View Full Version : PS Next: Wishlist
2011-01-28, 08:44 PM
So with all the great discussion going on I wanted to create a general thread. What do you MOST want to see in PlanetSide Next? It can be anything from water combat (everyone seems to have wanted that in the original game) to new commander abilities.
Or even simple improvements like additional armor looks.
2011-01-28, 08:50 PM
I'd like to see:
First-person views within vehicles, which includes passengers. A squad of friends sitting in the back of a galaxy, with the only indication of the outside conditions coming from glimpses through small windows, sounds of nearby exploding flak, or description from the pilot or gunners, that is what I want to experience in Planetside Next. Doesn't mean I think third-person should not also be included (for vehicles, anyway).
Only listed my #1, will add more if it looks like that's what this thread is about.
2011-01-28, 09:15 PM
Return of the coffins.
OH, and Ant bombs. We definitely need to see the return of the Ant bomb.
On a serious note though, something along the lines of the pre-release game with updated graphics and I would be happy as a pig in shit.
2011-01-28, 09:48 PM
I agree with Bloodly I would like to see it be a fully first person view game even in vehicles. It would raise the skill factor in gameplay considerably an make corner camping less effective which is good.
Aside from that I want more persistent elements to the gameplay. I think one of the big complaints the early largest Planetside playerbase had was that it felt pointless since you were always losing the bases you had fought to take. Once you maxed out your Rank there wasn't much left to progress. I think its why they lost a lot of people even before they broke it with expansions.
I think the MMO audience craves that sense of progression an so I hope SOE has added more of such things into the game. Not just for the individual player but for Empires themselves so there is a sense of your day to day actions having a lasting impact.
2011-01-28, 09:59 PM
For me...
- Updated graphics, and from what tidbits we've seen so far... Check.
- No Biffers... Check again.
- Lashers fucking up friendlies.
- Customized armor - As in decals, colour (restricted to faction, of course), and in-game medals or achievements.
- Specialized certifications (none of that Uni-max, or grouped up multi-certs).
- Weapon balance (like PS1 - Minus the Lasher BS).
- CR points being awarded to outfit leaders and (tagged) officers instead of any dumbass who leads a squad.
- An open bar (with "drunk effect") and strippers in whatever safe area that's provided.
-Just give me PS1 with updated gfx and gimped lashers with booze and strippers and I'm good. Thanks.
2011-01-28, 10:01 PM
1) A real, actual urban-combat zone - Corpse Combat's crap caverns were supposed to give us that feel, or so I recall reading. The only feeling it gave me was a slightly sour taste in my mouth and a feeling like I got raped, kinda like what I imagine it feels like to have a hobo jizz there.
2) Naval additions - like, offshore platforms (like an oil rig, think Delta Force: Land Warrior). Underwater breather implant, underwater weapon or two, maybe an underwater MAX, a couple of vehicles.
3) For Lashers to lash friendlies (it lashes Vanu just fine when I use their guns against them, HOW DOES IT FEEL).
4) I want Oshur back. You can keep the BI in-game but put Oshur back.
5) Keep the stupid shit out of PS:Next. Like BFRs. And get rid of that stupid Black Ops crap, or whatever the "actual" 4th Empire was (the uber-1337 dudes with stupid light sabers). Keep Core Combat, hell keep the Ancient Tech too.
6) Maybe some smart-bombs off the Vulture, provided a grunt lazes a target.
7) Make the Galaxy Gunship more like an actual Spectre gunship - all the stuff on one side.
8) Chaff or ECM on aircraft.
1.) Better hit detection
2.) Something to discourage door camping
3.) Boats could be interesting or pointless. Not that big of an item for me.
4.) Less Certs so we have less SA and less maxes
5.) Ant bombs!
6.) Graphics better not be too updates because my PS currently kills my 2007 PC with graphics on minimum.
7.) Either reduce the time to cap or make caps worth a lot more. Why would I sit on a base for 15 minutes to get 2.25k xp when I can go kill five people and get 2.5k?
8.) Support needs to be slightly more lucrative
9.) A "priority" based Kill spam option. For example, like in TF2. The kill spam shows other people, but your kills and you and your squadmates' deaths are highlighted and stay longer. I said optional because options are always good.
I agree with Bloodly I would like to see it be a fully first person view game even in vehicles. It would raise the skill factor in gameplay considerably an make corner camping less effective which is good. This makes no sense but OK if you think you're a better player because you drive in 1st person then go for it.
2011-01-28, 10:22 PM
I think he means no third-person, or at least no third-person in infantry mode.
2011-01-29, 12:08 AM
All I really want for PS:N are 2 things. Smooth gameplay and massive scale.
2011-01-29, 01:25 AM
7) Make the Galaxy Gunship more like an actual Spectre gunship - all the stuff on one side.
In like 2004 I made a post asking for a Gunship in the game, but the guns were 3 pods that could move from one side of the plane to the other independently. Also a pod that could move from the bottom to the top to provide anti-air as a secondary mode. Needless to say I was disappointed when the Galaxy Gunship arrived and it was a Galaxy with extra guns.
Anyway the thing I most want in the game is more players with the same basic game as a base.
2011-01-29, 04:25 AM
What I think PS2 needs to recapture the fundementals of the original:
256+ Battles
Certification System
New players able to go toe to toe with veterans and win.
Major additions I would love to see:
Night Fighting
BFR style weapon customisation for all vehicles
Every base unique
Realistic flight model
Head shots and vehicle weak points
Lodestar able to spawn vehicles when not in an enemy SOI
Small tweaks:
Third person removed
Infantry do not appear on radar
Agiles can only equip short weapons, not the large HA/AV weapons however they have jump jets instead.
Pilots and drivers can only wear standard armour
2011-01-29, 05:34 AM
Smooth fluid HD quality and animations.
Darklight being on everyone's visor and not an implant.
Mending Kits for every Militant (everyone is responsible for their own body armor and body health).
Sprint button instead of Surge implant!
No more Silent Run implant lmao.
Deployable bases.
Command overhaul.
Zone-wide control system applied to super-powers (BFRs and Orbital Strikes)
Chaotic Cow
2011-01-29, 10:14 AM
-Improved Visuals
-Improved Weather effects
-Improved Hit-Detection / Net Code
-Improved Medic Tools
(When I die, I want to see medics appear on my radar. I want to know one is coming so I don't rush to respawn.)
-Improved Implants
-Old World Map with weather icons.
-Day/Light System for Auraxis
(Assuming it will be 1 planet again)
-More Unique bases
-Removed 3rd person from Infantry
(Keep on vehicles)
They should change the idea of Caverns. Instead of just hollow rocks, they should of had underground cities. Old alien-tech buildings but with the same purpose as in Planetside. Modules. I think modules should play a bigger role.
Back to what I was saying...I would like to see a alien city underground. Not this fighting in a hollow rock. I want to see actual buildings.
2011-01-29, 10:45 AM
More tactical buildings outside of bases (Bunkers were awsome, but a 12mm machine gun mounted in them would make them great.) Maybe CE deploy them? Watch towers (NO SPAWN TUBES) Would love to see small towns and cities with buildings that are closer to IRL buildings.
Customizable armor, weapons, and vehicles that everyone can use (Scopes on rifles, Change gun on lighting, harder armor for slower movement in rexo stuff like that)
Common tech and empire tech artillery that is able to be called in for fire support (Long range)
Naval warfare, ships have artillery for support too
2011-01-29, 10:46 AM
-Improved Visuals Obviously going to happen
-Improved Weather effects Improved in what way? more types, better graphics? Actually forced to have an effect on gameplay - dust storms ground air vehicles?
-Improved Hit-Detection / Net Code Most annoying thing was that snipers who were on higher ground could nudge forward so only their barrel showed and you couldn't hit them but they could kill youa
-Old World Map with weather icons. It was cool seeing weather fronts move across the map
-Day/Light System for Auraxis Already existed, it just wasn't very profound. It also seemed that it got lighter the more people you were near. If you go out over the sea miles away from anything when it's night ingame it actually does get very dark
-More Unique bases Hells yeah
* Smooth fluid HD quality and animations. That would probably crash the server. Loads of scripted stuff going off at once causes problems. The animations were pretty good and I agree that the reload animations could be better, rather than just tapping the gun
* Darklight being on everyone's visor and not an implant. Cloakers are now dead...not too balanced
* Mending Kits for every Militant (everyone is responsible for their own body armor and body health). Support is 40% of Planetside, what do those guys do now? Keep medics/engineers, people shouldn't be self sufficient
* Sprint button instead of Surge implant! Your running speed without a gun = sprinting. Surge was actually a bunch of bionics in your leg whiuch explained why you could run with 60 kilos of armor plate. I don't think everyone should be surgiles
* No more Silent Run implant lmao. Interfarm is now death. Silent Run was needed for infiltrators to avoid detection/CE
* Deployable bases. = lag and easy griefing, wasn't an AMS basically a deployable base? Depends on what you mean, I'd love to see more deployables like trenches and pill boxes/machinegun nests. But a base seems a bit over the top
* Command overhaul. Elaborate?
* Zone-wide control system applied to super-powers (BFRs and Orbital Strikes) BFR's aren't in Next, but Orbital Strikes could do with a global cooldown or some kind of prerequisite. Perhaps you should have to take and control orbital uplinks on the map, that would be pretty cool. And then the uplink takes time to set up and send fire missions
* Night Fighting Yes if its done properly. E.g. ARMA 2 style, everyone needs built in visor Night vision goggles and infrared lasers on their guns. Possibly add in flares as well
* BFR style weapon customisation for all vehicles No, makes the game too hard to balance. This is why BFR's were dumb, the idea that something can change to AA, AV or AI in a few seconds just trashed the game. What could you possibly need to switch to? An MBT doesn't have many different options. They should have basic weapons, then you can choose ammunition. So a tank can have SABOT rounds for armor and suck at killing infantry, HEAT rounds are the middle ground and HE rounds are solely anti Infantry.
* Every base unique I think the idea is that the bases are modular pre-set designs. How many bases were in Planetside? 100? Making sure every unique base design is balanced and actually fun to assault/defend is hard enough. With 100 unique bases there will probably be some issues
* Realistic flight model
* Head shots and vehicle weak points The furthest I think this should go is Turret/Front/Side/Rear armor on vehicles. Turret is strongest, rear is weakest. This would give a value to real tactics such as hull down/turret down. And we can have some cool deployables for vehicles, like little bays they can drive into so only their turret shows. Headshots would inbalance sniping far too much, I think it should be left as it is. The skill in marksmanship in Planetside was aiming for the centre of mass and trying to be very accurate.
* Lodestar able to spawn vehicles when not in an enemy SOI This would be kind of broken. Imagine a constant stream of AMS's spawning 1 metre outside your SOI. The main thing about the bases was that you needed them for armor support. With a lodestar next to it a tower basically becomes a base. Bases balanced vehicles, the logistics of driving that slow tank from base to the battle. It meant that when you destroyed a tank it actually put it out of action for quite a while. I don't want that tank driver to just respawn two paces outside my SOI and get his tank straight back
2011-01-29, 11:16 AM
With that addressed here are my personal, highly opinionated ideas.
More Combat Engineering deployables Things like AT mines, Anti-Infantry mines. Machinegun nests, forward observation posts, fortified defences (bunkers), trenches and fortified positions for vehicles (like a trench a tank can drive into to go hull down)
Old Certifications The game was more team orientated when everything was seperate, most things were 3 certs and there were no multicerts. If you wanted a Prowler you certed prowler, if you wanted a liberator you certed liberator. It made people do their jobs and made it so competent people used every vehicle since it was pretty much their main duty.
Urban Terrain I don't feel like I'm part of the TR when I fight on Auraxis. It seems like I'm just fighting over bases without any use. The land doesn't seem valuable. Perhaps if we had something like a capital city for each Empire, where the majority of said empires supporters live.
The NC capital would be a shanty town, kind of Mad Max style since they are guerillas fighting against an empire.
The TR capital would be soviet concrete apartments, possibly a nuclear reactor thrown in somewhere. They would have Soviet style industry and large faceless government buildings.
The VS Capital would be laboratories and high-tech industry, steel buildings and bright colours.
There would be smaller towns spread around as well, the buildings should just be 3-4 (perhaps more) different models complete with an interior so you can occupy them. The cities should be positioned on major routes and chokepoints so vehicles are forced to travel through them. This would be brilliant for tactical ambushes.
Machinegunner Support cert I always felt Planetside was missing a heavy machinegun. This support will give you one, it's common pool so every empire has the same HMG, it should do very little damage - below that of Medium Assault weapons. However it should be deployable (bipod) which significantly reduces CoF, it should be rapid firing and have a clip of 200 rounds. Since taking damage causes CoF bloom this gun would make a great addition to a squad moving on an enemy base, the machinegunner can give surpressing fire and pin down enemy snipers and riflemen, forcing them into cover. Other things this cert would give.
Smoke grenades Allowing the supporting machinegunner to throw white concealing smoke to allow advancing through open ground
Laser Rangefinder/Marker Will designate an area for a missile from a supporting aircraft/artillery piece
Flare gun For nightfights, if they exist
Smoke launchers on all APC's, Tanks Smoke launchers fitted with concealing white smoke on tanks would allow them to either evade enemy fire or conceal friendly troop movements. This would have a very large cooldown (5 mins?) to prevent spam and the smoke would last about 5-10 seconds.
Proper Infantry Fighting Vehicles There should be a frontline Infantry vehicle like a BTR-80 / BTR - 90 / LAV-25 troop transport that can get troops to the front and give them powerful supporting fire. Here's a pic.
These APC's should devastate infantry and have two ammo selections - AP for harassing armor and hovering aircraft. HE - For plastering enemy infatry with fire. Bonus would be a small side mounted SAM launcher (also in pic) which could fire light AA missiles that would not kill an aircraft but severely damage it, scaring it away. Also the APC shown in the picture is amphibious, so like the deliverer these things will also have water-crossing abilities
Bonus points if SOE can actually add interiors to the APC's, how awesome would it be to actually properly pile out of an APC - back doors open and troops storm out. You reverse up to a back door and all these guys rush out the back. That would be cool
A Proper SPG (Self Propelled Gun)
Possible Empire-Specific. This would fill the role of the Flail but far, far more tactically. The coordinates would have to be set by a laser rangefinder support soldier, the Artillery can then fire high explosive rounds, these would not instakill infatry just take them down to a very low health value. It would be used for taking out entrenched infatry (basically it balances out the better defensive structures of the combat engineer) The shell would leave a vapor trail which would allow you to spot it coming
EVE - Style Character Face Creation There should be some form of face creation tool rather than preset faces
2011-01-29, 11:54 AM
1. Better customization - face creator, decals on armor, Outfit symbol creator, etc. (these have been said before I believe
2. Natural environment (traps?) - trees fall when crashed into killing the vehicle (most likely a mossy or some kind of flight vehicle). But also some sh*t like boulders being able to be pushed onto incoming troops through a narrow passage or on a hill
3. Better support - meaning good exp for doing the sh*t that no one else wants to do
5. Outfit bases - not on the front lines or anything but grated if the sanctuary still exists the larger outfits have a home base and have to keep up their kills, points earned, etc. to keep the base
6. (As mentioned before) BAR WITH STRIPPERS!
7. SOME New Weapons and equipment - keep some of the old and awesome but mix it with new and fantastic!
9. Non-leathal weapons... lol F*ck that! - But to does have key advantages to drop a net over 10 people having them stuck underneath it for a couple seconds
10. Drugs - to enhance combat efficiency and with the possibility to OD... and Shrooms
11. Tunnels - similar to what the bunkers had but longer and in the battlefield to reduce tanks from instagibing infantry
12. Import music from computer to jam out while kill wh*ring
2011-01-29, 12:10 PM
Please no smoke grenades or flash bangs or anything like them!
Not all weapons in other games are good for Planetside, due to the massive amount of players. I can already see people spamming smoke grenades and flash bangs, this will only annoy people instead of giving the game more tactical features.
Small thing that I would like to see in game if sancs will still exist:
Make quiting instant if you are in the sanc or on a continent that your empire owns.
Hated to wait 10 seconds in the sanc to quit.... didn't make any sense
2011-01-29, 12:53 PM
Like everyone else, I have many ideas and wishes for the new game. One thing that I always wanted in the original game was: More customization - more choices!
Weapon Customization: upgrades that slightly change the behavior and visual appearance of Infantry weapons.
Character Customization: unlockable armour/uniform upgrades (similar to the BR24 changes .. but more options!) - models and textures.
Vehicle Customizations: unlockable visual upgrades and small boosts.
I really hope the PSN devs don't pay too much attention to these boards or we'll end up with 30000000 customization options and no gameplay improvements.
2011-01-29, 03:40 PM
Realistic physics, for starters
If you hit one person with part of a shotgun blast, and he is standing in front of 20 other people, then every pellet should hit SOMEBODY, not just vanish. As it is, I suspect that the one person who takes damage is allotted however many pellets, and the other ones disappear, but I'm not sure on that.
When a MAX runs into a softie, the softie gets thrown backwards. Not the max. I mean, really.
No half-hour auto-reload on the VS AAMAX. Sorry you pilots wet your pants and whined to Sony because someone other than a JH moron could score some points, but largely your whining just eliminated the VS empire from contention. What's next, whine until there is only ONE empire?
No third person
AMS never becoming visible once deployed, for any reason, other than its complete destruction. Same with Aegis. Either that or make the AMS shield almost impenetrable.
Automatic checking of game files to eliminate cheat mods and the users thereof.
Compiling game files and/or encrypting them
Replacing game files with new ones once per week, like clockwork, so the whole thing would have to be decompiled or decrypted, read, reconstructed, and marketed to be an effective cheat, weekly, instead of one-hack-per-year brining the cheat sellers maximum cash.
More devs to "ghost watch" a player's results, being able to see his game through his eyes, and see stuff like automatic armor repairing, damage packet loss, etc, then drain his credit card for a few hundred dollars, and ban him.
Sony to market the game extremely aggressively, not just tell three people in Mongolia "Hey, we might be releasing a game someday." I have gotten so tired over the years of talking to other gamers and them saying "So what's your favorite game?" "Planetside!" "What's that?" Geez, Sony, REALLY. If PS was a girl, she would die a virgin of old age.
Reliable system of reporting abuses. Ever see the Youtube video of the guy running around, a softie, at Mach speeds, on the ground, with twin BFR Plasma cannons on his head? With the OLD Planetside, that doesn't count as evidence of cheating. Come ON...
AA guns that point straight up and beyond. This is maxes, turrets, skyguard, anything. Dropper shouldn't survive flying right over you and dropping. You shouldn't be defenseless, as AA, when a bomber is parking his plane right overhead. Kind of defeats the purpose of AA. It's like having rifles that can aim anywhere above the waist. Crouching means instant invulnerability!
If you bail from your plane, and it crashes within five seconds of when you bailed, you die. Planes are for transport, not for guided missiles.
AV maxes should shred infantry. An HA being able to walk right up to you and kill you, and use your own splash to hasten your demise? Idiotic.
Flight controls completely separate from any other portion of game. Having to reset your controls when hopping from a plane to a ground vehicle to a max to a softie is stupid.
