View Full Version : Urgent Message From The New Conglomerate
2003-02-25, 09:28 PM
Dear Soldiers.....
My dearest friends, it is with a weary heart that I pen this note. I know you wish for a better kinder world. I now know that none of us here will ever see that world. We are surronded by Vanu Sovereignty troops. This is the last fortress that the New Conglomerate holds on the continent. Last night they hacked the main computers and we were within seconds of losing control of the base. We drove them back only at a terrible and dreadfull cost. Many of our vehicles were lost and the only respawn point we have left on the entire continent is the base itself.
And they know it.
Its obvious now that they will use the entire continents resources to remove us from this stronghold. Our scouts report that many hundreds of Vanu Sovereignty troops are organizing nearby with heavy vehicles and their unhunman alien technolgies. My dearest friends, tonight they are massing for another attack.
I also have no doubt that the Vanu Sovereignty is no longer human. The implants seem to have taken control now. There can be no negotiations. Our only hope must be their complete and outright destrustion now. If we lose this base the Vanu Sovereignty will rule the continent with impunity. That means that every man women and child will be forced to have alien implants and they will cease to exist. This is a fate worse then death.
Farewell, my friends. Fightwell. Hold your memories tight.
Till we meet again.
Captain New Conglomerate
4th infantry Division
Eureka Post
2003-02-25, 09:31 PM
Umm.. Bye then..
But seriously, great writing.
2003-02-25, 09:32 PM
... ok :rolleyes:
2003-02-25, 09:33 PM
2003-02-25, 09:37 PM
Thats a good story. One problem though. How could the punny Vanu even think of taking a base from us NC.
2003-02-25, 09:38 PM
... because the NC suck and Vanu would probably own them. :D
2003-02-25, 09:39 PM
Jaged, you make a very good point there.
2003-02-25, 09:45 PM
Good stuff ,a fun read ,keep us ...updated on the thingy ..err yeha:D
2003-02-25, 09:51 PM
I still don't understand how the Terran Republic isn't involved, or have they secretly gone underground preparing for a masiv nuclear attack.?
Guardian AngeL
2003-02-25, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by Lonehunter187
I still don't understand how the Terran Republic isn't involved, or have they secretly gone underground preparing for a masiv nuclear attack.? they are just waiting for the NC and Vanu to fight untill they have weakened each other alot then the TR sweep silently across the continents wiping out the weakened forces.
2003-02-25, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by ABRAXAAS
Good stuff ,a fun read ,keep us ...updated on the thingy ..err yeha:D
i couldn't agree with you more. please do keep us updated on this, um......... story, yeah story.
2003-02-25, 10:29 PM
Nice story, submit it to Hamma, fix it up and make it longer and we could start a fan story section!
2003-02-25, 10:35 PM
It's obvious that the narrarator will have flashbacks and utilize personification a lot in this story. It is apparent that the speaker will end up dying and the base controlled by Vanu, but his reference to Jesus means that the NC will rise up and take back the base and lead a successful campaign through the continent.
Of course, in the bitter end, the Vanu will always win! :vsrocks: :ncsucks:
2003-02-25, 10:50 PM
I think its those damn *** HACKERS
There's NO WAY we will lose to the Vanu.
Unless those *** HACKERS get into this
2003-02-25, 11:03 PM
2003-02-25, 11:06 PM
lol, you put it perfectly quiet. so simple, yet so effective.
2003-02-25, 11:09 PM
Those **** log on when we are asleep, use the tools from their Chinese cousins, and hack PS so that the NC lose.
Originally posted by BLuE_ZeRO
... ok :rolleyes:
2003-02-25, 11:20 PM
Dear Soldiers.....
Yes.....I am still alive. Although I wish I were dead.
I await the morning sunrise in horror. My division has been destroyed. It is important that someone survives to tell others what happened at Eureka post. The New Conglomerate now has no respawn points on this continent. My health is very low.
Some time after midnight the Vanu Sovereignty sent us a message. It played over all radio frequencies. It played over and over. The message was an announcement that the Terran Republic and the Vanu Sovereignty had joined forces. It also said that the New Conglomerate had collapsed and that our troops were all that remained.
It really wasn't so hard to believe.
That night with a storm rolling in and under the cover of darkness we mounted a strike force. I piloted a Galaxy heavy transport with 6 men on board. Our objective was to capture their spawning tower and remove the possibility for the Vanu to get reinforcements. We threw everything we had into the strike force including all our vanguard Medium tanks and Mosquito light aircraft. I really don't know what happened. It all happened so quick. The galaxy got hit and spun wildly out of control. I tried to set it down easily but it went down killing half the people on board. The rest were killed by vehicle mounted lasers as we ran from the crash site. I don't remember how I got here. The sun is rising now and I must get going.
Perhaps if I can walk to a far shore I can activate a remote tower. If I do that perhaps we can spawn more New Conglomerate troops to stage a counterattack.
That is if there are any troops left to spawn.....
Captain New Conglomerate
ex-4th infantry Division
ex- Eureka Post
2003-02-25, 11:24 PM
:lol: its so stupid it's hilarious! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Although, it does sound like something you would read out of a WWII vet's journal, and if it weren't in this funny enviornment, it might be depressing... :rofl: It' so funny though!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
2003-02-25, 11:28 PM
Can I join in? I'd like to post a story.
2003-02-25, 11:34 PM
Help yourself. Make it a good one.
2003-02-25, 11:38 PM
Dear McShlong: [STOP]
Am writing by telegraph because all comm channels busy DLing pr0n. [STOP] Things are fine back at Sanctuary. [STOP] Weather is great.[STOP] Your sister sends her love. [STOP] Your recent letters seem troubled. [STOP] Maybe you should stop hanging out in the VS Sanctuary. [STOP]
Your friend.[STOP]
:D :thumbsup:
2003-02-25, 11:58 PM
Dear Soldiers...
