View Full Version : Anybody else had the same experience?
2007-04-06, 05:29 PM
I tend to go out atleast twice a week... at one of the places I can't drink because I drive to it but the other is a walking distance... huge ass parties everytime I go but anyways...
I used to go out alot more and drink alot and I would still remember the nights. I don't recall if it started before or after I started the habit but now it seems that I drink and I basicly black out.
What I do now since I'm tired as fuck is before going out I buy a redbull and chug it at the entrance... then start the drinking. An hour or so passes and then WHAM total or quasi-total blackout. I mean I don't remember shit from the night, how I got home or anything. I just wake with a bad hangover. I have random memories of the night but otherwise... nothing.
Anybody else have the same problem? Could it be the redbull? At most I'll drink about 50$ (about 5 pitchers of beer) wich isn't alot compared to what I drank before....
Bothers the hell out of me.
2007-04-06, 06:25 PM
Drinking when you are tired is bad hehe
2007-04-06, 08:23 PM
Redbull or any kind of energy drink and alcohol in close vicinity of each other is horrible for your immediate state of mind and long term health. Your body is so confused by the mixture of stimulants and depressants it can't function properly. I would stop the redbulls and cut back a bit on the drinking. Though you may think you know what your ideal limit is, perhaps it's a little less. I go out 3 nights a week usually and used to drink about the equivalent of 10 or 11beers. I was usually ok but occasionally I'd have partial blackouts. I usually stick to about 7 or 8 now if I'm trying to get a good heavy buzz and not be too sloppy.
So yeah that's my advice. Also I agree with what Hamma said, your state of mind/emotions influence how the alcohol effects you significantly.
2007-04-06, 08:29 PM
Drink less. It'll work.
2007-04-06, 08:33 PM
I drink every day and dont have that problem.
You are a sissy.
2007-04-06, 10:02 PM
Speaking of which, last night I went out to a kareoke bar to drink with like 15 other friends, and that was the funniest shit I've ever done in my life. Lack of motor skills + microphone + trippy ass lighting + crazy asian videos in the background = fucking nuts.
I can't even imagine what that would be like on acid or shrooms.
2007-04-07, 12:00 AM
I drink every day and dont have that problem.
You are a sissy.
Same, ive got a bad hangover from last night but remember everything. I drank a SHITLOAD too
2007-04-07, 12:02 AM
I drink every day and dont have that problem.
You are a sissy.
Good point!
I'm already cutting back on the drinking because of the damage it does on my body... hell my kickboxing coach would fucking kill me if he knew I blew 50$ in beer last night...
2007-04-07, 07:01 AM
Well you would have to blow $50 to get any effect from what you Americans call beer ;)
2007-04-07, 10:28 AM
I'm canadian. My beer is stronger then American beer :P
2007-04-07, 10:39 AM
$40 then :D
2007-04-07, 11:19 AM
Redbull or any kind of energy drink and alcohol in close vicinity of each other is horrible for your immediate state of mind and long term health. Your body is so confused by the mixture of stimulants and depressants it can't function properly. I would stop the redbulls and cut back a bit on the drinking. Though you may think you know what your ideal limit is, perhaps it's a little less. I go out 3 nights a week usually and used to drink about the equivalent of 10 or 11beers. I was usually ok but occasionally I'd have partial blackouts. I usually stick to about 7 or 8 now if I'm trying to get a good heavy buzz and not be too sloppy.
So yeah that's my advice. Also I agree with what Hamma said, your state of mind/emotions influence how the alcohol effects you significantly.
I'm canadian. My beer is stronger then American beer :P
Apparently you've never had beer from Microbrewery's, or even Sam Adams.. I've had plenty of Canadian beer, up there. It has the same amount of alcohol.
2007-04-07, 12:25 PM
Yea red bull is bad news with alcohol as well.
2007-04-07, 05:57 PM
Yess Sam Adams is the shit, Summer Ale is GOD!! Im also a fan of Becks and Warsteiners, both of which are excellant. 5 pitchers? Thats it? Only time I blackout from drinking is from Jager, after about 16 shots of that and a few of rum I just remember waking up in someone elses bed without my beanie and coat from the night before. Ill blame the redbull because Ive NEVER blackout from beer alone.
2007-04-07, 06:02 PM
Yess Sam Adams is the shit, Summer Ale is GOD!! Im also a fan of Becks and Warsteiners, both of which are excellant. 5 pitchers? Thats it? Only time I blackout from drinking is from Jager, after about 16 shots of that and a few of rum I just remember waking up in someone elses bed without my beanie and coat from the night before. Ill blame the redbull because Ive NEVER blackout from beer alone.
2007-04-07, 06:06 PM
Dont be jealous of 1337 skills n00b
2007-04-07, 09:05 PM
Boston Lager is solid, as is Blue Moon, although I'm not sure if it's American or not. I'll take English beer myself: Newcastle and Fuller's London Porter.
2007-04-07, 09:45 PM
I'm canadian.
Does anyone else see the true problem here?
This ( picture brought to you by a random Google search
2007-04-08, 10:48 AM
Boston Lager is solid, as is Blue Moon, although I'm not sure if it's American or not. I'll take English beer myself: Newcastle and Fuller's London Porter.
Blue Moon is Coors Garbage.
2007-04-08, 02:41 PM
Boulevard is some good stuff.
I don't know how national it is though, it's base here in KC.
2007-04-08, 03:17 PM
Blue Moon is Coors Garbage.
Aww don't hate.
2007-04-08, 07:30 PM
I'll take English beer myself.
2007-04-10, 09:52 PM
Last night I hung out with 2 girls at their apartment had 3 double-shots of Jaeger, 4 Mike's Hard Lemonades, 3 Smirnoffs, something with some cranberry in it, maybe something else too...
Then I had a threesome with both girls. Most awesome experience of my life.
Before you "PICS OR STFU" I'll provide the only pic I can, of one of the girls...
Damn I'm a happy dude right now. Plus I've got a cute chick I met at the bar earlier this week who wants to set up a date with me this Thursday... but I've been invited back to the girls apartment tonight so I'll have to figure that out later...
Damn, I don't know what I did to make the universe like me but life is fucking awesome right now.
2007-04-10, 11:28 PM
I'm canadian. My beer is stronger then American beer :P
I dont drink beer, I drink 2 liters of scotch.
Edit: Oh yea, electro, arnt threesomes fucking AWSOME!? Gigantic fucking smile when you wake up with boobs on either side.
2007-04-11, 12:31 AM
Last night I hung out with 2 girls at their apartment had 3 double-shots of Jaeger, 4 Mike's Hard Lemonades, 3 Smirnoffs, something with some cranberry in it, maybe something else too...
So.... did you wear a dress to go with the girly drinks?
Happy lil Elf
2007-04-11, 12:55 AM
Another for the Red Bull+achohol being a rather bad mix.
I'd also ask if you're drinking 5 pitchers of beer
A. What's your body weight/build and
B. What time period are we talking here
My suspiscion is that it's the Red Bull that's the problem. Energy drinks+large amounts of alchohol is just plain a bad idea. Which is amusing because it seems to be becoming more and more popular.
2007-04-11, 01:07 AM
Another for the Red Bull+achohol being a rather bad mix.
I'd also ask if you're drinking 5 pitchers of beer
A. What's your body weight/build and
B. What time period are we talking here
My suspiscion is that it's the Red Bull that's the problem. Energy drinks+large amounts of alchohol is just plain a bad idea. Which is amusing because it seems to be becoming more and more popular.
I weight about 150 pounds, 5'6. I don't have alot of fat... small layer of it...
I got there at around.... 10:00... was wasted at around.... 12:50, 1:00AM. So around 2-3 hours. I also usually chug with friends so it goes down pretty fucking quickly... (I'm also quite full all the time and feel like I'm about to throw up since I'm so full...)
2007-04-11, 07:41 AM
If your chugging it shouldnt take 2 - 3 hours to get drunk... -_-
2007-04-11, 08:56 AM
Last night I hung out with 2 girls at their apartment had 3 double-shots of Jaeger, 4 Mike's Hard Lemonades, 3 Smirnoffs, something with some cranberry in it, maybe something else too...
Then I had a threesome with both girls. Most awesome experience of my life.
Before you "PICS OR STFU" I'll provide the only pic I can, of one of the girls...
Damn I'm a happy dude right now. Plus I've got a cute chick I met at the bar earlier this week who wants to set up a date with me this Thursday... but I've been invited back to the girls apartment tonight so I'll have to figure that out later...
Damn, I don't know what I did to make the universe like me but life is fucking awesome right now.
haha I have wanted to use that for years.