Ground and air vehicle steering reversed: In a ground vehicle, if you aren't tracking your mouse across the pad continually, the vehicle straightens out. If you just nudge your mouse, the plane goes into a death spin you have to try hard to overcome. Needs to be reversed: air vehicles level out without mouse movement, vehicles keep going wherever you last steered them. Or at least make ground vehicles so it doesn't require a five-foot-wide mouse pad (I use a Razer at max-resolution-and-speed) to keep it turning left or right!
No OS's. They did nothing to broaden or keep the subscriber base, except maybe for a few? Or one OS per day. Having OS's so often only penalizes the support guys, no one else.
2011-01-29, 03:49 PM
I really hope the PSN devs don't pay too much attention to these boards or we'll end up with 30000000 customization options and no gameplay improvements.
Please contribute constructively to the threads or don't bother posting.
2011-01-29, 04:37 PM
I guess I'll join the wishlist party as well.
Most important improvements imo are immersive in nature.
Bring back Auraxis, and make it feel like an actual planet. That means a better day / night cycle (Or actually, just a real night would be a good start), and a much greater array of weather effects and a more complex weather system where certain areas, like in real life, favor the development of certain weather phenomenon, all of which should have an impact on gameplay, light or big. Not only do you have to consider your enemies, but also the condition of the area you're going to.
This means things like varying forms of cloud cover, from a few puffy cummulus here and there, to a thick layer of stratus clouds covering the sky, to rain and fog, to wind and lightning storms, to hail and tornadoes. You could and should get screwed over by the weather sometimes if you fail to take it into consideration.
Clouds affect visibility at certain altitudes. This allows high altitude aircraft to hide from enemy units on the ground.
Fog and rain reduce visiblity, on the ground, and below the cloud layer, respectively. Rain may be light or strong, from a visual effect to a serious visibility problem that could potentially be remedied by optic packages.
Wind, especially when it's strong, could affect things like bombs, aircraft manoeuverability and speed, and maybe even tank shells or bolts.
Lightning would be a random hazard. You may be struck, you might not. This applies to planes as well. They could generate an EMP effect (ie; if a plane is too close to a lightning bolt or is struck, it may lose engine power and control for a few seconds, as well as taking damage) and a light effect on gameplay.
Hail could potentially be harmful to light vehicles such as buggies and aircraft.
Tornadoes are tornadoes. Here again it's mostly a hazard to infantry and light vehicles, as tanks would hardly take any damage from most tornadoes. This probably would be the most difficult weather phenomena to implement.
Massive hurricanes could be cool, too. Obviously they'd rare.
Oh, and seasons, maybe?
As a random thought, I always thought auto running MAX units should be able to bash softies out of their way.
But yeah, weather. :3
EDIT: Bloody hell, so many typing fails.
Lets's my big ones.
Deal with the Empty Space Syndrome
I wish for some purpose to all the open space on the maps. Base/tower battles are fun but some sort of gameplay adjustment to get people away from those areas and out into all that empty world space.
Constructable/customizable/destroyable bases. (this is a possible solution to my first point pending you could build bases anywhere).
Better Vehicle Physics
Better vehicle handling. If I'm driving off road I want to feel like I'm driving off road. I want to be able to get air off a jump that sort of thing. Cosmetic stuff. Maybe it's just not possible with a game of this scale but it's a wish list.
Endgame assault/Sanctuary strike/Epic home planet assault...whatever you want to call it. Something that makes you trigger an end game scenario before restarting. There needs to be a purpose to fighting for days/weeks/months.
Trim 1 Empire.
Wait What?... yeah... I said it! Trust me the three way is just a balance and population nightmare waiting to happen. I feel two sides to choose from are better than three without taking away too much from the overall theme of the game (War). There's always only two sides to a war.
2011-01-29, 05:29 PM
Preface: You could say my wishlist is for PlanetSide 1 to return with the bugs ironed out and the engine modernized. But anyway heres some wishes.
1) Jetpacks need to stay out of the game for the most part. I cant stand games like Global Agenda where I wanna kill someone and they just fly off/jump away. I live in fear of them adding jetpacks to PS to pull in the Halo generation, then theres all the people that said 'Hey this new game is like PlanetSide but u have jetpacks!!!' , yeah thats why all those games never stood a chance. When you allow people to escape fights and move around the map quickly, you take away from the feel of scale and the immersion is gone.
2) Interiors remaining to scale. I always loved the way PlanetSide's corridors felt kinda cramped, its realistic and made me feel like I was really there. Some other games have been overdesigned to take into account busy areas and all that bullshit, but they kill all the immersion making me not want to play it.
3) No over designing of things to achieve flowing design concepts for generic balanced blandness. Similar point as number 2 but more general. I always hated the way the maps in TF2 were so carefully designed for maximum fun, all they did was pile players into the same stale choke point match after match. I want some bunkers to naturally be more useful than others, I want some bases to have more towers than others or be really annoying to get to. I want guns to be overpowered in certain situations and force people to play differently. I don't want it dumbed down and all the same like games have been for the last few years. I loved the caverns, they were so crazy it was like the designers were on crack, more of that please.
4) I hope the cert system is similar to how it was. It amazes me to this day that in 2003 I was able to buy a new mmo, pick a cool jeep to drive in the first 5 mins and just go run around with my punisher like a badass.
5) Follow on from point 4, I don't want to grind to unlock tiers for better gear or any of that crap from global agenda.
6) Microtransactions versus subscription as the payment model. I would pay a subscription of course, but I would wish for League of Legends model really, to help grow the community. You need to buy the box, to prevent all the free to play hackers, but after that purchase I would be totally okay with Riot's league of legends payment model to buy flair or exp boosters. If it doesn't effect the outcome of a fight i'd be okay with it being offered in a store.
7) More base designs,
8) More ways to break deadlocks and zergs. Usually a zerg would overwhelm a base after an hour or so and it was pretty boring for everyone involved, then they would move to the next one. I want more strategic opportunities for players to break this up, some new mechanics, or something. I'll keep thinking about my wishlist.
9) Keep infiltrators underpowered as soldiers, they are an alternative way of playing the game, not a viable career route for any idiot who thinks he's the predator. I value infiltrators for spying and disruption, their kills should be opportunistic or from well placed traps. I do not believe the infil suit should ever be an 'assassin class' like it kinda was, early in PS's life.
Preface: You could say my wishlist is for PlanetSide 1 to return with the bugs ironed out and the engine modernized. But anyway heres some wishes.
1) Jetpacks need to stay out of the game for the most part. I cant stand games like Global Agenda where I wanna kill someone and they just fly off/jump away. I live in fear of them adding jetpacks to PS to pull in the Halo generation, then theres all the people that said 'Hey this new game is like PlanetSide but u have jetpacks!!!' , yeah thats why all those games never stood a chance. When you allow people to escape fights and move around the map quickly, you take away from the feel of scale and the immersion is gone.
2) Interiors remaining to scale. I always loved the way PlanetSide's corridors felt kinda cramped, its realistic and made me feel like I was really there. Some other games have been overdesigned to take into account busy areas and all that bullshit, but they kill all the immersion making me not want to play it.
3) No over designing of things to achieve flowing design concepts for generic balanced blandness. Similar point as number 2 but more general. I always hated the way the maps in TF2 were so carefully designed for maximum fun, all they did was pile players into the same stale choke point match after match. I want some bunkers to naturally be more useful than others, I want some bases to have more towers than others or be really annoying to get to. I want guns to be overpowered in certain situations and force people to play differently. I don't want it dumbed down and all the same like games have been for the last few years. I loved the caverns, they were so crazy it was like the designers were on crack, more of that please.
4) I hope the cert system is similar to how it was. It amazes me to this day that in 2003 I was able to buy a new mmo, pick a cool jeep to drive in the first 5 mins and just go run around with my punisher like a badass.
5) Follow on from point 4, I don't want to grind to unlock tiers for better gear or any of that crap from global agenda.
7) More base designs,
8) More ways to break deadlocks and zergs. Usually a zerg would overwhelm a base after an hour or so and it was pretty boring for everyone involved, then they would move to the next one. I want more strategic opportunities for players to break this up, some new mechanics, or something. I'll keep thinking about my wishlist.
Agreed with everything but #6. Sorry, TF2 was ruined by microtransactions. I don't want PSN to end up as a hat simulator. And #1 would be more likely to appease tribes generation tbh.
2011-01-29, 06:04 PM
Jetpacks shouldn't be a part of the game unless they spontaneously malfunction and you die like the reapers in SC2.
Or they should require HEAVY certing.
PSN wouldnt end up as a hat simulator, because its assumed there wouldn't be player-player trading, although you could drop items i suppose.
Micro-transactions wouldn't ruin the game as long as they're careful about what you're allowed to buy.
Anyway, what I want:
command overhaul
command overhaul
better flight physics
more backstory
endgame (you should be able to invade the sanc if you sanc-lock them)
command overhaul
And thats about it.
I thought you'd like a command overhaul, but I don't see it on your list.
2011-01-29, 08:11 PM
1/2 of my wishlist (including jetpack) was BS... like seriously a BAR in a time of war?! F*ckin' awesome but unrealistic
Edit: But I really do want ANT bombs back, customization, environment sh*t, better support, outfit bases, planet, and tunnels lolz beer
2011-01-29, 09:31 PM
3. Better support - meaning good exp for doing the sh*t that no one else wants to do
7. SOME New Weapons and equipment - keep some of the old and awesome but mix it with new and fantastic!
12. Import music from computer to jam out while kill wh*ring
I expect all these will be in psn
2011-01-29, 11:17 PM
Lets's my big ones.
Trim 1 Empire.
Wait What?... yeah... I said it! Trust me the three way is just a balance and population nightmare waiting to happen. I feel two sides to choose from are better than three without taking away too much from the overall theme of the game (War). There's always only two sides to a war.
No this is a bad idea. While it may be harder to balance if they give each Empire unique weapons/vehicles. Having 3 factions helps a ton to create better world PvP.
Look at World of Warcraft or basically any 2 faction game. What happens is one faction ends up with too many people an zerg's the other. When there is 3 however the other 2 just gang up on the big one an it solves the issue. Since fighting two fronts is hard even if you have more men.
No this is a bad idea. While it may be harder to balance if they give each Empire unique weapons/vehicles. Having 3 factions helps a ton to create better world PvP.
Look at World of Warcraft or basically any 2 faction game. What happens is one faction ends up with too many people an zerg's the other. When there is 3 however the other 2 just gang up on the big one an it solves the issue. Since fighting two fronts is hard even if you have more men.
I won't disagree with this. Dark Age of Camelot had three realms fighting against each other and I thought it added a cool dynamic to the pvp. However I don't see this model used (often?) in FPS style games besides at SOE. At least none are popping in my head.
The zerg is just a product of large scale battles. It happened in Planetside with three empires. It happened in DAoC and like you said WoW. Dealing with zerging battle fronts is something we will have to attend with regardless unless they do something with the gameplay to minimize this.
Not only balance and population but another point I forgot to make was performance.
I remember hearing that every empire model/animation gives the game a hit in performance. I believe the dev's mentioned something to this affect in the mobilization alpha videos. I think someone asked them about having trees that could be destroyed/regrow and they explained that if they were to do that. They would have to create a bunch of different models for each stage or growth or destruction all affecting the games performance. (I may be remembering this wrong)
Anyways... where I'm going with this is if they were to remove one empire. That would mean one less set of custom empire specific weapons/vehicles/characters. Which I think would have a positive affect on the games frame rate in larger battles. But I'm just guessing. Maybe the code has changed so this isn't an issue any longer. I just think if removing one empire meant less lag in a larger battle I'd be all for it.
Also if the old Planetside can support 200vs200vs200 battles. Personally I'd love to see 300vs300 battles with two empires. That would make it that much more epic.
2011-01-30, 01:36 AM
heh, you couldn't remove a faction even if you wanted to. Imagine if you jumped into PS:N and there was no TR? no NC? no VS? To put this bluntly 1/3 of the old players will be mad.
Also yes having more models in the game does eat more video memory, but not much. Current cards and computers have more than enough. Back in the 128 MB and 256 MB days each extra 512x512 24-bit texture was another MB of data. Now how many vehicles, weapons, and objects were there in the game? More than 128? You'll see the problem right there.
I don't know about you guys, but the laptop that's being shipped to me has a 485m with 2 GB of RAM :) I'm hoping they target decent specs so that the game can continue for years to come. That's basically what the original did and it aged gracefully.
They won't be removing 1 empire.
2011-01-30, 01:47 AM
They won't be removing 1 empire.
+ realization, yes true
2011-01-30, 06:47 AM
Please no smoke grenades or flash bangs or anything like them!
Not all weapons in other games are good for Planetside, due to the massive amount of players. I can already see people spamming smoke grenades and flash bangs, this will only annoy people instead of giving the game more tactical features.
Small thing that I would like to see in game if sancs will still exist:
Make quiting instant if you are in the sanc or on a continent that your empire owns.
Hated to wait 10 seconds in the sanc to quit.... didn't make any sense
I've seen plenty of games with smoke grenades that haven't been abused. Simple solution make the smoke last 5 seconds and make it only possible to carry one (its a one shot nade launcher tube or something) then people couldn't spam it, in the time it took to get a new one the smoke would be gone.
However vehicle smoke launchers are needed, it's a fundamental part of vehicular combat that I thought was missing for PS -1 .
As for instant quitting, it's quite easy to mistakenly hit ESQ - Q by accident when you go to recall, or if you open up the menu and hit quit by accident. It would be kinda annoying if you just got instantly booted from the game. On sanc perhaps it would be ok, but in an empire cont I think it would be excessive. Just deconstruct and go back to sanc.
2011-01-30, 07:11 AM
I just alt F4 when I want to quit.
2011-01-30, 07:42 AM
Sentrosi's Wish List for Planetside Next.
Let's bring the planet Auraxis back and pretend the Bending never happened. Cool in concept, but it really lost the feel for the game.
BFRs ruined Planetside. The devs never correctly balanced the big hulking mechs. It was almost as if the devs had all this power in their hands, but could not control it. Instead of tweaking the BFRs, lose them completely.
Urban-type environments. And not just the caves. I want buildings, towers, labs, etc that I can either set up ambushes at or can use as a forward base.
I do not want destructable environments. If I can bring down a small bunker with my Prowler, I should be able to bring down a base wall.
Vary the base defenses a bit. Guns on the bases are nice, but give an engineer the ability to change them to flak cannons and/or HE rounds.
Customized graphics. Though this seems redundant given the list in this thread.
Improved in game HUD. I don't want it cluttered. If I'm in my Reaver, I want an indication I'm on rockets by looking at my recticle. I don't want to see my sights slightly off to indicate rockets.
Improved Squad - Platoon - Outfit - Empire comms. CR chat was good, but give the ability for the CR5s on the continent to vote for a continent commander that everyone will listen to.
Advanced support troops (Advanced Hackers/Engineers/Medics) should have their REKS, Medical Applicators and Glue sticks integrated into their armor. Yes, you still have to toggle to use it, but there should not be a delay in using it. 3-4 seconds is crucial for front line medics.
Have the ability to pull killed troops into a corner to heal.
Bring back the old cert system.
This was touched on earlier, but I think we need this in the game. Empire Sanctuaries need to be differentiated AND be invadeable. If an empire is Sanc locked, they should be manning every gun tower and defense that's available to them.
Improved flight physics and chaff/flares.
Leaning around corners and firing from those corners.
I'm sure there are others, but I can't think of anything else right now.
heh, you couldn't remove a faction even if you wanted to. Imagine if you jumped into PS:N and there was no TR? no NC? no VS? To put this bluntly 1/3 of the old players will be mad.
Also yes having more models in the game does eat more video memory, but not much. Current cards and computers have more than enough. Back in the 128 MB and 256 MB days each extra 512x512 24-bit texture was another MB of data. Now how many vehicles, weapons, and objects were there in the game? More than 128? You'll see the problem right there.
I don't know about you guys, but the laptop that's being shipped to me has a 485m with 2 GB of RAM :) I'm hoping they target decent specs so that the game can continue for years to come. That's basically what the original did and it aged gracefully.
I think players are always unhappy about something. I'll agree, being a VS player myself I'd be disappointed to see my empire deleted from the sequel. But I would still play it regardless. Planetside wasn't about empires to me it was about large scale combat and teamwork. The reason I choose VS was based purely on the look of the artwork.
If it's not a technical issue anymore than I retract it from my wishlist. :P or change it to something that address the LAG issue in large battles.
I remember the lag in the large battles sucking huge Planetside.
2011-01-30, 09:09 AM
I do want some customisation, but it can't be too dramatic. It will look retarded if everyone is massively different and the only feature of an empire is whether you are red/grey blue/gold or teal/purple. Medals? Yes. Outfit symbols? Yes!, Customise every part of your armor down to the left elbow guard? No.
Perhaps the 'customisable' part can be the standard exosuit, your base clothes. Those should be customisable. But I don't want to be facing hordes of Reinforced Exosuits each one with some retarded looking combination of GIANT shoulderpads and tacticool helmet etc etc. Every frontline armor should be easily recognisable, especially for TR. They are an army after all, an evil communist/dictatorship army. I doubt they would all get to randomly change parts of their armor.
At most you should be able to design your own face, underclothes, outfit symbols and perhaps add a selection of believable addons (radio pack, medic pack, engineer backpack) that would actually add something to the game, making a medic easily recognisable to damaged teammates, or an advanced hacker obvious too. What I don't want to see is a Rainbow Six Vegas style of customisation, where everyone just goes female class and wears the least amount of clothing. Or male class and wear ninja clothes while being painted bright red/green and blue making a special forces team look like moronic militarised rugrats or something.
2011-01-30, 09:19 AM
No this is a bad idea. While it may be harder to balance if they give each Empire unique weapons/vehicles. Having 3 factions helps a ton to create better world PvP.
Whatever they do, they should not make the empire specific weapons/vehicles and abilities that different this time around. Flying MAXes and hovercraft Tanks for example were impossible to balance.
2011-01-30, 11:31 AM
What inspired me to make this this post is the real possibility of changing the backstory to foretell the future of PlanetSide's immediate and distance development. Also what encouraged me is the "missing pages" feeling of the Vanu's background.
Terran Republic [original (]
The Terran Republic is the empire from which the story begins. Having existed for 1,112 years, it is the originator of all 3 empires. The Terran Republic was officially established with the ratification of the Declaration of Constancy by nations weary of nearly two hundred years of war. They brought order to chaos and the world to an era of peace. Terrans eventually made space travel possible. From this, Wormholes were discovered, studied, and found to be a means of transportation from one area of space to another. It is through one of these wormholes that the Terran Republic found their way to Auraxis, an earth-like planet that could sustain life. They proceeded with plans of colonization for Auraxis, which went on, uninterrupted, for 20 years. Then things changed. The wormhole collapsed, stranding the entire expeditionary force. They began research on how they could re-open the wormhole. During these uncertain times a unique planetary resources was discovered on Auraxis. These were solid crystals that suspiciously became an immediate new attraction and distraction during global despair. Increasing numbers of professional and amateur scientists working diligently became aggressive and stubborn. Their research failed. Populations migrated away from degrading society and its grievences to a sanctioned distant continent. The scientists, too, relocated to this santuary with their new "professional obsession". Shortly after this, the development of "Rebirthing" technology began. It started to become clear to the Terran leadership that this new technology would destabilize future colonies. They put in place restrictions on the new technology, so they could study it better without interuption. A sense of immortality began to create turmoil between developing factions. Already, the population of warped minds of Sanctuary posed a inconspicuous united threat against oppression and it's identity as the Terran Republic. The New Conglomerate knew of the strengths this could benefit to them but not of the unified ill-intentions that polluted them over there. Nevertheless, the republic was struggling. They decided to visit their designated Sanctuary and recruit militants for battle.
