View Full Version : Been a long time

2009-09-26, 12:44 PM
Well I got an e-mail today. My last log in to this site was:

Welcome, Whiskey01.
You last visited: 10-25-2003 at 11:34 AM.

Which was right after the last time I logged in to PS. So whats new? I hear they are or may be wokring on a PS2. Thats a very cool idea. when this game first hit it was pretty amazing. Then things went down hill. Anyway, hello to you all, hope PS2 is as fun as the original first was.

2009-09-26, 01:22 PM
Hey man, weclome!

PSU has been here that entire time surprisingly :lol:

I am hoping that PS2 brings back the excitement that once was PlanetSide in the early days.

2009-09-26, 01:58 PM
Welcome back!

2009-09-26, 10:44 PM
Welcome back!

Don't drop the soap!

2009-10-03, 08:37 PM
Don't listen to him. Please, drop it.

2009-10-04, 02:29 PM
wow i havent been killed by you in a long while =)

2009-10-04, 10:29 PM
Don't listen to him. Please, drop it.

That was somewhat sarcastic. It goes both ways. Like people who drop the soap on accident!

2009-10-08, 10:57 PM
Welcome back to Planetside :).

2009-10-15, 11:15 AM
Hey man, weclome!

PSU has been here that entire time surprisingly :lol:

I am hoping that PS2 brings back the excitement that once was PlanetSide in the early days.

Well, there was that 6 month hiatus, a couple years ago. I remember when you closed down the site. Then by accident, I clicked on the bookmark (I don't really get around to deleting my bookmarks all too often) and the site was back up.

2009-10-15, 05:26 PM
Yea a momentary lapse in sanity.