I hope that you can recieve this voice message before it gets confiscated.
We just lost the continent. We took heavy artillery fire from the north, destroying some Galaxies that were taking off with some of my best friends. We knew our contingency plans well. My job was to hold off armored vehicles incoming to base. The job was impossible. Literally dozens and dozens of MAG-Riders rolled by with only a handful of our Reavers to stop them.
It gets worse.
Eventually we ran out of power. ANTs had not been coming for a full week now. We had been doing a pretty good job of conserving energy. But not good enough. People began to flee on foot. The remainder of my division escorted the sea of people. I, however got to go ahead to escort the remaining Galaxies due to my extraordinary AA skill.
Most of our troops had the liberty of finding out of the Vanu-Terran alliance over AGN. I found out the hard way.
We ran into a convoy of MAG-Riders en route to our base. They started firing upwards. Ship after ship fireballed and fell down. Any survivors of the crashes were sentenced to a blast by the main gun. People I knew were literally having holes cut in them for their entrails to fall out and bounce off the ground.
I proceeded to engage the tanks. My first volley of rockets managed to hit a MAG-Rider in the back, resulting in a tremendous energy burst as its energy capsules exploded, converting the tank into a lightning rod.
This is where I learned of the alliance.
I swear, at least a hundred Terran mosquitoes came from out of NOWHERE and decimated the remaining ships. With my Reaver ninety degrees to the attackers, I was screwed. Some lucky bastard nearly emptied the damn belt into my Reaver. Smoke filled the cockpit. I was getting burned!
I opened the cockpit, jumped out, and prayed as the kinetic dampeners carried me down.
I turned around. Our ships were crashing left and right. They were being cut through like a knife through butter due to sheer numbers. We fought hard. But when one of our pilots got behind one of theirs, there were two on our pilot and three on the Galaxy he had left behind to engage.
Eventually I smacked a tree on my way down. It's a good thing my visor was down. This must have jolted my smoke-damaged kinetic dampener, as it failed then and there, fifteen feet above ground. I broke my right leg and arm coming down. I was badly burned in my upper body. There was no time to rest. Already, Vanu hovercraft were scurrying around looking for suvivors to run over. I dove into a river, the only blue thing around. Eventually, I managed to make it into this cave.
According to my GPS, I am thirty clicks from the crash site and nowhere near a SAR team. I've thought about ending it. All I have to do is put the Suppessor to my head and squeeze the trigger. I have run out of medical supplies. I have managed to kill a TR squad of three scouts. That changed my mind about ending it. I am here to win this war, and I will fight to the death for the cause! :ncrocks:
2003-02-26, 12:19 AM
I dunno about writing fictional stories about a video game... tad bit obsessive:rolleyes:
HRR Raven
2003-02-26, 01:27 AM
Hamma, Fan Fic Section of the Boards?
2003-02-26, 05:16 AM
Great story, just one problem, the NC kicks arse so its not really a farewell, but an awakening to get your stinking no good hides outside and kick Vanooooooooo butt!
2003-02-26, 07:08 AM
Nice writing guys :)
TR will win tho, we've been in the war buisness for a long time.
2003-02-26, 08:48 AM
Nah, the oppressor never wins (except when the oppressor happens to be the USA or the British Empire, with the aim of "cleansing the world of infidels"!
2003-02-26, 08:52 AM
the TR dosn't opress, thats just propangda! hehe
2003-02-26, 10:20 AM
I could create one, but I would want it to be used :p
HRR Raven
2003-02-26, 03:40 PM
Well, if you create it now I'm sure it'll have some traffic, and once the game comes out there'll be an explosion. I'll post something to the forum if you create it;)
2003-02-26, 04:36 PM
Dude,the Vanu aren't that...cruel,i mean they're not like nazis or something! ( :nazi: )
Gee,you'd think that they're led by hitler...
Vanu don't force people to use implants,they just use the alien technology in their weapons and vehicles.
Also,the NC were overrun becuse Terrans allied with the vanu
Anyways,your story is good:thumbsup:
Yea,i think you should ask Hamma about your fanfiction section...
2003-02-26, 04:40 PM
and the NC isn't freedom fighters, they terrorists..... hehe
it's all a matter of perspective ;)
2003-02-26, 06:06 PM
I didnt write this....however Im copying it word for word over to this thread....It was written by sando138 in this thread.. ...I like it quite a bit as it fits in with my here goes....
Personal log of New Conglomerate soldier, Sando: entry 31.09.50
i am still stationed at Eureka. last night, our commanding officer and many of our men were lost to the enemy on a raid, presumably dead or MIA. the gambit has cost us dearly. we have almost no vehicles save one or two ANTs. we have little ammunition. we have even less rations. many men are going stir-crazy, throwing themselves at the enemy, whose deadly fire slices them to bits in a moment or two. our garrison is down to about a sole company of 20 men. it is a mere matter of time.
while the Vanu may be victorius here, i am forwarding the request to command to prepare matrix tanks for us. we will die fighting, and will not surrender this base lightly.
Log 01.10.50
It seems that the end will come any day now. the vanu press around us ever tighter, now dropping troops into our inner courtyards via dropship. our efforts to stop them are slowly becoming vain. they seem to have cut our main communication lines. we cannot call for reinforcements.
Log 02.10.50
Today the truest nightmare began. i saw an entire force of terran republic soldiers in dropships approach. i was glad to see them, even though i knew we would be next on their to-do list. then the horror began as, instead of firing at the Vanu, they landed and unloaded heavy tanks. most of our men had stood up to cheer as we assumed the Vanu would now recieve terrible retribution for their crimes against us. we lost five the instant the TR turned its tanks online. the twin chainguns didn't leave much to bury. one of our's managed to get to a tank before it's driver and gunner and managed to drive it into the base. we manned it and did our best, but we are now pinned inside, the tank is destroyed, and we are now a mere 8 against hundreds. there are vanu and terran maxes outside the door with anti-infantry weapons. we dare not sleep but in shifts.