Unrest formed between the developing factions which was elevated by rogue scientists and republic military deserters, all blinded by the deluded power of their own faith in themselves; their own humanity. Recent attempts to gentle the uprising of these renegades ended oppression with a defiant bloody night-long battle that resulted in isolated freedom of a populated alien world odyssey, who then declared themselves the VC. This begun the triage war. While this was going on, a second faction called the NC inspired by this event struck from behind and left the republic.
The TR's weapons focus on killing their opponents quickly. Their weapons have the highest rate of fire of the 3 empires.
Vanu Sovereignty [original (]
The Vanu Sovereignty gained their name through a number of insinuating circumstances though the nature of it all was orchestrated after a discovery of a monolith. Their crystal artifacts were discovered on the planet of Auraxis shortly after the first expeditionary forces from the Terran Republic arrived, which lead them to a greater archeological discovery on an unoccupied continent. The purple monolith - a huge crystal breaching from underneath the surface of a questionably flat landscape. The civil status of the republic collapsed as the Wormhole collapsed, and leadership began to grow anxious. Distant authorities pressured even expeditionary scientists around the world to "keep the world happy" with their discoveries and diligent research of Wormholes. Scientists became celebrities in this new world. Smaller crystal shards from around Auraxis were relocated to the sanctioned continent. The media was interested in documenting and revealing this to the world. Controlled populations migrated to the continent and began immediate contruction of iconic residential and industrial buildings around the monolith. The New Conglomerate had already been established though some liberty fighters seeked asylum. Oppressive republican authorities pursued this attractive cultivating society. Some scientists became gravely obsessed by the monolith's and the shard's unique alien property, and republicans questioned the characteristics of this evolving isolated society. Oppression began on the contient of Sanctuary, this insighted the New Conglomerate across the globe. The monolith proved to have buffered the minds of people and warped the minds of earlier scientists. "Vanu" was the identified property of the alien crystal they muttered alot. Oppression continued with republic militants bringing their civil arresting experiences to the sanctioned society. The republic wants to scale the demand of the world's desperation since the Wormhole collapse. With all this alongside colonial agendas came the eventual discovery of "Rebirthing" technology, and the offer of immortality. Scientists were forced to keep research on this new technology secret. However, the sanctioned world easily rallied scientists to join their cause. A secret sect of scientists worked against the oppressive republic engineered advanced alien-like fast-striking machinary for a revolt. This sanctioned continent was compromised. People's lives and their society was in danger, and so a secret rebellion began. At dusk areas were quiet. Bombs synchronized and exploded, and the monolith pulsated its gathered energies arising from the excavated ground creating an earthquake. Originally assumed to have been a synchronized civil revolt. It was a confusion of might and magic. The retaliation attack was cleverly planned under an influence, which inspired New Conglomerates around the world. The monolith has everyone attuned: scientists ascended to national and militarial leadership proclaiming their identity as the Sovereigns of Vanu, and society became a technocracy. The Terran Republic fled the continent of the warped with sensative technological information to their advantage. The Vanu Sovereignty sealed access to their world completely.
The VS seeks to destroy the TR for their years of oppression and lies. The New Conglomerate declared war on them because the unreasonably betrayed them while they were both against the republic.
Through the use of their technology and monolith Vanu warp-energies, advanced armories were created. They were so creative it became an alien identity of Auraxis. This compares with their warped minds. Also, the ability to improve the human body through modification. These are the things which caused the Terran Republic and the New Conglomerate to hate them.
Their weapons rely on being fast if you can hit your enemy before they can hit you. You have the advantage.
New Conglomerate [original (]
Conglomerate split from the Terran Republic due to its oppression. Over a century before the wormhole collapse, there was a small group of freedom fighters that called themselves "Liberty's Call". They staged a demonstration protesting the Republic's systematic elimination of human rights. A large group of people gathered to hear their views. However, the Terran Republic's Riot Police put an end to the demonstration killing every protester and even several innocent onlookers. Now, with the Wormhole collapse, the New Conglomerate is determined to write a new history. One free of the controlling Republic. Through the knowledge of a continent sanctioned by the Terran Republic, several large groups fled there each month. Other transports were later escorted back to the Republican dominion. Obviously the Terran Republic could not be trusted and the majority who realized stayed to fight. In the process of their long separation, they gained control of several rebirthing facilities and were granted technology from rebelious scientists afar. Now, they work on creating a overwhelming army to crush the Terran Republic, who were struggling. They were unsuccessful to recruit militants from "Sanctuary" to battle against their new rival. Instead, inspirational battles erupted at Sanctuary! The New Conglomerate knew their long-awaited action were in-sync with those who call themselves the Sovereign of Vanu. We were both fighting the same enemy though they refused to ally....
They also strive to destroy the VS, considering them "freaks" who are molding humanity to their own views. They believe that the Vanu, nurtured by oppression and warped by the monolith, are a threat to humanity itself.
The New Conglomerate's weapons stress Brute Force thus they have large tanks hoping to weaken the enemy before they can be destroyed.
Chaotic Cow
2011-01-30, 12:27 PM
Naval Warefare? Hmmm.... Maybe have a base or 2 actually near the water which could deploy naval ships but not every continent would have one.
2011-01-30, 05:26 PM
When engineers are fixing a turret, they have priority to get in it. Same if they are upgrading it. Going around the entire base fixing turrets to have the last one, the one you wanted to man, stolen from you is not a good reward for teamwork.
2011-01-30, 08:43 PM
Sensor Disruptors that are like mines: low, flat, and relatively invisible, so cheaters with OMGH4XX won't be able to see them glowing like a 2-bit motel sign right through an AMS, trees, the AMS bubble, and possibly from sanc as they seem to do now with the Sensor Disruptor.
Since the very PREMISE of the sensor disruptor is to disrupt sensors, having it stand up and radiate circle of light that can be seen from afar through the Aegis or AMS bubble due to glitches or cheats defeats its PURPOSE.
It's like having a sign painted on your police car UNDERCOVER POLICE CAR!
2011-01-30, 08:45 PM
Oh, none of those idiotically overpowered stamina-fueled instagib pistols making cloakers the better of fully healthy and armored maxes.
And I spend most of my time as a cloaker. Those pistols are so unbalanced, they make the sinking Titanic look like a pool table.
2011-01-30, 08:57 PM
I remember hearing that every empire model/animation gives the game a hit in performance. I believe the dev's mentioned something to this affect in the mobilization alpha videos. I think someone asked them about having trees that could be destroyed/regrow and they explained that if they were to do that. They would have to create a bunch of different models for each stage or growth or destruction all affecting the games performance. (I may be remembering this wrong)
Much as I like the idea of destructible environments, I can see where having 250 trees in varying stages of destruction and regrowth all over the map would be a huge clog on my computer rendering every single one of them. It would also clog the server having to send that info to everyone every time they came into that area's visual range.
SMFTI. So Much For That Idea.
Already working on how I'm going to get things arranged so I'm there on opening day.
Having options so you can render however much detail you want from Charlie Brown level to near-photorealistic is going to be the way to keep going. I think that, like PS1, no amount of CPU power will ever be in a position where anyone can say "I never, once, hit 100% CPUtilization during the game." But I may be wrong there.
Here's a thought: What if we used expensive PCIExpress network cards, completely removing all network blather from the CPU's workload? Ima look into that.
Here's an example of just that:
2011-01-30, 09:15 PM
I hope to see more empire specific things. I don't mind the common pool of weapons and vehicles for each empire, but wouldn't it be awesome to have empire-specific aircraft? Each empire has their own culture and that should be emphasized more in my opinion.
2011-01-30, 09:28 PM
I would love to see more customization for outfits this time. Let us spend our points we accumulate in the game on decals and stuff. Slight changes in our armor or vehicles. All cosmetic though, nothing that would break the game.
That way you would have a pretty good Idea what outfit you where fighting by the way they had their tanks designed or how their armor was even though they still retained the colors of their empire.
2011-01-30, 09:47 PM
Prizes to HandiAce and Hmr85. I agree heartily.
Being able to recognize your outfit from afar by their camo or whatever would be kewlz. ONe huge NC C on a tank for example, instead of small ones for everyone in the outfit would make yours visible, especially if there were plenty of options.
2011-01-31, 02:20 AM
I guess I'll join the wishlist party as well.
Most important improvements imo are immersive in nature.
Bring back Auraxis, and make it feel like an actual planet. That means a better day / night cycle (Or actually, just a real night would be a good start), and a much greater array of weather effects and a more complex weather system where certain areas, like in real life, favor the development of certain weather phenomenon, all of which should have an impact on gameplay, light or big. Not only do you have to consider your enemies, but also the condition of the area you're going to.
This means things like varying forms of cloud cover, from a few puffy cummulus here and there, to a thick layer of stratus clouds covering the sky, to rain and fog, to wind and lightning storms, to hail and tornadoes. You could and should get screwed over by the weather sometimes if you fail to take it into consideration.
Clouds affect visibility at certain altitudes. This allows high altitude aircraft to hide from enemy units on the ground.
Fog and rain reduce visiblity, on the ground, and below the cloud layer, respectively. Rain may be light or strong, from a visual effect to a serious visibility problem that could potentially be remedied by optic packages.
Wind, especially when it's strong, could affect things like bombs, aircraft manoeuverability and speed, and maybe even tank shells or bolts.
Lightning would be a random hazard. You may be struck, you might not. This applies to planes as well. They could generate an EMP effect (ie; if a plane is too close to a lightning bolt or is struck, it may lose engine power and control for a few seconds, as well as taking damage) and a light effect on gameplay.
Hail could potentially be harmful to light vehicles such as buggies and aircraft.
Tornadoes are tornadoes. Here again it's mostly a hazard to infantry and light vehicles, as tanks would hardly take any damage from most tornadoes. This probably would be the most difficult weather phenomena to implement.
Massive hurricanes could be cool, too. Obviously they'd rare.
Oh, and seasons, maybe?
But yeah, weather. :3
EDIT: Bloody hell, so many typing fails.
All of this. Esp. real day/night cycles, and dynamic lighting.
2011-01-31, 02:37 AM
I just want it to be a massive pvp sand box (with basic governing rules and mechanics) not in anyway instanced.
2011-01-31, 06:36 AM
Day/Night cycles and I also hope we see a weather system. Would be awesome with snow on Ishundar and maybe rain on Cyssor. Anyway weathers could be a great element to have effect on the battles for example rain and snow and maybe also fog to provide reduced sight forcing the battle to become more close quarter.
I also hope to see a greater variety on the design of the bases.
Greater interaction boarding the HART. Maybe have lockers, equip terminals before you jump into a pod and head down towards the surface.
Better virtual environments maybe even have a simulated battle on client side for new players.
Chaotic Cow
2011-01-31, 08:01 AM
Lightning actually RARELY affects planes. Plane electronics are shielded very well.
2011-01-31, 03:51 PM
Well it is another planet, who knows what the characteristics of the lightning are. Although it would be funny if characters could be randomly struck like in Tribes 2 sometimes you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. :lol:
2011-01-31, 06:42 PM
Air Towers should have repair pads, yes, and come equipped with AA guns, be fairly high, like the present Watch Towers, and be hard to spam with AA somehow.
Gun towers should be equipped with FOUR turrets. It's a gun tower. Well, make it a GUN tower.
Ground Vehicle Tower: Repairs ground vehicles, allows re-arm, and has a couple AV guns.
Watch Tower: Two stations that allow very long distance viewing instead of NOTHING on the top floor, no turrets at all. Have two stations on opposite corners, or one on each corner. Make it so watch towers are actually WATCH towers. Have them enhance radar like an Aegis plus Audio Amp. Heck, make the top floor have a lobby with giant picture windows like the Tech Plants do. It's called a Watch Tower, well, let's make that sucker useful for WATCHING. No increase of deployable sensitivity, however, because then they would be like an interlink. And make the the thing six stories tall.
2011-02-01, 04:11 PM
I may have missed it earlier in this thread, but I would love to see MEGA-BASES. Similar in concept to the capital bases except, you know, actually have their own design instead of just renaming an old design.
I'd love to see a base, maybe 1 per continent, that was huge with multiple layers of defense. I'm not a fan of the shields they had, but still arm them to the teeth so it would be like picking a fight with a porcipine-wolverine-tiger-gorilla.
It should be an epic setting to match the epic battles we have. I kinda think of the final scene in the movie Glory where they have to attack the fort and fight their way through layers and layers of defenses.
2011-02-01, 04:56 PM
I have a very positive feeling that the old MAX Factory will present itself.
edit: lol omg! Search "MAX Factory" on Google. :huh:
2011-02-01, 09:16 PM
I was reading the Galaxy thread. Pretty much every time you drop on a tower someone has to EMP the top of a tower or the top of the base for mines. So what if the galaxy had a simple use disruptor beam to be used on CE devices. I say disruptor because it's not an EMP. It would just turn off mines/turrets for 30 seconds allowing safe landing. For simplicity it wouldn't be a weapon. When the boost bar is full the pilot could discharge it into the ground. </random thought>
I was reading the Galaxy thread. Pretty much every time you drop on a tower someone has to EMP the top of a tower or the top of the base for mines. So what if the galaxy had a simple use disruptor beam to be used on CE devices. I say disruptor because it's not an EMP. It would just turn off mines/turrets for 30 seconds allowing safe landing. For simplicity it wouldn't be a weapon. When the boost bar is full the pilot could discharge it into the ground. </random thought>
Hah, I had the same idea on vent with a friend a few hours ago. We were discussing how since we started playing in late 2006 the only real resecures we eversaw were done by outfits hot dropping out of mossies and not out of galaxies, as groups who dropped out of galaxies are usually OS'd / CE'd to death. I said they might as well give galaxies an EMP they can use shortly after ejecting a certain number of passengers over a base's SOI.
2011-02-01, 10:48 PM
Hah, I had the same idea on vent with a friend a few hours ago. We were discussing how since we started playing in late 2006 the only real resecures we eversaw were done by outfits hot dropping out of mossies and not out of galaxies, as groups who dropped out of galaxies are usually OS'd / CE'd to death. I said they might as well give galaxies an EMP they can use shortly after ejecting a certain number of passengers over a base's SOI.
There's a trick to avoid the OS. Pilot needs to fly extremely low - the OS takes a few seconds, that time is usually eaten up by spotting the Galaxy in the sky and firing off an OS when you see the drop. As for CE, your droppers need to chuck a few jammers or have a CR4/CR5 EMP. I'd say use a CR3 EMP but it's not strong enough to clear a decent area for a decent amount of time.
Chaotic Cow
2011-02-01, 10:49 PM
Watch Tower: Limited Ground Repair Bay + Sensors
By limited I mean that the repair bay can be drained and has to recharge before use again.
Example: Heals up to 5,000 - 10,000 health of a vehicle and takes 15 minutes to recharge.
Air Tower: Keep as is
Gun Tower: 2 Phalanx (4 if nearby base is owned by your faction)
I believe this will help base attacking more challenging when the base has a Gun Tower nearby.
Also keep 3 factions. This makes the game more fun and challenging during 1v1v1 battles.
Also interesting to see a sandwich on a faction on a continent.
2011-02-02, 03:20 AM
Not just Planetside 1.5. I don't want an epic patch and skin, I want a new experience. A new timespan, even. Keep the factions and the ideas behind the factions.
2011-02-02, 08:04 AM
What if players could ping back to the CR4/CR5/Platoon leader troop movements? I really liked that in Bad Company 2 that you could spot enemies coming in and gain XP for that. Made you feel like you were really contributing to the match. Take away reveal all enemies from the CUD and only have the reports streaming into the CR4/CR5 HUD. Then Platoon leaders could ping the locations out to their troops. Not sure if the netcode could handle that. But I'm sure it could be optimized.
Not just Planetside 1.5. I don't want an epic patch and skin, I want a new experience. A new timespan, even. Keep the factions and the ideas behind the factions.
I doubt this will happen as most players want the same general experience with some tweaks and balances here and there.
2011-02-02, 12:58 PM
Expand the bases so that all the fortifications outside the base play almost as big a role as those inside(walls and courtyard). Bunkers and trench's outside the walls were pretty much useless, unless you needed somewhere to duck in and have a crafty smoke ;). Change the base layout so the bunkers and trench's(not underground) be a bases first line of defense from frontal ground assault with a small variety of destroyable fixed weapon emplacements.
Maybe something a combat engineer can create in special areas
If your forces are pushed out of the trench network then the enemy infantry can use them as cover for getting closer to the courtyard or back door entrances.
A little more variety in base design (size and layout) would also be nice plus having a few areas that are very much large urban zones
Like the expeditionary forces first habitation zone wide streets and lots of multi story buildings broken up into districts for fighting over or another planned city that was under construction and turned into a warzone.
There's so much on my PS-N wishlist I could spend all week writing topics, and phooey I have to work :lol:
2011-02-02, 05:18 PM
Good call, I always thought we could have used allot more fortifications outside of bases to play with. As you said the bunkers were useless and pretty much deathtraps. :lol:
2011-02-02, 05:30 PM
LOL, remember the bunkers that had the underground tunnel? I used to hide in those during AFK breaks. Once I did that, and came back to a bunch of tells from a guy asking where I was. I did a /who and found out he was on one of the other empires. Dude had been running around for about fifteen minutes trying to find me - evidently he and an outfit mate had been using their CUD to find enemies in the SOI.
2011-02-03, 08:02 AM
2011-02-03, 09:22 AM
I suddenly had an idea that may be nice:
I constantly read people saying that it is too easy to take over a base just by destroying the generator. Maybe destroying the generator can be made into a small version of taking over a base.
The generator door will be locked and will be unaccessible by the other empires. The only way to open the generator door is by hacking a console at the generator door. This will start a timer of 5 minutes after which the door will open and give the opposing empire the chance to destroy the generator. The defending empire can stop this by hacking the console, just like a normal CC.
The design of the room before the generator has to be changed in a way that makes it slightly easier for the opposing empire to defend the generator console while the timer is ticking.
The thought around this concept is to remove the easy way of destroying the generator, while still keeping the generator in game as a strategic factor.
Yes/no/maybe? :)
2011-02-03, 12:41 PM
PS:N needs some Jim Carry rollercoasting (check this out! (
2011-02-05, 12:17 AM
Thought of this tonight when I was playing supreme commander. I would love Duel Monitor Setup for Planetside Next :)
One screen is the game other screen is the map of the battlefield. This would be a Fantastic Feature!
