View Full Version : Memories
2011-01-29, 08:45 PM
There are many things I miss about Planetside, but for me always a great few memories stuck out. Such as many bridge battles, Gen holds, base caps, and running with Band of Bros. But the great few always stayed on top, and to beg the question of everyone's most memorable moments of the better years (that statement makes me feel old) I would like to sahre mine with you all.
Obviously my last base cap turning me into a CR5 with the numerous amount of lasher balls being shot at me was something I can never forget but I have always felt that when I was a lowbie trying to make a name for myself was my most distinct memory. It all started with a huge base stronghold that the VS (us) were fighting off the NC, winding us down to very low Nanite levels. I took it upon myself to gear up with a sh*tload of repair ammo, and Lancer into my ANT and make the long journey towards the warpgate. The trip there I encountered 2 mosquitos which I quickly silenced with my amazingly awesome AV weapon. I continued into the warp bubble where I then proceeded to fill my vehicle and repair to full. As both finished I was faced with two lightnings, reaver, and ATV team. I called in support from my outfit to take care of the reaver and started on my way being pelted from both lightnings and ATV team. Thank god I was so maneuverable in that sh*tty vehicle; the armor that they wore away dropped me to 1/4 of full health as I reached the base. Support rained down from friendlies in the base as I gloriously barreled my way in front of the energy collector. I deployed my ANT and began repairing it; the collector was half-full as I heard the screech of an Orbital Strike going off, I ran to the safety of a stairwell and received this message: (
It was our last base on the continent, and that last ANT of mine gave us the advantage to push back through the lines continuing to our victory, and greatest of all I was recognized by all who were fighting there that day, indulging me in my own 15 minutes of fame.
I ask of you, what is your most memorable moment in Planetside?
2011-01-30, 12:32 AM
I've got two.
The first happened on oldish school PS, before it was 9 different planets shit. It was right when capital shields got put in I think it was the capital base on the old continent that got nerfed (I forget the name). Anyways that capital was in a low area surrounded on all sides by a slight rise.
The NC had attacked us and our Capital shield was still raised, but the **** gathered at the gates. Tanks, MAXs, Infantry, AMSs, Reavers, Libs, and that artillary. The NCs guns glistened in the dusty desert light, like the jaws of a wolf ready to strike. Out numbered they had quickly taken 3 of the 4 bases that powered the shields. The Terran's had smartly moved under the cover of the shield to re group and try to push back the Cong's offensive fist. At first there was an odd calm before the proverbial storm that would engulf this area. No one was shooting, no one was going through the shield. The Kill spam was silent. The Congs were looking at us, and we at them. The courtyard was filled with the might of the Terran Republic. And then....
Like ants they poured through the shield near the back door doing their best to hurt us inside before the shields fell. My reaver darted to and fro. Slipping gracefully through the shields, laying out a swath of fireballs as I buzzed infantry, tanks, and the nearby tower. The sky was suddenly filled with tracer rounds, flak explosions, and missiles. The Missile Lock warning indicator became backround music, only not heard when its screech was over taken by the thunderous roar of the guns outside. All around me friendly reavers and mossies darted too and fro, In and out of the shields. Every time a gunship swooped back into the protective shields of the base it would be undoubtedly have licks of fire following behind it from the cannon of an enemy pilot. Missiles exploded over the shield as they passed back inside smoking and sparking from the engine's, bullet holes from nose to tail.
Then... disaster! Someone had snuck in and blasted the generator! The shields were up, and the enemy squad which has somehow gotten in was entrenched inside. Reloading my reaver's cannons and rocket pods became a tedious task of reloading from an AMS. My glue gun never stopping. The shields would becoming down any minute now. Infantry struggled to rip the squad in the generator room out.
The shields fell and the insanity began. Every where I looked, explosions, death, tracers, and camera guided missiles. The generators were repaired shortly after. I spent nearly an hour bobing up from under the walls protection to fire at the NC outside. I occasionally rocketed off to finish off an MBT or reaver. The return run to the base would be an insane dive back through the arch of the base wall, under the cat walks, and set down in a mildly secluded area. I never lost my reaver that battle. The Terran army had won some where else and attacked the encircling army from behind. We held that base, and I swear I couldn't count the number of bullet holes, and missile burns on my Reaver.
2nd Most intense moment in an FPS ever I think.
