View Full Version : BFRs Revisited
2011-01-25, 03:18 PM
BFR's would be ok if they were very rare. Like requiring massive resource investment or something. Maybe not being able to be repaired in field. But yeah game should be about teamwork not one vehicle dominating.
It's cool that they will browsing for feedback on the thread but really what feedback is there to give except whether or not the tank looks cool? My feedback is yes it does lol.
Chaotic Cow
2011-01-25, 11:09 PM
BFR's would be ok if they were very rare. Like requiring massive resource investment or something. Maybe not being able to be repaired in field. But yeah game should be about teamwork not one vehicle dominating.
It's cool that they will browsing for feedback on the thread but really what feedback is there to give except whether or not the tank looks cool? My feedback is yes it does lol.
Limited per continent or really long cool downs.
Like it takes 5 hours to build / set up a new BFR.
2011-01-26, 04:20 AM
if BFRs get put back in the game it should make you lose EXP or something, A significant amount, When it blows. Either that or an economy system in the game. There should be a reason people DONT want to die in a BFR, more fragile but more firepower maybe after that so its not a one man army as it were. As for the ss, looks good. Cant wait to see my reaver.
2011-01-26, 08:46 AM
And if for some G-dawful reason they put them in... keep them OUTSIDE of a base. Ten metres out from the walls and you get the forced-deconstruct warning/timer. Same goes for towers.
2011-01-26, 02:31 PM
BFRs creeping into this topic.
Yes BFRs are a reassuring sight fo PlanetSide's sci-fi warfare and I would love them to be in. However there would have to be zone-wide control on these for fairness. BFRs in PS1 has small and ineffective control systems applied to them because they too accessible and excessive against zone-wide Empire balance.
Accumlated zone-wide trigger-points for BFR accessbility. All Empires would simualtaneously have access when triggered.
Amounts of BFRs (very limited, hopefully).
ZERO aerial BFRs.
One-time useage until next trigger.
Maybe the "pivotal role" of our new Galaxy to bring them in.
Increased size?
Three-legged BFR for the Technophiles? (PS1 Aphelion is super-lame)
2011-01-26, 02:57 PM
They don't fit in whatsoever, it doesn't matter if they have extreme requirements to be brought in they were just not necessary, there wasn't a niche for the BFR which is why they were implemented with the ability to shoot anything because there just wasn't a space for them.
We had a nice circle for outdoors vehicular combat
MBT -> Light vehicles -> Aircraft -> MBT
We had nice balance in aerial combat
Reaver -> Ground -> Mossie -> Reaver
And in general combat it all kind of combined. Massed infantry could fend off tanks but it was far more effective to bring in the right mix, entrenched infantry kept enemy armor too harrassed so friendly armor could dispatch it. Friendly infantry pushed forward and took ground or alternatively held ground and prevented their armor getting harassed. Liberators were the counter to well dug in infantry and defensive positions, Light vehicles were the counter to less well dug in infantry as they could *** in and ambush the stragglers without getting too involved in combat. Combat engineers are the counter to flanking by tanks and infiltration, Reavers the counter to MBT's, light vehicles are the counter to reavers and mossies are a strange one that can go after liberators, reavers or straggling infantry.
Everything fit together, certain vehicles were extremely effective against one thing. AA MAXes dominated the air yet were pretty poor against anything else, so only a few were required to balance the battlefield giving someone a very specific squad role. Heavy tanks were all-rounders of ground combat but could be easily dispatched by a skilled lone reaver pilot. Skyguards a brilliant support for armor since they annhilate low flying reavers yet need that armored support to defend them against assault buggies. Assault buggies are brilliant vehicles for open plains and infantry courtyard battles, being easily able to decimate infantry but not tough enough for big slugfests.
Summation - Everything had its place, its use, its area of expertise and its weakness. BFR's before the balance could tank the damage from a vanguard in crouched mode easily, could dominate any infantry, armored vehicle or aircraft. They have a version that can fly onto a giant mountain with ease and there you have a super AA unit that can tank the damage from any MBT, can't be killed in one reaver clip like an AA max and has a giant jump height to fire over obstacles. You have an AntiInfantry mortar than leaves plasma over the battlefield to do burn damage and a sniper AT weapon that does more damage than a vanguard 150mm cannon without any arc (NC Peregrine Gunner AT Weapon).
