View Full Version : iPhone oh yea
2007-06-28, 09:12 AM
So a guy I work with has a friend who runs a cingular (AT&T) store. He called him about getting him and my self each an Iphone at an employee discount. Im waiting for the phone call right now, god I hope I get it. I REALLY hope I get it early. Pics will come if I do.
2007-06-28, 10:08 AM
Wow - a stylish Treo, without any carrier cost subsidies and a big contract commitment.
There won't be a discount on the phone. Apple products have always been exempt from employee discounts at any chain store. I'd expect the full $500. You might get one on the plan?
2007-06-28, 12:08 PM
I wouldn't want an iPhone in the first place. Second, I have better things to waste my money on. $500 plus a three year contract? bull shit.
2007-06-28, 03:04 PM
I wouldn't want an iPhone in the first place. Second, I have better things to waste my money on. $500 plus a three year contract? bull shit.
Exactly! I would rather buy a new sound system for my car or something instead of that.
2007-06-28, 03:05 PM
Two year contract if your getting one, Ive been with cingular for 5 years and am Very happy with the contract. Ill be paying 110 a month for My cell phone, and my brothers which is a Rzr V3 and the unlimited data plan.
The cell phone is discounted rob and so are apple products. I get a discount on apple just for working @ FedEx Ground. The guy who runs the store got his for 200, and my buddy is very good friends with him, Id say I stand a good chance.
2007-06-28, 03:28 PM
Apple does indeed do discounts, they are actually pretty good about that.
The thing with Apple is you can only deal with Apple as they are the only ones that sell these things.
I like it, its a pretty cool device. I'd probably wait for one of the next gen ones though.
Treo's suck balls btw, every Smarthphone I have ever used sucks ass. This one seems user friendly and Apple is good at making things work like they should without the bullshit.
2007-06-28, 03:50 PM
I still havnt gotten a call from him yet. I was hoping for today so I could be an asshole and hold it up infront of my friends :D I honestly cant wait, Im out of the house for most of the day, it will be nice to take the net with me everywhere.
I wonder how good porn is on it...
2007-06-28, 07:04 PM
Well if isn't good you can transfer it on from your comp :p
2007-06-28, 07:13 PM
I'm not too excited about this iphone. I was a while back, now, I think its just like an ipod, fancy features, slick look, but there are way cheaper alternatives that work just as well.
My HTC is win.
2007-06-28, 07:25 PM
I'm getting one. I'll be lining up sometime tomorrow to wait. Will probably be waiting around 6 or 7 hours, but it'll be fun. Hell, I waited 16.5 for my Xbox 360 and 8 for my Wii.
2007-06-28, 07:57 PM
I just went a got a new phone(2year upgrade I've now got a Samsung SYNC)
People were lined up at the store for an Iphone.
2007-06-28, 11:39 PM
I don't feel the need to carry around something that A: I would probably break, B: would probably get me mugged. C: Is complete overkill.
but then again I never was a tech gadget geek.
2007-06-29, 12:23 AM
OMA you are a redneck. Overkill is what we do :D
I wouldnt be buying this thing if I wasnt getting it at a discount, and I would have to wait in line. Im not that hyped about it. Im not that hyped about anything. I just cant wait.
And as an update my buddy never called which means either Im getting it tomarrow and hes just gonna wait to tell me at work, or his friend never called him.
2007-06-29, 01:32 AM
I agree but not with phones. I've got an old assed nokia, shit doesn't even flip. Don't care, gets signal everwhere, I've smashed the fuck out of it and still works, about the only thing it does is make phone calls...
best phone ever.
man the cost of the iphone and the 3 year contract... thats a lot of shit I could do to my T/A or Bronco. man....
2007-06-29, 01:53 AM
I wouldn't blow that kind of money on it. However, I'm also the idiot who paid 150 bucks for a Razr last year after contracting for a 2 year plan after my old bar phone finally died when I went drunk swimming in the ocean with it. To make things worse, I did the exact same thing with the Razr last month and had to blow another 150 to replace it.
I want a water/drunk proof phone next.
2007-06-29, 08:23 AM
That's not a half bad idea, come up with a patent.
On a side note I think Cell Phone Contracts should be illegal, they are such fucking bullshit.
2007-06-29, 09:32 AM
Pay As You Go ftw!
2007-06-29, 12:10 PM
Actaully, I dont think getting the iPhone without a contract is possible. I have seen on provider offer a 2 year contract for $700...
I Hate Pants
2007-06-29, 12:22 PM
2007-06-29, 12:32 PM
Someone will always find a list of things wrong with a product wether it sucks or not.
There are a few on there that are stupid however. For example, who gives a fuck about japan? Their cell network is beyond ours (our sucks) and the kids there are fucking born with some kind of phone or game attached to their hands.
