View Full Version : World War Z

2009-11-13, 05:21 PM
So who else has read this? And who is is waiting anxiously for the movie next year?

World War Z (http://www.randomhouse.com/crown/worldwarz/)

2009-11-13, 07:35 PM
Interesting I had never heard of it before.

The calculator said had I lived through the Zombie war my chances of survival would be 35% :[

2009-11-13, 07:59 PM
34% here

2009-11-13, 08:38 PM

2009-11-13, 11:06 PM
39, i blame my house and lack of boat...

2009-11-15, 02:03 PM
Haha yea even with my military background I was only around 40%.

It's an awesome book, a must read. It follows an american reporter intervewing survivors of the war and goes in order of when events take place, from the doctor who treated one of the first patients with the plague to the final offense of humanity on the zombies.

Goes into great detail from many different countries all over the world, their unique problems, how the economy was affected, people, war tactics, survival, logistics, everything.

2009-11-15, 03:50 PM

I have better chances. I have a Brita filter.

2009-11-15, 04:54 PM
Yeah, read it about a year back or so, great book.

Not so sure on the movie though, guess I gotta wait for a bit more info.

Got 43%, but I think I could do better.

2009-11-15, 08:51 PM

You can all rent my protection in exchange for servitude.

2009-11-15, 10:41 PM
That calculator is asking all the wrong questions.

2009-11-16, 12:57 AM
About the movie: Max Brooks has said he has no control over the making, but is greatly impressed with where the writer of the movie is taking it, not changing it into a modern zombie action "blow-everything-up" movie, but keeping with the theme of the book, a reporter collection stories on the plaque.

But the director or some such is supposed to be changed and so it's being delayed a little bit.