They can also camp roofs/doors, run underwater for instant immunity from anything that poses any real threat, swap loadouts instantly. Even when nerfed they dominate the battlefield and the combined arms just isn't there any more. You see perhaps a handful of MBT's and then Biffers. Even then an MBT will lose a 1 on 1 fight with a gunner variant AV BFR with ease yet they both require basically the same manpower and infrastructure to get into the battle.
Apart from the balance issues Gundam mechs just aren't a feasible weapon IRL, its power to surface area/volume ratios, simply put they just wouldn't work. I always liked Planetside because everything *seemed* feasible, but big stompy mechs just pushed it too far. They don't go with the general look of the game.
Also bear in mind that a large proportion of the playerbase left because of the BFR's and what they did, if SOE puts them it could send a message to those players that might make them forget about buying it. Don't take any risks, just leave them out for this one.
2011-01-26, 04:04 PM
Entirely which is why I said there wasn't any control system over them. Easily accessible, excessive and continuosly appearing - no control. The actual BFRs (ground only) were a great concept and THEY DO go with the general look of the game, being a sci-fi game with cloaking abilities, orbital strikes and MAXs. Though, still, the BFR load-out customization could have been without or at least something felt wrong about that.
2011-01-26, 04:24 PM
Why should certain players have access to this doom machine? It doesn't matter how few of them you can have, first since there's no valid way to determine which BFR pilot is more worthy than another. Second the entire reason BFR's are annoying and overpowered is because they don't die, balance doesn't come from limiting their number it comes from limiting their power.
However in my post I listed why they are a bad idea, they don't fulfill a needed role, they just exist and overwrite other roles with fewer disadvantages and require less teamwork. They can be Anti-air, anti-tank or anti-infantry. They can sit miles away and snipe and have regenerating health, they have no real counters and they don't fit into any niche.
And think about the other side of the guns, sure you make them these doom machines that you barely ever get and look freaking awesome. This might work in say World of Warcraft where 20 players team up to take down an UberAI however in Planetside there's a guy in that uber world destroying walker basically getting free kills for little teamwork. It would take huge amounts of teamwork to take one down yet very little to use one, this is what killed Planetside in the first place. It took epic amounts of teamwork and coordination to kill BFR's en masse yet the BFR's just zerged and won, it basically gave footzerging an all powerful stompy unit of death.
Also I'm not arguing that the look of the game is 'futuristic warfare' yet everything is merely real-life technology with a sci-fi paintjob. The aircraft are merely helicopters and everything else has a matching counterpart in real life too, orbital strikes aren't too far off and neither are exoskeletal suits for humans and invisiblity cloaks are hardly far off. In fact BAE systems just perfected an 'active camoflague' of sorts.
But in any situation, simply using surface area to volume ratios, a tracked low profile tank will always be superior to a walker of equal weight. But that's not really relevant, what is relevant is that the ground combat was fine as it was - in fact it was better, BFR's were just tacked on and poorly thought out that inserted into no place of the combat cycle.
2011-01-26, 08:33 PM
As always well thought out and very true.
BFR's were indeed a huge reason quite a few people quit playing. It was just an aspect of the game that was forced in and not really needed. The combined arms of infantry and armor has been around for quite some time. It's a proven method and it makes gameplay a total blast.
BFR's started as solo pwn machines, they killed infantry combat an were entirely too easy to obtain. As mentioned they slowly nerfed them but the damage had already been done and the balance of the game thrown off forever.
It is a good thing Smedley has listened to the community in this regard and PS:N Won't have BFRs and hopefully they will never be introduced. Add some more variants of the existing tanks and vehicles sure but beyond that - keep it simple.
2011-01-27, 07:55 AM
BFR's were just tacked on and poorly thought out that inserted into no place of the combat cycle.True. Still, SOE could propose a much much greater idea of BFRs in PS:2, which is probably the one only way they could do now - a proposal.
What I see is: SOE put BFRs in PS:1 in many wrong ways which affected the community and now BFRs have become an abomination to PlanetSide and its players forever. Now, Smedley is responding to veterans by saying "No BFRs in PS:2" as if expressing with complacence and incompetence, and ignoring why their players are saying no to BFRs.
Have an open mind about it (control methods):
BFRs could be all-powerful again but clearly visible to all on Map (M),
slowest-moving vehicle
with probably only two per Empire per continent,
only available when your Empire allows it (triggered by some things including population)
long-term (near 1Hr of same Hotspot) deadlock concentrations,
and 3-Empire-wide recharge 3Hr timer (so they don't appear all the time).