They talk about "Selling your Soul to AT&T" well, I've got news I havent bought a phone in years that didnt require some kind of bullshit contract.
"It creates incredibly annoying iPhone fanboys." I hate that fanboy bullshit, that shouldn't even be on the list.
THere are some things on there that make sense like no sync with Microsoft Exchange etc those are good features to have but apple is not targeting corporate users. They are targeting "Hip" college kids, high school kids and other folks who like to be "trendy" hehe.
Other than that most of the shit on that list is heresay, the guy has never even touched one yet and just whored the internet for negative things about the phone.
Personally, I will be waiting some time before considering a purchase of this phone anyway.. next Rev's will be much better.
2007-06-29, 12:51 PM
I honestly dont think the iPhone is stylish. It looks fugly and clunky. I mean, why not get an iPod and a Krazr? It wont end up costing upwards of $500, and, in my opinion, it will look a hell of a lot more stylish.
2007-06-29, 01:34 PM
I could have gotten it today for 350 bucks, OR I could wait till wensday and get it for a cool 150. Easy choice :D Like I said, I wouldnt buy this thing if I wasnt getting the hook up. Im not buying it to be cool, hip, or trendy. Its got alot of features that I could use. Im a DJ, I have to find places, mobile map :D. Im a DJ, I like music, music phone w/o having to take my Ipod places. I fly, I need to check the weather, mobile net for the win. Its got everything I want really. Yea its got down sides, but I got it for 150 :D
Oh yea, if you currently have a contract with AT&T like I do, you can tack a bill ontop to activate the unlimited data features. Im going with the 40 dollar tack on bringing my bill to 90 a month for 450 minutes, unlimited data, Free nights and weekends, roll over (I currently have 8k roll over :D) and 1000 text messages. Seems good to me *shrug*
2007-06-29, 02:36 PM
Hook me up. :p
2007-06-29, 05:24 PM
You do know that the iPhone only has 4gb of storage, right?
2007-06-29, 05:52 PM
Newton! Fuck Yea!... oh wait... no...
2007-06-30, 02:21 AM
Im getting the 8 gig. Or is it 6? I frgt. Doesnt really matter, I just want something for me to listen to MY music. My ipod is loaded with all of my music including a bunch of rap, hiphop, and pop songs. While I dont enjoy most of that type of music I can listen to it and know it. I prefer my country, rock, and some heavy metal.
2007-06-30, 10:38 AM
I don't seem to be hooked up yet.
2007-06-30, 02:49 PM
Im the one getting the hook up, not giving the hook up -_-
2007-06-30, 03:34 PM
Hype + Popularity + Stupid Generations of dumbshit morons = High Priced gadget that not a single person on earth NEEDS.
Our culture is one step closer to Armageddon
2007-06-30, 04:18 PM
I'm hearing that this thing actually has no file browser of any kind. Everything has to be organized into a program.
You can't view documents, except when they are attached to emails.
No custom ring tones.
and the 3g internet speeds make the browsing worthless unless you find some wifi.
Those expecting true smart phone functionality are going to be very dissapointed.
2007-06-30, 04:22 PM
I got mine yesterday, and I have to say (and every single person I've showed it to agrees) it's the best phone on the market (assuming you aren't a business person needing Exchange, in which case you need a Blackberry or some such). Granted, it's more expensive than most phones on the market, but you're paying for the new technologies (and maybe a little extra for the apple name :D).
I actually consider myself an Apple hater, but this phone is amazing. Holding this phone in your hand makes you wonder why, if Apple can do it, other companies can't. Contrary to Mag's opinion, I believe the phone is the COOLEST looking phone I've ever seen. I love the style, and actually tried to buy the most minimalistic case possible so as not to cover up its beauty.
I waited in line 7 hours at the nearby Apple store, and I have to say it was my best line-camping experience thus far. The people in line were all cool (except the first guy in line, he was a douche), and Apple employees came by three times with SmartWater for everyone (150-200 people) and Panera coffee. They covered up the windows at closing time (2 PM) then tore it down with about 45 minutes to launch and came out cheering and getting us pumped for release. All in all, the buying experience was great.
Go ahead, talk shit if you must, but I'm extremely happy with my purchase.
(Also, the iPhone comes in 4 gig and 8 gig version, Mag)
2007-06-30, 05:34 PM
I'm probably the biggest fanboi for apple here (I'm officially paid to be starting last saturday), but the RDF isn't working on me with this one (don't tell Jobs, he might fire me).
The phone is nothing spectacular - it has a full web browser, thats basically its highlight. Sure its a cool looking phone, but it doesn't have 3G access, and the EDGE data network sucks. Also, it has Wi-Fi, but it lacks VoIP capability, and from a developer's standpoint its fucking retarded.
Java is NOT an SDK!
