View Full Version : Rokhazulu's Planetside movie

2008-01-27, 02:43 AM
Hey all,

After quitting WoW I became bored. Luckily sony gave us 30 days free reactivation on our PS accounts so I was able to play one last time before I move on to a newer MMO.

Here is my first and last Planetside movie.
Gametrailers.com - Rokhazulu's Planetside by Rokhazulu

I am not skilled (BR10) but I like making entertaining movies. Planetside has a lot of action and I wanted to capture it's massive scale and greatness in video form.

You can also check out my other movies on google or gametrailers. (They are mostly WoW related though). Good luck PSU! See you in Warhammer?

2008-01-31, 05:16 PM
Awesome video!

I bow in awe of your editing skills. :)