2011-01-27, 08:05 AM
Yeah can't really say that I hated the BFR's that much in PS(No I was not a frequent BFR user). But with that said I can't say I will miss them very much in PSN either. :)
2011-01-27, 08:30 AM
The only way BFRs would work is as a "normal tank on legs" which means:
should not be too big.
should not be too powerfull - requires a Gunner to be usefull.
No Single man BFRs - No flying BFRs.
must not have a regenerative shield.
Should not have more armour than a MBT.
Moves as fast as a MBT and has the same terrain limitations (no climbing on mountains etc.)
must not look awfull (example: NC Peregrine chickenwalker)
Personally I can live without BFRs. I'd rather have more different Tanks to choose from (easier to balance).
Chaotic Cow
2011-01-27, 09:14 AM
I think BFRs could work...they would just have to be done right.
Though since they won't be in PS Next (at least not in the beginning) it won't be a big deal.
2011-01-27, 09:16 AM
Since when did cows become chaotic?
Nevermind I am just letting information leak out from my twisted brain. :)
2011-01-27, 09:29 AM
BFRs on Day One were easy to kill - unless you were a solo zergling retard. Sorry if that offends you killwhore one-man-armies, but it's simple truth. I was watching some of my old videos, and shortly after Corpse Combat came out, my outfit put a ten-man squad of Agiles (well, nine... plus one infiltrator) on Cyssor to see what could be done about them. The infiltrator ran around with Jammers and as backup a CUD (EMP function). The Agiles were carrying Decimators and Strykers. The concept was simple - Infiltrator would Jammer the thing, the rest of us would foot-zerg it and take it out. Remember, Planetside might've catered to one-man wolfpacks, but it also catered to people who work together. In this video I watched, we knocked out two BFRs in short order. Now, if I happened to log in and I was either by myself or we had a smallish amount of people on, BFRs could ruin my game. Alone, I suck. With my outfit mates, I could do stuff. Killwhores can eat it - not all of us had twitch skills back then. :D
But I digress. BFRs do not have a place in Planetside:Next for one simple reason - they had a HUGE hand in driving off players. This is simple fact - go read a lot of forums where they discuss Planetside, and you'll see a lot of people say something to the effect of "BFRs killed it for me". Whether or not it's because they sucked or their elitist sense of dominance was quickly toppled by being base-camped by a rogue BFR is irrelevant. A lot of people left because of BFRs. I think most of them left because you could take this massive thing into a courtyard and stand in front of a door and just lay down on the trigger. Anyway, John Smedley went out of his way to make it clear that BFRs would not be in PS:Next, and that's the way (uh-huh, uh-huh) I like it. I daresay I'm not the only one.
You can put all the controls you want in-game to make them hard to access - as I recall, this was done with BFRs in the first game. It took what, twelve or fourteen certs just to pilot one? Plus a hundred kills in the Crap Caverns first? And if you died in a BFR, you couldn't get one for what, an hour or four? Hell, I relished taking out a newly-spawned BFR just to piss off the pilot. Once I camped a BFR terminal for half an hour just to CR5-OS the shit out of one. The bottom line is, people hated them and I doubt things will have changed. Unfortunately, they are there to stay for Planetside One, because they were on the box art and because they marketed them with BFRs, it becomes false advertising to remove them (that's a direct quote from a former PS dev, who acknowledged on the forums that his predecessor screwed the pooch in putting them in-game).
Personally I liked the BFR. I'm a huge BattleTech fan, and by extension therefore a fan of Mechwarrior. I salivated over getting a 'Mech-like vehicle. I focussed a great deal of time on getting everything I needed to pilot one. And when they came out, I quickly put together a lance of BFRs to go run down some NC and VS. The lustre faded quickly for me, unfortunately. And getting my ass camped by some BFR pilot who had nothing better to do than stand outside a base just made me recall to Sanc and log off.
2011-01-27, 11:21 AM
10 agiles to kill one solo man BFR, requiring complex tactics and a lot more skill than that BFR pilot did.
In Planetside an MBT can be taken about by a one man reaver, a one man reaver can be taken out by single man AA. Everything has a playerbalance, the amount of teamwork and players something requires is balanced by what it can add to the combat cycle. Sure you could take down a BFR in no time with 10 agiles with decis, however if the pilot jumped out or if the other BFR's nearby joined in you were screwed.