Log 03.10.50
There is good news today. the lines were reconnected, and we managed to call for backup, but are unsure if the lines were disconnected before the message was sent. but we have been driven back to the innermost sanctuaries of the base. we hold the Master controls. we have anti-armor and anti infantry gear on hand. 2 Phoenixes and our Gauss rifles, and one or two automated turrets, medikits, and nano-armor repair kits. it is our stand. we must find out who will blink first. this is torture, knowing our fate but not when it comes.
2003-02-26, 06:21 PM
Could I please write the next addition?
2003-02-26, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by Airlift
Dear McShlong: [STOP]
Am writing by telegraph because all comm channels busy DLing pr0n. [STOP] Things are fine back at Sanctuary. [STOP] Weather is great.[STOP] Your sister sends her love. [STOP] Your recent letters seem troubled. [STOP] Maybe you should stop hanging out in the VS Sanctuary. [STOP]
Your friend.[STOP]
:D :thumbsup:
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! okay thats the funniest thing ive seen all day. We should really have a fiction forum or section on this site. We already have the triumvarate, and some RPG type posts in the lounge. Come on Hamma! Pull strings!
2003-02-26, 08:38 PM
How about a war journal section of battles when the game goes public for release? Players can make accounts of there time in the battle field. It may sound a bit silly but, if people would really take the time to do it right and not make up some bs spam crap then it would be a nice thing to read and even keep up with a players or clans history of the conflicts they've been in. Although when done right both fiction and non-fiction will sound good depending on the authors style of writing. Hey lets have both. Great job on the witing fellas. Keep it up.
2003-02-26, 09:19 PM
i've come here to post too. i got another few entries for ya.
News has come from the sanctuary. it's all bad. we are the only New Conglomerate soldiers known living for 3 continents. our entire army was slaughtered wholesale on all continents save our sanctuary island, which is currently under seige. the matrixing and rebirthing tanks cant be used fast enough. I am one of three left, and we may have to evacuate the base. it is being fought over by the Terran and Vanu forces. why? there was a friendly-fire incedent in their last attack, and two terran officers were killed. their troops retaliated, and the Vanu in this sector now distrust the terrans severely.
the tension is growing, and every so often i hear a terran max deploy and dump a truckload of ammunition into an armored target. or i hear a Vanu MAX fire it's heavy anti-armor weaponry. i don't know, but they seem to have been gone back beyond the supply terminals. we plan to resupply, as we are currently living off ration bars looted from our enemies, and discardin our phoenixes in favor of terran missle launchers, due to lack of ammo for them. the base wen't powerless, but we recaptured the console immediately. the capture got us enough power to last a few more days.
We resupplied, and discovered five more of our own in the rebirthing chamber, alive. that brings us up to eight capable fighters. we returned to our console to discover that it had been hacked, but had not yet reverted sides. we reversed the damage, but three infiltrators appeared and attempted to kill us, apparently the hackers. they severely wounded two of us before metal slugs put them out of commission.
We've grown bolder recently. this is an advanced vehicle production facility, and i finally managed to reach the vehicle production terminal without getting killed. with a little luck, we can get the system online to get us an APC or two and Evac. we probably won't get killed in the process due to Vanu and Terran fighting each other(on this continent only, or we would have been reinforced by now...), but i want to try and locate our captain, who is MIA. he is also apparently alive because his vital signs read as stressed beyond normal, as though wounded badly, (but still breathing) to the rebirthing monitors in the sanctuary. we lost ability to rebirth here when we lost power.
2003-02-26, 10:33 PM
Voice Recorder Log entry #2
Three days after the crash
I've managed to splint my leg. I can walk but it's still painful. I am almost out of food, but that doesn't concern me much. I'll elaborate later. The arm is just going to have to get over it. I can aim with my Suppressor but not well. I use my pistols left-handed.
The patrol that I killed (from Log #1) forgot the number one rule of scouting: Always keep your life sign transmitter on! The base has no idea where they are, as their location can't be tracked nor if they are alive or not.
However I have learned from their mission booklets that a Terran Basilisk patrol will be passing by shortly. I have booby-trapped the cave with hand grenades, dental floss, chewing gum, and super glue. I tied the floss to the pin of the grenade. I put ABC chewing gum on the end and when it hardened, I applied super glue and stuck it to the wall. It is not dectectable by minesweepers, as the system is completely mechanical. I'll use my flare gun to shoot a few flares out to get their attention. They will walk into the cave and BOOM! Once they die, I'll take their Basilisks and make for our territory.
Our territory? Yes, our territory.
Shortly after the capitulation of our base, the Terran-Vanu axis broke up. Many squads had never liked the other side anyway. Teamkilling and provocation led to the lifting of the pact. Amazingly, both forces launched offensives and managed to bypass each other! The Vanu forces lie on the south side of the continent where Warp Gate 013 lied, along with the Terran main base. The Terrans were cut off from their only way out by Vanu forces, and vice versa. Vanu forces are cut off from their side of the continent and Warp Gate 014, their only way out, by the Terrans. Terrans dare not go through Gate 014, as the other side is extremely heavily guarded by forces that outnumber the Terrans. But the Vanu are not aware that Gate 014 is nearly undefended. They were originally supposed to help with the attack on our continent but stopped after its fall and had failed to recieve orders. So they just stopped. The respawning Vanu can't take Gate 014 because it does have SOME defense. But not enough to resist that huge fleet.