I really look at the map all the time. And when I lead a group of squads I look at the map all the time!. I Think this is a must have feature in PS:Next
Just like this.
2011-02-05, 12:32 AM
I agree tiger.
Pretty nice advantage for having two monitors. Just saying.
2011-02-05, 01:41 AM
Pretty nice advantage for having two monitors. Just saying.
I thought it would be neat. Its not that big of a advantage. Its not like the minimap. its like the world map when right now in the game
2011-02-05, 02:32 PM
That would be very cool I loved that feature in Supcom.
I thought it would be neat. Its not that big of a advantage. Its not like the minimap. its like the world map when right now in the game
Well, then the advantages of having a better computer keep adding up.
Not only do you get better frame rate, but you get better hit detection, and with this less risky, easier to access information. Just saying.
2011-02-05, 03:52 PM
1. Make command ranks play type specific - what I mean is like Armor Officer, Air Officer, Infantry Officer etc. CR should encourage people to play as a group, not just be a couple of way points on a map. So if somebody wants to focus on armor, make it so that all his squad mates get a bonus on the damage their tanks can do, or the damage they can resist. Maybe Air Officers would give a bonus to flight speed. Infantry officers could do things like improve CoF.
2. Make BR and CR exclusive! Officers should be officers, and they should have benefits and draw backs! Here is how you do it I think: allow everybody to start out the same, maybe up to like BR12 or something. After which point you can begin taking BR's OR CR's. The CR's should have cert points like BR's for different command abilities as mentioned above. They shouldn't be allowed to take things like HA or Rexo certs either from BR's. Medium assault and agile assault, unless they are like an Infantry officer type, then they can't have access to cert'ing Mosquitos and stuff.
For those who continue up the BR chain they should get access to all the fun toys, but lose out on all the command abilities. This way people who want to be leaders in certain fields can lead and people who just want to kick ass can kick ass. No more BR25/CR5 or whatever god awful thing it went up to.
3. Naval Warfare: as was mentioned, put things like Rigs in the middle of the oceans or something. Maybe the benefit of controlling them is that they keep the NTU's on your bases on linked continents filled automatically.
4. Capitols: everybody empire should have a Capitol. Not some base on a map with a shield on it and no real meaning. It should be on one continent per empire, and it should be considered a tragedy to lose it. Maybe give it certain abilities with high ranking commanders. So a CR5 or whatever the equivalent rank would be would gain certain abilities by being in it that benefit the whole empire or something. Maybe they can only make COMALL's from there or something.
5: Improve both urban style combat and open field combat. Make BOTH useful and fun. Don't make it so people can just jump in mossies and haul ass to the next fight and thats all there is to it. Give them people who want to fight in big armor battles, or use ground transports a benefit also. Believe me, I used to take advantage of it also, but I always wished I could justify taking a convoy of Marauders to an objective and have it actually meaningful as opposed to jamming everybody in skeets and blasting across the map.
I'm sure I could go on and on, but those are some of the big ones. I want this game to be a "something for everyone!" as opposed to a "somethings for some people" kind of game.
Oooh, I want to be able to be rezzed (5 - 10 seconds at least, with a confirmation box) after tapping. How often do you actually get to rez non-squad mates that aren't maxes?
2011-02-06, 11:03 AM
You should be able to wait on the ground while your spawn countdown is decreasing.
Regarding generators when one is knocked out the bases systems should not go down straight away; base systems should go offline one after another as the base runs out of power.
2011-02-06, 11:51 AM
Unique Bases:
- This is a perfect opportunity to make a giant underground base built into the side of the volcano in Searhus, classic movie villain style.
- Make the inside of Mt. Cyssor hallow, with a cave network and giant caverns that even aircraft have plenty of room to maneuver.
- On Hossin, make a MASSIVE cypress tree, and the base is built inside the trunk and branches.
- Ceryshen, with its tall cliff sides, could have a chasm with vertical terraced bases built into each side, facing each other. Multiple bridges at different heights span across the chasm attaching the bases, which are seperate. The chasm is only 100 meters wide; imagine the 100 vs. 100 firefights between 2 empires shooting at each other from across the way.
- Esamir would have a base that looks like it's made of ice, so that you could see through most of the base. You could be running down one corridor and look down and see enemies in another corridor, and then to your right and see some allies in another hallway.
- Being a largely temperate and pleasant place, Forseral would be urbanized, and the whole continent would feel like a fight that spills out of Manhattan into Central Park, then back into Manhattan, etc.
- Ishundar would have an ancient, sand choked, vanu ruin, with dead ends, one-way doors, and other natural designs that confuse and doom those who cannot navigate its passages. Make the base huge and "Randomize" it by having only 1/5 of the doors openable, so that there are thousands of combinations to get to Spawn/cc/generator, but it changes every day which doors work and which don't.
- I like a spotting system a la BC2 like someone said earlier. If you want someone to show up on the radar, spot them or have motion sensors up.
- Actual plane like aircraft that can do j-turns, immelmans, etc. Not to nerf AA capabilities, but the best counter to air power should be air power.
- Remove the AMS, make the Galaxy have spawn capabilities.
I'm sure most of these have been posted before, so consider it my vote. :)
2011-02-06, 06:19 PM
1. No 3rd person mode (but don’t mind for Driving but not needed)
2 .No Barnies, really only need 2 empires. But if there is a 3rd make them like NC/TR where they have same pool of weapons just a slight specialized style. The Shooting around corners and through walls made most people avoid fighting them at all costs.
3. More favourite loadouts for character and vehicles.
4. Smoke grenades, this would be perfect for infantry when evading a mossy or reaver, or just for so many reason I won’t go into them.
5. Some kind of exp for capturing a defended Tower or re-secures on Towers/Bases.
6. Better day/night system – would be nice to have an actual night time and it have moon shadowing such as brighter at full moon and there is dark shadows to hide in at night combat. With would then let you have an implant or helmet add-on for night/heat vision.
7. Adjustments to armour – should be able to change out your knife slot to either Knife or Rek. Knife is almost never used and every one can hack a door but for gets to bring it with them lol.
Rexo – 2 side arms and 2 rifles of any kind. Armour 300 points
Agile – 1 side arms and 1 rife non heavy/special, 50% the carrying compasity as Rexo. A form of Jump jet pack, like the VS maxes but better mobility in flight, just limited use. Armour 100 points
Standard - 1 side arm and 1 rifle non heavy/special, 75 % carrying compasity of Rexo. To be used for drivers/flying suits. Armour 200 points
Infiltrator – 2 side arm slots. We need to fix this class as well, Sensor shield should be built in to suit. If I’m crouched and moving slow is that not sneaking? So I should not need a noise canceler, so if I am not seen, quiet and can’t be seen on sensors unless running, why does spits and such pick you up before you toss something. Cause if I’m a slow moving target that can’t use much weapons, and vary little armour I should stand some kind of chance. Cause if some ones dumb enough to not watch there back they deserve to die. Hell done the same monuver in an agile suit moving up on someone and they don’t get pissed but do it in a clocker suit and see the tells rain in. Armour 50 points
8. Naval Battle – Use Hover crafts as the naval battle base line. They fast on water but only go 50% the speed on land a suck horribly or can’t climb hills at all. Can have types like a Hover craft juggernaut, this would a water based troop transport with a lot of guns mounted on it.
9. Vehicle Weak points – such as being able to damage the tires/treads of them so they move slower. Damage the engines of flying vehicle that slows them down too. Also damaging the guns of stuff so they fire less accurate. This is not so they can’t move totally or cant fire any longer, just hinders them a bit making them fall back, this would also not be that easy so as to only go this route but if hammering hard in spots these will be likely to give long before the tanks ready to blow.
10. Vehicle customization - Keep in mind falls in line with real world and keeps the amount of new things your computer has to keep track of, it’s an old Idea of mine. I would like to be able to change the weapon load outs on a vehicle eg... Marauder body, NC enforcer, deliverers and such, can also be applied to everything like tanks and Galaxy gunships. Let’s use the Enforcers here for starters; it would of ben simpler just to have the turret on back change from rocket to AA. Same with marauder change from mordar to AA instead of a totally new model. Or as in the line of a galaxy Gunship the ability to change the weapon types to what the people want such as all mordar or all gating guns. As for rear guns in flying vehicles why in the hell was it ever made as a useless gating, when there meant to fend off tailing air craft? This instance could have an option for something more useful to fend off attacking Air Craft.
11. Bases/Tower/Land – I get the idea of an urban area. But what I think we need more and works better would be larger bases inside and out. They should be lest 4x bigger in size, since the whole concept is to take bases you would think they would be larger to deal with housing/defending large battles. Since all the battles are over bases and people want better foot combat. Also the hallways could be increases in size a little, should be able to fit lest 3 max type suits side by side. Was annoying defending a hall way when you usually have people on both sides of hall and no room to run up the middle.
Bases/Towers can come in several forms not just like we see, like be it an underground or in the side of a hill that’s connected by tunnels to bunkers that could even attach to the base. Towers should be 4x the size as well, and should at the vary lease have the tunnel connected bunkers. What we don’t want is Watch towers, who would build a tower like that with no defences that’s at most times a key element in taking a base. Should be better for defending.
As for general base to land layout, there is on most continants to many and poorly laid out. Eg… what military would have there Tec plant that lets them pull Tanks and such that can be key in battle out near some warp gate that’s makes it easy for the enemy to take from you. What I suggest is less bases, can be same types of bases but half the amount of them since they will be bigger in size. Keep a similar lattice system, but get to that in a few. Combined both the Tec plant and Dropship center, as these can be key point for defence, and make this the key shielded base in the middle of the cont. This way every land only has 1 Tec/Dropship base, that the shields can be dropped if you lose key bases similar to what we have now.
Lattice system I only kind of like it. Way I see all lands/bases and sanc connected is, they don’t actually pass through a warp gate so no benefits other then if in the possession of a locked cont you get the ability of Tec/Dropship base to attack with just cannot pull a gal from just any base but everything else you can long as you have a connecting gate. In essence you have hacked the Warp gate for your use only between the 2 bases. As for the Lattice system between conts/sac though, there is no permanent connection only after you take or hold the base on either side do they become a permanent connation. Unless either base is hacked or out of NTU’s. Each cont has 3 warp gates still but only 2 can be locked to another cont/sanc. In this manner there will also be no set home cont’s , If you get Sanc locked in this manner you then are able to use/jump to any cont to make that you new home cont by the 3rd non locked gate. But only in this instance. But also when sanc locked like this you have to take on a cont with out Tec and gal’s. Giving everyone a reason to fight for their home cont/last cont they own.
Cameras inside towers and bases in locations of halls and/or in key spots like outside court yards and inside hallways. That can be viewed from a control room, which would display on a monitor in front of you. Would be nice to help devise plan in situations for commanders and such then just looking at a map that shows you nothing. You could also make it so that some or all could be destroyed and or jammed, but not make it easy either.
2011-02-07, 03:22 AM
1. No 3rd person mode (but don’t mind for Driving but not needed)
Yeah, agree with that
2 .No Barnies, really only need 2 empires. But if there is a 3rd make them like NC/TR where they have same pool of weapons just a slight specialized style. The Shooting around corners and through walls made most people avoid fighting them at all costs.
Disagree completely, removing one of the empires would be a very big mistake, because it was one of the characteristics of Planetside. Also, a large part of the playerbase will be angry about it, imagine YOUR empire that you like so much being removed.
3. More favourite loadouts for character and vehicles.
4. Smoke grenades, this would be perfect for infantry when evading a mossy or reaver, or just for so many reason I won’t go into them.
I am extremely against smoke grenades or flash bangs or anything like that. This is a game with hundreds of people fighting against each other. This will result in smoke grenade spam inside bases. Result: annoyed players on both sides and unnecessary lag for everybody.
5. Some kind of exp for capturing a defended Tower or re-secures on Towers/Bases.
I don't think it should be easier to get exp.
6. Better day/night system – would be nice to have an actual night time and it have moon shadowing such as brighter at full moon and there is dark shadows to hide in at night combat. With would then let you have an implant or helmet add-on for night/heat vision.
This I've read before and it's very interesting, but there is a slight problem with it, you can still see all the enemy name tags, which is slightly odd in a night fight, but if they can implement it correctly, would be nice.
Infiltrator – 2 side arm slots. We need to fix this class as well, Sensor shield should be built in to suit. If I’m crouched and moving slow is that not sneaking? So I should not need a noise canceler, so if I am not seen, quiet and can’t be seen on sensors unless running, why does spits and such pick you up before you toss something. Cause if I’m a slow moving target that can’t use much weapons, and vary little armour I should stand some kind of chance. Cause if some ones dumb enough to not watch there back they deserve to die. Hell done the same monuver in an agile suit moving up on someone and they don’t get pissed but do it in a clocker suit and see the tells rain in. Armour 50 points
Disagree, if you want to be a cloaker that badly, just take the implant!
10. Vehicle customization - Keep in mind falls in line with real world and keeps the amount of new things your computer has to keep track of, it’s an old Idea of mine. I would like to be able to change the weapon load outs on a vehicle eg... Marauder body, NC enforcer, deliverers and such, can also be applied to everything like tanks and Galaxy gunships. Let’s use the Enforcers here for starters; it would of ben simpler just to have the turret on back change from rocket to AA. Same with marauder change from mordar to AA instead of a totally new model. Or as in the line of a galaxy Gunship the ability to change the weapon types to what the people want such as all mordar or all gating guns. As for rear guns in flying vehicles why in the hell was it ever made as a useless gating, when there meant to fend off tailing air craft? This instance could have an option for something more useful to fend off attacking Air Craft.
Disagree, all vehicles have specific roles in battle and by customizing the weapons, those roles disappear. Nobody would for example take the Skyguard anymore if you can get AA on a assault buggy.
2011-02-07, 03:45 PM
I would really love to see cities in PS:N. Like the city in this welkin 4591 video (skip to 0:50) YouTube - [MMOFPS]Welkin4591 - New Battle Video!
2011-02-07, 11:20 PM
Some more vehicle centric implants. Only 1, advanced targetting, was of any help at all in a vehicle.
A heal turret on top of the lodestar, so the pilot can sit inside and perform triage, and actually get to look around the battlefield.
Spare passenger seats on a bunch more vehicles. There were dozens of times I saw some lone grunt hoofing it, but there was no way to offer them a rid. Even if they just sit on top of the vehicle it would be great.
A few maps that are small islands/cave systems/space stations, etc, that are designed for and cater to people who want smaller battles, as well as the forgotten few % waiting in a que on a poplocked continent.
Neutral vehicle/dropship terminals inside warpgates. Having to leave a continent, get a galaxy/lodestar, then wait for the que in the poplock again is very annoying.
Better population balance benefits. Encourage people switching TOO the underdog with large enticements. If NC and VS have 90% of the population, then you can switch to your TR character instantly without affecting your ability to switch back to your other character later. Perhaps you can get a 100% experience bonus for an hour if you do, or free access to the other ES weapons and vehicles, or a few temporary cert points you can spend.
Make base turrets popup turrets you get into from the courtyard, and raise up to fire, lower to avoid fire. They were far too exposed as they were.
Some corner bunkers or something on base walls with equipment terminals in them. Maybe some firing ports on ground level of the walls, with a shield that raises out of the way when you step into the firing position.
Threshers with an alternate fire mode that shoots like an aurora. A bit more declination on the turret as well.
1 MAX armor, a singular 5 minute respawn on it. Instead, the weapons are swapped. This should help with overuse of MAXs. I'd like a few more MAX weapons though. 3 was a bit limiting. At least 6 would be nice, with short and long range variants of the AA, AI, and AV weapons, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. MAXs should also be repairable with the big glue gun. And the kid in me would like to see an assault max with a shield and very large axe, for some reason.
If possible, ridding the game of all lock on weapons, favoring, instead, laser guided weapons like the rocket launchers in HL2. Lock ons take no skill(and can, in circumstances, be completely useless, like the striker which went for MAXs center of mass so a low hill would neuter them).
A method to better coordinate ESAV use, which was frighteningly effective when focused.
A true infantry portable AA weapon. Flaklet was a joke.
A proper damage matrix for calculating how much damage a weapon does to a particular vehicle or soldier. This would make balancing laughably easy, as changing how one weapon affected something else would be limited to that interaction only, and you wouldn't have to juggle everything else in the game to make it fit.
A method of easily reloading ammo from corpses without having to juggle things between inventories with the mouse, such as pressing a button sucks up ammo you can use, and as much of it as you can fit.
I would also like a button I can press that says I need ammo. The announcement will be made with the gun I currently have equipped. Only players who have that type of ammo will hear my request. They can then come up to me, press a button, and it will transfer 1/4 or so of their ammo to me.
2011-02-08, 11:58 AM
Here's something else I've just thought of, in coordination with the commentary on CR5s.
Make the Interlink facility a requisite for Orbital Strikes. Don't have an Interlink? Well that sucks, your CUD can't broadcast into the sky, it can only link to an Interlink. NO OS FOR YOU, ONE YEAR!
2011-02-08, 05:01 PM
Okay I've been thinking this over a lot and I got it. Velociraptor type creatures on Hossin. I know what you're thinking "no NPC creatures!", but I can assure you it's an awesome idea. In an effort to kill their enemy the Terran Republic extracted fossils of a vicious creature and used the spawn tubes to bring it back to life, but things got out of hand and the scientists were killed. So we'd see across Hossin a few underground bases in shambles. They'd be like little easter eggs to find. I think it would make Hossin more interesting. The same should be done for the other home continents. (I'm thinking wyvern on Ceryshen). :p
2011-02-08, 06:25 PM
The original vision of PS had NPC critters around and about. Would be pretty nifty to have some fauna, if for no other reason than atmosphere, but I think they could also add some nice chaos to the battlefield.. A neutral 4th party that just runs amok.
The original vision of PS had NPC critters around and about. Would be pretty nifty to have some fauna, if for no other reason than atmosphere, but I think they could also add some nice chaos to the battlefield.. A neutral 4th party that just runs amok.
No, NPCs are not qualified for planetside. If I want pve I'll play Half life, WoW, oblivion, etc. People play shooters to shoot people.
2011-02-08, 07:01 PM
No, NPCs are not qualified for planetside. If I want pve I'll play Half life, WoW, oblivion, etc. People play shooters to shoot people.
1. Base turrets and spitfires qualify as NPCs if you want to get picky.
2. I'm not saying there should be NPCs that give out experience, quests, or loot. I understand this is not WoW, and wouldn't want it to be. Just that animals could exist that give the game some alien atmosphere and add chaos to the battlefield. Think of them as a force of nature, not NPCs. Like weather.
Animals were planned for planetside. They were modeled, animated, and had programing that dictated their behavior. They were left out only for performance considerations.
2011-02-08, 07:11 PM
Outfit Air Cruisers as proposed numerous times, by myself, on the OF.
2011-02-08, 07:12 PM
No, NPCs are not qualified for planetside. If I want pve I'll play Half life, WoW, oblivion, etc. People play shooters to shoot people.
I agree. You shouldn't get experience for killing them. I think it would just make the game world more alive. Also it could lead to hilarious situations.
2011-02-08, 07:14 PM
No, NPCs are not qualified for planetside. If I want pve I'll play Half life, WoW, oblivion, etc. People play shooters to shoot people.
Living worlds are more fun. And why would you have to stop shooting people just because a massive carnivore is running around Cyssor?
2011-02-08, 07:28 PM
Call me crazy, but I liked the idea of NPC's. Let them be like low ranking soldiers, meat for the grinder. Basically, I felt there was a bigger need when the population dropped off, but I figure if alot of people fighting is good, then even more people fighting (even if they are AI) would be even better.
2011-02-08, 07:34 PM
NPCs to me screams of MMO-RPGs. I don't want NPCs. I want to get the fuck out of Sanc as quickly as possible and commence killing.
2011-02-08, 07:51 PM
I don't understand how NPC's would slow you down unless you chose to stop to talk to them.
Plus NPC's don't scream mmorpg any more than leveling and nobody has said we need to get rid of leveling.
2011-02-08, 07:59 PM
NPCs to me screams of MMO-RPGs. I don't want NPCs. I want to get the fuck out of Sanc as quickly as possible and commence killing.
Nobody is really suggesting RPG npcs with dialog and quests. Just local fauna. Like trees. Only they move, and have teeth, and sometimes see the soldiers as yummy snacks. A battlefield obstacle that will have to be dealt with, not something you have to go out and collect 20 pelts off of in order to get your experience and loot reward.
I don't understand how NPC's would slow you down unless you chose to stop to talk to them.
Plus NPC's don't scream mmorpg any more than leveling and nobody has said we need to get rid of leveling.
Because the leveling in PS is pretty much horizontal in terms of power, whereas RPGs are exponential in terms of power.
Level 1 will never hit a level 85 in WoW; a BR1 can nearly hand a BR25 his ass given equal skill. (I say nearly because the BR25 could have implants)
Nobody is really suggesting RPG npcs with dialog and quests. Just local fauna. Like trees. Only they move, and have teeth, and sometimes see the soldiers as yummy snacks. A battlefield obstacle that will have to be dealt with, not something you have to go out and collect 20 pelts off of in order to get your experience and loot reward.
No, there is no need for FPS lowering NPCs that randomly lose the 1v1 MA fight for you because they decide to try to eat you.
2011-02-08, 08:43 PM
Nobody is really suggesting RPG npcs with dialog and quests. Just local fauna. Like trees. Only they move, and have teeth, and sometimes see the soldiers as yummy snacks. A battlefield obstacle that will have to be dealt with, not something you have to go out and collect 20 pelts off of in order to get your experience and loot reward.
I think you hit exactly what I was going for. Turrets, spitfires and mines would keep them away from bases anyway. They'd only bother you in the wild probably.
No, there is no need for FPS lowering NPCs that randomly lose the 1v1 MA fight for you because they decide to try to eat you.
"FPS lowering" is kind of a lame argument if you don't know what affect they'll actually have.
It wouldn't be so much random as an interesting story to talk about. "I almost lost, but the sniper on the cliff didn't see the creature sneaking up behind him!"
Bags this video sums up what you said.
Oh and desolation ( needs dune or tremor worms. Stop a vehicle not on a rock it gets attacked. Same for people that stop moving.
2011-02-08, 08:49 PM
It wouldn't be so much random as an interesting story to talk about. "I almost lost, but the sniper on the cliff didn't see the creature sneaking up behind him!"
Pilot: "HAI! GUYZ! Sorry I couldn't get my Liberator to the DropZone to prep it with bombs! A pteradactyl just tried to fuck my Liberator in the tail turret! The poor gunner back there will never be the same!"
Tail-gunner: "... all I saw *shudder* was this shadow, and then *shudder* a dino-sized penis came crashing through the hatch!"
Bombardier: "Good thing you're TR and had the goggles on. I've heard that jizz hurts when you get it in the eyes."
I wouldn't be against NPCs wandering around in no combat zone if you could walk through them if Sony's devs had unlimited development time. However, every minute wasted on NPCs is less time spent on things that matter.
2011-02-08, 09:50 PM
No, there is no need for FPS lowering NPCs that randomly lose the 1v1 MA fight for you because they decide to try to eat you.
So you're against any and all variable environmental conditions that alter the battlefield, like storms, asteroid impacts, night?
So you're against any and all variable environmental conditions that alter the battlefield, like storms, asteroid impacts, night?
I am absolutely against RNG in any form. I don't care as long as everyone is affected equally.
Everyone's visibility is reduced by 80% by a snow storm = good
Randomly hit by lightning = bad
2011-02-09, 12:11 AM
I am absolutely against RNG in any form. I don't care as long as everyone is affected equally.
Everyone's visibility is reduced by 80% by a snow storm = good
Randomly hit by lightning = bad
That's one thing that bothered by about the sandstorms in Planetside. You could turn it off. :lol: So if you had a strong video card you could turn it on and see less or turn it off and see everything.
Creatures are indiscriminate and deterministic in their attacks. No RNG involved. :) I fear the game is too far in development for cool stuff like that. Maybe later.
Speaking of a wishlist, I wish PS:N had a feedback system with ratings for ideas that people want implemented. So people could like or dislike an idea and give real feedback to developers.
2011-02-09, 12:27 AM
Speaking of a wishlist, I wish PS:N had a feedback system with ratings for ideas that people want implemented. So people could like or dislike an idea and give real feedback to developers.
They do. I forget exactly how it works but I had asked an SOE customer support specialist when I wrote to them about an issue, once. They explained how it works. It involves a slash-command in-game.
2011-02-09, 12:40 AM
They do. I forget exactly how it works but I had asked an SOE customer support specialist when I wrote to them about an issue, once. They explained how it works. It involves a slash-command in-game.
Nah I mean like as an example mojang's page (
Basically just limit it to subscribing players so that all the votes up or down on ideas are linked to credit cards and users. So I could add an idea for "Creatures" and explain it like we did here and it could be discussed and voted upon. Developers would then see a list of most supported ideas to the least supported ideas. They could even add their own ideas and see what the community felt on them without guessing.
That's one thing that bothered by about the sandstorms in Planetside. You could turn it off. :lol: So if you had a strong video card you could turn it on and see less or turn it off and see everything.
Creatures are indiscriminate and deterministic in their attacks. No RNG involved. :) I fear the game is too far in development for cool stuff like that. Maybe later.
Speaking of a wishlist, I wish PS:N had a feedback system with ratings for ideas that people want implemented. So people could like or dislike an idea and give real feedback to developers.
How are animals in a shooter "cool stuff"? That's like the exact opposite of cool stuff. -_-
If you want to slaughter animals in first person I recommend oblivion.
2011-02-09, 02:59 AM
To be honest who the hell needs NPC creatures? I get it where you going with it but seriously when you are engaged in battle I could care less if there where creatures in my way on the field. The world is brought to life by the players by engaging in combat.
The way I see it NPCs are only a potential source for causing lag, because it would be one thing if they were only client side but that simply is not possible in this case. I am all for moving trees and similar things to bring ambiance to the world because that can at least be client side and not occupy bandwidth.
2011-02-09, 06:42 AM
How are animals in a shooter "cool stuff"? That's like the exact opposite of cool stuff. -_-They may have acute perceptions for seeing cloakers. They may indicate where they are by their curiosity (approaching) or survival (fleeing), snipers too, a herd of mammals could obstruct view and vehicles or even a bird may get caught in a speeding air vehicle.
Obstacles in the alien environment other than invincible trees, hills and mountains.
2011-02-09, 07:39 AM
They may have acute perceptions for seeing cloakers. They may indicate where they are by their curiosity (approaching) or survival (fleeing), snipers too, a herd of mammals could obstruct view and vehicles or even a bird may get caught in a speeding air vehicle.
That's one major reason why I say NO to the whole sodding idea. I don't want that much realism in my sci-fi shooter computer game. What's next, blood-borne diseases that when you go to heal up a wounded comrade, you get the hiv or the gonaherpasyphilaids? Or how about, a sniper is laying on the ground because they finally add prone, and he discovers this in his chat bar...
"A swarm of ants attacks you, take 53 damage"
2011-02-09, 07:42 AM
I vote for the ants I think that would be awesome ....... or not. :)
I'd love to see more customisable characters for sure. Decals, weapon upgrades, uniforms, etc.
I loved the Achievement ribbons on the armour in the original PlanetSide, but I would love to see the kind of thing Halo Reach does, where you attain a type of Currency (not BR points or anything) and can purchase different types of armour. Obviously it would still all be the empire colours, but I'd love to have different shoulder pads and stuff like that.
You could make them BR and CR locked, for example the CR5 backpack could be replaced with a CR5 Helmet or whole armour.
I for example would love my outfit logo on my right shoulder, as opposed to the chest.
2011-02-09, 08:19 AM
where you attain a type of Currency (not BR points or anything) and can purchase different types of armour.
As long as this currency cannot be gifted or traded, but earned through combat or leveling, I'm fine with this idea - not that it matters, as I'm just a random player.
I am completely against any form of economy or giftable/traded currency or commodities. The *SECOND* you put that shit in-game, and you will have Chinese gold-farmers spamming public chat and sending private /tells, and if they still have in-game mail you'll get mail, too. Especially if they have free trials.
2011-02-09, 10:14 AM
I hope the sniper rifle in the game does full damage only past 100 meters. Like start off with a base damage that's half. As an avid sniper I don't like seeing it used in bases as a main weapon which happened sometime.
I hope the sniper rifle in the game does full damage only past 100 meters. Like start off with a base damage that's half. As an avid sniper I don't like seeing it used in bases as a main weapon which happened sometime.
The only time I see it used to good effect is at the BD. QQ
2011-02-09, 02:18 PM
The only time I see it used to good effect is at the BD. QQ
And the HSR still does that better.
And the HSR still does that better.
Never ever ever never seen someone use the HSR indoors.
2011-02-09, 03:53 PM
Never ever ever never seen someone use the HSR indoors.
The long hallway at a back door. My outfit used to use Rexo troops with bolt drivers and HSRs to pick off the people that made it through Radiator fields.
2011-02-09, 04:12 PM
Yikes - that whole NPC thing went to crap. Seriously folks, NPC's in an FPS doesn't mean you are fighting against them. It does not automatically mean the random number generator combat from RPGs. All it does is increase immersion for players. That being said, I doubt we will see them this time around but I wouldn't be opposed as long as it was a totally passive system.
I am completely against any form of economy or giftable/traded currency or commodities. The *SECOND* you put that shit in-game, and you will have Chinese gold-farmers spamming public chat and sending private /tells, and if they still have in-game mail you'll get mail, too. Especially if they have free trials.
Totally agreed. Any currency that you earn towards stuff has to be totally dedicated to the player only and not tradable.
The long hallway at a back door. My outfit used to use Rexo troops with bolt drivers and HSRs to pick off the people that made it through Radiator fields.
I generally see:
old lasher: Lasher hold the door
NC / TR would use MA and one or two people occasionally have bolt drivers. Gauss is probably more effective than HSR tbh.
2011-02-09, 05:46 PM
Never ever ever never seen someone use the HSR indoors.
I'd get hate tells from the other people camping the BD. Because all you have to do is aim down the middle of the hall and hold the trigger.
2011-02-09, 06:26 PM
Anti infantry weapons in general being weaker, dealing less damage.
The biggest frustration when being killed was, not being able to react or feel like you where unable to react.
With weapons being slightly weaker, a fight will last a bit longer, giving the defeated player more a sense of at least having being able to shoot back.
Anti infantry weapons in general being weaker, dealing less damage.
The biggest frustration when being killed was, not being able to react or feel like you where unable to react.
With weapons being slightly weaker, a fight will last a bit longer, giving the defeated player more a sense of at least having being able to shoot back.
I think the jackhammer is the only weapon that creates this effect. Lasher / MCG still take a couple seconds to kill someone with the spotty hit detection / cof bloom / people's general warpiness.
2011-02-09, 11:50 PM
more killing
- Attackable Sanctuaries/Homeworlds
- Population Density Balance instead of cap (ie outnumbered balanced with some sort of buff)
- Boats/Water Zone
2011-02-10, 01:23 AM
more killing
:evil: :D
2011-02-10, 05:24 AM
more killing
think we can all agree on that :lol:
2011-02-10, 05:47 AM
more killing
2011-02-10, 06:45 AM
On a different note. I sat the other day and thought about the potential future problem of global chat spam. Since I after resubscribing noticed that at least on the NC side the global chat spam is highly annoying. :)
Sure it won't be a problem from day one but when the Planetside sequel reaches a more mature age and if they use the same rank system as in Planetside it will probably become a problem along with OS spamming.
How about they try to introduce some sort of chain of command on continents? The highest ranking commander is the one that gets access to all the neat toys like continental chat, global chat and also OS.
I haven't actually figured out how the chain of command would work but you could have for example a sort of invisible experience that keeps ticking after you reach the highest CR but it doesn't provide you with any additional benefits other than that you become the continent commander when you arrive on the continent and you are the commander with the highest experience.
Anyone else has any opinions on these thoughts?
2011-02-10, 09:43 AM
Another thing I really hope that will improve is the infantry movement system it could appear to be very laggy and players could warp all over the place.
From what I recall reading on the PS forums, if done right a player could dodge left and right by tapping the left and right key at a certain pace and with agile armor the opposing player would see the player move left and right in a very unnatural lagy warp like way. What made hitting them with a weapon very difficult!
I never really understood how it was done or if this was latency related, but as I was practically living next to the server with a 20ms or less ping I ruled out it had to do with my connection.
Anyway, I hope they change the infantry movement system in such a way that when moving, you require to buildup some momentum before reaching top movement speed.
This would also require a dodge system that with a double tap of a direction key you would be at top movement speed in the desired movement direction at the cost of some stamina.
I’m hoping this would reduce or completely remove the laggy and warping from left to right behavior I’m currently seeing in game.
Another thing I really hope that will improve is the infantry movement system it could appear to be very laggy and players could warp all over the place.
From what I recall reading on the PS forums, if done right a player could dodge left and right by tapping the left and right key at a certain pace and with agile armor the opposing player would see the player move left and right in a very unnatural lagy warp like way. What made hitting them with a weapon very difficult!
I never really understood how it was done or if this was latency related, but as I was practically living next to the server with a 20ms or less ping I ruled out it had to do with my connection.
PS uses extrapolation which causes the warp. PSN shouldn't use extrapolation so it should be fine.
2011-02-10, 09:50 AM
PS uses extrapolation which causes the warp. PSN shouldn't use extrapolation so it should be fine.
All online games use predictive techniques. Its jumpy as hell if they don't.
All online games use predictive techniques. Its jumpy as hell if they don't.
There's a better way to do it than extrapolation. Ask skyexle, I think he talks about it a lot on the official PS forums.
Regardless, it's 2011; there's no way PSN can have as bad as warping as PS does.
2011-02-10, 10:56 AM
Another thing I really hope that will improve is the infantry movement system it could appear to be very laggy and players could warp all over the place.
Dial-up, dual-core PC, high ping = MirrorBoy clones. You're talking about a game that was designed to operate with PCs built ten years ago, some of them connecting via dial-up. Guys using that set-up were bitching and moaning when dual-cores came out. I know a few who were rather top-notch players, who swore people were cheating, and come to find out they were running dual-core PCs.
2011-02-10, 11:48 AM
Oh and just another small one to add a little something for the TR, Goggles for the Infiltration suit (that's if you were thinking of having a inf suit without them) :D
I SandRock
2011-02-13, 03:16 PM
Pretty big thread to read it all so not sure if this has been mentioned before:
Day/night cycles or planets with constant low-light/darkness
Adds new depth to gameplay on those planets / times. Having to use flashlights, vehicles with search lights, perhaps some ground vehicle can be given a secondary option (besides its usual daytime fuctions) that puts up a huge light you can point at the base you are attacking. Night vision goggles / scopes etc. :)
2011-02-13, 03:37 PM
Day/night cycles or planets with constant low-light/darkness
Adds new depth to gameplay on those planets / times. Having to use flashlights, vehicles with search lights, perhaps some ground vehicle can be given a secondary option (besides its usual daytime fuctions) that puts up a huge light you can point at the base you are attacking. Night vision goggles / scopes etc. :)
gamma++ unless your sight range for enemies falls off 1/distance.
I SandRock
2011-02-13, 03:44 PM
gamma++ unless your sight range for enemies falls off 1/distance.
True, though there must be some way to circumvent that? :s
For instance what would happen if you point a flashlight at that person who has his gamma pumped to the max. Would his screen go completely white? If so, it seems fairly useless then?
I hope that a) max's are still in, and b) the Terran Republic Anti-Air max is still the Flak based one.
I thank PS for my ability to track (and hit/kill) a moving target :D
2011-02-15, 02:27 PM
I just got two more wishes. The ability to loot armor like MAX suits. You pick them up and then take them to a terminal to put them on or something assuming you have the cert.
2011-02-15, 02:34 PM
I mentioned mine in another post but:
Space Combat
Planetary Defense
Capitalship Orbital Attack
Planet System Capture
Space-to-Space Combat
This would give a lot more Specialization and Certifications.
2011-02-15, 04:04 PM
Another thing I would like to see is more uniqueness to weapons. Instead of a Weapon that shoots 12 different types of ammo maybe one that you have to customize to shoot that type of ammo. Also modifications. Maybe a mod for a scope or suppressor or laser sight or my personal favorite a thermal camera attachment. Maybe to use the weapon that you got from a looted body you have to have someone hack the trigger mechanism so you can fire it or give it to an engineer to reverse engineer it so you can take parts off it and put them on yours. Feels very RPG-like but still a fun idea.
2011-02-15, 06:07 PM
Space Combat
Planetary Defense
Capitalship Orbital Attack
Planet System Capture
Space-to-Space Combat
Segregation of armored combat and infantry combat (zero vehicle interference)
2011-02-15, 08:45 PM
I want to be able to switch weapons faster.. not instantly just a *little* bit faster please! :lol:
I want to be able to switch weapons faster.. not instantly just a *little* bit faster please! :lol:
If they remove 3rd person view this is pretty necessary. If not it's fine as is; you can use 3rd person to see someone behind you and switch weapons faster than if you wait until you're being shot at in first person view.
2011-02-16, 04:23 PM
It just seems to take ages - always bugged me.
I SandRock
2011-02-16, 05:02 PM
It just seems to take ages - always bugged me.
Yeah it does. Which can be annoying, but I also think in the end it gives some nice gameplay. Like you can actually get the drop on somebody and have it matter. Somebody running around unaware without his weapon out is at a nice disadvantage when you pay attention and surprise him. Takes awhile to get his gun out so you get to do some nice damage on him first. Opposed to a lot of other games where you do some really sneaky maneuvering, get the drop on a guy, he turns around in 0.5s gets his gun out and shoots you right between the eyes :rofl: Always makes me go angry german kid :P
But I think perhaps combat overall could take a bit longer, die slower. I never liked the trend towards quick killing. If killing took a bit longer then the advantage of getting the drop on somebody becomes somewhat less (its pretty much a definite win atm) and you get more time for thinking and employing tactics.