If you played in the days of the inbalanced release you would know that all you saw were BFR's, I went out of a door and saw an army of 15 BFR's just sat there camping the base. They required one man to use and fit every role, there was no need to bring in a skyguard for AA, a sunderer for troop transport to bring infantry to take ground, a reaver for antitank, all you needed was Biffers. As a result without any organisation for a BFR raid everything just turned to BFR's. For no teamwork you got a one man army machine, they were the definition of 'solo zergling retard' - they just gave that solo zergling killwhore-one-man-army a true 'one man army'. He was pretty much immune to all damage if he was even marginally intelligent and you had no chance of killing an amassed 'zergling' army of BFR's. The point is those BFR's had no organisation, people just pulled them and zerged them and since they were anti-everything there was just no better counter or solution so that's all the game devolved to. Sure you could spam 40 reavers like many outfits did but are you seriously going to have that 24/7? Is that efficient at all? Once you start doing that after the first BFR sees you everyone will just switch to AA and you are massacred, simply by an reaction of instinct your days of organisation and teamwork are trumped by a zerg hivemind. This is the very reason the game died, people got sick of having to destroy the BFR Zerg by doing these mass organised raids, it just tired people out and playing normally wasn't possible since the BFR zerg ruled absolute. When people got fed up of doing 20 Reaver zerg -> kill BFR -> Pwned by AA spam -> Infantry Bailure horde -> Jammer BFR -> Kill 1 -> AI Spam -> Die they just got fed up and unsubbed.
I know how to kill BFR's, I was there for the BFR testing, I was there when Planetside launched and I was there when Planetside died. I even did my best to kill BFR's when they were released but after every battle just resulting to watching 30 BFR's march around your base stomping on things I got fed up. It's not a matter of skill, noone is terrible at the game nor skilled if you take a BFR down with 10 guys and a jammer nade hell thats what I did along with reaver hordes. It isn't a fair Effort/Reward balance though, that guy in that BFR put in barely any effort and if he's half decent he'll probably get a few kills at least - especially if he is a gunner. Or if he isn't a total muppet he won't be in a situation where 10 guys can easily get to him, even then you couldn't do anything against the massive zergs of biffers that plagued Planetside before they were nerfed - even then the overpoweredness isn't the only problem, sure it made them worse but they are still a problem now because as I said, they are far too multirole and just overwrite a load of roles that exist already in the game and do them better and with more versatility, it's just when they were insanely OP'd before the patch they merely did those roles even better than they do now.
Sure you could go 10 agiles but are you telling me that would work against the huge amassed armies of 20-30 BFR's that would just camp the hills near the base? You wouldn't get within 10 feet of the nearest one. The BFR's all got 3 variants each (solo,flying,gunner) so unless they were an absolute retard they should never be without a BFR. If you want awesome mechs then go play mechwarrior were they can be badass. They are pretty awesome machines its just planetside is a game of balance, teamwork and mutual fun, seeing people stomp around in their 1-man-pwnwagons isn't mutual fun or teamwork.
As for the BFR limit idea, I've countered that before. Why does a certain 2 people have access to this one man pwn machine that requires a huge combined effort to take down yet no serious effort to run/set up? It's not fair on the other players just so one guy can feel like the god of planetside for an hour. Also what happens if some complete muppet pulls one, then a decent player can't use it and you get some moron who just marches it into nowhere and wastes it putting your Empire at a huge loss because the other team has this giant instapwn mech and you lost yours due to one Troll/Griefer/Moronic Player.
2011-01-27, 12:03 PM
"BFR Zerg"
Ok. SOE can prevent that. Each continent, simualtaneously accessible to all Empires as an Empire announcement says:
"The enemy has acquired a BFR. We will react accordingly by authorizing our own BFR (1)"
"Our <empire> has developed and authorized a BFR (1). The enemy is likely to respond."
Fixed. Controlled. No BFR zerg. 3 super-powers in the field (1 each Empire) & when detected becomes permenently visible on Map (M).
Continent-wide all-Empire recharge timer of #hrs.
Whilst PlanetSide:1 can be a repetative sequence of events, smudging that sequence by placing a Empire-wide challenge can stimulate alot of fun. When you don't always see a Dragon in the sky, some days later you see it swoop and set you aflame.
2011-01-27, 12:40 PM
Why does it seem this entire thread is devolving into why or why not BFRs should be in the game, and if so how to make them so that people don't hate them.
If they add in BFRs they are guaranteeing themselves less subscribers. Even IF they could pull off adding in BFRs people have already experienced what was done the first time around, I'd be hesitant to give SoE a chance if that happened as well.
Either way they've already stated that BFRs will not be in the game. We had an amazing time playing PS before they were released and I will continue to do so in PS:N.
