View Full Version : Gross!! gross gross!!

2009-10-08, 11:28 AM

one of my firend on facebook linked it up, I almost vomited. :eek:

Warning is a little graphic and disturbing.

2009-10-08, 11:57 AM
Mmmm, horsey sauce....

2009-10-08, 12:03 PM
I saw a dude, and a chick with a needle, going "I popped the other one" and poking at some sort of halfway-born alien facehugger...

... and then I said to myself "I have cinnamon rolls!" and promptly turned this off to go eat them.

No thanx. "Bacne" guy can keep his back acne.

2009-10-08, 12:10 PM
I saw a dude, and a chick with a needle, going "I popped the other one" and poking at some sort of halfway-born alien facehugger...

... and then I said to myself "I have cinnamon rolls!" and promptly turned this off to go eat them.

No thanx. "Bacne" guy can keep his back acne.

:lol: good call :P

2009-10-08, 12:54 PM

I did about the same, saw a knife and a massive alien on his back and closed it

2009-10-08, 02:50 PM
Am I the only person here who isn't bothered by this? Yea its gross, but it doesn't ruin my appetite or make me wince.

2009-10-08, 03:26 PM
Hey whoa, slow your roll, big pimpin'.

I said I went to go eat cinnamon rolls. Cinnamon rolls (the "mega-something") from Roy Rogers > Bacne Pus Boy.

2009-10-08, 03:50 PM
I'm not bothered by it.

I've seen far worse.

2009-10-08, 04:54 PM
That's a whole lot of puss for one damn pimple! I'm impressed actually.

2009-10-08, 06:13 PM
Nom nom nom.

2009-10-09, 09:51 AM
Am I the only person here who isn't bothered by this? Yea its gross, but it doesn't ruin my appetite or make me wince.

Yea.. I just didn't care to see it is all.. :lol: