View Full Version : So... Couture VS. Lesnar

2008-11-17, 10:47 PM
Who calls bullshit and say it was fixed?

I'm sorry but we all know Lesnar has no skill aside from wrestling and being huge. Randy is a fucking monster in the ring... it was his last match...

I'm pretty sure they didn't want the title up in the air so they threw it at one of the crowd favorites and told Randy all his legal problems would go away if he threw the match.

2008-11-18, 08:07 PM
I'm pretty sure every professional fighting match has been fixed since the 30's.

2008-11-19, 12:58 AM
Did Lesnar really beat Couture? I don't think he has enough skill yet. Just not experienced enough.

2008-11-19, 09:59 PM
Yeah he knocked him out in the second round... which I find pretty darn hard to believe honestly.... ok... he has lunchbox sized fists... but Randy is a fucking monster. I met the guy in montreal and just by looking at him you're impressed....

Lesnar to me just looks like another Roid case... I've seen 300 of them at my local gym and they can probably pull the same shit that he does... with no training.

I'm pretty sure he took a fall just to get the fuck out of his UFC contract... dishonest? Yeah.... disappointing? Fuck yeah.

2008-12-15, 02:57 PM
I'm pretty sure every professional fighting match has been fixed since the 30's.
