View Full Version : 512 meg of system ram?
For the beta, is this the minimum, or reccomended, I didn't quite get it... If it's minimum, how many of you can ACTUALLY play the game right now?
2003-02-25, 08:06 PM
its being worked on.
2003-02-25, 08:12 PM
It is the minimum for beta, recommended for full version. On this computer I have 256 but on my gaming machine I have 512.
2003-02-25, 08:16 PM
768 megs of pure DDR266 molesterbation
2003-02-25, 08:18 PM
1024 megs of DDR400 corsair greatness
2003-02-25, 08:18 PM
512 right now... I'll have over 1000 though soon ;)
2003-02-25, 08:20 PM
i have enough ram, but i'll have to overclock the processor to meet minimum req
2003-02-25, 08:23 PM
728=bad idea
BTW this belongs in the tech forum.
Come puppy.
2003-02-25, 08:24 PM
You can buy 8GB of ram for only $3500, what a steal.
2003-02-25, 08:29 PM
I realized 512 will run the game very well but very well is not good enough for a lot of people here they desire over kill perfection !!!
2003-02-25, 08:44 PM
i know u guys may think i am stupid for asking this question, :D
but does having more RAm makeur comp faster.hehe.i know iam a dumbass
2003-02-25, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by Bighoss
I realized 512 will run the game very well but very well is not good enough for a lot of people here they desire over kill perfection !!!
You're not going to notice much of a difference from 512 to 1024mb of ram if it's the same speed. Gaming doesn't require 1024 and it is indeed overkill. The only reason you would need that much is if you did alot of 3d rendering or you were encoding full length movies or something. 512mb = ideal for gaming. That's why most performance tests are done with a system that has 512mb of ram.
2003-02-25, 09:09 PM
1024 owns you. :)
it allows for more processing - no bottlenecking. anyway, there are alot of factors. there are no 'official' specs so stop shitting yourself people :)
2003-02-25, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by BLuE_ZeRO
512mb = ideal for gaming.
Qualification, if I may: for now. ;)
2003-02-25, 09:15 PM
Munshkin 2-2-2 Latency High Performance RAM. Latency very important says the wise man. :D
2003-02-25, 09:15 PM
It allows for more processing but a program has to be designed to take advantage of that extra memory to really make use of it. Games right now don't. I seriously doubt that Planetside is going need a person to allocate anywhere near that much memory to it to run the game extremely well.
2003-02-25, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by SpaceDrake
Qualification, if I may: for now. ;)
No what I said really has nothing to do with the planetside requirement. The beta required specs are pretty high but 512mb for any game is way more than enough to run it well. WinXP allocates like 128mb for itself and the rest is used for other programs. Unless you plan on encoding movies while playing Planetside you aren't going to need a gig of ram.
2003-02-25, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by BLuE_ZeRO
It allows for more processing but a program has to take advantage of that extra power to really make use of it. Games right now don't. I seriously doubt that Planetside is going need a person to allocate anywhere near that much memory to it to run the game extremely well.
Have you played any MMORPGs lately? I would have to disagree after running Shrouded Isles :D
You render 200 enemies simultaneously and tell me low latency isn't important.
Also, I plan on overclocking my computer when necessary, before upgrading, so the RAM is good for that as well.
2003-02-25, 09:19 PM
128 MB R0xx0rz all your b0xx0rz! :D
2003-02-25, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by OmnipotentKiwi
Have you played any MMORPGs lately? I would have to disagree after running Shrouded Isles :D
You render 200 enemies simultaneously and tell me low latency isn't important.
Also, I plan on overclocking my computer when necessary, before upgrading, so the RAM is good for that as well.
You can't be serious. There is no way any game needs that much ram no matter how much rendering it does. After WinXP uses what it needs that leaves 896mb for other programs to use. There is no game out there that needs anywhere close to that much ram. MMO anything, if you have over 512mb, ram will not be your bottleneck. Your video card would be the next place to look and then maybe your processor.
Hell if you have a 3.06ghz P4 w/ a Radeon 9700 pro and 512mb of ram and you have problems running a game the bottleneck is going to be in the vid card in that setup. Vid card can't keep up with the rest of the system.
Maybe as we get more advanced in games and programs the need for more ram might come into play but as of now, normal programs and games don't require anywhere near that much. With the exception of Photoshop, 3Dstudio max, etc., which will eat away at your memory. You can just throw whatever you have at it and they can always use alot more.
2003-02-25, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by BLuE_ZeRO
MMO anything, if you have over 512mb, ram will not be your bottleneck. Your video card would be the next place to look and then maybe your processor.
Where did I ever say I had over 512mb of RAM? :D
[Edit: I also have done lots of photo editting, and more importantly video editting and creation, which as you said, eats more then I can imagine, and I am a very impatient person ;)]
2003-02-26, 02:01 AM
I thought that's what we were talking about... I was talking about how 1024mb of ram wasn't really neccesary for gaming.
2003-02-26, 03:21 AM
Originally posted by BLuE_ZeRO
I thought that's what we were talking about... I was talking about how 1024mb of ram wasn't really neccesary for gaming.
Owned ;) I do suggest either having high performance 512MB of RAM or a normal gig of RAM though. Depending on board, card, and specs, as you said, it probably will do you some good as there will be a ton of page-file swapping and rendering which will be a bandwidth bottleneck if your bandwidth is less then your processing power.
2003-02-26, 07:48 AM
Reason for a gig of ram: wave bye bye to your swap file :D
2003-02-26, 06:22 PM
Yuppers - anything to get that swap file into memory rather than on disk. I get client side HD access lag in BF1942 from that at times. :tear:
2003-02-26, 06:41 PM
Nooby Question: How do you find out how much RAM you have left on your PC?
2003-02-26, 06:43 PM
When your comp starts up, theres a 6 digit number that tallies up real fast. Take the first three numbers and that is how many megs of ram you have. If you have more than six, you're fine.
2003-02-26, 06:50 PM
I think he means how much ram he has left while in windows...
Annyways, if you're using winXP heres how you tell:
Hit ctr+alt+del
click the performance tab
look where it says physical memory
the total is the amount of free ram
take the number thats next to availbe and divide it by 1024... there ya go, amount of free RAM
2003-02-26, 07:13 PM
What if you don't have XP?
2003-02-26, 07:23 PM
Then, i recomend this: Their homepage..
Tho i do NOT recomend that you change annything at all whit the program unless you know how to use it, do NOT dick around whit it. It's perfectly safe to run and see how much memory you have free tho, just don't mess whit the more advanced things.
2003-02-26, 07:26 PM
The download doesn't say how big it is, and what is it?
2003-02-26, 07:29 PM
it's 885kb big, under 1MB.. and it's a memory management tool.. lets you see all kinds of things bout your memory, but the thing you want is what you'll see as soon as you launch the program.
2003-02-26, 07:31 PM
Under Physical memory it says I have 7.1 MBytes free. I'm worried, what does that mean?
2003-02-26, 07:32 PM
728=bad idea
uhhh whys that? I have 640mb btw I upgraded knowing that If i didnt i could get in the beta. I also got a new video card (eVga Geforce 4 ti42000 128mb)
2003-02-26, 07:33 PM
it means your totally scraped for RAM and that you are relying on artificial RAM that windows creates on your HD...
Go buy some RAM to increase your performance.
2003-02-26, 07:39 PM
Do do I have enough for Planetside?! It says I have 64MBytes of physical memory! 64!? DAMN GATEWAY!!!!!!
:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: :mad::mad:
I feel like breaking something :twisted:
2003-02-26, 07:42 PM
no 64mb isnt enough. You need 512mb minimum. If your computer only has 64mb of ram I have a feeling it wont meet ANY of the requirements. Whats your processor speed and what kind of video card do you have?
2003-02-26, 07:44 PM
Processor speed=450MHz
Video Card=Whatever comes in a 3-year-old gateway.
Edit: How much would it cost to go from 64MB to 512MB?
2003-02-26, 07:46 PM
hehe theres no way in hell your system will run Planetside. You might as well get a new computer or a new motherboard with a 512mb card of ram and a 1.3+ghz processor, Id recommend at least a 1.5ghz tho.
2003-02-26, 07:48 PM
I bet 512 will be the recomended and 256 the mininum.
2003-02-26, 07:57 PM
Yeah most likely. For the beta at least it's 512 but that's a pretty high requirement when the game comes out for retail.
If you have a 3 year old gateway you really need to just get a brand new computer. If you are thinking of getting a new one post on here for some help from us.
2003-02-26, 08:31 PM
OH MY GOD. I am going to cut the skin on my fingertips off with my knife, then i'm gonna blind myself with my laser pointer so I can never use or see a computer again.
2003-02-26, 09:22 PM
Note you can also run the system information tool to find out your RAM.
In 98, go to Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Information.
Or, be lazy and go to Start > Run, type in "MSINFO32.EXE" (without the quotes), and hit return.
It will tell you in the basic system overview.
2003-02-26, 09:35 PM
This is what it says under system info.
GenuineIntel Pentium(r) III Processor
58% system resources free
Windows-managed swap file on drive C (2120MB free)
Available space on drive C: 2120MB of 6513MB (FAT32)
Now that 2120MB available space on drive C, I'm guessing that I can't use that instead of RAM or something can I.