But you obviously don't want combat to drag out because its impossible to kill somebody before he goes into hiding and repairs/heals. I've always found medic1/ engineering1 to be way too mandatory in PS. If you want to do infantry combat you pretty much need this. I'd rather see some delayed natural regeneration without the need of any implant for everyone and raise the cost of engineering/medic. So it becomes more of a choice whether you do get it and whether you get both.
At the same time I'd like the ability to equip things with a keybind rather than having to go to the inventory and switch it. I fully understand the philosophy behind it in terms of gameplay. But it's just not fun at all, it's a hassle and very inconvenient and not something I think belongs in such a way in a modern game. I'd rather see a mechanic where say, things in your inventory take longer to equip when you switch them with a keybind. So if I have my engineering tool + medic tool in slot 1 and 2 and I want my hacking tool and press 3 it will take awhile longer to switch to it than if i had it in slot 1 or 2 and switched between those.
Or just merge the engi/medic/hack tool into one tool and make the different usages keybindable. With a cooldown or charge time when you switch between them.
I feel the game becomes much more fun if you can switch between hand grenades, pistol, gun, and your tools more smoothly. Right now I don't bother to take grenades with me (besides EMP for those crucial moments) because its way too much of a hassle. But on my ALT which doesnt have the Cert points for engi/medic yet I do take them with me and it's quite fun and makes gameplay more varied. It's just not worth dropping the engi/medic tool over...
No please, regenerating health is one of the worst things to be added to games. Completely ruins map control.
I SandRock
2011-02-16, 05:15 PM
No please, regenerating health is one of the worst things to be added to games. Completely ruins map control.
But you already have it in the game really. Because every grunt takes medic1/engi1 and will sit around a corner and heal themselves when theyve been hurt.
When I say regenerate health I don't mind it like in BFBC2 or Black Ops where just a few moments out of combat will get you healed. But much slower. Slower than it takes to hide and engi/medic up at the moment (because you'd still have those two). A lot slower.
But if you spend 5 minutes without being hit (for example) you're healed back up.
I don't know. Basically what bugs me is that it's compulsory for any infantry player to take medic1/engi1. If it's compulsory just give it to everyone :/ You know what I mean?
I'd like engi1/medic1 to be a choice you can make whether to get or not to get. If you dont have it at the moment, it seems to me you are at a major disadvantage. You cripple yourself. The first thing that came to mind to change that was regeneration. But perhaps there are other ways to achieve the same thing better.
2011-02-16, 07:48 PM
Yea I'm not so sure health regeneration fits in PlanetSide.
But you already have it in the game really. Because every grunt takes medic1/engi1 and will sit around a corner and heal themselves when theyve been hurt.
When I say regenerate health I don't mind it like in BFBC2 or Black Ops where just a few moments out of combat will get you healed. But much slower. Slower than it takes to hide and engi/medic up at the moment (because you'd still have those two). A lot slower.
But if you spend 5 minutes without being hit (for example) you're healed back up.
I don't know. Basically what bugs me is that it's compulsory for any infantry player to take medic1/engi1. If it's compulsory just give it to everyone :/ You know what I mean?
I'd like engi1/medic1 to be a choice you can make whether to get or not to get. If you dont have it at the moment, it seems to me you are at a major disadvantage. You cripple yourself. The first thing that came to mind to change that was regeneration. But perhaps there are other ways to achieve the same thing better.
While I don't agree with the health regen I believe everyone should be given 6 less certs but start with med + engineering. I don't know anyone who doesn't have those certs.
2011-02-16, 11:44 PM
* Experience rewards for defending bases. Even at release, when critical mass wasn't a problem, getting people interested in helping to defend a base was like pulling teeth. Musical bases isn't fun. Knock-down, drag-out fights over a base are. Note: This doesn't extend solely to bases that are actively under attack. Give me a reason to walk the walls on a base that's still quiet, but might not be for long. The idea I always used to suggest was: double xp for kills in a friendly SOI, and some intermittently awarded xp for being present in the SOI of a base that is currently hackable, but unhacked. The second part needs a little more attention to prevent AFKing, but something along those lines.
* I was never a fan of the LLU, wouldn't mind seeing it ditched for just hack and defend.
* Toning down the roadkill-ability of vehicles. Drivers should be driving and providing a platform for their gunner, not preoccupied with aiming for pedestrians. This was doubly bad on Vanu vehicles, obviously.
* Bigger emphasis and utility in large transports. Too often, since everybody has a driver cert for a mosquito or whatnot, nobody would bother filling up a bus or a galaxy, because why wait for it to fill up?
* A flight model that is less permissive of hover and circle strafe. They were a crutch for reaver pilots. Make reavers perform strafing *runs* which force them into predictable flight patterns and exposing themselves to a wide area.
* AV MAXes which are a bit more effective. Frequently, it felt like the AV MAXes were better suited to firing on infantry than vehicles.
* Restore some of the versatility of Special Weapons. At release, this was a versatile, yet balanced cert. The weapons and ammo were bulky (or disposable!), but effective against appropriately chosen targets, and mostly in close quarters. Devastators against MAXes were excellent if you could sneak up on one unawares or were quick on your toes rounding a corner, rocklets did actual damage and had a nasty alternate fire, and grenades had adequate splash to be effective anti-personnel. All of these were hit pretty hard, to the point where it just became an obsolete cert holding a bunch of fun, but completely eclipsed, weapons.
* Keep the cone of fire. It was an excellent system that provided a balance of skill and a level playing field. It also was a good mechanism to incentivize certain behaviors that contributed positively to the feel of Planetside (discouraging bunny-hopping, keeping running and gunning in check, and full auto lead trigger fingers with standard rifles), and slowed the pace of combat down just enough to feel like there was time to communicate with your team and coordinate. I thought the way the UI communicated the COF was intuitive, and the way shots still clustered *near* the center of the cone, with a few outliers towards the edges, had the most satisfying feel to it of any game I've played since. Remember, some capping of skill is beneficial in a massive environment; you don't want the newbie to feel useless and completely outclassed if he's working with others, but it leaves room to grow into the game and improve.
* Vehicles are fun, but infantry reigns supreme. Mass infantry is what conveys, for me, the massive scale of combat. I'd rather have 10 tanks to support a convoy of half a dozen large troop transports which disgorge their sixty infantry troops upon arrival than 35-70 two- or one-man tanks swarming over a rise. Why? Because in the second scenario, you bring anti-tank or you have nothing to shoot at. In the first, basic rifles, anti-personnel specialty weapons, AND anti-vehicular arms all have a place in the battle. Also, seeing a bunch of guys pouring out of transports just has a cache and feel that replicates, say, a good war movie and delivers a unique experience. It also means that there are plenty of people to storm the base, rather than half a dozen guys getting out of their tanks while the rest mill about outside.
* Integrated voice. The original game had it, but it didn't play very well with NAT and not everybody had the bandwidth to host for their squad. Newer systems and widespread broadband have overcome this, but now few games try to integrate voice, instead assuming guilds will have Ventrilo or Teamspeak servers. This is fine for outfits, but FPS games benefit from offering strong coordination/communication options to pick-up teammates.
2011-02-17, 01:20 AM
Yea I'm not so sure health regeneration fits in PlanetSide.
There is the Regeneration Implant... which was basically useless unless your BFR has a habit of being radiated.
2011-02-17, 10:03 PM
Weapons with sights, and let me look down them. Ever since COD i want this feature in every FPS shooter(part of the reason i dont like CS:S cause they failed to add it)
Weapons with sights, and let me look down them. Ever since COD i want this feature in every FPS shooter(part of the reason i dont like CS:S cause they failed to add it)
Well it is the future; who needs sights?
2011-02-17, 10:40 PM
Well it is the future; who needs sights?
People. The only thing i could think is the helmet is equipped with some sort of link with the gun to show where you are aiming without having it up to your eye..................but then there is the snipe rifle which defeats this rule.
Battlefield 2142 had sights and some of there guns arnt to far off while i understand its not the same just noting.
2011-02-17, 10:48 PM
Well it is the future; who needs sights?
The problem is that if you're holding the weapon down to the right, like it's shown, you don't shoot a bullet strait though the fixed reticule from the center of your vision. You should be shooting it at an angle from the front of the gun to the center of the screen, and it only intersects at some fixed distance in front of you.
Sure, programing can make the gun point directly to the center when you put it over something at some range...but that's not that interesting.
I much prefer the idea that you have to take aim if you want to get off good shots. That's not so say you get rid of the reticule when you're running around, but it should be noteable that it's not pointing perfectly in line with your crosshairs.
People. The only thing i could think is the helmet is equipped with some sort of link with the gun to show where you are aiming without having it up to your eye..................but then there is the snipe rifle which defeats this rule.
Battlefield 2142 had sights and some of there guns arnt to far off while i understand its not the same just noting.
I figured the sniper rifle was just different for balance purposes.
2011-02-17, 11:39 PM
I much prefer the idea that you have to take aim if you want to get off good shots. That's not so say you get rid of the reticule when you're running around, but it should be noteable that it's not pointing perfectly in line with your crosshairs.
Agreed I'd love to see Iron Sights in some fashion. I don't think the whole it's the future argument holds up as a reason not to do this. It add's another aspect to the game
Agreed I'd love to see Iron Sights in some fashion. I don't think the whole it's the future argument holds up as a reason not to do this. It add's another aspect to the game
It adds as much to the game as zoom does. That is, not a whole lot. I just see it as homogenizing planetside. If I "Realistic" (lol) I can play COD. If I want a futuristic war game, I play planetside.
2011-02-18, 01:00 AM
I guess I've just never thought Planetside's mediocre combat mechanics was its strong point.
The persistent world, combat scale and player organizations are what set it apart when it was released...and even now.
I guess I've just never thought Planetside's mediocre combat mechanics was its strong point.
The persistent world, combat scale and player organizations are what set it apart when it was released...and even now.
The combat is a lot more fun than any other "Realistic" shooter I've played. No point of cover in COD when everything can penetrate 3 feet of concrete and you don't have to worry about managing your COF.
Now COD... that is mediocre combat.
2011-02-18, 01:08 AM
When somebody brings up iron sights (or even a scoped reticle, or whatever) in PS, my first impulse is to ask "so, would that bypass the COF, then? If not, it seems pretty silly. And if so, well, then, no thanks. I think the COF is a good system."
I SandRock
2011-02-18, 05:30 AM
The combat is a lot more fun than any other "Realistic" shooter I've played. No point of cover in COD when everything can penetrate 3 feet of concrete and you don't have to worry about managing your COF.
Now COD... that is mediocre combat.
Yeah I play these games for 1-4 weeks and get bored with it. RUSH RUSH RUSH PEW PEW PEW DEAD RESPAWN RUSH RUSH PEW PEW PEW LOLPEWPEW OMGLOLPEWPEW. You pretty much die in under 1 second or kill in under 1 second in those games.
2011-02-18, 05:36 AM
Oh god no iron sights.
I hate iron sights sure its fine in games that try to be realistic but in my opinion it slows down the pace of the game and that is something that at least I don't want to see happen in Planetside.
In my opinion iron sights are all about realism and I don't play Planetside because it is realistic. :)
2011-02-18, 10:50 AM
Well I am going to have to disagree.
First off, what is with the extremism? Iron Sights makes PlanetSide into another game? Come on now that's just stupid logic.
Stopping and having to look down your gun to shoot is not a game breaking mechanic. How would it work with COF? Makes it a bit smaller at the expense of moving slower.
And I don't think it's a realism thing either, I'm not asking for PlanetSide to be more realistic.
2011-02-18, 11:01 AM
I have to roll with Hamma on this one. Iron sights requires a bit more skill than pray and spray.
I say thumbs up if they go this direction...
2011-02-18, 11:26 AM
Stopping and having to look down your gun to shoot is not a game breaking mechanic. How would it work with COF? Makes it a bit smaller at the expense of moving slower.
While this is certainly the way to balance the mechanic well, it ends up being silly.
"So, these guns of the future don't fire where they're pointed at?"
Perhaps a better solution would be to have the iron sights view come with a built-in "wobble" that's random as you breathe and adjust your balance and whatnot. You get the cone of fire (tightened) effect without watching a bullet shoot out diagonally from the gun whose barrel you're literally looking down.
2011-02-18, 12:19 PM
We are also assuming CoF is even in the game this time around also because it very well may not be. :lol:
Taking a moment to slow down and aim your shot isn't a bad thing imho.
I SandRock
2011-02-18, 01:00 PM
I actually hope they keep CoF, i quite like the mechanic. Makes sniping a lot more unique to other games too.
2011-02-18, 01:24 PM
Well I am going to have to disagree.
First off, what is with the extremism? Iron Sights makes PlanetSide into another game? Come on now that's just stupid logic.
Who said it would be a different game? :)
I have not quite grasped the point that iron sight is more skills. I mean its still a cross hair in the end wether you have iron sights or not. :)
2011-02-18, 02:46 PM
It doesn't make more skill it just makes it so if you want to be more precise and have the opportunity to it allows it. :D
2011-02-18, 06:19 PM
WoW all this discussion over Iron Sights. The Major thing of Iron sights is focusing your vision for better accuracy but for that time your View is limited and so is your speed. Its essentially a Steady yourself move with a fancy way of doing it.
Also while im at it, leaning would be nice.
2011-02-18, 06:48 PM
We do already have a zoom feature and implant, is Iron Sights really needed?
Plus some weapons don't need more accuracy tbh
2011-02-18, 07:17 PM
We do already have a zoom feature and implant
We don't know that :p
2011-02-18, 07:25 PM
We do already have a zoom feature and implant, is Iron Sights really needed?
Plus some weapons don't need more accuracy tbh
Obviously not every weapon needs it(just thinking through them mostly all the Empire Heavy weapons). Alot of the Basic Weaponry would benefit from it.
2011-02-18, 09:47 PM
Aiming mode was always something I wanted PS to have, do the tactical fastwalk with the rifle up to your face and a tighter CoF.
2011-02-18, 09:56 PM
Fuck iron sights. It would ruin the game. Now, if we can have red dot sights, then we can talk. ;)
2011-02-19, 02:57 AM
Fuck iron sights. It would ruin the game.
I too like to make large claims, like ruination, with no supporting evidence.
Not quite related:
I swear you people don't want a PS:N.
You just want a graphical overhaul to the current game.
That would not be worth my money.
2011-02-19, 03:37 AM
Outfit Merit System. Similar to what WoW did with the guild leveling/reward system. Outfits would have their own version of merits, albeit on a much much larger scale. Players in outfits would have a special Outfit Certification slot. For example, lets say one of the merits was kill 1,000,000 players using a Medium Assault Weapon. Once an outfit unlocks this merit, all members of the Outfit can choose Medium Assault as their Outfit Certification, essentially getting MA without having to spend their certifications on it. As Outfits earn more and more merits, the selection grows, however the number of cert slots never increases. A four year old Outfit may have every cert in the game, but their members can still only select one. This would allow Outfit members to get certs that would be beneficial to the Outfit as a whole, but may not be certs they would be willing to spend themselves.
Merits from the get go and much much more detailed stat tracking. I'm a stat whore, I like them, if you don't like them, it doesn't affect you at all. However, adding merits in several years after the release, while I appreciate the addition, really sucked. I probably had most of the certs by the time the system came out, but I had to start all over.
More weapons. Empire Specific Sniper Rifles, SMG's, Reaver/Mossie variants, Artillery. More common pool versions of weapon types (rather than just having the Punisher as a CP assault rifle, lets get 2-3 CP assault rifles that each handle differently
No Core Combat style weapons.
LOTS of diversity between facilities. Not just between facility types, but even with facilities of the same type. I would love to see facilities take advantage of their surrounding terrain. Imagine a facility build into the top of Mt. Cyssor, only accessible by aircraft, or a facility build into the side of a hill, or completely underground.
Multiple/random capture methods. Add lots of different ways to capture a facility, AND have each facility randomly choose the method of capture after ever flip.
1. Hack and Wait: The standard method we have right now, hack a facility, defend for 15 min and it's yours. While kind of boring, it would feel like PlanetSide without it.
2. Multiple CC's: Every facility has a main CC, but add a few "sub" CC's to various parts of the facility. Facilities using this method would have a much shoter wait time (3-5 min) but all the CC's in a base need to be yours at the same time to flip.
3. Sectors: Facilities would be broken down into various sectors. Having more people than the controlling empire would move a meter closer to your side, when it reaches your side you gain control of that sector, all sectors must be controlled by your empire to flip.
4. Kill Counter: This is my favorite. When a facility flips and this method is chosen, a kill count UI would appear on your screen as long as you are in the SoI of that facility. Lets say the NC own the facility. The counter would start at 200, and for every NC that dies in the SoI the counter is reduced by one. When the counter reaches 0 the empire with the most players in the SoI (that are not the controlling empire) gain control of it. However, for every non-NC player that dies the counter increases by one. The counter does not reset until the facility flips control. If the TR attempt to attack but fail, and cause the counter to go up to 400, the next time an attack is made on that facility, whether is 5 minutes or 5 days later, the counter will still be at 400.
2011-02-19, 04:02 AM
I too like to make large claims, like ruination, with no supporting evidence.
Not quite related:
I swear you people don't want a PS:N.
You just want a graphical overhaul to the current game.
That would not be worth my money.
It was a joke buddy. You know how iron sights and red dot dights are essentially the same thing in a game? Settle down, dude.
2011-02-19, 04:06 AM
I swear you people don't want a PS:N.
This is the same feeling I get. I want a NEW game with some familar items and the same basic concept. I don't want Planetside: Again.
I've played that. I played it at its best. I want something BETTER.
I think of a lot of people have been conditioned into the status quo. Too much of Planetside was lackluster or poorly implemented.
AA vs Air was dumb and had no gameplay (OH NOES LOCKONZ!!! RUNZ!!)
Light vehicles had no role (hint: tanks > vehicles, buggys > infantry = synergy)
CR was just a way to grind out more stuff and resulted in OS spam
Base design was pretty bad, all the towers had the same gameplay.
Simplistic reward structure (all based on kills in a game that need a lot more than just kills, like WTF? Even the support XP was kill based!)
Galaxy and ground transport were useless compared to other options
FAR too much skillless gameplay in a suposedly skill based game (IM SPAMMING MY PLASMAZ!)
Simplistic objectives (bases - that was it)
I want all that fixed, then I want a better game on top.
Planetside is still my favourite game, even though it lies in ruins.
2011-02-19, 04:08 AM
I swear you people don't want a PS:N.
You just want a graphical overhaul to the current game.
At least I don't have this opinion. I hope the game is a graphical overhaul with additional content and improvements to the gameplay. :)
2011-02-19, 04:20 AM
Another thing, Non-facility "bases". Landmarks if you will. Special areas just out in the open that can be fought over for control. Some of my fondest memories in PlanetSide where battles that took place in the middle of nowhere, in between facilities, in the hills, trees and open grassland.
2011-02-19, 05:11 AM
I was going to make a post regarding people just wanting PSN to be a graphical update; the more vocal people here seem to want just that and are dead against any improvements or alterations that would make the game more balanced, more appealing to the masses or make the game less HA/Air Cav centric.
