View Full Version : My rant to SOE/PS about the white textures and other issues

2008-04-06, 04:05 AM
This is getting sent to all levels of SOE/PS that I can find, regarding the white texture/crashing issue and the general refusal on SOE's part to fix the game instead of adding lame-a$$ content and filling their paying customers with bullshit for years:

Yes, it is sad that SOE REFUSES to address this issue other than some lame workaround that doesn't work for 50% of their customers that the customers themselves came up with.

You'd think that after how many years and how many subscribers dropping their subscription because of this very issue (well over 5,000, I'm sure, including me, a user from the beta that got no recognition at all for the time and hard work I spent helping to debug their buggy code), they would take the time to fix the major issues causing people to un-sub instead of adding some stupid content like they have been. It is very sad that they ignore the #1 reason why people left because they could not play the game because of this issue.

If you take the time to actually read this thread, you'll find that SOE was able to reproduce the issue. That was what, like 2-3 years ago?! Since then we have heard NOTHING FROM THEM except the lame workarounds.

If the PS group of SOE employees really gave two hoots about you, the individual customer, don't you think they would have fixed the myriad issues that have plagued PS for YEARS (including this issue) instead of adding LAME content?!

Yeah, I re-subbed recently for two reasons: to see if the issues I've had in the past reoccurred (fortunately they have not), and to reiterate that they should quit adding lame new content and FIX/UPDATE this game or kill it entirely.

PS/SOE employees: I myself have spent over $500 on this damn game since beta as well as many others. Either fix the issues we have been reporting for YEARS, or kill the servers and move on. Hopefully you have learned a lesson here.

If it wasn't primarily for this issue (and a few others), you would still see THOUSANDS of players instead of hundreds. Because of the SOE's PS employees� refusal to correct this (and other) issues, this game is dying. Because of their refusal to acknowledge this and other major issues with the game, this game is essentially dead.

Do you like playing ONE battle on ONE continent most of the time? When I play this game as a 4+ year player with over $500 invested in this game nowadays, it quite literally makes be cry to think of what could have been if the SOE PS employees would have either taken the time to fix issues like these or at the very least been honest with their customers (we write your check, people) and said something like "look, we just don't have the resources to fix the major issues with this game" and called it QUITS.

I'm playing for the reminiscence...I can afford it. PLEASE FIX THESE ISSUES OR END THIS GAME. Quit adding content that people could care less about and is re-proving the point that this game's life-span is LONG overdue.

2008-04-06, 06:33 AM
Good for you! I'm glad you sent that. Please keep me updated on what the response is. I seem to be in a similar boat, I'm downloading PS again to re-subscribe simply for old time's sake. All my friends stopped playing years ago, and I doubt I'll find much excitement or any large battles. However, I was a PlanetSide player in beta and then all through release and I absolutely love this game. There has never been another game with such potential and I doubt there will be another one soon. I just wish there was something I could do to help, but I don't know of anything. At least you spoke your mind. I hope they listen.


2008-04-06, 11:54 AM
Good for you! I'm glad you sent that. Please keep me updated on what the response is. I seem to be in a similar boat, I'm downloading PS again to re-subscribe simply for old time's sake. All my friends stopped playing years ago, and I doubt I'll find much excitement or any large battles. However, I was a PlanetSide player in beta and then all through release and I absolutely love this game. There has never been another game with such potential and I doubt there will be another one soon. I just wish there was something I could do to help, but I don't know of anything. At least you spoke your mind. I hope they listen.


You had friends? :lol:


2008-04-06, 04:39 PM
You had friends? :lol:


I thought I did, maybe they were only using me for my body... :evil:

2008-04-06, 06:18 PM
Maybe they just enjoyed watching you crash into mountains and trees ;)

2008-04-07, 12:24 AM
Good for you! I'm glad you sent that. Please keep me updated on what the response is. I seem to be in a similar boat, I'm downloading PS again to re-subscribe simply for old time's sake. All my friends stopped playing years ago, and I doubt I'll find much excitement or any large battles. However, I was a PlanetSide player in beta and then all through release and I absolutely love this game. There has never been another game with such potential and I doubt there will be another one soon. I just wish there was something I could do to help, but I don't know of anything. At least you spoke your mind. I hope they listen.


I doubt I'll even get a response, but thanks. :)