2003-02-26, 09:39 PM
No harddrive space is different from RAM.
2003-02-26, 09:41 PM
Is this good news or not?:confused:
2003-02-26, 10:51 PM
no with that system you definatly will not be able to run this game at all. Sorry :(
2003-02-26, 11:04 PM
yeah, what subliminal said. My coputer is almost the exact same as yours, except we upgraded from 64MB to 256MB. Mine is on the verge of death, I have about half a gig left on the HD, the computer is awful. Fortunately, we were able to pressure my dad into getting us a new comp. 2.5GHz, 512MB DDR SDRAM, 80GB. I'm gonna get a vid card, but I can't decide on what to get, and everyone here is split on Radeon or GeForce. I either get the waterd down 9700 Pro (aka 9500 Pro) or the a Geforce 4 Ti4200 w/ 128MB. I'm having such a hard time choosing. drivers or performace? AHHHHHHH!!!
2003-02-26, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by Subliminal
uhhh whys that? I have 640mb btw I upgraded knowing that If i didnt i could get in the beta. I also got a new video card (eVga Geforce 4 ti42000 128mb)
768MB means you have a 512 and a 256 stick. PC mobos don't like non-identical sticks of RAM. Also, the more sticks you ahve, the farther out you go from the 0/1 slot (depending on naming), the worse performance you get out of your RAM, although it is all dependent on the motherboard.
Originally posted by Derfud
768 megs of pure DDR400 molesterbation
2003-02-27, 02:35 AM
Lonehunter, I didn't even know they made 64MB RAM sticks anymore, how old is your computer?
PS Requirements
1000MHz or faster processor
512MB RAM minimum
GeForce 4 Ti4200 or equivalent card minimum
If your computer doesn't exceed that, consider
a) new computer
b) upgrading
c) playing solitare on your computer instead of PS
2003-02-27, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by Saint
c) playing solitare on your computer instead of PS :rofl:
2003-02-27, 03:31 AM
It's the truth!
2003-02-27, 06:00 AM
Originally posted by Zatrais
Reason for a gig of ram: wave bye bye to your swap file :D
Exactly, swap is a total killer of everything. Who ever invented it in the first place should be shot (repeatedly).
Hail 1024MB+ RAM :thumbsup:
2003-02-27, 06:18 AM
Lonehunter187, as the rest have said here your computer will not be able to run PS.. You will need to buy new major components, you can keep your monitor, keyboard, mouse, HD's, disk drive, CD rom. I highly doubt you can use your cabinet or psu.... Make a post here or on the tech forum if you want some tips on cheap systems.. cheap here beeing around $500-600... Sorry but thats how much you're gonna have to spend to get an enjoyable experience out of PS.
2003-02-27, 10:46 AM
I have 512, and I am upgrading it, and my video card at the end of the summer. To a geforce instead of ati.
2003-02-27, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Lonehunter187
OH MY GOD. I am going to cut the skin on my fingertips off with my knife, then i'm gonna blind myself with my laser pointer so I can never use or see a computer again.
You guys don't know how serious I am.
Edit: I once cut off the tip of my middle finger for ten dollars.
2003-02-27, 06:30 PM
Even contemplating hurting yourself over the spec of your computer is borderline mentaly ill.
Abusing your body isn�t funny man; you got 10 fingers for a reason.
anyway, If you want some cheap computer stuff check out Ebay or another auction site, there�s sometimes cheap things there (like a Radeon 9700 for only 200 pounds)'s auction page is good for that too, they auction off stuff every now and again. All auctions start at $1. Some guy got a flat screen monitor for �50. Good deal IMO.
Get a Job, Work your ass off for a few months, get a Kick ass Computer than you can be proud of
And don�t cut off anymore of your fingers.
2003-02-27, 06:33 PM
It was only the TIP of my finger, no big deal.
2003-02-27, 06:34 PM
2003-02-27, 09:15 PM
*shudders* aw man that sounds painful, and for only ten bucks? Heh, my friend was joking around in class one day, and said he'd give someone a dollar if he snorted some ground up chalk. One person ws about to, but chickened out. Then some other guy walked up, sat down, snorted it, and walked away 1 dollar richer. :eek: There are some weird people out there...
HRR Raven
2003-02-27, 09:44 PM
Dance with me!
That's a demonic number of spam too. Run, the beast is canned meat!
2003-02-27, 11:56 PM
:evildrop: heh, nothing like some :spam: to bring out the evil in us all.
2003-02-28, 12:17 AM
lol raven that is funny.:D
HRR Raven
2003-02-28, 12:56 AM
Hey, rock on, the :spam: got me up to soldier. Does this mean I'm in the army of darkness now? Bah, now I have to hate the flechette rifle becaus it's like a shotgun.
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