View Full Version : The return of.. Qoutes that didn't make it!!

2009-09-27, 01:52 AM
My first and most important grievance is the loss of most of our character space to submit them. I have several I think would be good especially with some of the changes in game. But can't resubmit them because they are too long.

One being..

"Why cant the Vanu cross the lake? There waiting to shoot down the mysterious Vangaurd flying over it!8)"

This was from way before hacking was a major issue. Probably in the first year or two of the game. And written for a slightly different reason I can't remember. 8) It was partially a joke from people argueing about the vanu's timer over water or something or some reoccurring argument relating to the issue that is similar.

"Listen to us or we wont listen to you!!.... Is that some sort of threa(t)?!" this one is cut off by one letter!! 8p I thought it was funny. People once actually argued this with me. hehe This was back when you could get them so pissed off they stopped thinking clearly. Good memories! 8) ( I added teh ... is that some sort of a threat part to make it into funnier qoute. And I thought fit what was once PSU. 8))

This one apparently hamma just didn't like. but still gets hurt by the new character limit. And yes we could really once put this many letters in qoute.. *drool*

"Im too sexy for my Hamma! Too sexy for my Hamma. SOOOO Sexy it HUURRTTZZZ!!!!!"

This was put in when he first started doing the contribution thing. Still don't know why it didn't make it. lol

"Sponsered by Pron! Become a paying contributer and get a free subscriction to a Pron Magazine of your choice!"

"Is it getting dumber in here, or is it just me!" Also we can't resubmit them unless we modify them. 8( so only the ones I fix typos in can be resubmitted. I thought this was one just good. A bit of a personal montage!

some other ones I just thought were interesting...:

Still searching for an answer to how fish masterbate.


Hacking is half the battle! P S U!!!

Still with a zero percent graduating rate!

If i liked the weapon i would be complaining about it! (this one not so sure about) 8)

When will Sam figure out his best bet is to restart the game!

We added "U" to stop copy write enfringment! ( a little bit of a joke. U is like you. But not sure how you help stop copyright infringement. I guess there was a missing part there! )

Only you can provent forum fires! ( I wonder if this was killed for the typo. Hmmm...)

Because forums are no fun if your not a complete idiot! 8p (just damned relevant)

What weighs more: A 4 pint milk, Or a half pint NC! MMMOOOO!!! Got Milk! (from before Moo got banned and he acted like he didn't know me. I was his teacher BTW. 8p I brainwashed his ass till he thought he even came up with it all! 8D)

For your next thread, make up recipes Using the staff of PSU in the lounge!8p (this has a funny double meaning to it.)

Oct 31, 2003 5:39:13 AM EST ( I thought having a previous date and time mysteriously show up where the quotes were would be funny. was this the creation period of the forum or the game. I took it from something.)

Everyday i come here, i get a little dumber.( I spent way too much time here. ONe of my earlier qoutes! 8p)

Has anyone ever actually seen Hamma? (wonder if this started the hamma cam?!)

UPS for the slighty dislexic! ( still not sure what's wrong with this one lol.)

2009-09-27, 11:29 AM
Will have to look at the QDB and see what is going on. I've been denying the cut off ones because they were cut off.. :lol:

They can't be to long because they have a specific place to display.

2009-09-27, 08:32 PM
Obamarama made it few weeks ago for me...

2009-09-28, 12:10 AM
I finally got the one about zero graduation rate in. 8)

2009-09-28, 11:24 AM
My "Signatures Are For Weeners" did not make it, nor did "Nothing Personal, Firefly Hates Everyone."


2009-09-28, 12:54 PM
resubmit them :lol:

2009-09-28, 01:22 PM
I'm embarrassed by mine that didn't make it.

2009-09-29, 03:45 PM
My "Signatures Are For Weeners" did not make it, nor did "Nothing Personal, Firefly Hates Everyone."


You don't hate me. If memory serves correctly, you loved me, but were afraid to admit it.