The second best memory was a behind the lines "neutral drop" on a vanu base. By damaging all the equipment in the base and making it self repair my outfit (The Dragonwolves) drained the NTUs on this base, that was totally behind enemy lines. The vanu had attacked Cyssor, and we went to their linking continent they used to attack from and hit the first base in the system from our attacking continent.
When the NTUs drained out we hacked the now neutral base and refilled the silo, repaired all the damage we did, and waited. The vanu needed this base back. It gave them tech on cyssor. Without it they would lose. At first it was only a few vanu who came to stop us. Probably 20. We all started outside, and by the time the base had 10 minutes left on the hack, the vanu were swarming us, pushing us into the facility rather quickly. We soon found out that the ENTIRE vanu offensive (they owned 2 or three bases and it was cap locked) had folded, and returned only to find why they had no tech. They were very very pissed. The tower went rather fast. As did our AMSs outside. The vanu swarmed through every door on that base, and the Dragonwolves held fast.
30 Wolves set foot in that base. And 30 Wolves saw it turn to a Terran facility. 30 Wolves held that base alone. For an hour. The entire Vanu zerg fell on our heads. That, my friend was probably the most intense moment in my gaming career, not just FPSs or PS... all of them. Manitou holds great reverence for that battle, he probably shat gold for a week he was so proud. It showed how teamwork COULD beat the zerg.
Unfortunately we did lose the base. The Terran zerg instead of backing us up decided to attack another vanu continent. It did prove successful though, as our stubborn defense held the vanu zerg off till we had a firm bridgehead on the other continent. Ill bet you a few more 'Wolves will post with a memory from that particular night. It was Epic.
2011-01-30, 06:53 AM
I have far too many memories but here is the best and the worst
Best: one of our members died, so we held a funeral on Amerish on the island in he south west with mags providing a 10 gun salute and a fly past of Libs and air cav. After it our guys loaded up in four gals and headed off to war. I stayed behind in sanc as it was about 2am and I have never felt so proud in my life. 2 years later we found out the guy had lied about the whole thing and was very much alive, but it didn't matter as the pride I felt for my Vindicators was the same.
The worst moment came when our alliance, the vanu round table put together a raid and eight gals dropped onto rehua, searhus. I thought I'd be cocky and OS the enemy AMS in the CY while we hot dropped. I missed and racked up sixty TKs in he process.
2011-01-30, 05:54 PM
Sneaking into an enemy CC in a full-fledged firefight, maxes, HA's, everything, as a cloaker, and using my (thank God for AH) hacking skillz to resecure starting somewhere south of 40 seconds left. By far the greatest memory I have of PS. Everyone was doing their job, and I went in, heart pounding, as I hate being discovered, and it's always a great thrill to sneak in unnoticed.
Second was watching BFR freshly minted walk off the pad into the ultra-dense minefield of the enemy in the enemy CY, letting off an EMP, and blowing the BFR to bits. I got a text compliment on that one from someone who was watching, and it just reminded me how satisfying it was to destroy BFR's, as I despise them.
Third was a similar resecure to the first, in fact, it was also on a tech plant, happened recently, but this time, I did it all: brought an AMS from way over at another base, all the while thinking "This is a guaranteed fail, but what the heck." I surged into the air lobby, to the CC, and started pro-hacking (i.e. NOT taking my finger off the button in nooblotronic fashion) and was shot several times, rescued, attackers destroyed, all while I kept the hack going using EE speed. We resecured starting the resecure hack somewhere south of about 21 seconds. You could almost feel the entire enemy empire deflate, almost feel the sizzle of the hate tells pouring down on them from CR5's. Fantastic.
There are a myriad of other moments, such as running up on a cloaker in an open field, literally, sneaking up behind him as an HA/RExo and killing HIM. Talk about BACKWARDS!
When Liberators were introduced, and before the TR and NC whiners peed their pants and flung their poo around enough to make the devs kill the VS AAMax by making it have an idiotically long reload time, I was AAMaxing on the antenna of Kvasir, I think, on Searhus? Planes could not get very high beyond base due to high base altitude, and we were hosing them out of the sky like gnats off a Chevy's grille. 2100XP per plane was about the average.