2011-02-19, 05:52 AM
Big Urban warzones
Dark land of the new crazy Vanu Sovereignty (not much light on area of Auraxis), the mass polluted super-city sky-scraping Terran Republic and 'high-tech' shanty towns of the New Conglomerate.
2011-02-19, 10:03 AM
4. Kill Counter: This is my favorite. When a facility flips and this method is chosen, a kill count UI would appear on your screen as long as you are in the SoI of that facility. Lets say the NC own the facility. The counter would start at 200, and for every NC that dies in the SoI the counter is reduced by one. When the counter reaches 0 the empire with the most players in the SoI (that are not the controlling empire) gain control of it. However, for every non-NC player that dies the counter increases by one. The counter does not reset until the facility flips control. If the TR attempt to attack but fail, and cause the counter to go up to 400, the next time an attack is made on that facility, whether is 5 minutes or 5 days later, the counter will still be at 400.
So, the way to defend this base is to simply not show up?
This is the same feeling I get. I want a NEW game with some familar items and the same basic concept. I don't want Planetside: Again.
Well, you've got two camps;
Those who mostly want status quo
Those who want; headshots, NPCs, prone, iron sights, deployed HA, win conditions, removal of single person transport, etc AKA a completely new game that isn't planetside.
Light vehicles had no role (hint: tanks > vehicles, buggys > infantry = synergy) (I think hamorad would like to have a talk with you if you think buggies are useless)
CR was just a way to grind out more stuff and resulted in OS spam (after 8 years)
Base design was pretty bad, all the towers had the same gameplay. (agreed)
Simplistic reward structure (all based on kills in a game that need a lot more than just kills, like WTF? Even the support XP was kill based!) (agreed. more xp for support and base caps plz)
Galaxy and ground transport were useless compared to other options (agreed, buff galaxy)
FAR too much skillless gameplay in a suposedly skill based game (IM SPAMMING MY PLASMAZ!) (agreed, nerf plasma)
Simplistic objectives (bases - that was it) (and that's fine)
Mine in red.
2011-02-19, 02:49 PM
I hope we are going to see all the vehicles weapons and such from PlanetSide in an entirely new wrapping. Nothing will ever be the original PlanetSide and I hope they don't get hung up on trying to make that happen.
2011-02-19, 02:52 PM
Well, you've got two camps;
Those who mostly want status quo
Those who want; headshots, NPCs, prone, iron sights, deployed HA, win conditions, removal of single person transport, etc AKA a completely new game that isn't planetside.
Mine in red.
Well your forgot Camp 3- those that want literally nothing to change beyond graphics and group all the other people into camps.
Seriously guys its been 8 years, in that time i and im sure many of you have played alot of FPS's in that time and would like to keep what made planetside awesome but also bringing it up to todays standards of FPS's and MMO's. Is Prone Game breaking? Is Iron Sights Game breaking? Would being able to lean around corners Game breaking? No they arnt.
But il tell you what is game breaking those who are stuck in the past and cant accept change.
I honestly can't think of any mechanic from a modern shooter that would make planetside more fun.
I'll accept change when it adds to the gameplay instead of being change for the sake of change. Sorry, "other shooters have it" isn't a good reason.
2011-02-19, 03:35 PM
I honestly can't think of any mechanic from a modern shooter that would make planetside more fun.
I'll accept change when it adds to the gameplay instead of being change for the sake of change. Sorry, "other shooters have it" isn't a good reason.
So the whole, it allows those with the skill to excel argument is ???? Or immersion (which is essentially what Iron sights are as opposed to a zoom that slows ya down)
2011-02-19, 04:49 PM
So, the way to defend this base is to simply not show up?
Hmm, I suppose I hadn't thought about that part.
2011-02-19, 09:08 PM
Well your forgot Camp 3- those that want literally nothing to change beyond graphics and group all the other people into camps.
Seriously guys its been 8 years, in that time i and im sure many of you have played alot of FPS's in that time and would like to keep what made planetside awesome but also bringing it up to todays standards of FPS's and MMO's. Is Prone Game breaking? Is Iron Sights Game breaking? Would being able to lean around corners Game breaking? No they arnt.
But il tell you what is game breaking those who are stuck in the past and cant accept change.
The question to ask shouldn't be "is this game breaking?"
The first question to ask is "is this needed?"
The answer to a LOT of the things you mention is simply "it ain't broke."
I'm not against change. But I think that Planetside was, fundamentally, a good concept that did a lot of things right, and was, for the most part, ahead of its time.
It also is a game that enjoys a very distinctive character and playstyle that fans of the game have grown to love. Alienating the fans you've got built-into a sequel is a questionable way to start off.
I don't think anybody thinks Planetside is perfect. I certainly don't. I think there's serious room for improvement when it comes to incentivizing and rewarding certain aspects of gameplay. However, I think the core concept of most of the vehicle and weapon design is fairly sound, and the combat mechanics made for a fun game. That's why I'm a fan of Planetside; I enjoyed the way the combat played.
Thus, I'm wary of drastic changes to the model. Not because I'm stuck in the past and fear change, but because it was, and is, a fun way for me to play. Thus, I don't think it's a good idea to make changes for change's sake, or because game X came out since that has done Y. Game X isn't Planetside, so Y might not be the right move. Maybe it is, but I think we deserve to step back and take a good, long, hard look at it to decide.
To go back to the above: is prone game breaking? No. But does it add anything? It adds a certain level of "immersion," it can be argued. It adds boosted accuracy and a smaller target profile at the expense of mobility and situational awareness.
Conversely, I'd argue, the immersion is mitigated or outright compromised by, say, bad animation interactions (take a look at a prone guy turning in, say, COD) and abusive player behaviors (prone/not prone/prone/not prone -- wow, way realistic!). And the benefits/drawbacks associated with prone are already provided in the Planetside model by crouching. In addition, prone adds a set of animations to reside in memory, increasing system requirements/load marginally.
Give the above, I don't see it as a slam dunk, and it's not "because I'm stuck in the past and fear change," as you seem to be arguing in this thread.
I could do the same with iron sights and headshots, which are actually probably stronger cases.
2011-02-19, 09:29 PM
To go back to the above: is prone game breaking? No. But does it add anything? It adds a certain level of "immersion," it can be argued. It adds boosted accuracy and a smaller target profile at the expense of mobility and situational awareness.
Conversely, I'd argue, the immersion is mitigated or outright compromised by, say, bad animation interactions (take a look at a prone guy turning in, say, COD) and abusive player behaviors (prone/not prone/prone/not prone -- wow, way realistic!). And the benefits/drawbacks associated with prone are already provided in the Planetside model by crouching. In addition, prone adds a set of animations to reside in memory, increasing system requirements/load marginally.
Give the above, I don't see it as a slam dunk, and it's not "because I'm stuck in the past and fear change," as you seem to be arguing in this thread.
I could do the same with iron sights and headshots, which are actually probably stronger cases.
Here is why i feel you are stuck in the past. First is that you note that other games have it yet name one that does it wrong and on top of that make the assumption it would be identical to that. If anything planetside strikes a balance between the MMO and FPS side of things. Why would you assume a game like planetside would have instant get up and go from prone? Why couldnt it have a Slow get up time causing the abuse to stop?
This is what im talking about. Your first thoughts are how it wont work by using other games as examples and essentially dropping in how COD does it and plopping it in the planetside universe. Not looking at it in a "How would planetside do it?" .
And the whole adding more load to the system is just...................ugh.....really?
I love kaffis; he says what I'm thinking a lot better than I could.
2011-02-20, 04:55 AM
The first question to ask is "is this needed?"
Do we need vehicles? No.
Do we need guns? No.
Do we need battle ranks? No.
Do we need command ranks? No.
Do we need outfits? No.
Do we need platoons and squads? No.
Do we need chat? No.
Do we need statistics? No.
Do we need armor? No.
Do we need third person? No.
Do we need three empires? No.
Do we need PlanetSide? No.
Do we need hot lesbian orgies? No.
But you know what? I WANT some of that shit!
2011-02-20, 06:37 AM
But you know what? I WANT some of that shit!Exactly how I feel about Empire Strike Abilities (
2011-02-20, 09:30 AM
The first question you ask should be "Does it add something useful to the game".
That means, does it add significant gameplay benifit. Does it deepen tactics, improve somebodys options, does it add fun?
Planetside is not Planetside. The version avalible today is nothing like the original and the original was broken.
Planetside IMO is a medium paced (between Battlefield/COD and Arma2/Battleground Europe) First Person (that means you play a single character from thier perspective not from FP view) Wargame with a massive scale.
There isn't really anything special about it. Its just that the vast majority of players never played a first person wargame before, and never on this scale.
2011-02-21, 03:04 PM
Thank you, Aractain. It seems you interpreted the spirit of my phrasing better than Sobekus. I concede that "Does it add something useful to the game?" is a more precise definition of the criteria I was going for than "Is it needed?"
2011-02-21, 03:10 PM
"Is it not needed?"
2011-02-21, 03:44 PM
Thank you, Aractain. It seems you interpreted the spirit of my phrasing better than Sobekus. I concede that "Does it add something useful to the game?" is a more precise definition of the criteria I was going for than "Is it needed?"
I could do the same thing for that too lol.
2011-02-21, 07:36 PM
Thank you, Aractain. It seems you interpreted the spirit of my phrasing better than Sobekus. I concede that "Does it add something useful to the game?" is a more precise definition of the criteria I was going for than "Is it needed?"
There are lots of things that are useful yet unwanted or unneeded. I Think what you're looking for is "Do it make things more fun for the average player"
Where average player is certainly not exclusive to "average person still playing planetside". If you want a game that is going to have renewed appeal instead of being fan-wank.
2011-02-22, 04:10 AM
Here's how to broaden appeal: crucify hackers publicly and immediately.
Storyline. Storyline, storyline, storyline. I want to learn as I play. How did this madness come to be? Why are we fighting? What's in store for our empires as we strive for complete and utter dominance? I want to learn and adapt the history of the character that I control as I play. Something that Planetside had was an amazing back story, but there was complete failure in expanding upon it. The developers of this new Planetside will need to go back to the original concepts, before new developer teams got their hand on it, and work upon what was already there. Luckily, the gameplay, and the comradery were able to make Planetside the best multiplayer game I've ever played. They're going to have to do better this time, though.
Dynamic and persistent world. In the first year of Planetside, which was by far the best year of Planetside, we were introduced and plunged into massive battles with hundreds of players over an immersive and massive landscape (MMO: Massive Multiplayer -> that means A LOT of people.) I believe the landscape should change depending upon whether or not battle is being fought. After hours of war, the ground should be drenched in blood and destruction. Bases should be destructable, and require maintainence and power to remain stable. I believe I recall a website (though I do not have a link,) which provided a continous demonstration of how amazing Planetside could look given night-time gameplay. I completely agreed then, and I do so now. Auraxis should function much like any planet might. If it can sustain life, it should be able to show it aesthetically. Weather was amazing, and it added a lot of unique gameplay. Bridge battles that lasted hours, complimented by intense storms made the atmosphere of the game unbelievably immersive. It was fantastic. It was completely unnecessary to give up on the weather system.
Go easy on balancing, and listen less to complaints. People, when frustrated, will complain about anything. The problem is, their voice is much louder than those who do not complain. Many times, in Planetside, these complaints would trigger balancing by the developers, which would cause a lot more strife. Keep it simple, and don't play into complaints too easily.
Introduce content, over time, that gives us a reason to feel that updates are important. If it's a good idea, introduce it slowly, and with precision. Complete it before introducing it. Do not update the game if it isn't going to be extensively tested. That code should be a month old before we get it. Certainly do not give us updates like the Oshur destruction, which as far as I can remember, really upset the community.
Incorporate your updates into the storyline. Let's say the first week, the Terran Republic develop and release advanced weapon modifications (like silencers, or flashlights, etc.) to their soldiers. In week 2, the New Conglomerate and Vanu Sovereignty intercept communications and develop their own weapon modifications based upon Terran Republic technology. Sure, the TR might have an edge for a few weeks, but something like that would build upon the existing storyline and introduce unique gameplay (I don't mind being an underdog if it's really played well.) Speaking of, Espionage would be a cool addition to the game.
Complete removal of core combat and post-core combat modifications to the game. Modules and CTF were terrible ideas. I'm sorry, but they completely destroyed the need for an intelligent and cohesive army with intelligent commanders. Order defenses? Nah, we have some mystical shield and pain fields. Covert operations? Yeah right! In the early days of Planetside, we actually had to know something about encouraging and leading people into battle. It was intense.
While the vehicle additions were an interesting concept, they were poorly implemented and did not match the style of the game. Giant robots? You can't be serious. There is no need for multiple deliverers, or a disgusting vehicle transport that looks like a box. Originality, not cheap imitation is the goal here. Innovate.
Keep your developers. Something that plagued Planetside, was that it seemed like every quarter a new set of developers were there, with new ideas and less original concept. It might have been just me, but it seemed as time went by the original Planetside was skewed and shaped into a former shadow of what it was. You have to realize, in the past years people have been imagining their own version of Planetside, emphasizing the good, and ignoring the bad. You have a lot of expectations to meet.
Just because it doesn't provide action all-the-time, does not mean it's useless and it certainly does not mean it has no place in Planetside. Non-combat support was the heart of our armies. Without contant maintenance of our troops, we would scatter and disolve. Making vehicle production faster, or introducing fast-action is not going to fit in with Planetside. On that note, the sanctuary is important. It is useful. If we have no place to call home, we have nothing to fight for. Introduce sanctuary raids. Give us rewards for locking Auraxis. When Trigganator made use of the sanctuary on Emerald to gather our forces into massive raids, it felt like we were a part of something huge. We fought much harder, and had a lot more fun. Even when Pedro (I think) took over, it didn't matter who lead us, so long as we were actively doing our best to secure our place on the map. Even though it didn't start with a raid, do you think NC could have locked Auraxis on Emerald during massive population without organizing and calculating? It's not always about the action. There's a lot more to it.
There's probably a hundred additional things I could say, but I've written enough. Even with all of it's faults, and there were a lot, Planetside remains to this day my absolute favorite multiplayer experienc (and it certainly was not my first MMO experience.) I don't play today to preserve my memories of what once was, which says something about how it has evolved.
Fake edit: KEEP THE MUSIC.
2011-02-22, 02:50 PM
Here's a few ideas:
1. Base variety: no more cookie cutter bases that just swap out roles (well, we can still have them, but not exclusively them.) Why not have bases next to the warp points that act more like fortresses, with large defensive perimeters, lots of turrets, and bunkers. Attacking islands, cutting of enemy supply lines, or just kicking enemies off of continents should be hard, but rewarding. Other bases would be smaller, more open to emphasize vehicle combat.
2. Capital cities: rather than just have a capital base with a forcefield, have a capital city. It's larger, and not necessarily one empire defending the base and one attacking it. One thing I liked about caves in Core Combat was that by having a space where vehicle combat didn't have a huge impact, and spawns were close together, you could have some really fun infantry battles in close quarters. Only thing was, caves were confusing, out of the way, and generally empty. But a capital city is at the center of a continent, has several districts, and emphasizes infantry and maybe light vehicles over all else.
3. Weapon balance: I might catch heat for this, but I was never a huge fan of how PS did weapons/armor. I didn't like that only Vanu had maxes that could jump, or how NC had the only good shotgun, or TR had the only machine gun. Also, Vanu had crazy ass weapons that always were pretty broken (from what I remember, anyway.) I think every empire should have access to, a heavier machine gun or a jump-capable suit, as well as improved standard pool weapons. In turn, empire weapons and armor can be further specialized, say by making VS maxes a bit stronger at jumping and fighting, and giving TR the best machine gun. Other weapons, like the empire rifles, could be further specialized (NC to have a semi-auto rifle, for example.)
4. New vehicles/vehicle changes: throw out the ancient tech, and bring in some new or redesigned vehicles. Ground transports always seemed to get outshone, so maybe make them a bit more useful. Nerf tanks a bit, maybe, make it so that single-pilot ships aren't used just to get around. I'd like to see some new artillery, maybe a light dropship, a precision strike fighter-bomber, a better galaxy gunship, etc. Also, redesign the Lodestar, I love the idea, but that thing is ugly as shit.
5. New gadgets: placeable shields, mortars, placeable machine gun nests or manned turrets, better use of the laser target-designator, supply stations, etc. I want a lot of this to emphasize defense, making it more enjoyable and easier, as well as trying to make the game a bit more strategic.
6. Refine the general empire design: I love the three themes, but make them a bit more distinct. Make NC look a bit more rugged and guerilla, make the TR seem more imposing, and make the Vanu a LOT more sci-fi. My dream designs (not saying this is how it should be, but it's how I would do it) would be like Imperial Guard from WH40K (somewhere betwen Cadian and Catachan) for NC, the Helghast from Killzone (or Krieg from 40k again...) for TR, and crazy japanese sci-fi for Vanu (you'll hate the comparison, but maybe from Final Fan... I can't say it.) Because no offense to the designers of the last PS, but character design always felt a little bland. Now that we have more graphics power for the game, we should put it to good use.
There are plenty of other changes we can make too. Down the Sight shooting is a possibility, and I do like that style of fps sometimes, but it depends on how the controls of the game feel and how well the network works. That type of sighting would have been terrible for PS1, because it really feels lag (ask a lot of people who play Black Ops, it can get frustrating when you aim at someone and bullets don't hit.)
I feel we could maybe restructure how combat on continents work. Maybe make it so that we use space more effectively, or that they are not as large. Or we could get rid of the networked style of attack/defense and make it so that you can maneuver around enemies more, but with certain problems. Maybe improve base defense more, or make it easier to detect large troop movements.
2011-02-22, 11:45 PM
Do we need hot lesbian orgies? No.
Back on topic I want the original music back (and written by Don Ferrone again). I would also love to see empire specific propaganda blasted from tv's/speakers in empire bases to get me in the mood to support my empire and hate the others. Similar to the beginning of half life 2 in city 17. It would add to the story.
2011-02-23, 02:35 PM
Didn't there used to be something like that on the TV's in game? Or am I imagining that.
2011-02-23, 02:39 PM
My next item: No pilot bailing of any kind without a special gimped pistol only flight suit (comes with a parachute).
2011-02-23, 02:40 PM
Didn't there used to be something like that on the TV's in game? Or am I imagining that.
They had stuff like this in BF:Vietnam. I remember the Vietnamese chick screeching out "GO home, GI!" or something to that affect. :lol:
2011-02-23, 02:52 PM
Didn't there used to be something like that on the TV's in game? Or am I imagining that.
They had those fucking annoying ads for real-life shit. I thought about paying the money to have an ad of my own, a propaganda ad or something. That would be a great recruitment tool... allowing the option of paying an extra fee to get your outfit ad in-game.
They had those fucking annoying ads for real-life shit. I thought about paying the money to have an ad of my own, a propaganda ad or something. That would be a great recruitment tool... allowing the option of paying an extra fee to get your outfit ad in-game.
Wait. I never experienced this. What the hell?
2011-02-23, 03:13 PM
Wait. I never experienced this. What the hell?
That's probably because you rage-quit over Core Combat. Judging from some of the things I've seen you write, you missed out on a lot.
