View Full Version : Face of Mankind soon free2play

2007-12-08, 04:30 PM
Face of Mankind is a mmofps, but very different from planetside. I played the beta for months and i think it was the best online experience i could dream of.
It was focused on roleplay so it's not only a big fps like planetside, you need to talk and act like your alterego for real to gain importance and get an higher rank.
The game is all in the hands of the player, there's no safe location, no premade quests, no exp, no levels. It could sound strange but it's really interesting, you can became a LED (police) and hunt for lamers and killers to keep order on Earth cities or you can join FDC (space marines) to patrol the free colonies and escort merchants or VIPs.
You can also choose to join factions like BoS or Mercs to play more freely or factions of merchants or megacorps.
It was really interesting to see how well the beta was balanced. In a game when everyone can go anywere with a weapon lamers are a great menace but the police system controlled by players worked very well and all of that improved the cyberpunk atmosphere were no one is truly safe.
Higher rank players had a lot of power too, they had the control of the Senate, where all the factions can do reunions and do alliances and wars, they also had the power to conquer an entire space colony or to make missions for the others. :D
All that stuff was really well balanced during beta, when the game becamed pay to play without trial periods it loosed a lot of players and became a place for lamers with no roleplay.
I hope it can rebirth soon, as the new version will be called Face of Mankind: Rebirth :love:

2007-12-08, 07:31 PM
Face of Mankind was a piece of turd wrapped in burnt hair. It smelled bad and on top of it all there was nothing good inside. I played beta and tried it at a friends place after it came out both of us hated it and destroyed the discs with great pleasure.

I'm sorry but... yeah...

2007-12-09, 01:31 AM
Just read about it a bit, I will probably give it a try when I don't have any thing better to do once it is free-to-play.

2007-12-11, 12:30 PM
Not trying to flame, but that Beta was by far the worst game I have ever tested. Had big ideas, but just soooo flawed.

Maybe show some videos of how it's hopefully changed?

2008-01-16, 12:37 PM
FoM was a damn good game, pity retail was under populated but FoM:R is going to have free accounts as well as premiums (yay). We've had 3 devblogs so far, you can take a look at them at this page here. http://www.fomportal.com/index.php?page=dev_diary . Personally I think things are shaping up rather nicely.

Also if you want to come say hello on the fom forum the links here www.forum.fomplanet.com . I'm so looking forwards to getting back to some fomming.

2008-01-17, 07:15 PM
Watched the demo, and it looks like a great idea. However, it suffers the same problems as PS: none or little marketing, and unorganized dev support. Also, I've been playing TF2 for a month and I simply can't return to such poor graphics.

Mr Tall Man
2008-01-31, 08:42 PM
Some harsh comments! if it comes FTP I'll give it a go; would make a different from standard quest based MMORPGS; you know if its like F2P but subscription for more content?