Other high points include watching SOE ban particularly bad hackers, and those who made drunk whores sound like nuns with the sewage that poured out of their mouths on global chat. I mean, we all cuss sometimes, but hoo boy, this was beyond cussing and entered into very illegal pornographic filth realms. Nah, not why we pay our sub price. Not at all.
2011-01-31, 07:34 AM
Lets see here my fondest memories of Planetside.
Well, I have two that really stick out and I love talking about them.
My first one was back in 2004 I wanna say. We where on Cyssor back when the NC used to assault from the North and go straight for the Tech Plant Faro. Anyways, I was running a column of about 12 Vanny's that day. When we showed up we received reports that the Assault on Faro had stalled and the NC had been bashing there heads against the walls of Faro for a few hours trying to pry that base away from the TR.
As we entered the field just outside of Faro we ran into a column of about 9 to 10 prowlers. From there ensued the most epic Tank battle I have to say I have ever had. There is nothing like seeing a wall of tanks coming straight at you. It was almost on Que when we all opened fire. Weaving in and out of incoming enemy fire. We managed to mow down 3 Prowlers in my tank alone. I have to say the use of Vent that day made the fight all that more thrilling. I wish I would of recorded it. We where calling out targets and focus firing them bastards down. After about what seemed like a 8 to 10 minute battle out front of Faro we beat the the TR back. We took 5 Vanny losses but cleared out the entire TR armor column that came to counter us.
We then proceeded to roll on the base to fine a nice TR AMS just inside the wall with about 20 TR standing around it. We popped it and claimed the CY finally ending the 4 to 5 hour Stand off at Faro.
My second Memory I would say has to be the time I was the lucky or unlucky recipient of a Bugged Vanguard. Not my proudest moment. But boy was it fun. My outfit mate and myself went on a killing spree with that thing for about 20 minutes before finally being told by CSR Dan I believe to go drop that thing off in a lake. Needless to say, I went up 2 BR's that day because of that thing.
2011-01-31, 10:31 PM
One of my most distinct memories is when CC first came out and I walked into the a core complex and was like oooh pretty beam of light, like a moth to a flame, I must step into it....dead.
2011-02-01, 03:06 AM
One of my most distinct memories is when CC first came out and I walked into the a core complex and was like oooh pretty beam of light, like a moth to a flame, I must step into it....dead.
Ahhhahahaha. I think everyone who didn't see someone do that first did the same thing.
2011-02-01, 10:49 AM
I want to add, here, people, that many, much better memories await if we band together in teams instead of all running around on our own little crusades. Picking on one PSer in the game should be like getting in a fight with one Hells Angel. "When an angel punches a non-angel, all angels present must participate." is, I believe, the exact wording of their credo.
I largely saw that evaporate over the years with PS, as the leaders tended towards being hidebound morons with ambitions only to fatten their CEP, then BEP, while their underlings were just disposable pawns. Yes, I know, of course, YOUR outfits weren't like that, I've heard it all before. :) Still looking forward to playing with people whose idea of teamwork isn't everyone working to make THEM advance.
2011-02-01, 01:07 PM
As with anything that will break down over time. We will see some awesome teams rise up again in PSN :D
2011-02-01, 01:39 PM
As with anything that will break down over time. We will see some awesome teams rise up again in PSN :D
Oh, yes indeed...yes we will. HOWOOOOOOOO!!!
2011-02-01, 02:19 PM
Reading this brought back a lot of memories:
Der Baron
2011-02-01, 03:10 PM
One of my most distinct memories is when CC first came out and I walked into the a core complex and was like oooh pretty beam of light, like a moth to a flame, I must step into it....dead.
That remembers me of the great time I had during the Reserves. I was pretty much standing in the core complex all day long, telling every reservist that that shiny light thingy over there was a teleporter.
I lmao'd a lot :rofl:
2011-02-01, 04:59 PM
Soooooo many memories, but there are a few that really stand out. I'll try to keep it brief.
1) One of my all time favorite moments, and frankly, I believe one of the all time greatest moments in Planetside occured in February of 2005 on the Markov server. If you were there, you will remember this.
It was the Monolith Event that was fought for over the weekend. By the last day, the winners on the other servers had pulled away, but on Markov it would come down to the the last battle to decide if TR or NC would win the event. The battle was on Solsar and the TR and NC were locked in an epic battle for Toth. Slowly, the NC began to realize that this would be no ordinary battle. The VS had arrived and they made their intentions clear.
Secretly, the commanders of the TR and the VS had formed an alliance. The VS were upset with the NC over some perceived slight, so they joined forces with the TR to help them defeat the NC. So at Toth, VS and TR were standing shoulder to shoulder defending the base against the relentless NC onslaught.
As word quickly filtered through the NC ranks, emotions ran high. "This is unfair!" "Cheaters!" were the common sentiments. Some thought about quitting in protest, but the rage made us fight on, and fight that much harder.
We not only held the tower at Toth against the combined armies of the TR and VS, but we took the fight to them. The NC leadership organized the most massive, intense max crashes I have ever seen, and they almost worked. Even though we were incredibly outnumbered, we were able to get to the CC and get a hack on the base. Seeing the blue flags over Toth on the map sent a jolt of energy through the entire empire. Hope. There was still hope that we could overcome the odds and pull out a miraculous victory.
I was standing there, firining my gauss rifle as the monolith module was driven past me into Toth and the TR won the day and the event. While the scoreboard may have read that the TR won, every single NC that was at that battle knew who the real victors were.
Never before, and never again since was an alliance that large, for stakes that high, ever happened. Not only did the NC survive such a devious plot, but we almost overcame it.
2011-02-01, 05:20 PM
2) This memory isn't as epic in scale, but it was one of my personal favorites.
I was flying in my Reaver when another Reaver got the drop on me. The pilot was pretty good and knocked my armor down to next to nothing before I was finally able to get out of his crosshairs. He was still on my tail, so I had time for 1 last move, Raymac's Little Crazy Ivan.
There was a mountain ridge nearby, so I hit my afterburners and headed directly to a small notch on the ridge. As I crested the ridge, I dropped low so I would be out of view from the bogey, came to a complete stop, turned 180, and switched to rockets with my crosshairs pointed directly at the notch I had just flown through.
As I waited for the pilot to show himself, I held my breath with my health so low 1 bullet would send me to the spawn tubes. It seemed like an eternity waiting there, but it was mere moments in real time.
Suddenly, he appeared right in my crosshairs and I unloaded my entire clip of rockets in a Shock and Awe tactic to catch him offguard...and it worked. The pilot panicked, tried to maneuver but flew directly over me and into some trees right behind me. As I turned around, I reloaded my rockets and when I see the enemy, he is stuck in the braches of the tree, still alive, but only barely. I could almost see the "how did he do that?" look on his face as I took aim and fired off another salvo of rockets at him to finish the job. Sure the rockets were overkill...but this was a perfect moment for overkill.
My favorite 1 on 1 dogfight.
2011-02-01, 05:51 PM
Haha nice! :D
2011-02-01, 08:57 PM
Me and 0Strudder0 are chilling in the tower right next to our sanc warp on Forseral, waiting for our good friend 2coolforu to come through the warp with his deliverer. He arrives picks us up and being the glorious floating machine it is 2cool decided to go straight over the lake.
About half way across however a horde of reavers and mosquitoes emerged from over the hill, I couldn't tell you how many exactly but we had one of the most memorable battles I've had in PS on that lake.
With some amazing driving (boating?) from 2cool and some solid anti air power from the 20mm cannons we managed to fight off the air patrol.
2011-02-01, 09:13 PM
I have so many great memories from playing Planetside... I have fond memories of beta (remember that outfit "HIM" or something, they got banned for cheating, and then Crystal Dragons, a beta zergfit). I have fond pre-bending memories. I have fond post-bending memories. Outfit Wars, which was an idea a few people pitched to SOE after we organized a similar event in ULTRA (BWC versus TDC!). Shit, what else?
Oh yeah. An outfit duel with Sturmgrenadier which was awesome bragging rights. The so-called NC Halloween Invasion which came to a crushing halt on a bridge in Cyssor. An Emerald Alliance event, first one that I know of, where we had so much crap lined up in TR Sanc that it crashed the server. Shortly after launch we went to Cyssor to that central island tower and set up so much CE on a tower that it crashed that zone.
Man. I can't even list 'em all.
2011-02-02, 02:06 PM
Dragonwolf Ops nights. Thunder Runs especially. The entire Dragonwolf outfit in Prowlers and Lightnings followed by air cover and Lodestars spearheading invasions.