For two days, a huge battle raged. Both forces lost more than half of their troops. Respawning troops were under siege, as they could not advance far without being cut up. The New Conglomerate had just siezed a Vanu continent with Warp Gate 012 that links to Warp Gate 013. The New Conglomerate charged through, taking all the Terran facilities, stunning the Vanu who are now being crushed by TWO armies. Commanders expect the Vanu to last a couple of days. After that the New Conglomerate will charge through the Terran forces and achieve victory! :ncrocks:
Using my map, I can safely estimate that it will be not be a milk run to get into safe territory. I am on the north side and have to cross the continent and two opposing armies to get to the safe south side. I have attatched a map...
I have to end here. I hear buggies.
North is up
=Vanu main base on the west, Gate 014 on the East=
-------------------------------------------------X------My positon @ X
________Terran Republic army_______________
________Vanu Sovereignty army_____________
=Warp gate 013 on the west, NC buldings on East=
*the NC base was formerly a Terran base*
2003-02-26, 11:18 PM
We can't hold the base any longer. most of my 8 man squad elected to take wraith and basilisk 4-weeler's, but i feel much more comfortable in a Reaver, so i'd be flying out. i'm the highest ranking officer present, so i elected to do a short patrol.
i flew over a New Conglomerate soldier on a Basilisk, and signaled him that Eureka was still NC, but barely, since the Vanu and TR were too busy fighting others to worry about the base yet. on the route to make sure that we were in the clear, i encountered a wing of mosquito attack aircraft and led them in a chase through the woods surrounding the base. a couple rockets and the first one blew up in midair. two were flying in at 90 degree angles but i flew forward through tree cover and pulled a 180 pivot. they both flew right through my sights and both were limping afterwards. but the last of the four flew in on my six and filled the back of the ship with lead before i could begin evading. i jammed the throttle and flew over the base, bailing right over top. kinetic dampeners kicked in, but i still hit the ground hard enough to have the breath knocked out of me. the three mosquitos kept firing and the Reaver blew soon after i bailed. they failed to notice that i had left the reaver, and returned to their patrol route. i got on the wall and looked out. about 50 quito's airborne, and all of them TR...
2003-02-26, 11:27 PM
Voice Recorder Log: 1-05-15:User: SandTrout.
Damn these dirty Vanu. I've run out of ammo for my gauss since I was cut of from the rest of the company by the Vanu and Terran forces. The terrans have been too concentrated for me to be able to kill any of them without geting caught, and these Vanu nuts only carry these stinking energy weapons.
I abbandoned my Gause and MAG-skatter 2 days ago for a Pulsar and a Beamer. I can't barely stand these things, nothing solid to them, but they're the only things I've got, and ammo from corpses is plentiful. My life-signs trasmitter is off because they have been doing random sweeps of the area.
I've found a gap in the Terran an Vanu patrols, and I think I may be able to break this alliance with some well-placed shots from this energy weapon on the Terrans. I can tell from a distance that tentions are runing high between the factions, and this just might set it off.
Voice Recorder Log: 2-05-15: User:SandTrout.
My plan worked, but just barely, the Vanu know I'm out here, but they are busy fighting the terrans. The seige of my comrades' base has been weakened, but not lifted yet. There are too few of us, but we may be able to get reinforcements if this chaos has spread to the other continents.
I have reactivated my Life-signs transmitter, but only long enough for my friends to know I'm here. There needs to be something else I can do.
There is good news though, I have procured an new Gauss and now have terrans to kill for ammo. I've also picked up a repeater, and no matter how much I hate the Terrans, their choice of pistol isn't half-bad.
2003-02-26, 11:52 PM
WOW great stories, very nice writing
2003-02-27, 12:14 AM
Voice recorder
Log #3
*loud engine noises*
Yeah, I got the Basilisk. The poor bastard who came into the cave actually saw me. He ran up to me. Since I was unarmed, he decided to go the easy way and he pulled out his Force-Blade and attempted kill me mano-a-mano. Then he hit the grenade. :blowup:
I am currently driving like a bat out of hell pushing ninety on a crappy dirt road. I have a full tank of gas, spare gas cans, and some secret files that idiot left behind. Haven't seen any Enforcers yet. Haven't learned of any new developments because I can't exactly stop and turn on my PDA here. The Basilisk is purple, so getting past the Terran lines will be hard. In the Vanu area I get a break. When I see the first NC soldier I'm stopping and jumping out. I don't want to go all this way only to be hit by a Pheonix.
Oh shi...
*log ends*
2003-02-27, 12:16 AM
mcschlong, you the same mcschlong behind the CE Mod for BF?
2003-02-27, 12:17 AM
These are definitely nice stories. I'll be writing one myself soon enough. It has been dancing in my head ever since one line in one of these stories. It's going to be horror/suspense, so something way different than any of thse so far. Keep hounding me for it so I don't slack off and not write it :P
2003-02-27, 02:52 AM
I wonder if my creative writing teacher will give me extra credit for writing some fan fic for PS.
2003-02-27, 08:07 PM
Voice Recorder
Log #4
*humming noises*
It's not a very fun sight when six tanks break through the hedgerows and start firing across the road. A few Threshers were being chased by Enforcers. Several shells landed near my buggy, overturning it and ejecting me from it. I must have been going very fast, as the kinetic dampeners kicked in. Despite that, I slid along the road for about fifty feet. The scraping lowered my armor's integrity to 70%. The buggy was all right, despite being upside-down. With main guns roaring and laser bursts screaming, I dashed along the road to the buggy.
While running, I took two to the chest from some Terran tank commander whos tank machinegun had jammed. He emptied the entire pistol clip but only hit me twice. I took cover behind a rock near the buggy. The buggy then exploded. A fragment hit me in the back. Armor integrity was now ten percent due to the shots and explosion. At this point I was officially pissed. I ran into the Vanu area, got behind a tree, and when a Thresher got close, I emptied the clip into the front seats. Both of them died. I pushed them off and got the heck out of there.