On another note though...I can't wait to hop in that new galaxy...
2011-01-27, 01:27 PM
Created new BFR thread from the remnants of the Vanguard discussion :)
Discuss away!
Chaotic Cow
2011-01-27, 01:36 PM
It's unfortunate how horrible BFRs were in PS which pretty much set their fate in PS:Next.
2011-01-27, 02:04 PM
BFRs could have been great, they could have enhanced the battlefield and drawn in legions of mechwarrior fans.
But we all know what actually happened.
They could have worked in the games play scheme by one main difference; make them require 3-4 crew, one pilot and 2 or three gunners. This single change would mean that you see far less of them as then its not directly giving kills to the driver, so they will only pull them when there is a serious outdoor battle going on.
Also make the pilot choose from EITHER the shield, (severely nerfed) flight pack or the roof gun. This makes them choose from speed, defence or firepower, giving each one a set role to play.
2011-01-27, 02:04 PM
I actually liked the concept of the BFR, but the implementation was all fail. 1 single BFR would totally change the battlefield, let alone having more than 1. Sure, if you focus fired properly, you could deal with them, but their shields recharged to quickly they would be right back on the front lines.
Plus the flight varients were insane. They were death dealers and could escape anything. I really hated those things.
Having said that, like anything in PS, there were ways to handle them. I was usually in my reaver, so I enjoyed trying to solo the BFRs. Mostly I'd only get kills if they were already damaged and were running back to repair. If they were full health, the most I could really do by myself was harrass them so they would focus on trying to take me out and not shoot at my army.
There are videos of people with Agile armor soloing BFRs. I tried it myself and the tactic was effective, I just wasn't good enough to pull it off very often.
Basically, I wouldn't mind BFRs if they were balanced right, essentially making them a kind of MBT. However, since there are soooo many players that absolutely hate them, lets just keep them out of PSN.
2011-01-27, 02:15 PM
As I have said before, and before that. If you put a large population limit on a unit in return for making it WTFPWN then how do you decide who uses it? And how is it fair on the rest of the players that this one guy gets an awesome machine of doom that doesn't require any effort what so ever?
What if your awesome doom machine is in the hands of a noob/griefer/troll who decides to go fight his own personal war with it and gets killed/doesn't add anything to the battle.
As for just bringing in BFR's? They didn't add anything to the game, I've already made my points and arguments so just re-read my posts but it's along the lines of
a) They fill far too many roles, this was their gimmick and their downfall - you could switch them out/change their gear but this just made them too versatile and negated the value of anything else
b) They gave the zerg a one-man vehicle that was better than anything else
c) Balancing them into a tank role is not needed -> that's why the tank is there. Why add something on top, if aint broke don't fix it, just make the tank beefier if you like a more powerful heavy vehicle
d) They have a lot of stigma, alot of people left the game because of (in fact, a majority of people left the game because of them) and I know people who left because of them. Either directly at the inbalance, or indirectly because of how much they changed the core game and battles. If you put them in PS-Next that's a lot of bad reputation and bad memories you are putting in. Start from fresh, this is our chance. They couldn't remove them from PS-1 because they had advertised them etc and it brought up a load of legal issues.
Chaotic Cow
2011-01-27, 02:38 PM
Maybe have BFRs only available to Outfits with a certain amount of points or something.
2011-01-27, 06:33 PM
I actually liked the concept of the BFR, but the implementation was all fail. 1 single BFR would totally change the battlefield, let alone having more than 1. Sure, if you focus fired properly, you could deal with them, but their shields recharged to quickly they would be right back on the front lines.
Basically, I wouldn't mind BFRs if they were balanced right, essentially making them a kind of MBT. However, since there are soooo many players that absolutely hate them, lets just keep them out of PSN.
This is pretty much how I feel.
I think it would be a great addition to the game, but they absolutely can't screw it up.
2011-01-28, 05:09 AM
Maybe have BFRs only available to Outfits with a certain amount of points or something.
Yup when I originally said they should be rare that is what I had in mind guess I should have clarified. I think it is something an Outfit should have to farm for an then pick an choose an ideal time to use it to turn the tide of a battle. I also like the idea above about requiring a 4 man crew.
I think done right it could add some fun an spice to the game by being an interesting target to take down. I think repair options should definitely be limited though. It should definitely die not be able to live for hours. Large health pool an no way to repair. An a weaker recharging shield or something dunno.
That being said its clear a lot of people don't like them because of what they were. So it may be better to just not even bother trying to make them work. Which is what it sounds like SOE has done in Next.