Running with the likes of KAAOS, TDC, BWC and the founding members of ULTRA. You guys made Planetside more fun because you saw that, while having fun within your outfit was fun, having fun with other outfits made Planetside.
But probably my greatest memory of Planetside was when KaozReign, IvantheTerrible and myself decided to take old school Oshur, back when it was a Vanu linked continent. Dropping gens, tubes, and towers to drain the NTUs out of the entire continent. Up until that time it had never been done by anyone on any server. The Dragonwolves were the first outfit to completely drain Oshur. And only three of us did it with one AMS parked right in the center of the continent.
2011-02-02, 06:13 PM
3) OK last story I'll bore you guys with. This one was actually kind of funny because I never thought it could really happen.
Was fighting on Ishundar, in my reaver as usual. We were defending Dagon, but I had spawned down in Akkan so I could pull my reaver fairly easily. As I'm flying on over to Dagon, I'm just relaxed, leaning back in my chair. I hear the sound of another reaver next to me so I take a quick glance. Sure enough, there is another reaver flying next to me towards Dagon.
Literally a comedic pause later, I do a double-take and realize the other reaver is TR. Before I have time to 'oh crap' make some quick manuevers to get the drop on him, I hear something else. This time it's not just 1 reaver, but many. I had inadvertantly flown right into the middle of a whole squadron of about 7-8 TR reavers. The funniest thing is, they must have all had their heads buried in the map because nobody noticed me.
So a real slyly slip back to the back of the group and lined up a shot on the trailing reaver. I fire off a quick burst from my guns. He reacted too late so he started to turn just in time to blow up.
No reaction from the rest of the TR so I pull in behind the next reaver in line and it was a carbon copy from the last kill. The TR pilot starts to turn then, boom, splash 2.
Still no reaction from the group. so I line up behind the 3rd one, and they finally noticed something was wrong. As soon as I fire a burst from my guns at him, he makes evasive manuevers and I can see the rest of the group start to do the same, all of them looking to kill me. I knew that if I got into a turret fight, I'd be toast, so I kept my speed up and since I was in a 'target rich environment', I just kept turning and firing my guns at everything in my way.
After finally taking out a 3rd TR with still only minimal damage to myself, I was full of over confidence. I had thought about hitting the deck and afterburning away since I was still outnumbered, but when was I going to get another chance like this again? So I kept flying and shooting in just a crazy intense dogfight that still had me outnumbered by about 4 to 1.
Just then, I heard the unmistakable sound of a gunship arrive at the fight and figured with that much lead flying around, I wouldn't make it much longer. But just like in the movies, the cavalry arrived and 2 NC reavers saw what was going on and joined the fray. So I took a position above and behind the gunship and switched to rockets and rained down hell until it finally blew up.
After all was said and done, I realized I almost single handedly stopped a minor air cav assault before it ever reached Dagon...thanks to ALOT of luck.
2011-02-02, 09:03 PM
Raymac, how you described that fight reminded me of a Discovery Channel show Dogfights. Could literally see the computer simulation in my head.
2011-02-02, 11:05 PM
FML, Raymac had the best story so far.
2011-02-03, 02:56 AM
when i was about to hit cr5, my outfit was crowded around. it was a big event. people were recording it, and talking excitedly while one guy stood at the CC and counted down through ventrilo. everybody wanted to see the turtle shell appear on my back.
the last second a buddy of mine tk'd me
everyone got pissed, but laughed about it later
but the most memorable moment of Planetside, for me, was my first second of combat.
there must have been 30 or so infantry beside me, rushing up the hill towards Girru from the tower. i pulled out my plasma grenade when I saw these NC bastards right in front of me..
and I dropped it at my feet. thus, I learned, after a few more tries and a grizzly death, how to throw grenades properly.
2011-02-03, 06:13 AM
:lol: That's one way to learn.
FML, Raymac had the best story so far.
Indeed! Awesome story.
2011-02-03, 11:18 PM
My two faves. Not quite so epic. :)
One was my wife taking out a Galaxy with mines. I believe it was the top of an air tower.
Mine was hot dropping out of the back of a Gal mid flight in the VS AA to distract the Skeeter that had come up on us and taking him out.
I do miss the big faction challenges and the pre Platoon system coordination with the Suicidal Lemmings, BA, the earlier Warrior nation players in my sadly absent Beta era Outfit.