My health is still high, despite the large holes in my armor. I still have to get through the Terran lines. Large amounts of troops are still in my way.
*rocket screams*
*End of transmission*
2003-02-27, 08:30 PM
Yes I am the same Mcshlong behind the BF1942 mod "CEMOD". Yup.
2003-02-27, 09:47 PM
No, you aren't.
2003-02-27, 10:47 PM
lol. Im not? Check this link. And read the latest news.
2003-02-27, 10:59 PM
:rofl: LMAO :rofl: thats friggin' hilarious!!! :rofl:
2003-02-28, 12:31 AM
Voice Recorder Log: 3-05-15: User: SandTrout.
This place is a mess, the Vanu and Terrans are constantly takeing and looseing basses to each other, and my fellow freedom-fighters are barly holding their own in our outpost. I saw some poor fellow get blasted from his basalisk not too long ago, he aparently hadnt know about the convergeing TR, VS, and NC forces in the area. I hope he made it out alive, though there's not much chance from that kind of mayhem.
After the fighting had moved on, I found I wounded Vanu trying desperately to hack a Marauder. My silent run alowed me to get get withing knife-range without his notice, and he only realized his perral when I activated the powered mode on my mag-cutter. He didn't even have time to turn around before my first slash ended his life. Then again, can we realy consider the Vanu alive? Thats a thought for another day, right now I need to get this marauder to our base without geting killed by my own comrades in arms.
I've ended up too far from our base to just make a dash for it, so I've been forced to bunker down in a remote watch-tower and atempt repairs untill the preasure lets up. The tower wasn't un-occupied however, and I had to send some fresh terran, not even out of her standard-issue armor, back to the matrixing chambers. She was pretty hot too, but such is war.
Crap! Incomeing mosquitoes, look like they're Terran. I'll have to leave a few mines around this place and bail quick. Can't take the marauder either, I guess I'll have to blow it up.
Whoa, thats a lot of skeeters. Who did I kill? Ah crap.
*End recording.*
2003-02-28, 03:39 PM
(Note: this part will be in voice ecording too as opposed to first-person data logs as i used in my previous posts. also, points for originality in a 'proof' post, mcshlong...)
Data recorder:
I've managed to get inside of the base. it still had power, and i secured a terran missle launcher from a guy camping the vehicle pad. i've started to like the secondary fire-and-forget mode... i used it to blow up three mosquitos. unfortunately, the fifty or so who weren't destroyed turned their attention to me. i entered the command center to discover a sight that wasvery welcome. on the troop locator monitor, approximately 5 HARTS were inbound with New Conglomerate drop-pods right into our sphere of influence! i checked out a reaver, and flew in to provide covering fire. they landed and immediately were involved in a skirmish with a terran MAX. a rocket or two put it out of commish. i escorted the 30 or so troops to HQ and got ready for some serious fighting....
2003-02-28, 04:59 PM
Voice Recorder Log: 4-05-15: User: SandTrout.
I'm a couple bullets from death now. The mosquitoes made strafeing runs on my possition for nearly an hour, but the Marauder and the trees I parked it by provided adequite cover until the buggy took enough damage to blow up. This pretty much shreded my armor into useless weight, and aparently they think I'm dead, 'cause they left the area shortly after that.
I saw a few mosquitoes shot down a few miles away and I'm heading there, the pilots may have left behind some medical supplies and ammo. I might as well start my hike to our outpost and hope for the best, even if I can't help but expect the worst. We may not even have an foothold on the continent anymore.
Voice Recorder Log: 5-05-15: User: SandTrout.
I'm within sight of our outpost now, and have thus far evaded enemy detection. One of the Mosquitoe Pilots' didn't bail out in time, and I was able to scavenge a couple med-packs and some plasma grenades off of him.
I witnessed the mass of Conglomerate troops exiting their drop-pods practicly on top of our base. Finaly, some reinforcements. I'm going to get to the base, but only to fix up my armor and reload on muntions. Our soldiers will need to know when the enemies make their move, and where.
2003-02-28, 05:31 PM
good story but could the Vanu really do that, and wouldnt the TR interfer in some way and f@%& it all up
InZaneFlea VA
2003-02-28, 05:41 PM
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It's been 5 days now since I lost contact with my squad. We were running a routine recon mission and Anti-Aircraft missles came from nowhere. Three mosquitos went down, and I veered mine off into the forest. I found a nice tree to stick into, and woke up a day or so later. I'm in this forest now, my gun is running low of energy. My grenades are gone, and there are Terran patrols going by here everyday. I salvaged what I could from the wreck of my mosquito, although my radio is ruined. My helmet was cracked in half after the tree incident, so I just threw it away. Useless anyway out here... That hunk of metal isn't going to stop a bullet.
I managed to lure a Terran soldier into the forest...Slit his throat. His armor is too small for me, or I'd change into it. Make it out of here alive. I still have my scanner functional, and unfortuantely, I only see the random mosquito fly-by. I heard another one go down yesterday, I assume the crew is dead. Hit head on by a Max AA missle...Blew the mosquito to bits. Of course, I took the ammo from their corpses, what I could find.
[Page 2]
Had a little skirmish yesterday too. A few Terran Republic scums came running into the forest, I think my armor glistened off the sunlight. They came shooting with their useless chainguns...fools. About 10 shots from my lasher and they were dead, although I exhausted my ammo for the damned thing. I'm gunna sneak out tonight I guess, rainstorm is coming, I can feel it. Lets just [blood splotch] make it to my sanctuary in time...Or at least get the attention of a Mosquito patrol.
I miss my wife...I told her I'd be back in a few hours....Heh, ironic isn't it. I hope she knows I'm still alive, I can't bear that burden on her soul. A three-month old baby at home...And a father stranded behind enemy lines...[Blood Splotch] enemy lines I think.
