View Full Version : Most serious concern, most appealing aspect of PS to you...
2003-02-25, 04:26 PM
Serious thought time, what aspect of PS concerns you most, what appeals to you most?
1. Feared system:
Right now, I would say its the sniper, not the lone sniper, but 8 snipers all together with voice comms that range around shooting you, that scares me.
2. Biggest appeal:
Shooting people from the Forum in game and them KNOWING it was me MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
Seriously tho, I think the biggest appeal, a lasting, conitiuos FPS that has me seriously pumped! No more time/kill limits!
My biggest apeal is going to be sneaking behind enemy lines in a mosquito and hiting the small things....takin down the small things will start to hurt them eventualy and its sumthin u can do alone
2003-02-25, 04:33 PM
Fear: Darklit vision hallway AI MAXs.... Stealthers worst nightmare
Appeal: Knifing people in the back!! w00t!
2003-02-25, 04:33 PM
I'm more wooried certain things will become useless and unused while toehr things are the only things that rae used...I canm't wait to have a really fun tactical FPS
2003-02-25, 04:35 PM
for me,
1) Feared System
Tons of MAXes and vehicles lined up to defend a base and them mowing down a squad of infantry as a couple survivors and I witness the entire incident. :eek:
2) Biggest Appeal
Epic battles with hundreds of people fighting for a base.
nice topic btw.
2003-02-25, 04:36 PM
Fear: Being in a stealth suit when a MAX with Darklight vision walks out.....hmm...scrap that, I'd probabaly like the challenge belive it or not, and I'd actually try to avoid contact wether in steath or fear...hmm....aha....Fear: Having a groupd of 20 MAX's aiming for you.
Appeal: Everything else, rofl ok yeah really thats it, but if you need something specific; Appeal: I would say its the sniper, not the lone sniper, but 8 snipers all together with voice comms that range around shooting you (I'll be one of those snipers MrVicchio ;) )
2003-02-25, 04:38 PM
Fear: mines, mines, and turrets
Appeal: ripping the vanews apart while they charge through the hallway. Fear ze chaingun! *whhhiiiirrrrr* ;)
2003-02-25, 04:39 PM
Appeal: Storming a base with a squad of MAX armours with swat team percision.
Fear: Defending a base against the very same thing
2003-02-25, 04:52 PM
Fear: going into a base in a stealth suit, then a couple people come into the room and start walking around, right next to me. It would friggin scare the crap out of me if one suddenly pulled out a rocklet and destroyed me right there.
Appeal: Marching into a base with a MAX and mowing down people in the halls.
2003-02-25, 04:54 PM
Fear: Continent lock. I dont like the idea of having to droppod in, without AMS support. I think that could make con lock quite hard to undo.
Apeal: Well lets see, non-specification (to an extent). By BR20 i should be able to Max, Assualt and Infiltrate. Anything else i can unlearn and 24hrs later be able to do that. Cause, you know, sometimes i just dont feel like being on the front line.
2003-02-25, 04:56 PM
Not that I am scared of this, but this could be bad for a NC of VS base. Three TR MAXs waltzing into a base courtyard and planting back to back to back, so they have 360 degrees of fire... with shield implants a cookin, That could be potentially bad with some medium and air support.
2003-02-25, 05:36 PM
Fear: Lag, Latency, Packet Loss.
Appeal: Persistent, skill-based combat.
2003-02-25, 05:44 PM
1) Fear
Bunch of people who log off in the middle of a large battle cause it was not going thier way.
2) Biggest Appeal
Being relied upon to perfom my job well. Being respected in my empire, feared in others.
2003-02-25, 05:44 PM
Fear: People whit big guns and poor aim
Appeal: MAX suits baby! and the scale of the game
2003-02-25, 05:48 PM
my biggest appeal is riding in on my thresher and running people over.
my biggest concern is grenades.
2003-02-25, 05:51 PM
Fear: People loging steath hackers inside bases that they know are going to be taken, so they can log on latter and take it back.
Appeal: A persistant battlefield where skill matters and respect is earned.
2003-02-25, 05:52 PM
Fear: My comp and my connection won't let me play.
Appeal: Everything else, especially ramming a Reaver missile down Max's throats.
2003-02-25, 05:55 PM
Fear: Drop Pod hits my galaxy, crashes and kills my entire formation
Appeal: watching it happen, or doing it myself!!! :lol:
2003-02-25, 05:57 PM
Fear: I fear nothing.....Nothing and Snipers.
Appeal: Saving someone ass in the nick of time as a battle is almost lost. Your back-up hasn�t arrived, it�s just you and a hand full of beaten troops left holding down a base under heavy assault. All hope is lost...then through the deafening explosion you hear the crackle of the radio, "Cyssor Base. This is Omega Wing - look alive!"