Okay. One more. A cohort respawned in the tower basement right behind an NC max camping the tubes who must have been just drained. Popped his pistol and one shot it.
2011-02-04, 03:21 AM
One time I left Teamspeak set to voice-activation, and half my outfit later heard my girlfriend and I having sex.
2011-02-04, 05:55 AM
While not as epic as Fireflys last story lol :lol:
I think my most vivid memory of Planetside that stuck with me was what I like to call the Grand Reaver Duel.
Have you ever met another reaver pilot thats just as skilled as you are and refuses die, I met one on a large offensive by the TR against the NC on Forseal,
I'd chosen to scout the way for our advancing troops which were just crushing NC Resistance at the first base. While I was flying recon over the next target and relaying info to the outfit commander I got strafed by an enemy reaver machine guns. Hitting the throttle and firing my afterburners and diving into a tight circle I managed to come up behind him but he jinked this way and that throwing crasy loops with very impressive set of flying skills I just couldn't keep him locked or led long enough to make a proper strafing run,
We jockeyed back and forth becoming oblivious to all others around us as we tried to kill each other. Eventually I think he ran out of ammo as suddenly while I was trying to get back on his tail he broke and ran for the nearest warp gate, he'd saved his afterburners and made me waste mine so he jumped with a nice head start, I hadn't noticed we'd drifted so far from the TR offensive. I followed him to the waygate and we passed though, he ran for one of the airbases and made it inside. I charged at him as he set down onto the repair pad and unleashed all the rockets I could, it was at this point I noticed the entire NC army on the deck with all their AA weapons pointed at me, keeping my speed full I managed to damage the reaver but not destroy it, cursing for the waste of good rockets I legged it from the base, I took my reaver over to a hill and hunkered down to play the waiting game, I took the opportunity to check the map and discovered the VS had also decided to strike at the NC and they were caught between a 2 front war with the VS making a major push. knocking off the map I was just in time to see my quarry rise again in his reaver and began scanning around. Looking for me. About a minuet went by and he flew casually out of the base. I powered on my engines and snuck in behind him guns spitting, I could almost imagine his panic as he once again began evasive maneuvers, I was getting a feel for his style and thought I got you now when suddenly a series of cannon fire and rockets pounded me. A damn VS reaver had spotted us and was out for both TR and NC blood.
Breaking off my attack I almost screamed at loosing out killing the NC and was about to be dusted by a VS, I threw my Reaver into a sharp climb and then a sheer dive. I went into a spinning dogfight with the VS pilot another worthy opponent as we battle each other. I was pretty much dead, when a hail of rockets slammed into the VS reaver from the side, the NC pilot had come back. The VS plane ran for it and the NC let him go turning his attention on me. Out of rockets and almost out of bullets and armor I was toast. I attempted to make a run for it but it was the wrong choice and I watched as the little green armor left of my plane turned red. With nothing else to do I chose the lesser of two evils and bailed out of my bird at full throttle.
Landing on the ground I thought it would be a matter of time before the pilot came back to finish me off. With one eye on the sky and the other on the ground I decided to head to the nearest airbase and steal another.
I crested the rise of a hill and to my surprise I found the VS reaver on the deck being repaired, I snuck up to the plane and waited for the pilot to finish his work before gunning him down and hijacking his bird, I was back in the sky.
and with a tell from the VS pilot "That was well played sir, you the same Elmo that was fighting that Smurf rev?"
Just as I was about to write a quick reply I caught a glimpse of something very high up, an outline of a reaver. I flew up right under him and with a final thought "I got you now" I unleashed everything I had at him. He vanished in puff of black smoke and fire.
I got 2 tells.
"Where the HELL did you get another freakin reaver so fast!?!" from the NC and "Hoo doggy you nailed him, glad my ship was put to good use at least" from the VS pilot.
I invited the 2 other guys to my voip server and we spent along time talking about piloting and crasy tactics. I could never convince them to join my TR air group but when we met in battle over the skies of Auraxis we'd always send compliments of good kills to each other. :)
I did get into trouble with my outfits CO for leaving the recon mission but hell it was worth it.
2011-02-04, 05:07 PM
Damnnnn Canaris, great story. Its nice to see mutual respect from other empires, instead of the usual hate /tell
2011-02-05, 12:01 AM
I flew up right under him and with a final thought "I got you now" I unleashed everything I had at him.
