View Full Version : Failed Download

2009-11-15, 12:28 AM
Just recruited another interested person to Planetside and when we started downloading it to his comp we encountered unexplainable errors...

Basically, after we downloaded it from the site we would open the file, wait for it to start, the bar would load and then afterwards it would give us the wait sign for hours it would do.......nothing.

After discussing this in game with a few others someone suggested using the station downloader, so we did and it stopped part of the way through saying there was an updating error......

So basically with one route it gives us a waiting key and then does nothing forever, and with the other it fails to download for an unexplained reason.

I really am trying to get my friends signed up to this awesome game, but this is the second major curveball i've run into and like before their seems to be nothing I can do.

Does anyone know what I can try?


2009-11-15, 11:52 AM
Are you saving it to the computer before running it?

2009-11-15, 02:27 PM
Well its downloaded to the "my downloads" section where it shows the "planetsidesetup" application file. When I right click and say "run" or "open" it proceeds to wait about 10 mins then eventually a blue bar appears. Once its done though nothing happens afterwards.

Normally I would launch the station installer afterwards, but it just does nothing after the bar is done; leading both of us to scratch our heads.

Then we tried installing the station installer straight from Sony and get the game over again via that route; however, for some reason about 20 mins into the download it fails to update for an unexplained reason and gets stuck.

Basically I've approached this from two angles and have failed each time. Does anyone know another angle? or maybe how to fix one of these problems?


p.s. I'm trying to get more ppl signed up to the game here cause i think its badass, but i just keep running into technical roadblocks.

2009-11-15, 08:52 PM
If you're close enough, give them your install discs.

If not, try a download regulator. I forget which one I use... I'm at work.

2009-11-16, 12:21 PM
Well unfortunately using the download discs is not an option, we're getting the game off a paid download site.

What I don't get is that I've seen this method work 3 times now, one even on a crappy computer and I don't know why I'm running into so many roadblocks with my friends comp.

I'm starting to think its a corrupted download, in which case we need to try again. Barring that were going to call tech support and see if they can help.

2009-11-16, 02:27 PM
Maybe your friend's comp can't handle it? What are the specs?

2009-11-16, 03:04 PM
From which site are you downloading it?

Your best bet is to go to the SOE/Planetside website and download the Launchpad installer, and run it that way.

2009-11-17, 03:19 PM
We've used the "direct2drive" site for 3 other computers which worked just fine, his is the only exception I've seen so far.

We also have already tried downloading the station launcher from SOE and it kept freezing in the download message "failed to update...will try again in 30 seconds...failed to update...will try again in 30 seconds..."

When someone suggested the possibility of insufficient computer specs we took a look at it and it has 3GB of ram, the usual dual core processor, and a dedicated video card (512MB). By all means he should be able to run it, and I've seen much slower computers run it just fine.

My friend then tried to erase the current downloads and reload them all over again at my suggestion because of the possibility of a corrupted file, he has recently called me to say that hes now having a separate problem installing that from the file...

We are going to try one last gamble and locate a physical CD and actually upload it manually from the CD; however, that's only if were lucky enough to find a CD with a functional code...

Does anyone know any good places to buy physical CD's of planetside, if so can you link them?

Thanks for all the suggestions, me and my friend really are trying to make this thing work but hes about ready to give up on it.

p.s. my friend is also prone to bad luck (seriously).

2009-11-17, 03:54 PM
You forgot the most important thing. What OS is he running?

2009-11-18, 12:31 PM
Windows vista like me (mine worked). However, the other two computers that I installed it on were using XP, so there is a possiblity that this is all a software error with the OS.

Still though, his computer seems relatively similar to mine and it frustrates me that I can't figure out whats wrong with it...

2009-11-18, 03:10 PM
Are you both running the UAC?

2009-11-18, 09:33 PM
You need to log into the Station Launchpad and download it that way. Make sure you run it as administrator.

2009-11-19, 05:40 PM
well I will be meeting up with him this weekend, then we will see whats up.

If he got a physical copy of the CD were just gonna try that route, if not we will try the downloader one more time.

Otherwise the matter is a lost cause...

2009-11-20, 08:31 AM
Hey I am running windows 7, I had the same problem firefly is right, right click on the planetside icon on your desktop click run as administrator. It worked for me. Thanks firefly.

2009-11-20, 09:46 PM
No problem, homie!

2009-11-23, 12:13 PM
We have tried that before, it worked for my computer; however we cant get his to even initialize, it wont even give us the program to work with (never gets that far).

Its like its stuck decompressing files or something. Anyway, he found some phyical copies of the CD's online and were going to aquire them soon, but some R/L stuff is causing him significant delay.

2009-11-25, 07:57 PM
Are you both running the UAC?