If you did more power to you. I need to do that someday... :p
2007-04-11, 09:56 AM
If your chugging it shouldnt take 2 - 3 hours to get drunk... -_-
I didn't say I wasn't drunk. I admit it takes me about an hour an a half to get a big buzz. At the 3 ish hour mark is when I start getting fuzzy and can't remember alot.
2007-04-11, 10:40 AM
Again the answer is:
If you don't want to black out, don't drink so much.
How hard is that concept?
2007-04-11, 11:09 AM
I think it's a concept that gets harder the more you drink ;)
2007-04-11, 12:05 PM
I think it's a concept that gets harder the more you drink ;)
Indeed. Plus I never had the blackout problem before and I drank so much more.
2007-04-11, 01:17 PM
The simplest answer is almost always the best answer.
Honestly, does it matter if it's the energy drink, being tired or just too much alcohol?
The problem is easily solved by drinking less in any case.
2007-04-11, 01:22 PM
Aye, your liver will thank you in 20 years.
2007-04-11, 02:10 PM
My dick thanks me now.
2007-04-11, 05:13 PM
Last night I hung out with 2 girls at their apartment had 3 double-shots of Jaeger, 4 Mike's Hard Lemonades, 3 Smirnoffs, something with some cranberry in it, maybe something else too...
Then I had a threesome with both girls. Most awesome experience of my life.
Before you "PICS OR STFU" I'll provide the only pic I can, of one of the girls...
Damn I'm a happy dude right now. Plus I've got a cute chick I met at the bar earlier this week who wants to set up a date with me this Thursday... but I've been invited back to the girls apartment tonight so I'll have to figure that out later...
Damn, I don't know what I did to make the universe like me but life is fucking awesome right now.
Just happened upon that pic, it fit nicely
2007-04-11, 05:27 PM
Drinking is fun.
You're all ******* for having a discussion about it on the internet - thereby not being drunk.
2007-04-11, 07:27 PM
2007-04-11, 10:33 PM
Drinking is fun.
You're all ******* for having a discussion about it on the internet - thereby not being drunk.
Excuse me. When am I NOT drunk?
2007-04-11, 11:02 PM
Listen up dickwads. The reason redbull and alcohol fucks you up is because they are both dehydrators. So just drink a fuckton of water, then poof, no hangover.
2007-04-11, 11:07 PM
Excuse me. When am I NOT drunk?
He has a point y'know... he is a redneck after all!
2007-04-11, 11:54 PM
I dont drink beer, I drink 2 liters of scotch.
Edit: Oh yea, electro, arnt threesomes fucking AWSOME!? Gigantic fucking smile when you wake up with boobs on either side.
Best part is having 2 girls make out on top of you... holy shit. But not as fun as 2 girls going down on you...
It is indeed win.
I'm probably going to be moving in with those two girls btw... :D
They just bought a ton more Jaeger, and there's a lot of Red Bull left, so it looks like it's Jaeger Bombs tonight!
2007-04-12, 03:42 AM
I was under the impression that the whole Red Bull / Alcohol mix was a bad idea because one is a chemical stimulant and one is a chemical depressant.
I'm pretty sure that those two don't normally mix well.
Also: Red Bull tastes like eating an entire bag of skittles.
2007-04-12, 07:43 AM
Derf is correct though, wanna advoid hangovers? Drink water. A good mouthfull of water after a shot/ beer and no hangover.
2007-04-12, 08:02 AM
Aye water is the holy grail of Drinking.
Oh and Electro, h8
2007-04-12, 08:13 AM
Aye water is the holy grail of Drinking.
Oh and Electro, h8
That I already knew. I usually have 4 water bottles by my bed and drink one during the drinking binge.
2007-04-12, 12:38 PM
Gotta love the idea of your brain physically getting smaller due to alcohol consumption though :)
2007-04-12, 12:49 PM
Every time Jack Bauer does something remotely cool... or Chloe looks like a douche bag... or something is going to happen within the hour, take a shot.
It gets you FUCKED!
Or so I'm told, I don't recall.
2007-04-12, 01:46 PM
I'm sure drinking shots constantly for an hour would have the same effect :P
2007-04-13, 02:57 AM
I'm sure drinking shots constantly for an hour would have the same effect :P
Thats what I said.