The Terran forces are massing. Saw 4 galaxies fly past here an hour ago, followed by around 30 maxs and a few hundred infantry. I can only guess where they're going...Straight to the Sanctuary. Oh well...At least I'[trails off, no more entrys]
This gets better and better :)
2003-02-28, 08:27 PM
Voice Recorder Log: 6-05-15: User: SandTrout.
Scratch that plan, the Vanu have us bottled up pretty well, even if they're not in sight most of the time. They stay out of our visual range most of the day, with the poor fools who don't geting picked off by sniper-fire. However, they are becomeing bolder at night, makeing raids with Reavers and the occasional Magrider.
I've been posted on the south side of the base, where I couple Terran squads were spoted earlier. I got a TR stealth suit with my Thumper as he tried to get to the base unnoticed. Good thing they haven't gotten those infernal suits to compesate compleatly for movemen't yet. A buddy of mine in the squad I was assigned to got a force-blade in the back because he forgot to sweep the area with DLV.
We know they're out there, but they know we just got a platoon in also. They must be massing for a solid assalut to throw us out of here for good. The waiting is the worst part, next to the fighting.
2003-02-28, 08:35 PM
Roleplaying and 'respawn' dont mix :o
2003-02-28, 09:42 PM
(That may be, but look at it this way: your clone looks like you, acts like you, fights like you.... but it isnt you. all that you'd remember is the time before you were first matrixed. you loose your experiences and thoughts on anything since your last matrixing.)
Voice recording:
Entry 1
Few Stragglers coming in today. most of them are in worse shape than usual. the reinforcements are helping us repel the attacks. phoenix platoons have destroyed most of them. we're now on near constant 'Dark Light Surveilance' routines. very taxing. i've been trying to rewire my spare darklight implant to project it's scans onto my visor. it's not helping me any if all i see is the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums while it's active. (end recording)
Entry 2
i recently assumed the role of anti-vehicle-anti-personell sniper, due to my proficiency with a stolen Striker, a Pulsar i found on a corpse near where the three mosquito's went down, and my recently obtained second implant, Range Magnification. my first day netted me 6 troop kills, 1 mag-rider kill, and three recon bike kills.(end recording)
Entry 3
Enemy attack is inbound! enemy attack inbound! massive invasion force, mostly terran, though the Vanu may attack our flank to try and take the base before them. enemy consists of a number of fullyy loaded galaxies and [long pause] oh SHI( massive boom of several twin tank barrels firing drowns out voice) *static* (satisfying thunk of bullet firing) Take that you *static* cant take this many tank*static* RETREAT TO THE INNER SANCTUM AND CALL FOR REINFORCEMENTS!(end recording)
InZaneFlea VA
2003-03-01, 10:23 AM
2003-03-01, 10:34 AM
Voice Recorder
Log #5
Terran Reaver pilots can't aim.
The sounds of the Thresher hover engine effectively blotted out the sounds of a Reaver on my tail. His first volley missed by about fifty feet but alerted me to his presence. The forest was not dense enough to hide in. No caves. No nothing! It was over!
I desperately looked around for cover. He fired a second volley. I watched the deadly armor-piercing rockets come closer, closer...
Then I hit a tree.
I was flung free from the Thresher. It blew up with electric arms of energy reaching out in every direction. I flew a good twenty feet before landing in a lake, sparing me the joy of hitting another tree.
At this point I'm running. I don't have much breath to talk with. No vehicles. Broken leg. The reaver lost me. I am very near the front line. You can hear the artillery barrage ahead. I have no idea how to use a tank. I'm not certified. I am out of tricks or options at this point...
*end of transmission*
2003-03-01, 11:14 AM
oh the agony of suspense
2003-03-01, 07:50 PM
it does when you a killin machine like we are at the n.c.
2003-03-01, 08:05 PM
why are the writers all NC? And why do they always have the NC having their ass kicked? There will be blue n yellow ownage from day 1 :D
2003-03-01, 08:40 PM
(NC is actually doing quite well considering it is under attack from two factions that are united everywhere else but Eureka... also considering that they are outnumbered a on a couple-hundred-to-one ratio.)
Log entry: Voice recording
The attack is still going on, and a number of casualties have already occurred. massive numbers of troops are assaulting our position, for every 1 i tag 3 replace him. we keep knockin them down but they keep coming, completely armed and armored, and within walking distance. if i live through this, i think i'd call this the 'battle of the Hydra', because according to old greek legends, a hydra was a monster with nine heads at the start of a fight, but for every head destroyed two grew from it's stump, making it virtually impossible to kill... until a hero named Hercales or something like that figured out to cauterize the stumps before the heads grew back... thats it! ive got it! darklight online, range amp online.... AMS located! forwarding cordinate data to troops, and organizing a strike party... Sando, out!
2003-03-01, 10:45 PM
"This place is a mess." Someone decided over the comm. unit as our unit approached what remained of Eureka outpost three. A major battle definitely took place here, probably no longer than an hour ago. Bodies littered the ground; blood stained the dirt around the complex. I waved my men to stop and motioned with my hand to have them take cover in a brush patch 100 yards from the base entrance. As I kneeled I put my Pulsar rifle to my side and reached for my mag-goggles, watching the entrance the facility. My men spread out behind me, tacking cover behind various obstacles, trees, bushes, anything they could use for cover. We remained in our positions for only a moment when I spied the familiar yellow and blue armors of the New Conglomerate forces. Three soldiers walked casually out of the entrance. I focused my mag unit on the soldiers, they appeared happy. Putting down the unit, I reached for my Pulsar and took aim with the rifle. I waited for a moment as the NC soldiers began piling out of the base, happy in their reclamation of the fortification. I brought the retrical over the nearest soldier and squeezed the trigger. The searing hot beam of energy sprang from the Pulsar and caught the soldier in the chest, forcing him to spin around in mid-air as he fell dead from the blast. The NC soldiers immediately sprang into confusion as my unit opened fire with our energy weapons, arcs of searing energy springing forth with terrifying accuracy. The lucky NC soldiers managed to take cover and return sporadic fire. The rest lay dead or injured on the grass with our fallen comrades.
