did I advocate such as your "example" would have done.
Yea, I agree. And your nuke idea isn't bad, and it does fit the not that big a deal rule [couple bases or something] , but still cool [especially with cool graphics].
Originally posted by MrVicchio
I just mean, that some ones gonna win, some one is gonna lose.
Yes but for one side to win you need .... uhhh
/me puts on flame-proof vest and decides never to return to this thread
time-limited servers.
/me runs for the door.
Slaming noise heard, quickly followed by the sound of a car pealing out.
2002-11-11, 08:50 PM
WAYYYY out of context dude.
WAYYY out of context.
I mean there will be a winner and a loser per each battle... each base...
Not the whol game.
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