I totally read this part in Darth Vader's voice.
Epic dogfight, epic story. NC probably didn't finish you off because he figured it would be a long walk and you'd be out of the fight longer. Big mistake.
2011-02-08, 05:40 AM
It would have to be the time that the NC actually did what I suggested. We stormed the entire map in less than 3 hours having started zero based when I logged in. The TR and VS had to coordinate to break our one hour hold.
And we did it with only 36% global pop. You couldn't switch empires back then, though.
2011-02-08, 03:45 PM
Those were the good old days. I hate what empire switching did to PS.
2011-02-08, 08:38 PM
Made some memories today performing hot drops with a few guys I've teamed up with. Kicked the NC up and down and off of Esamir!
Best moment was when I cleared Kvasir CC room almost single handed* with my Dual Cycler MAX after a successful Galaxy drop and proceeded to defend it for the next 15 minutes with NC making several rushes and MAX crashes. I've never come that close to running out of all 1400 rounds.
* I say almost single handed but there was a little help from some softies :D
- Jackhammer Nerf and the slaughter of the noobs. Post patch was wild.
2011-02-18, 02:25 PM
This game is filled with soooo many of what I call "action movie moments". They are moments that are just so cool and intense you feel like you are in the middle of a movie.
One that happens from time to time feels like it is straight out of the last scene in the movie Glory. You know the scene I'm talking about? They are storming the fort and Broderick and Denzel are both shot, but the 54th finally break through and they are running through the fort, flags waving, music is swelling, then just as they get to the middle, they stop dead in their tracks as the confederates fire a volley of guns and cannons right at them point blank.
That same thing happened last night. The TR were capping a Tech Plant, so I suit up in my Scat Max and start heading toward the CC. I'm just blasting my way up the stair, taking out scattered infantry all the way up 1 at a time. I could even hear the swelling Glory music in my head as I get up to the top floor. Then I turn the corner and BAM in the cc doorway I see a locked down max and 2 infantry with decimaters pointed right at me. Cue the sad death music.
2011-02-18, 02:43 PM
Had one last night!
A squad of DragonWolves were working to hold a base off the main battle front. Myself and Manitou were in the CC with about 2 minutes remaining when we were taken out by 4-5 VS. My main man TBeast sneaks in on his cloaker a few seconds later and blows up EVERYONE in the CC saving the hack for us.
2011-02-19, 11:58 AM
I've got another one from a couple of nights ago.
Fighting on Amerish against the Vanu, they have a hack on at Tumas, a technology plant, with about 10 minutes to go on Orange alert. The outfit I'm currently in, Sons of The Fallen Nation, recall to sanc, load a full gal and proceed to Tumas.
We Drop.
Falling through the air past Mosquitos and Reavers heading to intercept the Gal, I pull my sweeper out and head right into the door between the 2 air terminals as soon as I land. I'm the first in, I see 1 rexo right in the centre, 4 shots from my sweeper and he drops. I spot an agile up near the blue animated screens, I fire on him while moving straight towards him, taking fire from the door to the right leading to the stairwell. The agile guy goes down and I go to hide behind the main blue screen to heal when *shoop* I accidentily stepped on a router pad that led directly to the Vanu AMS.
I let our brand new CR4 know where to drop the OS and head back through the router, most of the squad are down, we under estimated the amount of Vanu that would be guarding the CC.
We click to respawn as our ADV medic goes down and notice the spawns in the base come up, someone had managed to sneak in to the spawns while our Gal drop had the Vanu distracted, we respawn and it turns out a few other squads had the same idea.
2 minutes remaining on the hack.
I grab my sweeper and proceed to follow the glorious sound of the roaring Dual Cycler MAX chainguns echoing down the stair well. I get to the head of the group of MAXes as they push forward, and help to take out the decimator wielding Vanu popping out from around every corner.
1 minute remaining.
We are at the last stage, the top floor, I push right towards the CC with a pair of my outfit members wielding MCGs, we quickly drop several Vanu attempting to hit our MAX units with their decimators and clear the CC.
30 seconds remaining.
The CC is clear, the MAX units head into the air terminal to clean up the remaining Vanu, our hacker arrives and we revel in our glorious victory.
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