"Kill them all!" I shouted, squeezing the trigger of my Pulsar a few more times.
2003-03-01, 10:50 PM
Er, yeah. Good stuff, do continue with this, flesh out a last stand of the NC. This could be great.
2003-03-01, 11:16 PM
Log of a New Conglomerate soldier: voice recording.
We had managed to hold off the terrans, and i was a hero, due to the success of the raiding party in destroying their AMS. we returned to make certain the base was clear when an attack of vanu cut us to pieces. the guy on my immediae right was shot first. most of my squad is in the rebirthing chambers now, all save myself and one or two others. we are pinned down here by what must be a platoon of Vanu. i used up what Phoenix missles i had left to take out a Galaxy drop ship that was coming in to reinforce the vanu. all but three died in the crash. i still have my Gauss rifle and plenty of ammo, but to use it i need to expose myself to enemy fire. i get an ominous feeling from what their leader said. he shouted 'Kill them all' loud enough that i heard it. i snapped off a few more shots ikn his general direction when i heard that before i got behind cover. i took three indirect hits from lasher shots, otherwise i'm unhurt. my compatriots have five more minutes till they have been rebirthed, and in the meantime, i fear that the enemy will charge. against their numbers i would stand no chance. i used a few of my ACEs to lay mines around my position, but if they're smart they will use concussion grenades to set them off before attacking.
2003-03-01, 11:26 PM
You know, this is a good motivation for me to finally get off my ass and finish my epicfic from hell that I'm writing as an introduction to CD's covert ops squad (I.E. the squad I head up.) Hmm.
2003-03-02, 12:17 AM
"Fire in the hole!" I shouted as I pulled the pin on the concussion grenade and tossed it from my cover, recoiling my hand seconds before the air around it filled with shots from NC weapons, the air was buzzing with fire. We had the advantage, and I was determined to press it. We had lost an outpost two months ago because I had failed to act in time to cut off reinforcements; I would not make the same mistake. "Light them up!" I shouted to my unit, who all went down and reached for there grenades. They began to throw in unison, but one man was unfortunate. As he winded up to throw a NC gauss round caught him in the chest, penetrating his already damaged armor. Blood spray from his wound seemed to shock even him and the men near him only had seconds to run before the grenade lighted up and the man was finished off in a fiery inferno. Undaunted, me and my unit got to out feet and charged as the wave of grenades went off in the NC's midst, weapons firing.
2003-03-02, 12:28 AM
Voice Recorder
Log #7
A long time ago, waaay back when in the late 1960s there was this country on Earth called Vietnam. A jungle war was fought there between a superpower (The United States of America) versus the rebels (Vietnam). It appears that the war gave suriviors severe mental problems such as flashbacks, fear of guns, etc.
This must be happening to me. I am getting paranoid. An alien fruit falling from its tree makes my hair stand on end. A breeze that rustles the tall grass makes me draw my pistol and search for the attacker.
But, why? We are winning on all other fronts by letting them destroy themselves, then going in for the kill. We are winning the war! What is wrong with me?
I fear. I...
*click, click*
...just a twig. Am I going to ever make it home? Will I ever see my girlfriend again? Is she OK? Are my parents OK? Is...
*click, click*
...another twig. Well, let me get back to where I left off.
I stumbled upon a sniper who was moving ahead. He had his pistol drawn. He shot three times at me, and missed once. I took one to the broken arm and another to the broken leg. I pulled out my MAG-Scatter and emptied the five-round clip into his chest. I am at 75 HP. I used the medkits. No, Tobias, that wasn't you.
I am getting very close to the tanks. You can see them with binoculars. Is that a vehicle pad on...
*click, click*
...just the wind.
I have thought again about giving up, ending it, shooting myself while I have the ammo. But I don't. Why? I do not know.
There is a radar tower on the horizon. I figure that I have better luck there than rushing tanks. I'll go there.
Wow, I get the liberty of *ending* the transmission.
*end of transmission*
2003-03-02, 01:12 AM
(this section will be third person without use of a recorder, its hard to put a combat scene into a recording until after it happens. the thoughts Sando is thinking will be in italics. this is a long onw cause i really get into them when i write like this.)
fire in the hole.... not good! the lone soldier sees 2 or more concussion grenades land near his position. the next two land right on either side of him and blow him against the rock he is hiding behind, jarring him badly and making him wish -no, hope- for reinforcements . he leaves cover long enough to retaliate and fires a burst at one of the sillouettes throwing the grenades. a scream, and the figure goes down. Sando's teeth begin to chatter as shellshock, exaustion, and pain from his injuries all take their toll. then he hears a rusling. a loud rustling. something big. he pulls a 180 spin, and lo and behold, an audible hum is heard. Sando salies in with a quick right, and his hand hits something he can't see. a loud grunt of pain and a crunch suggests that he hit dead center on the would be assassin, and that his hand-to-hand combat training paid off. That does it. i may be a pilot, but i don't just sit in a chair and pull a trigger, i have to go through above-par combat training too. the night goes darker as his darklight implant goes online, changing the world into the deep purple hues of ultraviolet, excepting a large red mass directly in front of him. he draws his mag cutter and blocks the cut of an activated force blade. he pulls his Mag-scatter with his other hand and aims and pulls the trigger. a loud POW announces the death of the stealth assassin.
Sando searches the corpse and pulls out a beamer to fill his other empty holster. he hears a not so distant sound of an AMP firing three shots in semi-auto mode. another mag scatter firing five times.