2007-04-13, 07:59 AM
Yes, but you wouldn't have to endure an episode of 24 in my version ;)
2007-04-15, 01:50 AM
Oh and Electro, h8
Mwahaahaha. I am going to continue my gloating on here if that's alright.
I'll even keep it alcohol-related.
I haven't been home in days. I've been spending the whole last week drinking large amounts of alcohol, partying like crazy, and getting it on with this woman: (
I am not worthy. :D
2007-04-15, 06:36 AM
Hey Electro, no one cares.
2007-04-15, 07:14 AM
OMG she needs a wax job! I can just see her girlstache poking out.
Electro's getting it on with the bearded lady. Freak.
2007-04-15, 08:55 AM
She's looks... manly. Did you check for an Adam's apple?
2007-04-15, 05:21 PM
She's looks... manly. Did you check for an Adam's apple?
Its a white Rua Paul
2007-04-15, 08:51 PM
Hey, if EF rolls like that, then that's awesome.
2007-04-16, 07:35 AM
Thats not a chick, her mustache is as thick as mine, and her boobs are smaller than mine.
2007-04-16, 08:00 AM
I am SERIOUSLY not trying to be an ass, but that does indeed look like a dude.
Edit: Tell me this does not look like a dude.
2007-04-16, 10:21 AM
Stop already!
2007-04-16, 02:40 PM
Getting jealous of electro?
2007-04-16, 04:49 PM
At that my friends is why you never post pictures of girls you know on the internet.
2007-04-16, 07:22 PM
I have an idea, why don't you guys post pictures of YOUR girlfriends for critique and comparison?
... that's what I thought.
There is no mustache... it's called a crappy cell phone camera with bad lighting and contrast. Peace, check my Myspace and see her other pictures if you still doubt.
And no, she's not a cyber girl... I've moved into her apartment.
To keep with topic, we finished the bottle of Jaeger and got halfway through a liter of Vodka with some friends the other night.
Vodka can go with almost anything. Kool-Aid, lemonade, orange juice, Gatorade... that's why I love it.
2007-04-16, 08:29 PM
Post my girlfriend's pic? Fine by me.
Shitty webcam pictures but you get the idea.
Me and her... shitty picture again but I'm supposed to take some this weekend for her suicidegirl interview/application. One of the senior members of the site talked to her and wants her to apply. So I'm guessing she has a good chance. If it makes her happy... I'll support her :)
My myspace.
She's the first one in my top 8. The 2nd and 3rd one I also went out with a couple of times and am still on good terms with. Might as well check the girl in my friends who's nick is (Bitetobreaktheskin) or something like that went out with her too... but she was weird as hell (to say the least).
2007-04-16, 10:30 PM
Last time I posted a pic of a girl I was with, Squeeky's pants exploded.
2007-04-16, 11:42 PM
Those pics all seem to have a case of the "angles"
2007-04-16, 11:57 PM
Go see the myspace there's alot more pics. Eh.
2007-04-17, 07:03 AM
I am not impressed.
2007-04-17, 09:49 AM
I am not impressed.
It's alot better then EF's she-male :p
2007-04-17, 11:54 PM
Yours wears too much make up for us to tell if its got a mustache or not.
2007-04-18, 02:00 AM
Eyeshadow and eye-liner only. Sometimes a bit of lipstick :p. I should know, I'm basically waiting and watching her before we go to the movies.
2007-04-18, 08:39 AM
At 1 am?
2007-04-18, 12:19 PM
At 1 am?
No :lol:.
When we go out I mean. I have nothing better to do so I talk to her and watch her put on her make-up, etc.
2007-04-19, 12:34 AM
I'm not about to satisfy you strange-tards on here's frapping by posting pics of my wife. Suffice to say that I am not in the 'game' anymore and I couldn't be happier.
And yes, being married DOES give me the right to judge another person's girl. You post it, I judge it. If it hurts your feelings, TFB. Troll Myspace some more if you think I'm being too mean.
And I echo Matts statement. I am not impressed. Don't feel the need to try to impress me. Your ego won't get any bigger, and my pen-is won't either.
2007-04-19, 12:37 AM
It's alot better then EF's she-male :p
Sorry Gio, my woman > yours.
Aaaaanyhow. This thread wasn't supposed to be a pissing contest. But don't insult my girl, that's not cool. I could easily call your girl some nasty things, but I won't.
