View Full Version : Carrying Over Outfit Glory

2011-01-18, 03:33 PM
As we await more information on PlanetSide Next (or whatever they decide the name shall be), another important factor I think the developers must not overlook - the legacy of the participants of the prior war (game).

The Dragon Wolves and other specific Outfits have been in existence and actually had some action from the very start. (True, we have had some down time.) I firmly believe that it is important to grant some form of recognition to those Outfits who have stood the test of time and have earned their place in the annals of the previous triumvirate war.

Does this mean special abilities? No, not at all. But it does possibly mean specialized decals or emblems. The one thing that was an added bonus were the awards and decorations you could earn in-game on the armor. Personally this meant a lot to me, and I know it did for my Outfit. Why not carry these accolades over into the new game?

The camaraderie fostered by this simple "eye-candy" would sure to be a draw to former players and veterans of the game. Also, this would encourage recruits or new players to seek Outfits that have some previous knowledge of the dynamics of the game (even though this newer version may turn out to be somewhat different).

This kind of Outfit recognition has deep roots in history and has always been a source of pride within groups who fought together as organized units. I look forward to what may come out of this idea if they choose to use it.

2011-01-18, 06:38 PM
If the improvements to the engine are to be believed, is it possible some custom armour-types specifically for the Founding Outfits could be made available after the game is launched?

For example, the Dragonwolves could have a helmet modelled partly from a wolf's head and have shoulder-guards with the emblem "carved" (I of course mean a bumpmap)...

2011-01-19, 05:09 PM
Decals, flags, limited armor dyes... I'm all for it!

2011-01-24, 05:49 PM
The more individuality the better.

I want to be able to customise armour with slogans, medals, badges, etc.

2011-01-24, 06:01 PM
I'd like to see medals/commendations carried through, Outfits should also get medals for being in Planetside 1. Long term service? Having played since late 03 I want something shiny to pin on my chest, nothing inbalanced though ^^

2011-01-25, 09:43 PM
Only those outfits with 10m outfit points :)

2011-01-27, 08:37 AM
I am all for it except for dyes. I think it would be a shame if you had the possibility of removing the faction colours. :)

2011-01-27, 09:11 AM
They have those veteran medals - they're called Merits for having played. I got my account on retail launch day and since then I've got a whole bunch of them. The only one which is important to me is the Knife-Your-Face merit. I don't have time to mess around with dying my armour - I'm too busy fighting, killing, dying, respawning and wash-rinse-repeating. You lot are welcome to spend your days in Sanctuary doing that, though. Gives me a free run of your generator and CC.

It's enough that they gave us stupid hats on holidays and certain BRs earned you a beret or bluetooth. In all honesty, whilst I appreciate the effort, that time-spent should've gone to something else. Like making the Lasher lash friendlies.

To bring us back on course - I've thought this over a bit, and I don't honestly see SOE running Planetside and Planetside:Next at the same time. I think the old PS will give way to the new PS. And with that, I think it's highly possible that outfits can (and maybe even will) carry over to the new Planetside. I'd like to believe that this information is stored in an easily-accessible and easily-modifiable format, like XML, and send it right on over.

2011-01-28, 09:55 AM
I would love to see the new BoB's medal carry a quote "Banned over a conflict about Superman"

Funny true story lol :(

2011-01-28, 12:22 PM
Oooh drama. Do tell!!

2011-01-28, 12:27 PM
I don't think the people who make the hats / ear pieces are the same people who balance / fix / design weapons.

2011-01-28, 12:40 PM
I have a vague memory but as I recall... Some cr5 said something about superman, one of BoB's cr5 corrected him, followed by that cr5 trolling, a dev got involved and NemisisOrion finally ended it by saying "f*ck you" to the dev, and got banned. A lot of us shortly after said the same thing in /comall about the dev resulting in BoB dying with 20 or so bans... Ohh memories lol

2011-01-28, 01:22 PM
Yes.... Nemesisorion said "Superman sucks" over global chat...
After which this happened

2011-01-28, 03:16 PM
hah, epic failure.

2011-01-28, 03:47 PM
I'd say, as much as I despise CSR Dan-B, that if you knew about his ban-happy tendencies and you still pulled the tail of the tiger, you deserve what happens to you. That whole "Fuck the man!" scofflaw attitude... it got him what? Banned? Yeah. How'd that work out for you?

2011-01-28, 03:49 PM
Oooh, danb wanted him in a private chat? That's a bit excessive though.

2011-01-28, 03:50 PM
Yeah. A departure from his normal tactic of summoning you to the Orbital Platforms.

2011-01-28, 08:13 PM