You walk out onto the balcony of the battle scarred base to see a wing of 5 fighters in a Delta formation fly overhead, jet trails lingering in the air, A drop ship thunders into view and deploys its load of troops...... Its time to make the big push.
Oh yeah, that would be sweet.
2003-02-25, 06:10 PM
Lol vulcan id love to see that, unless im your passanger. "I fear nothing!....nothing and snipers" LOL. Those are probally the best ones there.
Sandtrout i asked about that before, you cant log in if your in enemy SOI, you spawn back at the sanc.
2003-02-25, 06:11 PM
Fears: Shallow game mechanics that aren't complex enough to satisfy me (lookin' squarely at the flight!). Incompetent galaxy pilots, people who throw the "H" word around every time they die.
Appeal: It's like playing war...with character advancement...and no pesky post-traumatic stress syndrome! Sci-fi setting, vehicles, MAX armor. Er...well, pretty much everything except the worries listed above.
2003-02-25, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Arshune
people who throw the "H" word around every time they die.
2003-02-25, 06:14 PM
Fear: Its gets as much team play action as battlefield 1942
And lag
Appeal: That its a limitless freedom and i could enjoy whats around me and enjoy a got an whole army fighting with me not for them selfs...
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
2003-02-25, 06:31 PM
Fear: The game will still feel like "just another fps." and won't have enough depth to keep me satisfied. Basically to follow a game for so long then to see it turns out horrible. There won't be any motivation to recapture a facility-people will just play to frag others and that's it.
Appeal: The whole continous never ending battle that wages on.
The Vanu MAX armor....sounds absolutely amazing. The gigantic transport vehicles. Hundreds of people engaging in combat(perhaps formations with MAX armors in front if they are really smart and coordinated).
2003-02-25, 06:37 PM
Fear: that I'll be on a server where one empire has well organized and cohesive outfits... and I'm on the other side. Jag offs who are in it for themselves with no sense of team or unity. And Having no way to hone Tactics and Strategems outside of actual combat (totaly think an outfit training tool should be made available)
Appeal: An FPS with Tactical objectives beyond Kill to death Ratios and snagging a single flag... Sending three comando teams out to hack one empires bases while you hit the one you'll actually take with a real force... now that's just fun, and sends the baddies all over the place in the wrong direction... Also a large coordinated attack by one empire on a base while another empire had decided the same thing, and the deffenders are dug in... Massive death buffett!
2003-02-25, 08:18 PM
Fear: Usually the idiots on my own team.
Appeal: When i no longer fear or have reason to fear my own team.
2003-02-25, 11:02 PM
Fear: That the availability of motion sensors will make solo stealth missions impossible, and group stealth missions even more impossible. That, and the possibility that the shimmer effect will be -way- overdone to the point where even moving slowly will be like you weren't wearing a ghost suit.
Appeal: The idea of a night-time solo jump out of a galaxy wearing a ghost suit, infiltrating the base, and doing some -major- damage (and/or capping the base... maybe...). I luv infiltration missions.
2003-02-25, 11:07 PM
Appeal: Playing with a large number of people in order to capture bases and achieve other goals.
Fear: Playing with a large number of people in order to capture bases and achieve other goals.
2003-02-25, 11:11 PM
fear: 1337 hax0rz
appeal: team players
2003-02-25, 11:16 PM
FEAR: lag
2003-02-26, 06:18 AM
Fear : greifers
Appeal : huge battles, between huge organised outfits.
2003-02-26, 06:32 AM
Appeal: Huge battles between huge organised outfits
Fear: Huge organised outfits hogging the huge battles!
f33r r 0utf1t 4 w3 r 1337!
2003-02-26, 06:34 AM
ill save you a few. :P
2003-02-26, 10:14 AM
Fear: lag
Appeal: The overall size and community aspect of the game.
2003-02-26, 11:00 AM
1. Feared system - Noob with a Heavy Weapon (or vehicle), 'nuff said.
2. Most appealing - No quests, no NPC's, no 10+ hour camps or 12+ hour corpse recoveries. It's just you and your squad mates with guns trying to kill other people. And it's your skill not your char's Gun rating or some random to-hit roll. that decides if you hit or not (barring lag and packet loss).
2003-02-26, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by txMaddog
2. Most appealing - No quests, no NPC's, no 10+ hour camps or 12+ hour corpse recoveries. It's just you and your squad mates with guns trying to kill other people. And it's your skill not your char's Gun rating or some random to-hit roll. that decides if you hit or not (barring lag and packet loss).
well said :)
2003-02-26, 12:30 PM
My biggest fear would be going against a couple MAXes in a light armor suit, with just a knife.
The biggest appeal would definitly be playing against hundreds of other players.