That having been said, I do plan on getting one eventually -
I get a bitchin discount on them with my recent employment at apple. But I'm not going to run out to buy one until Christmas '08 - thats when my verizon contract expires. And hopefully by then it will have 3G capability, or an actual SDK.
I imagine it would look spectacular sitting between my G4 Cube and my MacBook Pro, but I personally believe all the fanfare is a little overblown (which may or may not be related to not getting a free one in July because I've only been with the company for a week). For the forseeable future, however; my partner discount is going towards actual computers - in the hope that by December '08 its all-around better.
Also, if you think the Krzr looks stylish, you're more fucking retarded then the people that waited in line for a 2.5G phone. At least the 2.5G phone is stylish, and the software for syncing with the computer is free. Last I checked, motorola made you pay for MotoPhoneTools or whatever it's called.
Also, it uses core animation, which in itself is cool, since leopard hasn't come out yet.
2007-06-30, 08:04 PM
Yea I will probably be waiting a while as well, in fact it will probably jump to other carriers in time as every exclusive phone always has. Rev 2 of the device will probably have a host of improvements and better inet support. It will sell like hotcakes because of what it is, and it has a damn iPod in it you cannot go wrong with that.
Im the one getting the hook up, not giving the hook up -_-
Hype + Popularity + Stupid Generations of dumbshit morons = High Priced gadget that not a single person on earth NEEDS.
Our culture is one step closer to Armageddon
2007-06-30, 11:44 PM
Hype + Popularity + Stupid Generations of dumbshit morons = High Priced gadget that not a single person on earth NEEDS.
Our culture is one step closer to Armageddon
You mean like how the PC started, right?
"Hey guys, I got this Apple II today!"
"Wow, really, why would you spend money on a computer?"
2007-06-30, 11:58 PM
The only reason I want to play with an iPhone is the navigation. All the touch-screen buzz that's been brewing recently is getting me excited.
2007-07-01, 02:48 AM
if Rev II hits Ill sell the Fing thing to my brother and buy a new one :D
2007-07-01, 05:23 PM
Rbstr, you got a Sync as well? Awesome.
I liked my Razr and I was available for a new phone at the beginning of June. I chose the sync because it just appealed to me.
I can play music on my Sync.
I can make my own mp3s and bring them over via Bluetooth.
I can play and record videos on my Sync.
I can (and this is the killer) make and receive calls on my Sync!
One thing that I don't think the iPhone can do though is do a video conference with another person on the Cingular network. Or I could just show someone like Rbstr what I'm seeing through my cell phone.
Here was the real deal breaker though. When comparing the iPhone to the Samsung Sync, I was only going to pay $50 for the Sync. And I probably could have gotten just as sweet a deal as Peace, but I'm married with child and can't afford to pay $300 for a phone. My wife would kill me. Even taking my wife and kid out of the equation, I'd get a Blackberry Curve instead if I was looking for a phone similar to the iPhone. Whenever I touch an Apple product, I break out in hives.
Sure, the coolblingOMGTHISISWORTHMYSOUL factor is there with the iPhone, but so was a thing back in the 70s called a pet rock. The iPhone will slide slowly into that dark night we call pop culture in about 2 years.
2007-07-01, 05:41 PM
Rbstr, you got a Sync as well? Awesome.
I really like it, it's got a the best camera I can get besides the iphone, which is nice cause carrying the DSLR around all the time would be dumb. It's thin and has everything I've ever used a phone for or wanted to use a phone for. Hell I don't even need the MP3 player. Though, if I want 4 gigs of music I can buy a $20 microSD card for it.
The Sync with my contracts phone upgrade thing was only $25.
I've got three gripes and one's a bit silly, the thing is, these apply to basically all the phones:
Ringtones, I can't just put a song on my phone and use it as a ringtone.
It's not made of metal. I like my devices dentable, not shatterable.
No standard headphone jack.
2007-07-01, 05:46 PM
The only gripe I have about is to get to the charger jack I have to use a knife or something thing to open it. I bite my fingernails. A lot. So I just use one of my daughter's barrets or a fingernail clippers I keep by my bed.
2007-07-01, 05:47 PM
Sure, the coolblingOMGTHISISWORTHMYSOUL factor is there with the iPhone, but so was a thing back in the 70s called a pet rock. The iPhone will slide slowly into that dark night we call pop culture in about 2 years.
Thats what CmdrTaco said about the iPod, as well as the very frequently quoted "No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame."
Plus the rumor mill has it that a lot of multi-touch stuff is going to be incorporated into the Macbook line. And seeing how much google and apple have been working together with this, I won't be surprised if Google Docs or Google Spreadsheets becomes available for the iPhone. Since it uses OS X, it isn't exactly hard to upgrade the software - and the OS X it uses is more advanced then the current release of the computer OS.
