View Full Version : Im Gettin PS for free :)
2003-02-24, 09:24 PM
HAHAHA I was chatin with the guy at the local EB store and He says PS is coming out on 03/19/03,And I said theres no way that it will and of course being the noob he was he's like I gaurantee it will be in then ,if its not I will buy you the game . So it looks like im gettin PS for FREE! :D
2003-02-24, 09:26 PM
And i'm paying for it, HELL YEAH!!!!:D
2003-02-24, 09:26 PM
Lol, now why cant i find stupid people like that.
2003-02-24, 09:27 PM
where u live so we can all take advantage
2003-02-24, 09:29 PM
We only have Wal-Mart around here. And that's just a bunch of old people. They never know what's going on. They're still trying to find the Atari section... :rolleyes:
2003-02-24, 09:38 PM
I don't know how I'd get along without Best Buy and all those other great stores. Long live the suburbs!
2003-02-24, 09:43 PM
ill tell u how youd get along, ud drive somewhere better lol. Its a 40 (highway) minute drive to get to bestbuy or the movies from my house. God this town sucks.
2003-02-24, 09:47 PM
40 minutes?! :jawdrop: So you're out for about 2 hours when you go to Best Buy? Man, that sucks.
2003-02-24, 09:50 PM
Im hoping it comes out on the date you say. the sooner the better. I mean ya sure you delay it some things are looked into but if it comes out with little to no bugs then the sooner the better. AND WHATS SO BAD ABOUT WAL-MART !:mad:
2003-02-24, 10:09 PM
What is so bad about WalMart?
A few years ago I saw this on 60 minutes.
WalMart comes into a small town, and talks about it's low prices.
WalMart Boasts that it can under price any other store in town.
Other stores lose business and stop making money
Other stores go out of business and the owners leave town.
Number of jobs in town lost so more people leave.
Other non-retail businesses lose money because there isn't enough people.
More people leave town.
WalMart finds that it isn't getting as much money from this town as it used to, so it shuts it's doors.
I actually know of this happening to a Town not far from where I grew up.
:p I love this,
For some reason I find the fact that Walmart moves into small towns, destroys thier economy and then moves on, leaving wrecked small towns in it's wake, funny.
Reminds me of the devil in Needfull Things.
:Edited for clarification: I hate Walmart too. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I have a very dark sense of humor.
2003-02-24, 10:38 PM
:nazi: :nazi: :banplz: dude Wal-Mart sucks, theyre about to do that to a place near my house.
2003-02-24, 10:44 PM
Yes walmart is starting to spread there vile seed up here in canada ,and I refuse to buy anything from there ,besides it jsut feels to american for me ,I mean you have smoked meats next to gun ammo and barbie dolls :confused: its freekish I tells yah .
DOWN WITH WALLMART!!:nazi: :nazi:
2003-02-24, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by ABRAXAAS
Yes walmart is starting to spread there vile seed up here in canada ,and I refuse to buy anything from there ,besides it jsut feels to american for me ,I mean you have smoked meats next to gun ammo and barbie dolls :confused: its freekish I tells yah .
DOWN WITH WALLMART!!:nazi: :nazi:
btw...WTF happened to K-Mart?????
2003-02-24, 11:15 PM
They are (and may have already) going bankrupt. Put simply they couldn't keep up with the sales of the other superstores. Namely Walmart. Walmart is the only superstore that made a profit I believe, I know it made more money then the others.
See above. Walmart is evil.
There was a MadTV skit that underlined my point. It likened Walmart to the pod people in Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Everytime one of the customers would talk against "Walsmart" the otehrs would point, scream, surround, and take that customer away. Later you would see him with a labotomy scar and talking about how great "Walsmart" is.
The tagline at the end of the skit was "Walsmart! resistance is futile!"
Great stuff! Dark sense of humor again.
2003-02-24, 11:18 PM
ah.....thats why we weren't stopped when we through rocks through k-marts windows...they weren't there...we thought something was wrong ;)
2003-02-24, 11:19 PM
:rofl::rofl::rofl: Damn Walmart, screwing everything up. It always seemed like a NC (hick) kind of store. Always in small towns in the south. Regardless, the evl menace must stop targeting small towns, or BE stopped!