2011-01-28, 07:42 AM
Rarity of super-powerful BFRs equally challenged by one of each other Empire's BFR - a control system applied to create this rarity and equality. What is left is the player's zone-wide communication, command and navigation of this BFR. "Outfit BFRs" suggests against this fairness. Why?
When an Outfit is to be responsible for piloting it, it may unnescessarily restrict access. It shouldn't restrict your Empire somehow just because of that. I would rather here, still, be a continental announcement triggering all Empire's single BFR and designate a suitable driver (based on stats and dice-roll gamble). Outfit BFRs also suggest against other Empire's Outfits too because they may not be ready for one! This could lead to uncontrolled and unequalled super-powers in the field, which is what happens in PS:1 (Amounts of BFR (ratio 3:5:9) at any time).
So, an Outfit being responsible for a BFR should only be an Outfit publicity stunt somehow, an advertsement or bragging right - Outfit celebrity.
As for repairing a BFR I don't see why not. Only way to repair would probably be to use a Lodestar or a facility service, maybe, thus having to be more dependant in the field. All field engineers could do is ... nothing, really. Work on BFR escorts around the BFR, I guess.
One orbital strike to destroy a slow-moving ground-only BFR (no aerial BFRs for PS:2) and its surrounding escorts. Simple. Same for Orbital Strikes, too, there was no control system except a recharge timer. You could blast 10 multiple Orbital Strikes and that spoiled the use of it for me.
Chaotic Cow
2011-01-28, 10:42 AM
Aerial BFRs are a joke anyways. Gunner variant was more fun.
2011-01-28, 09:34 PM
Well Tikuto the reason I think Outfit based BFR's would be the way to go is to address what other people brought up in thread. If BFR's are rare how do you determine who gets the honor of piloting one? How is fair for one guy to win a dice roll an get to drive the solo repairable pwnmobile for hours racking up the kills? Or worse what if it gives it to in an idiot who gets it killed immediately gimping your empire?
Outfit BFR's solves all of that. The Outfit works to earn one an then they pick an choose when they want to use it giving it to their own skilled drivers. Probably in most cases to turn the tide of a major battle. Too valuable to waste kill farming with not being able to repair. That's my personal vision of them anyway.
2011-01-28, 09:54 PM
I never really got why people hated BFRs. I thought they were really fun. I usually used the flying one with VS lasers. It was so fun picking people off with those things.
Also killing them was so fun. My friend and I used to use vultures and dive bomb them for easy kills. Or take turns and solo them with decimators or mines while cloaking. I guess when they were first released they were over powered, but anything in the game that's added needs to be balanced.
Though I do agree they took away from the whole teamwork concept since you only needed one person and not two like a tank or something.
2011-01-28, 10:03 PM
Outfit BFR's solves all of that. The Outfit works to earn one an then they pick an choose when they want to use it giving it to their own skilled drivers. Probably in most cases to turn the tide of a major battle. Too valuable to waste kill farming with not being able to repair. That's my personal vision of them anyway.
That just entices a zergfit-mentality and takes away from the smaller outfits. If a guy wants to be a BFR pilot, he or she shouldn't have to join a mega-zergfit just to be one. Not that I care - I mean, I don't have to worry about it, since Smedley went so far as to say "No BFRs in PS:Next."
2011-01-28, 10:12 PM
That just entices a zergfit-mentality and takes away from the smaller outfits. If a guy wants to be a BFR pilot, he or she shouldn't have to join a mega-zergfit just to be one. Not that I care - I mean, I don't have to worry about it, since Smedley went so far as to say "No BFRs in PS:Next."
Well my vision of them is that they are not everyday standard vehicles. You don't just aspire to be a BFR pilot. Cause they are too rare. You might only get to be in one every few days if that. They would be more of a power unit that when you see them in battle is really cool. Cause you know the enemy called in the big guns to win this an now even if you can't kill it yourself you can do some damage that can't be repaired. So it will go down eventually.
But yeah your right its almost a moot point since they wont be in the game.
BFRs will never be implemented again because of what they did to planetside's subscription base, pure and simple.
Chaotic Cow
2011-01-29, 10:09 AM
True. Now that BFRs were included and done wrong people are scared about them being in PS:Next!
2011-01-29, 10:26 AM
Once again, the idea of a power unit is stupid. Call of Duty is proof of this.
Airstrikes are no fun, the fact that because someone has camped/gotten 5 kills and is then guaranteed another 20 free kills because of it is stupid. It leads to exponential increase of kills for very little effort.