- server crashes during big epic battles
- population inbalances
- lots O lag.
- no leveling treadmill
- skills are based on your own ability to play and not so much on your skill points :D
- no Mezz!!!
Marlboro Man!!
2003-02-26, 12:45 PM
Fears-->as already stated by many. Lag.
my comp is a little over min reqs
and the loss of a social life
Appeal-->its the best thing since sliced bread
2003-02-26, 12:53 PM
Fear: Hamma running into me with his mosquito as I'm trying to shuttle a galaxy full of CDL members to a specific location causing me to get banned for all eternity.
Appeal: Actually getting to watch hamma crash into a lake
2003-02-26, 12:57 PM
What I'm most worried about is the forum member's apparent COMPLETE lack of spelling ability....
2003-02-26, 01:06 PM
2003-02-26, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by AeoNELiTe
What I'm most worried about is the forum member's apparent COMPLETE lack of spelling ability....
Why even try to critique people's spelling on the internet? It's the biggest waste of time next to arguing on the internet.
2003-02-26, 01:34 PM
1) fear (ingame)- stuck out in no mans land by urself with no stamina (cant run) while a flet of drop pods come crashing down around me. (probably on me)
2) appeal- its possibly the greatest game ever made.
3) fear (outside of game)- school works really going to go down the shitter when this things released.
2003-02-26, 03:21 PM
Fear: Horde of Vanu MAXs attacking my small squad of NCs...
Appeal: Large scale battles
2003-02-26, 03:30 PM
fear: LAG,
appeal: night missions with 2 stealth units infiltrates a base and hax the console, telling the rest of the squad that. Their squad go in and kills everyone when the turrets and stuffs doesent work.
And large attax at bases with max infantry and support with medics, vehicles and stuff, very nice.
great thread BTW
InZaneFlea VA
2003-02-26, 03:33 PM
Fear 1 - The day that Hack comes out, allowing auto-aim bots, wall hacks, infinate stamina, and a double sized inventory...
Fear 2 - When SOE announces they can't fix the problem from Fear 1.
Appeal - The day I'm sitting in a base, looking over the scenery with my whole outfit there, defending it. All 30 of us spread throughout the base, when I see a small peak of red coming over the horizon...Followed by hundreds of infantry, and around 20 MAX's. Then the few seconds following after, of a Roger Wilco annoucement : *crack* "Oh god...East Side....We're gunna need some backup...Assume Battle positions...This is gunna be harsh" *crack*
Ahh yes...That, will be the selling point...Oh and...
Appeal 2 - When in the midst of that large battle, when we are beaten and bruised, to see a little message, "This is Vanu Alliance Airborne Division and Heavy Armor divisions... You requested backup?" And looking to my left, as galaxys drop hundreds of units off inside the base, and the look on the face of the enemy, as they run away, right into our MAX's....Ah yes....
2003-02-26, 03:49 PM
Appeal: Extremely large, organized, epic battles.
Fear 1: My computer won't support PS
Fear 2: America gets nuked by sadam a week after release
2003-02-26, 04:17 PM
Fear:Being a commander of a large platoon,and lagging while a big battle occurs...then the platoon would totally get thrashed,and you'd get blamed.
Appeal:Continent locking
2003-02-26, 04:58 PM
Fear1: release date continues to be pushed back.
Fear2: the graphics end up so-so
Appeal1: being apart of a HUGE war.
Appeal2: kicking butt with my TAC homies
Appeal3: the stunning geography
2003-02-26, 05:16 PM
FEAR: Getting from place to place will take so long that it causes bordom (can anyone say earth and beyond?)
APPEAL: No longer do I have to play for almost a year to get the uber gear and anyone can kill anyone of any level.
another fear is that the voice chat is going to be too complicated to setup. This also reminds me, I gotta get a mic!
2003-02-26, 05:36 PM
Earth and Beyond was a cakewalk compared to travelling in World War 2 Online...
2003-02-26, 05:41 PM
lol ww2online was the worst thing to happen to the mmo world. O geez dont get me started...
2003-02-26, 05:42 PM
Fear: Cheating in general, seems like it's the only thing that could ruin this game.
Appeal: Large battles and plenty of teamwork.
2003-02-26, 05:42 PM
There's no voice chat in PS BTW...TS2 works with it
2003-02-26, 09:50 PM
Fear: The fact that you can see the names of people on the other team, and you can see kills in chat. ( I guess that's my WW2OL thing kicking in). Hmm, maybe seeing enemy names with the Advanced Targeting Implant, but the kills on the chatbar thing just makes this game more like a mainstream FPS, which could be bad.
Appeal: Killing nerds (VS) and hippies (NC) with my cycler. Mm... Yummy...
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