As far as IM conversations go, I'm not sure if meebo works in the iPhone version of Safari, but its a really great web-based client, and the meebo team wants to see it working on the iPhone very soon.
All in all, I think that things are actually looking up for the iPhone. Sure its a first generation piece of hardware, it'll have its flaws, but I can see it being expanded greatly in the future. I don't think its going away for quite some time.
2007-07-01, 08:39 PM
Not sure if a laptop needs a touchscreen.. unless they make a tablet laptop that is.
2007-07-01, 08:44 PM
There were notebooks at my old workplace which had reversable lids so they could be used as laptops and tablet PCs. The people who had them (managers :() swore by them.
2007-07-01, 10:01 PM
As far as I know you can do video conferences on the iphone.
2007-07-02, 11:25 AM
As far as I know you can do video conferences on the iphone.
You cannot.
You can only do voice conferences.
2007-07-02, 12:54 PM
Sync 1 iPhone 0
I win. Flawless Victory...Fatality (
2007-07-02, 02:08 PM
Not quite, they're still selling like hot cakes at apple stores, and the activation problems have pretty much been sorted out. The only people that actually have a wait by now are people trying to transfer a phone number from a different carrier.
So round 1 may have ended, but definitely not with a fatality by any extent. In fact, most companies are still giving a nod to the iPhone, because no one knows where Apple is going to go from here. Jobs was right, it really is an exciting time to be with the company.
2007-07-02, 02:36 PM
I've got my PSP that pretty much fills the role of media player. As for my actual cell phone, I get to upgrade it soon and depending upon whether I get this big promotion at work I'm applying for (and have been selected for a second interview for) I'll probably get a Samsung Pocket PC or just one with a nice keyboard and camera.
2007-07-02, 02:51 PM
To be honest from my reading today it appears Apple was set to go for the iPhone's release, having tons of units to meet demand and having an awesome experience in the stores.
It sounds like (surprise surprise) AT&T was not ready and dropped the ball not having enough units in many stores AND their servers taking a shit. :lol:
2007-07-02, 03:01 PM
What really cracks me up is that you cannot download music with the iPhone, and it connects only to AT&T's outdated EDGE network. That just seems like bad planning.
2007-07-02, 03:43 PM
As far as I know they are upgrading their servers and everything. Speculation though, Im going to get it tomorrow :)
2007-07-02, 05:18 PM
What really cracks me up is that you cannot download music with the iPhone, and it connects only to AT&T's outdated EDGE network. That just seems like bad planning.
Not really...
A HSDPA transmitter sucks more battery life then an indonesian crack whore sucks cock. It was a trade, IMHO, battery life for 3G. The HSDPA network is pretty pitiful, it exists, but it isn't widespread. If I had to venture a bet, that there is the reason it can't use 3G, I'd also venture to say that a future version will definitely have 3G, Job's said it would and RDF or not Job's never lies - he just doesn't tell whole truths.
Sure the EV-DO network is much more widespread then HSDPA, and its devices are a lot more efficient, but who would the carrier be? Verizon? As if apple would go for that - letting the cell phone company cripple it's product beyond all belief. Sprint?
But, uh, CDMA/EV-DO is virtually non-existent in Europe (assuming it exists at all), and their 3G networks (like their broadband internet networks) are superbly fast. If Apple was looking at the global market, CDMA would be the last thing they would want to look at.
The only other nationwide GSM carrier is T-Mobile, and I'd further venture to say that they didn't allow Apple proper access to their network, so Apple was forced to go else where. (Not to mention, I'd never by a Gay-Mobile phone, after all the fun experiences I've had with their hotspots and the sidekick fiasco I went through.)
I'm not defending Cingular or AT&T or their EDGE network, far from it. I'm simply presenting that it may have been Apple's only good option.
And now some will argue that the very features Verizon would've crippled have been "pre-nerfed" already in the iPhone. In some cases this is true, BUT it is OS X people, and its totally under Apple's control, they can do whatever they want with the hardware they have by releasing software upgrades... and in a lot of cases the hardware is there, they just need to release the software.
Which brings up another point, Apple took teams away from Leopard so that the iPhone would be somewhat stable and usable for its release, and most of its bigger core functions are in place. Which isn't to say that everything that was supposed to make it in by June 29th actually did make it. I imagine we'll be seeing quite a few updates in the close future, and probably a few new features from the Apple and the Google side of things.
2007-07-02, 07:22 PM
2007-07-02, 07:24 PM
Yea good point on the cell carriers.
Apple is notorious for wanting things to be done their way, take iTunes for example they want every song to be 99 cents despite what the record folks want and they can get away with it.. at least in the near future.
2007-07-03, 03:28 AM
My friend who is addicted to gambling told me there was a 20 to 1 line on whether someone was trampled to death during the launch of this thing. Anyone know if there was one?
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