Who should get to pilot these BFR's? If there's a limit on them then someone is going to have to be selected? No doubt this will be the most skilled person because they will apparantly be ub3r l33t deathmachines so why would they waste such a vital resource on a total nublet, so the powerful get more powerful, the rich get richer and the more skilled just get a free asset to mow people down with.
These kind of 'boss' units are great for an event. I'd LOVE an event where an AI unit of immense power just starts laying everyone to waste and all the empires have to team up, but as Black Ops proved giving a small select number of people a ridiculous advantage is neither fun nor conductive to good gameplay, it just pisses everyone off because the power is just used for killwhoring.
It's done anyway, BFR's aren't in the game. Smedley said so and it's a good thing. They had no place in Planetside and they didn't add anything to the game and they alienated the vast majority of the player base. Putting them in Next would just bring back bad memories and probably stop a lot of veterans coming back.
Chaotic Cow
2011-01-29, 10:43 AM
I don't think they should be a power unit.
I'm not asking for a game changing unit.
A Slow vehicle with bigger guns. Basically a bigger tank.
2011-01-29, 11:22 AM
I don't think they should be a power unit.
I'm not asking for a game changing unit.
A Slow vehicle with bigger guns. Basically a bigger tank.
What's the point? Why not just have the tank. That is the tank's role after all. The combat cycle was fine without a bigger tank put in.
2011-01-29, 11:52 AM
These kind of 'boss' units are great for an event. I'd LOVE an event where an AI unit of immense power just starts laying everyone to waste and all the empires have to team up, but as Black Ops proved giving a small select number of people a ridiculous advantage is neither fun nor conductive to good gameplay, it just pisses everyone off because the power is just used for killwhoring.
Some massive event would be interesting :lol:
But it shouldn't be actual players acting as the special event.
2011-01-29, 12:03 PM
I don't like BFR's, I liked them before they went live, I remember I got the last one cause I glitched on the test server and everybody else had to go through a long-ass process to get it while I was above ground do sh*t like this:
2011-01-29, 11:04 PM
That was all that was necessary.
2011-01-29, 11:10 PM
What's the point? Why not just have the tank. That is the tank's role after all. The combat cycle was fine without a bigger tank put in.
I have to imagine it's because some people like mechs. I always found piloting a BFR much cooler than driving around a Magrider. It got even better if you had a flying BFR since it was both a ground unit and temporary air unit. Sure the game didn't need more vehicles, but I honestly don't think they hurt the gameplay, contrary to other's opinions. (I think the initial uber version before the nerf left a lasting impression though). The long timer ensured they weren't used that often which helped to limit the number of them on the battlefield.
The BFRs always felt like large MAX units for each empire also which I always found fit the game really well.
Something else that I think can't be ignored was the enjoyment of hunting them. I think everyone has fond memories of dropping onto a BFR and owning them or getting the medals for kill streaks. :D
2011-01-30, 09:02 AM
I have to imagine it's because some people like mechs. I always found piloting a BFR much cooler than driving around a Magrider. It got even better if you had a flying BFR since it was both a ground unit and temporary air unit. Sure the game didn't need more vehicles, but I honestly don't think they hurt the gameplay, contrary to other's opinions. (I think the initial uber version before the nerf left a lasting impression though). The long timer ensured they weren't used that often which helped to limit the number of them on the battlefield.
The BFRs always felt like large MAX units for each empire also which I always found fit the game really well.
Something else that I think can't be ignored was the enjoyment of hunting them. I think everyone has fond memories of dropping onto a BFR and owning them or getting the medals for kill streaks. :D
Rule of Cool isn't a good enough explanation for putting something in that has no use and a bad history for pissing off the playerbase.
Planetside wasn't a game filled with 'cool', the Prowler looked like a cake with tracks, the Marauder was some kind of beach buggy and lets not get started on the gimpsuit infiltrator and ZE GOGGLES. I hope they make the vehicles look a bit more believable in Next but you can never argue that the BFR's looked cool, they pranced (literally pranced) as their running animation, moved like they weighed about 10 kilos, the NC one had these tiny little machineguns pathetically welded to the front of it. The VS gunner variant had a plant growing out of its head with that AT cannon.
I have memories of killing BFR's, but they aren't 'OMG I'm so awesome I took out a BFR'. They are more 'finally I friggin killed that muppet, oh god there's 20 more coming to camp the base doors *Escape - Q*'. There was no enjoyment in hunting them since they were at such because they were just overpowered anti-everything mobiles that just dominated every MOS. Nearly every role was obsolete.