I'm simply psyched that I'm now dating such a beautiful young woman, and since it was a threesome with her and another girl, an event triggered by the consumption of quite a bit of alcohol (she'd never so much as kissed another girl before it), I found it fitting to post in this thread. Of course when things developed further I felt compelled to provide an update to this community. If you've got something negative to say about her appearance, grow up and keep it to yourself. It's easy to make a judgment based upon 1 or 2 pictures, and if you don't think she's attractive then I would have to pity your taste in women.
2007-04-21, 02:57 PM
That ain't no woman! It's a man, man!
2007-04-21, 03:24 PM
Her nose is huge.
You asked for it. Don't post pictures with crazy stories if you can't take it.
Its all in good fun.
2007-04-21, 07:33 PM
She looks good in the second pic of that post there, but I swear it looks like she has 5 o'clock shadow in the last one.
2007-04-21, 09:16 PM
I just woke up from a hangover...and into a nightmare.
Dem bitches iz craazzy!
2007-04-23, 06:25 PM
This E-Penis contest is fun.
2007-04-23, 07:16 PM
Eh, whatever. I'm not going to cry myself to sleep over it. I forgot that everyone on the internet dates a supermodel. :rolleyes:
Back to the subject of alcohol... my girlfriend's roommate hosted a pretty crazy party on Saturday night. We had approximately $300 worth of liquor and a couple cases of beer... though I'd have to say the main attraction was the Jello shots.
Most of the time I've done Jello shots they were pretty weak because usually people heat them up to much and it burns off much of the alcohol. Weak Jello shots suck because they're very filling and after you've had the 5 or so you need for any kind of real effect, you're feeling sorta bloated.
On Saturday they were like at least half vodka (have I mentioned that I love vodka?) and we made up at least 2 dozen of them, using like a liter and a half of vodka. We started drinking at about 3 pm and I was kinda hungry so I made the mistake of eating a bunch of the Jello shots which really hit me hard. That and the couple glasses of champagne, 2 strawberry margaritas and a couple Coronas, had me pretty wasted. My girlfriend was in a pretty tough spot too. I was the only guy at the part with about 8 girls, 3 of which were lesbians (2 of which were trying to convince one of the drunk straight girls to join them for a threesome), so things were pretty interesting.
We drank straight through until about midnight, keeping our buzz going with a variety of interesting drinks, including something where we dropped marshmallows into vodka and food coloring, some brandy slush, white russians and mudslides, martinis (made by myself), more margaritas, various mixed shots, more of the Jello and champagne. My girlfriend's room mate used to bar tend so she was able to mix us up almost anything we wanted provided we had the ingredients... and seeing as how we had pretty much a liter of almost every kind of liquor, it was a ton of fun. The only downside to the night was that while checking a liquor recipe on the room mate's laptop, one of the drunk lesbians spilled a strawberry margarita on the laptop and it shorted out the backlight for the LCD display, which really pissed her off.
We've still got tons of liquor left and some beer, so we'll probably have another party this weekend. We've got a ton of pictures so if I can get a hold of the room mate's digital camera I'll post pictures if anyone cares to see.
2007-04-23, 08:39 PM
The best jello shots are produced with the alcohol added after the heating.
2007-04-23, 10:26 PM
The best jello shots are produced with the alcohol added after the heating.
Suggestion: take all of the shit you have, get some mixers, fruit, and pour it all in a big cooler. Jungle juice amigo.
2007-04-24, 12:40 PM
The best jello shots are produced with the alcohol added after the heating.
I'm guessing that's what they did... those suckers were strong!
Last Halloween was a prime example of weak jello shots. I filled up on jello shots and hardly had any room for beer or liquor... kinda sucked.
Suggestion: take all of the shit you have, get some mixers, fruit, and pour it all in a big cooler. Jungle juice amigo.
Never been a big fan of the jungle juice. It's a possibility though. Maybe we'll make a small batch of the jungle juice with the bottles of liquor that are mostly empty, and use the remaining nice Grey Goose and Svedka vodka to make stuff I like. I think we still have some brandy slush left too.