1) Dev turnover comes from failing subs. Subscriptions fail, a dev gets laid off. Case in point - Mythic Entertainment following WAR.
2) Core Combat being removed. This was explained a few months into the whole deal. A dev came out and said words to the effect of, "it was a fail idea, but we can't get rid of it because it's on the box art and that's false advertising".
Now as for these ads... for a long time, ads in-game were prevalent. They were live-action ads for real-world shit. Complete with sound, moving picture, etc. There was annoying shit from everything from Pentium processors to US Air Force recruitment ads. This should would spool up upon you respawning in Sanctuary. It had a positive side-effect - you got the fuck out of Sanc a lot faster.
Didn't there used to be something like that on the TV's in game? Or am I imagining that.
They had those fucking annoying ads for real-life shit. I thought about paying the money to have an ad of my own, a propaganda ad or something. That would be a great recruitment tool... allowing the option of paying an extra fee to get your outfit ad in-game.
I vaguely remember the initial propaganda for each empire appearing on the big tv's in sanctuary , then they brought in some of the real life adds like fanta or whatever ..a failed idea never really took off the way they thought it would ..then after that we we left with the static stuff we have now.
2011-02-23, 03:44 PM
Now as for these ads... for a long time, ads in-game were prevalent. They were live-action ads for real-world shit. Complete with sound, moving picture, etc. There was annoying shit from everything from Pentium processors to US Air Force recruitment ads. This should would spool up upon you respawning in Sanctuary. It had a positive side-effect - you got the fuck out of Sanc a lot faster.
I remember them, mainly Fanta.
2011-02-24, 01:03 AM
The "I'm half horse, but hung like a mouse" ads were particularly gay.
Insult the in-game ads all you want but if it wasn't for them I would never have found out about this cool game called "Planetside".
2011-02-24, 04:15 AM
Haha I think ingame ads were awesome. If they bring in more money to the game then its fine with me. :)
I also remember when they stuck a Intel Pentium ad on the loading screen.
2011-02-24, 07:39 AM
Haha I think ingame ads were awesome. If they bring in more money to the game then its fine with me. :)
I also remember when they stuck a Intel Pentium ad on the loading screen.
Thats a slippery slope your treading there. Video games are one of the last digital mediums to be free of adverts, unlike everything else in society where you're bombarded with them. They're evil and have no place in games. If you're paying a monthly fee why do the developers feel the need to advertise too.
Totally not on in my opinion. It would make me reconsider paying for planetside next if it had any non game world related adverts in it.
2011-02-24, 02:59 PM
Insult the in-game ads all you want but if it wasn't for them I would never have found out about this cool game called "Planetside".
How exactly did the ingame ads bring you to PS?
2011-02-24, 03:22 PM
How exactly did the ingame ads bring you to PS?
I believe he was being sarcastic since the billboards ingame nowadays only have what appears to be ads for PlanetSide. :)
2011-02-24, 03:27 PM
Thats a slippery slope your treading there. Video games are one of the last digital mediums to be free of adverts, unlike everything else in society where you're bombarded with them. They're evil and have no place in games. If you're paying a monthly fee why do the developers feel the need to advertise too.
Totally not on in my opinion. It would make me reconsider paying for planetside next if it had any non game world related adverts in it.
Well I don't really see the problem here as long as the adverts stay as billboards ingame. I mean product placement is quite common and that could be a kind of product placement in some sense. :)
You can't really compare it to for example TV where you have commercials every 10 minutes or whatever it is. :)
If it would be a proper comparison the game would be interupted every 10 minutes for some commercials and yes that would be bad but a few billboards ingame with some commercials is nothing I see a problem with.
If that brings a few extra bucks to the game developers why not? You can simply ignore them if you don't like them. :)
Like it or not they make the game to earn profit not to satisfy you even if satisfying you brings them profit it still bottles down to that their main goal is to make profit.
I believe he was being sarcastic since the billboards ingame nowadays only have what appears to be ads for PlanetSide. :)
Winner winner, chicken dinner.
2011-02-24, 04:20 PM
RE: Certifications and abilities
The BEP should relate to much more than just adding new certs. The abilities as a tanker should be enhanced as your experience levels in that vehicle progresses. If you receive merits for performance then that should allow new abilities like more precise aiming, better armaments on the tank, possibly a mine fieds clearer device on the front for just some examples. This can work for any field, create a MOS type system like the military and reward those in that "career field" for excellence. I have played PS for 7 years and see the current merit system as worthless. Changing it this way would be exciting and a strong incentive to be very good at what you like instead of just boring mass spam killing at the tubes for example. I love being an engineer and would like to see my hard work for all these years be meaningful and see the gameplay of skilled players rewarded. Lets not lose all those really great players, they are starting to come back and the game is so much better for that. This is our chance to get it right!
2011-02-24, 05:48 PM
I'd love to see some major overhauls of the ANT. I have always thought it was a very underpowered vehicle. It has no weapons and it is incredible slow, so its not even a good transport vehicle. I'd like to see it be given a major speed increase and the ability to discharge all of the energy in one large suicide blast, which would act somewhat like an OS, killing anyone or anything stuck in its blast radius.
Some people have mentioned that perhaps it should be able to fly, which is a great idea also. I would rather see it be able to drive and to fly, kind of like the deliverer of the air. If it could fly I would love to see it be able to drop large bombs of energy from the air, killing anything underneath, (of course it would have to be one bomb per fill).
Lol, at the very least it would be comical.
2011-02-24, 05:52 PM
I always thought a fully-charged ANT explosion should be an impressive sight.
2011-02-24, 06:03 PM
I always thought a fully-charged ANT explosion should be an impressive sight.
Well it used to be. In fact, if I remember right, using ANT "bombs" was a pretty common tactic in the early days of PS. They nerfed the explosion because they were like a minor OS.
2011-02-24, 07:16 PM
Well it used to be. In fact, if I remember right, using ANT "bombs" was a pretty common tactic in the early days of PS. They nerfed the explosion because they were like a minor OS.
Lol, I wish played Planetside when it was released, this would have been pretty funny to watch. I was in middle school at the time and there was no way my parents were going to let me pay a monthly fee for a video game :(
2011-02-24, 08:05 PM
Well it used to be. In fact, if I remember right, using ANT "bombs" was a pretty common tactic in the early days of PS. They nerfed the explosion because they were like a minor OS.
Oh yeah, they were fairly destructive way back when...but not really of the level I'd hoped for.
2011-02-25, 06:52 AM
I think the MMO audience craves that sense of progression an so I hope SOE has added more of such things into the game.
I think SOE relying on the MMO audience to populate the game is why it went downhill so fast in the first place.
MMOFPS is only ever really gonna take off when they make some new consoles that can handle it. The toaster ovens that M$ released in 2005 just ain't gonna cut it.
Give it 10 more years and MMOFPS will be an institution when the common household tech catches up to the beastly machines that are in the homes of today's nerd.
I really have my doubts about what SOE plans on doing differently this time that will avoid such a rapid decline. Even if they market the hell out of it, the average gamer is on a console, and the average mmo gamer is most likely not interested unless the game offers a pixel crack trophy room; which just doesn't fit in with FPS.
One thing I would like to see is an automated scorecard tabulation once a threshold of infantry combatants has been met in an SOI. Kind of replicating the rounds you'd experience in other FPS games. At the end of a base battle you get a breakdown of how everyone involved performed. Good for the ADD riddled youth of America who only want to stick it out for a cap or two.
2011-02-25, 06:55 AM
Well I don't really see the problem here as long as the adverts stay as billboards ingame. I mean product placement is quite common and that could be a kind of product placement in some sense.
I don't see product placement in any other games I play, not in the form of obvious billboards anyway.
You can't really compare it to for example TV where you have commercials every 10 minutes or whatever it is. :)
Yes you can, because TV used to have alot less adverts before greed realised its money making potential. I think TV advertising is one of the biggest unseen evils in our society....its like acceptable brain washing. Id rather not see that spread to video games too - thats where I can escape all that s***.
If it would be a proper comparison the game would be interupted every 10 minutes for some commercials and yes that would be bad but a few billboards ingame with some commercials is nothing I see a problem with.
Don't bother making that comparison as thats obviously rediculous and nobody would put up with that.
If that brings a few extra bucks to the game developers why not? You can simply ignore them if you don't like them.
As I say its a slippery slope. If you allow profit seeking organisations to get away with something like that, you only have yourself to blame. You lot go on about immersion, but whats more disruptive and annoying than seeing a fanta advert in this supposedly futuristic fighting world. I'd be fine if it advertised vehicles in game or propaganda against a faction etc.
The next step might be a fanta advert while you spawn...slip slip...
Like it or not they make the game to earn profit not to satisfy you even if satisfying you brings them profit it still bottles down to that their main goal is to make profit.
No they don't. They make the game to satisfy their customers and I would hope, because they have a passion for making great games and want people to enjoy those experiences they create. Profit should always be secondary - 1. because money seeking causes so many problems in this world and 2. because seeking profit doesn't get you it. Its about the love/passion you put into what you bring yourself to sell.
As I say, if we do have to pay per month there should be no need for adverts and it would taint the developers reputation in my eyes.
I think SOE relying on the MMO audience to populate the game is why it went downhill so fast in the first place.
MMOFPS is only ever really gonna take off when they make some new consoles that can handle it. The toaster ovens that M$ released in 2005 just ain't gonna cut it.
Give it 10 more years and MMOFPS will be an institution when the common household tech catches up to the beastly machines that are in the homes of today's nerd.
I really have my doubts about what SOE plans on doing differently this time that will avoid such a rapid decline. Even if they market the hell out of it, the average gamer is on a console, and the average mmo gamer is most likely not interested unless the game offers a pixel crack trophy room; which just doesn't fit in with FPS.
One thing I would like to see is an automated scorecard tabulation once a threshold of infantry combatants has been met in an SOI. Kind of replicating the rounds you'd experience in other FPS games. At the end of a base battle you get a breakdown of how everyone involved performed. Good for the ADD riddled youth of America who only want to stick it out for a cap or two.
It declined due to BFRs...
It declined due to BFRs...
Game was populated enough that we had continent locks of 300+ people before core combat -> BFRs and the horrendous implementations of the other vehicles. It needed continous maintenance and upkeep, that's all.
2011-02-25, 12:26 PM
There's a whole range of things that caused PS to "fail" but arguably it has not failed because it's still here. It has in fact declined however.
2011-02-25, 12:37 PM
No they don't. They make the game to satisfy their customers and I would hope, because they have a passion for making great games and want people to enjoy those experiences they create. Profit should always be secondary - 1. because money seeking causes so many problems in this world and 2. because seeking profit doesn't get you it. Its about the love/passion you put into what you bring yourself to sell.
As I say, if we do have to pay per month there should be no need for adverts and it would taint the developers reputation in my eyes.
If you think they make games to satisfy a customer then you are in for a chock. :)
Yes of course a satisfied customer = more income for them but in the end their main goal is to make profit on the game not to make you happy. :)
2011-02-25, 08:06 PM
No they don't. They make the game to satisfy their customers and I would hope, because they have a passion for making great games and want people to enjoy those experiences they create. Profit should always be secondary - 1. because money seeking causes so many problems in this world and 2. because seeking profit doesn't get you it. Its about the love/passion you put into what you bring yourself to sell.
Ahh to be young again.
If SOE had to destroy everything we love about PS and remake it into a way that would sell like Call of Duty sells, they would do it. If they had to push your grandmother down a flight of stairs on the way, they'd do that too.
"Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize that we can't eat money." - Cree Indian Proverb
2011-02-25, 11:45 PM
If you think they make games to satisfy a customer then you are in for a chock. :)
Yes of course a satisfied customer = more income for them but in the end their main goal is to make profit on the game not to make you happy. :)
Yes, this is true for most corporations (and sadly it is probably true for SOE as well). However, this is a very short term way of looking at profits. Good companies are more concerned with the long term picture. This means good companies are focusing more on customer satisfaction, even at the risk of lower short term profits (some companies go to ridiculous lengths to please customers, such as to name one). This increases their longterm share prices, it pleases the shareholders, it prolongs the life of the corporations, and it makes customers happy. What it does not do is make upper management happy, as their insane bonuses are usually based on short term results, which is why a lot of corporations are more concerned with short term results (CEO's want big bonuses and CEO's run the company).
Building great customer relations ensures a corporation will be around for a long time to come and it is something that SOE might want to consider, as their track record has not been the best. However, it is difficult process to adopt into a pre-established corporate culture, and I do not have any hopes that SOE will be picking up these practices anytime soon.
***I am not dissing SOE or John Smedley in any way, its just that in my opinion they have not made the best decisions in the past in order to make their customers happy and retain their customer bases. Their priorities seem to be off.
A great example is valve's TF2. They sold it for $20 ($2.50 on Halloween) and it's received more free updates than most pay to play games. Now they introduce an item shot with hats, and they have an insanely loyal fan base willing to drop loads of cash for funny hats.
2011-02-27, 01:44 AM
I want to see vast, I mean, many miles wide and deep environments where you could, literally traipse along in a jungle, unseen and unnoticed by planes or anyone else, unless they literally heard or saw you directly. I'm talking canopied tropical jungle, not the pinball-table smattering of trees that can't hide a Motion Sensor from being seen by a plane at maximum altitude.
This would introduce VAST new vistas of fun and excitement for sneaking around. If you didn't happen to be watching a certain neck of the woods, you would just not see troops slipping past. Never mind flying past in some faggotmaster mosquito and being able to read everyones' underwear brand just because you are traveling at 50 percent speed or less. No, if you want to find people in the jungle, then you darn well have to get out and listen, and LOOK. What a concept OMGzzz.
Another thing: recognizable differences in uniforms, recognizable from a distance, so they GIGANTIC MASSIVE LETTERS GLOWING OVER OUR HEADS is gone. What good does it to do crouch behind a tree when ENEMY SOLDIER is emblazoned over your head in red neon? Get real. At least get less unrealistic.
These two things would greatly augment gameplay, I think.
2011-04-29, 06:14 PM
what do i want? i want the first year planetside was released again.
i see alot of people suggesting things on this thread, iron sights, animal npc's, a multitude of customization features, new base capture modes, and all. and im not totally against all of these things. but i cant help but feel like most of you were not here when the game went live. you point out problems with planetside today.
if you were not here, let me tell you, PS today is nothign like PS of old. the cert system was merged because fewer players were there to fill roles. items got buffed and nerfed to be useful to a smaller playerbase, and tactics that work today, were cannon fodder back then. when i say i want old planetside, i dont mean no changes, i mean i want the game that was ment for the massive scale it was, not the game ment for base battles we have today.
i see alot of complaining about wasted space. you have to realize, in the beginning those large empty areas were filled with scrimishes, because roads were mine fields, and ambush nests. the large open area's were outfits of 50+ players, regrouping as a base was about to be d-dayed. not all support was worthless, an ams could sky rocket your BR in just 2 hours, by multiple levels, because in that time you could have clsoe to a thousand assissts.
galaxies didnt need a buff, because you could easily fill yours up in sac in under 5 mins, because mossys were not the death machines they are now, and got shot down easily. all the problems we have today with useless vehicles is happenign because of a playerbase fail. and the core game did not cause that to happen, soe caused PS to suffer a massive stroke, one its only barely survived. and ill admit, i quit for a year after CC game out, because back then a single BFR could stand toe to toe with entire strike forces and win, they were OP, and soe didnt do alot about it for a long time, and alot of people felt they never would do anything about it. and around the same time this happend, a great new mmo came out, and it took many of those who left, and they would not return.
that was written, because as i read this thread, i feel so many of the suggestions here are made on the current game, and that people forgot the curret game only exsist because the old game cant support such small numbers.
as for npc animals and iron sights. if they add creatures, id only be ok with it assumeing they are just ambeint. i dont want to fight them, i dont want them to attack, and i dont want them to cause any lag. if you have birds, fish, deer or whatever fine, as long as the only thing they do, is look pretty. anything else takes away from the core principle of planetside. a full PVP only game, centered around a war of three ideals from a stranded civilazation that cant die. not a struggle with the planet.
iron sights. you could add them but lets be honest. zoom is more effective (as it zooms) and only a handful of weapons could use them. maybe the pistols, suppressor, and shotguns (although i dont see the point in iron sights at that range) the majority of weaposn in this game are not sight friendly. if they add them fine, but IMO they are only a nerf to whoever uses them, because reticule works fine in CQCB, and zoom will work better for med to long range. i supose you could add specific scope types to some of the weapons (similure to borderlands scopes that are slightly diffrent) but it takes away from the simplicity of combat, and adds nothing in return. not always a bad thing, but one thing that was good about ps, was its simplicity.
other then that, i would love new vehicles, new weapons, and all that jazz. i very much want the original PS back, but i wouldnt mind a massive upgrade in content, as long as the core of the game remains unchanged.because it worked, and it wasnt the game that failed, it was the devs.
2011-04-29, 07:12 PM
This ^ Need the original concept of the game first to be succesfull and have all this other stuff added
2011-04-29, 08:07 PM
I think a part of the reason we are seeing so many different ideas being floated on this forum is because we have nothing to do but speculate. When more information comes out then all the threads will be flame wars about the things we know. Just imagine the emotion when we find out it will also be released on PS3.
2011-04-29, 09:55 PM
While I don't agree with the health regen I believe everyone should be given 6 less certs but start with med + engineering. I don't know anyone who doesn't have those certs.
I know Im not where near the killwhore i was back in the day when i played a ton, but back then i myself and several other ppl i ran with didnt have medic, we just stack medkits, this free'd up cert of adv hack other stuff we needed.
2011-04-30, 05:22 AM
Casuals do all the real work I guess.
2011-05-04, 08:15 PM
More Favorite slots for equipment terms. Perhaps the ability to create custom groups inside the Favorites interface too!
2011-05-10, 05:30 AM
I killed a couple threads with this before, but...
Empire specific skyguard/marauder combos!
2011-05-10, 02:53 PM
I think a part of the reason we are seeing so many different ideas being floated on this forum is because we have nothing to do but speculate. When more information comes out then all the threads will be flame wars about the things we know. Just imagine the emotion when we find out it will also be released on PS3.
LOL on PS3!
Yeah, speculation is more fun than just blankly waiting, I guess.
2011-05-11, 12:31 AM
LOL on PS3!
Yeah, speculation is more fun than just blankly waiting, I guess.
yeah, if PSN goes on the ps3 one of two things will happen.
ps3 players will be free exp for pc players or
and sadly more likly
the game will be simplified down so controllers can compete with mice. AKA auto aim.
2011-05-11, 02:31 PM
yeah, if PSN goes on the ps3 one of two things will happen.
ps3 players will be free exp for pc players or
and sadly more likly
the game will be simplified down so controllers can compete with mice. AKA auto aim.
Well that would be IF they are playing in the same world. Correct me if I'm wrong but in DCUO (a very recent SOE game on both PC and PS3) I believe the PC players are on different servers than the console players.
The same may be true about PS:N. I just wouldn't be all that shocked (especially after DCUO) that part of this "new internally developed engine" would allow it to be released on PS3 as well. I'm not saying it's a good thing, I just think it's a strong possibility.
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