My fondest memories of Planetside are the ones from 2003/2004 when combined arms was what won battles, organisation, teamwork. Prowlers moving in with skyguards and infantry. Not just BFR spam.
2011-01-30, 12:25 PM
the Marauder was some kind of beach buggy
No, dude, that was the NC thing, what was it called? Enforcer? The Marauder was a redneck pickup.
2011-01-31, 12:54 AM
No, dude, that was the NC thing, what was it called? Enforcer? The Marauder was a redneck pickup.
Lolz dadgum Jethro, we gots us some NC and VS Pad Monkeys we gots t'clean up with this hyar pair o'guns.
Shore thing pa! Howcum the ingin sounds like it's a Ronco food processor?
2011-02-03, 08:17 AM
I think there's never going to be a balance in this there's people that just simply like bfrs and the whole concept of a walking tank is pretty awesome but the people that don't like that conecept will never before bfrs it will just be a back and forth argument to have them or not have them and if they are put in what will be the requirments and limitations.....
2011-02-03, 08:29 AM
I'd prefer a bigger selection of proper ground based vehicles over having BFRs any day to be honest. Never did like them from the get go
2011-02-03, 10:09 AM
I think there's never going to be a balance in this there's people that just simply like bfrs and the whole concept of a walking tank is pretty awesome but the people that don't like that conecept will never before bfrs it will just be a back and forth argument to have them or not have them and if they are put in what will be the requirments and limitations.....If that's really the case, then there can be situations where a BFR would be more welcomed in the next game. My idea is maybe the PlanetSide sequel may have mass battles which could do with some sugar to make those look better and act better -- a reason to have them back.
And if they did come back, they would have to be put in the game properly. MMOs need control. I've said this since early Planetside:1 years. MMOs lack control methods correlating to never-ending balance topics especially in their PvP spectrum -- apply control methods to them to maintain balance.
2011-02-03, 10:55 AM
if they are put in what will be the requirments and limitations.....Apparently the certification requirements were not enough? Armored Assault 1 and 2 was 3 points and BFR, just the anti-vehicular one, was 4 points. I only used the anti-infantry one so that was an extra point for me. 8 points just to use the vehicle I wanted to. However it could be argued that I also used the Magrider with my outfit, but it was mostly an extra since I preferred the liberator.
However, I don't think any limitation would be enough for most people unless it was equal to the firepower and health of a lightning.
2011-02-03, 11:35 AM
if they are put in what will be the requirments and limitations.....
You guys are dragging out a what-if conversation. BFRs will not be in PS:Next, the end. That's all there is to it, unless Smedley's lying. And somehow I don't really think he is.
2011-02-03, 11:39 AM
Smedley is lying.
2011-02-03, 12:00 PM
You guys are dragging out a what-if conversation. BFRs will not be in PS:Next, the end. That's all there is to it, unless Smedley's lying. And somehow I don't really think he is.One word: Expansion! PS:N:Core Combat!
2011-02-03, 12:57 PM
One word: No.
Considering that's what pretty much pissed off a whole lotta players from before, I think they learned from that mistake.
2011-02-04, 09:15 AM
2011-02-04, 12:07 PM
Sweet, my grandma's basement has one of those nuclear fallout shelters from the Cuban Missile Crisis.
2011-02-04, 06:00 PM
Well Tikuto the reason I think Outfit based BFR's would be the way to go is to address what other people brought up in thread. If BFR's are rare how do you determine who gets the honor of piloting one? How is fair for one guy to win a dice roll an get to drive the solo repairable pwnmobile for hours racking up the kills? Or worse what if it gives it to in an idiot who gets it killed immediately gimping your empire?
Outfit BFR's solves all of that. The Outfit works to earn one an then they pick an choose when they want to use it giving it to their own skilled drivers. Probably in most cases to turn the tide of a major battle. Too valuable to waste kill farming with not being able to repair. That's my personal vision of them anyway.With what I previously said, an applied zone-wide control to prevent "BFR zerg", I was thinking maybe base it primarily on the specific statistics and then your Empire will select a suitable designated driver of that continent. Secondarily could be Outfit-related but as I said we may prefer it not to condense the selection on who gets the BFR.
It'd instigate confliction within own Empires - competative Outfits, and there'd be only one super-Outfit or even an unbalanced Empire population ultra-Outfit. Not keen on seeing internal scraps and wavered empire populations. O_
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