5 and a half minutes since they were killed. i need backup. where is my squad?!? the other two teammates of mine were blown into the open by the concussion grenades and shot. the same thing's gonna happen to me soon if i dont get some help.... 7 and a half minutes. c'mon! please.... please...where are they?!? please dear god, please... no. no. i am not giving in to this. i will not cave under this pressure... no matter how bad it gets, i'm gonna survive! i can make it through this living hell... i think... this war and this post need to be won. we can outlast them. they won't stop us. we won't let them.
out in the night, a lone soldier stared at the sky and prayed. his enemies stared through the night and waited. and the lone soldier wondered what would come first. his end, or his salvation. he was eye to eye with his enemy, waiting to see who would happen.
2003-03-02, 03:10 AM
Voice Recorder Log: 7-05-15: User: SandTrout.
Damn the fools, they forgot to watch their backs now their eating up Nanites in the rebirthing facilities! Oh well, what's done is done. After the Terrans tried to flank us with a set of Prowlers, I jumped over the wall, using its slightly sloped surface to slow my decent.
I saw the ambush from the woods, but there were too many of them for me to have helped. I have my gauss and thumper, but the Vanu are too spread out. I'm hopeing they will make a move on the one surviveing member of the squad I saw decemated. Then I can get them with maximum effect from my thumper.
Right now they are waiting, I don't know for what, and I don't know why that squad hasn't come out to help their comrade. Maybe some sabateur got the generator, I don't know. I've worked my way behind them, they aparently don't know I'm here, yet.
Voice Recorder Log: 8-05-15: User: SandTrout.
That squad wouldn't come out. I don't know why, but they didn't.
When I saw the Vanu begining to make their move, I set my Thumper's frag-grenades for a 2 second timer and fired them so that they would explode right above the infantry. Thats the best way to make sure you damage them all. They retreated to their trenches, but I gave my comrade enough time and cover to get into the base.
I'm now hideing in the woods, watching and waiting for my chance to strike.
2003-03-02, 03:29 AM
Oh No!! He's calling for our outright destrustion!
Does that mean they won't lend us any more power tools? Or that we'll have to carpool with someone else?!
Fret and Woe!
2003-03-02, 03:53 AM
oops, didn't realize the thread was so long, I guess to get that one you'll have to go all the way back to the top of the thread.
But as long as I'm poking fun...
Whatever hypotheses you may have about NC troopers and their level of butt-kicking ability, it's really hard for me to rationalize any of them quoting ancient Greek Mythology in the midst of a raging firefight.
Cloning, Teleportation, Energy Weapons and Wormhole I don't have a problem in the world with though... har har
2003-03-02, 07:08 AM
who cares as long as its good reading??
2003-03-04, 09:12 PM
The answer to Sando's question, Salvation or Doom, came that morning. Enemy Reinforcements. Drop pods coming down all around the base. he used this oppurtunity to dash into the base while the Vanu were distracted. they started shooting as soon as he got in the front gate. he took three pulsar shots to the leg and one to the torso. his armor was all that saved him from losing a limb. he couldn't run or even walk fast, though.
You arent getting me without a fight! was all he could think as he spun and returned fire as he stumbled backwards. Thumper grenades from a fellow NC landed amid the enemy, catchng them off guard. a hailstorm of fire struck all around him, turning loose sand to glass. a shot from a lancer struck sando and burned a small hole through his torso below the heart. he was no longer able to pull the trigger on his rifle. the end would be soon now as Sando felt his life ebbing from his broken and torn body.
a Drop pod broke the silence, and landed right in front of Sando. he expected a Vanu trooper to exit. it was unmarked, but it contained a soldier in blue and gold?!? the enemy drop pods had to land just outside the sphere. News had finally begun coming through. the rebirthed soldiers had finally requisitioned a half-hundred crack troopers, dropped in on a mission that they expected to recapture the base. they certainly didn't expect any NC left alive, much less non-POWs.
the new troops responded with a vigor Sando had not seen for days. the Vanu came under fire from many more New Conglomerate than expected, and retreated, only to be hit from behind by advancing Vanguards. the tide had turned. A soldier rushed to his side, with a med-applicator, fearing Sando was a lost cause. he wasn't.
Log of a New Conglomerate Soldier: 17.10.50
Kinda funny how things work out. I wait the worst ten minutes in my entire life for fifteen guys to rebirth, and meanwhile 50 fresh troops DP in... I'm in the Medical Ward of Eureka, next to a Pilot who was stranded in the wilderness when his ship went down. He's a mess! more wounds and assorted broken bones than i can count on my fingers... Anyway, a Commander came in earlier with a General to talk to the pilot. While the general was busy wth the pilot, the Commander informed me that i would be recieving the:
New Conglomerate 'Blue heart for Valour' for being W.I.A.,
a promotion to Staff-Sergeant for 'heroics A.B.C.D.' (above and beyond the call of duty),
A 'Conglomerate medal of Honor'(i don't know why, there was nothing honorable about what happened at Eureka, all we did was stand there and shoot them as they came...),
and quite possibly a 'Star of Bravery' for Courage in the line of fire....
i didn't use this feature since i left training, but logs of my Helmets playback feature shows i was responsible for the death of a good 40 Vanu and terran troops during the defensive action, and about twelve vehicle disables to my name, including the AMS i located. as souvenirs, i have placed my Gauss rifle, my MAG-Scatter, my MAG-Cutter, my phoenix, and my stolen Beamer in my locker, as memento's of my time at this base. it can not be salvaged, and this section can only be used for about three more days until the structural integrity degrades beyond use. at that time, we will return to the New Conglomerate sanctuary for a 'Heroes of Eureka' ceremony, where i and the pilot are to be guests of honor. (End transmission)
kid klash
2003-03-04, 11:45 PM
hey, that a nice read!
2003-03-05, 04:01 PM
We'll be making sure the other empires send these type of messages more often than we do :D
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