:mad: :nazi: :banplz: :evil: :banplz: :nazi: :mad:
2003-02-25, 12:22 AM
Haha, you guys arent going to like what you hear then because I was doing some research and Walmart makes the MOST profit of any business (Yes even large busniess corps) in the entire united states. They pull in more annually then Best buy does in 5 years ;). Yes I know its a sad thing, lets just hope another thing like Enron happens to Walmart but then again just as many people will lose their i'm going to stop rambling now....
2003-02-25, 12:28 AM
The Walmart where I live Hardly gets any money thanks to shoplifters. Every time you go in the bathroom theres allways a package lying around somewhere. I mean it's just so darn easy!
2003-02-25, 12:30 AM
Haha, just wait until the fat store clerk catches you. You'll see what he does to you in the bathroom alright. He'll deliver a lot more than a package ;)
2003-02-25, 12:37 AM
Its becuase they got so low prices, thats why they shoplift, the prices are real low! Theres no need to pay! F*ck you Walmart! Quit showin that gay happy face on tv!!!! Dressin as Zorro an all, f*ck the happy face!
ya know they threw out T2 cuase it had sniper rifle, and sniper rifle=those snipers that shot ppl at em gas stations.
REALLY GAY HAPPY FACE, F*CK IT! F*CK IT!!!!!!:nazi: :evil: :mad:
2003-02-25, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by D-fective
Haha, just wait until the fat store clerk catches you. You'll see what he does to you in the bathroom alright. He'll deliver a lot more than a package ;)
2003-02-25, 08:13 AM
Remind me not to shop there.
2003-02-25, 10:40 AM
Terran Elite Airborne Regiment
now they are NEO-Nazis
WTF is the difference?
Anyways bestbuy pissed me off so now i always buy from like random stores or on the net.
2003-02-25, 11:25 AM
K-Mart sells tribes 2!
I have nothing against walmart, I have a pair of bedroom slippers from them, and they are nice and warm.
On that note that smily does annoy the hell out of me.
2003-02-25, 11:33 AM
Went to Walmart to get new tires on my car. Was told they had 4 of the type I wanted, would be about a 45 minute wait time. After TWO hours, I was told that one of the tires was defective and that they could only put on THREE tires, and that I would have to drive to the nearest WalMart store (20 min away) to get the forth. Waited ONE more hour for them to finish, then drove to other WalMart. Got there, asked for the person they said to ask for, she said there was at least a TWO hour wait, I was like "hey i've already waited, you guys screwed up and they said I could get it done immediately", and she said "well they told you wrong, you have to wait in line like everyone else". So I drove to the discount tires right next door (which on retrospect I should have done in the first place) and got my 4th now nonmatching tire.
Walmart doesn't give diddly fart about customers, they are evil and people should not frequent their stores (esp for tires). Nuff said.
2003-02-25, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by ABRAXAAS
HAHAHA I was chatin with the guy at the local EB store and He says PS is coming out on 03/19/03,And I said theres no way that it will and of course being the noob he was he's like I gaurantee it will be in then ,if its not I will buy you the game . So it looks like im gettin PS for FREE! :D
The problem is, what happens if it DOES come out the 19th, you could be fuxed :p :lol:
2003-02-25, 01:38 PM
Real men pay for games! :cheers:
...except of course those fortunate enough to be working for some type of media outlet who will get it free...
2003-02-25, 01:58 PM
K-Mart seems to just want to die. I visited a few of their stores last month and I found out that they are badly maintained and the workers seem to just not care. I smell death on them.
2003-02-25, 04:39 PM
40 minutes? HAHAHAHAHAH thats nothing to the nearest best buy....2 hour, walmart/kamart/crappy stores...40 minutes, to the mall...1.5 hours. Yes I live out in the middle of no where. btw, I am now going to EB to try and make a bet with some idiot there.
2003-02-25, 04:40 PM
P.S. walmart rules! and kmart suxxors major buxxors!
2003-02-25, 04:47 PM
walmart rules! and kmart suxxors major buxxors!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: It's hilarious how those x'es can be applied to almost anything.
2003-02-25, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Metallik
btw...WTF happened to K-Mart?????