2007-04-24, 05:41 PM
The best jello shots are no jelloshots. I hate those things,tastes like shit and doesnt do anything for me even when there supposedly half and half. Ill stick to beer. Beer>Liquor>Jello Speaking of beer went to a giant college party this last weekend, one frat had over 200+ cases and another had 5 kegs+ shitload of cases. Pretty much amazing, though everyone their sucked at beerpong, freakin noobz. I love how their were the MUST BE 21 signs EVERYWHERE, and I mean everywhere, the only time I got asked if I was 21 was some guy at the bar and I replied" Does the pope shit in the woods?" And he hands me 2 beers, pretty cool if I do say so myself. Now if only stores round here did that lmao
2007-04-24, 06:15 PM
Parties like that are over-rated... because they draw more people which generally equates to longer keg lines and less overall beer consumption on your part (unless you're the keg master).
Also: pong is overrated, flip cup is where its at (if you're going to play a drinking game at all).
A nice sized private party is perfect... and all you need to get invited is to know a fairly popular girl - of which I know many.
Speaking of which, boobies are fun.
2007-04-24, 06:30 PM
Speaking of which, boobies are fun.
Wait, Inf-Boobies, what did I miss?
2007-04-24, 07:46 PM
Also: pong is overrated, flip cup is where its at (if you're going to play a drinking game at all).
Flip cup is the fucking bomb.
2007-04-24, 08:31 PM
Im sorry but you are indeed mistaken, Beerpong is the true champions sport. Actually the lines were like non existant because they had 3 different bars setup, one with kegs and 2 with cases so you walk up and just ask and get it. Flip cups okay I guess, gets you drunk faster, but Beerpong is just more fun and more skill IMO, gets really competive and when facing girls gets very...interesting to say the least =] I love when they *distract* you lol
2007-04-24, 09:25 PM
I get bored with parties that have less than 50 people unless I am with a girl that I'm trying to get with. My fraternity had a beach party a couple weeks ago where we brought in 6 tons of sand to put in our basement along with other such shit. We got like 80 cases and had about 250-300 people come, it was pretty tight. I'll take a solid middle range sized party optimally though, provided there are girls on the dance floor, although the best one I've ever been to had about 500 people in and outside, but also had a fully stocked bar full of liquor along with jungle juice and like 8 kegs.
And on the note of drinking games, pong is really the only thing that matters where I go (JMU), so I've focused mostly on that and gotten to be pretty solid. I do enjoy flip cup back at home but I'll take pong any day.
2007-04-24, 09:26 PM
Wait, Inf-Boobies, what did I miss?
Aye.. that's it the world has ended.
2007-04-24, 10:03 PM
Not really, Inf has been with a woman before....
2007-05-01, 03:03 PM
I used to do the frat parties a couple years back, had a buddy who had a frat house with some massive parties. It was fun being a VIP, being able to push my way up to the front of the bar and tap a keg myself while everyone else waited for a bartender to fill their cup.
The problem with parties like that is there's always fights, people puking at a bad time in a bad place, stupid shit happening, having to deal with cops that show up because some dumbass decided to pass out on the sidewalk out front, or someone thought it was funny to whack ping pong balls and empty cups at passing cars.
It's fun but wearying. My buddy who ran the frat house loved throwing the parties but hated dealing with the fallout. He moved out of it and now just comes down to the bar to hang out with me and my friends every now and then.
Small parties of a dozen or a little under are the best IMO. Everyone generally knows most everyone else or is at least friends with someone else there, so there's a lot less of guys hitting on some other dude's girl, people whining about having to wait for a drink, etc etc. So yeah, smaller parties are FTW.
Only drinking games I've played are Beer Pong and Asshole. Too much work to learn how to play other games... that's time that can be spent drinking! Better to just make up your own drinking games for hilarities sake. One we do is basically every time someone says something fucked up or funny, we all have to take a drink and write it down in a notebook. Makes for some funny shit the next morning when you pick up the notebook and read all the messed up shit in there. Lets see if I can remember a few that are in the book...
"I've heard of 6 and 9, but what the fuck is 3?!"
"But what if he... uh... wants to do her in her... sex... place?"
"Fucking WHORE TOAST!"
"What is the point of broomdeding if you've already sweepdedded?!" (This was said seriously with a heavy slur)
"...and so I had to rub the cream all over her breasts."
"It'd suck to be the Queen ant and have to pop out babies all day." (Random comment by a very trashed girl who had been sitting in a philosophical silence)
"Don't EVER leave me alone in a room with 2 sex-obsessed lesbians again!" (Straight girl to us after we came back inside from a smoke break)
There's tons more... some of them a lot funnier... and almost all of them were even funnier when you were drunk. They certainly help you remember just how fucked up you'd been the night before.
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