What happened to K-Mart? Rosie O'Donnel happened to K-Mart.
2003-02-25, 05:27 PM
Wal-Mart practices Scorched Earth retail
I hate their adds with a vengence, i want nothing more then to kill whoever came up with the idea for that smiley face.
2003-02-26, 02:20 PM
Hey good job you better hope that guy holds onto his promise this is from another forum:
They changed the date yesterday from 3/19/03 to 4/1/03.
forgot who said it and i can't find the link...but I guess its true
:blowup: :blowup: :vsrocks:
2003-02-26, 05:51 PM
Some info on Wal-Mart and music. (
More Wally-World fun. (
Anyway, I'm not an active anti-Wal Mart activist or anything, but I knew about the CD censorship - which is enough to make me vote by taking my consumer dollars elsewhere - and know how to use google for a few sites.
Big Bro
2003-02-26, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by ABRAXAAS
HAHAHA I was chatin with the guy at the local EB store and He says PS is coming out on 03/19/03,And I said theres no way that it will and of course being the noob he was he's like I gaurantee it will be in then ,if its not I will buy you the game . So it looks like im gettin PS for FREE! :D
Well free for the first month anyway... :p I'm sure you'll re-up your subscription to PS after that first free month. I KNOW I will!
Tight sig BTW, ABRAXAAS!
As for Wal-mart stories... I used to work there. I admit it. It actually meant something back when Sam Walton was still alive. After he passed on, that company totally went to pot. I try not to EVER shop there... But sometimes they get computer games before other people do in my town. VERY strange.
2003-02-27, 10:36 AM
Nice Sig ^ i like the logo :D besides the fact your biggie a cool symbol is a cool symbol is a cool symbol...right? hehe did you make it or someone else?
Big Bro
2003-02-27, 11:11 AM
Thx man! The symbol is a creation of our overall clan leader CUJO, who started NCG in 1999. I borrowed that, a PlanetSide Logo I found, and made the rest of the sig by using Photoshop 7.0 and one of the kewl PS screenshots!
Although the pic shows NC, I just like the colors. Our outfit hasn't chosen an empire yet. We might even start out by playing all 3 empires and seeing what makes the most sense for us. I'll admit tho that several of my clanmates have mentioned NC as their fav. We'll see...
2003-02-27, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by =NCG=Big Bro
....I'll admit tho that several of my clanmates have mentioned NC as their fav. We'll see...
Who else besides me and you are interested in this game BB from our clan? And why the NC? Just curious. Sorry guys....I'm am the FNG....still learning about this game. Just recently got turned onto it:p
2003-02-27, 12:33 PM
I would happily pay for this game, not only to support and show thanks to the development team, but also because I get a kick out of tearing the plastic from the PC box, sniffing the non-used smell, licking the manual..uh..I mean..hrm.. *whistle*
On a side note, you buy the game for $XX and pay $XX each month? How many X:s are we talking about here?
2003-02-27, 02:23 PM
My Town there is a Wal-Mart and a K-Mart within in 1 mile of each other.
K-Mart suxs. They never have anything in stock. There pizza is cheap but the area its made in is so dirty. The store is selfs is dirty. And it caught fire 1 summer ago. Its under staff, needs a lot of works, and never has anything. They dont even have command and counquer generals or battle field road to rome there yet.
Wal-Mart. Awsome place to hang otu around here. People are nice they have so much to pick from. You can usally find what you want and i've never had a problem there. I get most of my goods there seeing how its a 10 min walk there (kmart is 5 minutes away) They only thing bad is the only have edited CD's but then again K-mart dosen't.
I dont have a superwalmart just one thats sells good that arent all food.
Im Pro Wal-Mart Anti K-Mart ... plus i always get cursed at by employees at K-Mart. Its not a very nice place.
Big Bro
2003-02-27, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by =NCG=JMan
Who else besides me and you are interested in this game BB from our clan? ...
JMan, we could take this off-topic discussion into our own PS forum.
We have several people that have shown interest in the game from our clan. They just aren't posting on the community forums is all.
2003-02-27, 06:25 PM
My bad. I just saw your post and thought I would ask. Sorry for getting off topic all. I will PM you with any further off topic/clan related issues. :cool:
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