View Full Version : What do you hope STAYS in PS:N?
2011-01-30, 11:35 PM
So along the lines of the wishlist (sortof) what feature from PlanetSide Live do you most want to see carried over to PS:N?
I would like to see the Merit system carried over and improved upon. Maybe even somewhat customizable so outfits can give awards to their members in game.
I'd also like to make sure my Lightning tank is carried over I love that thing :)
1.) Most of the current playstyles
2.) Mossies (minus their gun)
3.) Hotswap beamers
4.) Visual Armor upgrades (horray for looking pretty)
5.) Current zoom system (it's fine as is)
6.) All vehicles minus the flail and galaxy gunship (I died too many times to friendly flails)
7.) All CE minus the trap
8.) The old hacking
9.) The voice macro system and voice acting (FABULOUS)
2011-01-31, 12:07 AM
6.) All vehicles minus the flail and galaxy gunship (I died too many times to friendly flails)
Those are two things I want in the game. They can change completely, but artillery and multiple person gunships I believe have a role in the gameplay.
The major thing I hope stays is the liberator. Though I hope it gets beefed up like the galaxy. :P
Those are two things I want in the game. They can change completely, but artillery and multiple person gunships I believe have a role in the gameplay.
The major thing I hope stays is the liberator. Though I hope it gets beefed up like the galaxy. :P
The only role I've seen flails play is camping door ways and slaughtering friendlies. Both things I really hate. I don't think they can work properly to be honest.
GG's I just don't really like, if they're in I live, but I really hope flails aren't.
2011-01-31, 12:33 AM
I'm not for anything that a bunch of self-serving twits has to vote on to approve. This just leads to vicious-circle situations where everyone is voting themselves more Welfare, such as in some parts of the USA, and all of the UK. Ever see Shelly Long in Troop Beverly Hills? We don't need badges for underwear garment matching, sashaying, or whatever the outfits would be heaping honor on each other for.
The Jackhammer, MCG and Lasher, or something Vanu that actually has some balance and isn't swinging wildly like the moods of an overpriced girlfriend from useless to Uberpowered. The JH is so awesome I'm trying to design something like it in real life. Same with the MCG. I know the minigun exists, but high recoil and huge mass are not conducive to combat survivability.
The Magrider and Vanguard. The rolling Play-Doh blob (Prowler) with less lethality in two gunner slots than a Magrider had with just the driver is not something I ever want to see again. Ugly, stupid-and-childish looking, and bad history of usefulness except as a silhoutte to stamp on the side of your Magrider when you get yet another kill.
VS AAmaxes and TR AAmaxes. VS USED to be lethal, TR are great for the rare person like me who can really lead a target well, but the NC AAmax? What the heck is it good for? Warning pilots that an idiot is on the ground by the missile lock tone?
The different knives. Something NO ONE can have unless they are of that empire. Enemies in bases have tipped me off to their presence so often by whipping out the knife when I had no other way of knowing there was even anyone there. Keep the nice, noisy knives.
The Thresher. Awesome sound, sure to make you alert that that hard-to-hit battle buggy is gonna gitcha! Nothing in the game sounds as awesome as the Vannie main gun and the Thresher weapon.
Hackable main consoles
Noobs who are having fun. This is something the 10,000 dollar computer crowd are REALLY hoping to eliminate, but Sony isn't stupid enough to do that this time around, I hope. The noob with the middling computer who certs up HA and owns my ass is gonna make this game grow. Making it the exclusive domain of low-ping, high-dollar effete geeks with no other life whatsoever will make it shrink again, like it did the first time.
The Skyguard. Even the stupidly over-armored Flying Vanguard, er, Reaver had to run away from a properly-manned Skyguard. The most demanding team play of the game was in the Skyguard, especially using voice macros instead of TS.
SA. I love to spam the right ammo in the right situation and receive zero grief. Takes a light touch on the trigger and restraint, but it can be done. Without FooYong zerglings leaping to the fore to maximize your grief, the Thumper can be useful again.
Sniping. God but I hate being sniped. I do not snipe. Without it, the game would just not be the same, however.
Advanced CE. All of it, and then some more. Makes the game playable for the non-uber-computer users.
TRAP's, with no field of "you can't deploy an AMS near here now haha" crud like they used to have. CY AMS or one trap on each gate? You choose!
Aegises. But larger dome that has the same effect if a plane runs into it as does a cliff face.
Spawn timers. We don't need instazerg mayhem like UT. No.
Weather that no one can dial out of existence.
AA wall turrets
AV wall turrets, but make them not suck. Having shells going so slow made peeing at enemy vehicles feel like it would have more range and more effect.
Capitol domes
Bridges. Looooong bridges.
Vision limiting, you know, the vision distance limitation. Makes for faster framerates and so one enemy can't just hover over a cont in a Phantasm and see everyone everywhere, like the cheaters do.
Cloakers. No game for me without it.
Towers. I would build a house that looked like one if I could.
Feel free to discuss this stuff, but let's keep the focus on what you would like to stay, and a brief but intelligent statement if you don't agree with someone else's choices.
2011-01-31, 01:04 AM
Some of these might seem obvious but as we only have 2 screenshots, better to be safe than sorry:
1) Persistent, massive world. Planetside is of course not seamless as it is, but I've never heard anyone seriously gripe about it because it remains massive. Even thinking about straying from the current setup would be sad indeed.
2) Top-to-bottom customization of gameplay (certifications, implants). I would hate to see Next made more mainstream by having preset classes like Battlefield.
3) Sanctuaries. I don't think they impede gameplay. Planetside doesn't have a starting menu where you need to search for servers or create your classes (CoD style). Instead, all you do is click your server and there's nothing to think about. Once you spawn you prepare amongst friends, practice with a gun you've been thinking about certing, actually cert the thing, and then you acquaint yourself with the current status of the outside Planetside world and join it accordingly. Basically, the out-of-combat self-maintenance required for each player and expected in any FPS is put in to the game itself. It has a perhaps understated psychological impact that really makes Planetside feel like an MMOFPS.
The detail of #3 is a response to Mr. Smedley's comments about sanctuaries ("The whole Sanctuary concept is something that slowed things down too much"). Mr. Smedley, Call of Duty: MW2 developers probably told themselves the same thing about having stand-alone servers. How'd that turn out?
2011-01-31, 01:51 AM
The Magrider and Vanguard. The rolling Play-Doh blob (Prowler) with less lethality in two gunner slots than a Magrider had with just the driver is not something I ever want to see again. Ugly, stupid-and-childish looking, and bad history of usefulness except as a silhoutte to stamp on the side of your Magrider when you get yet another kill.
The graphics are being upgraded for vehicles. Also what's with your argument style. The Magrider's driver gun can't kill a prowler with a gunner. I'm not sure what you're rambling about.
I wouldn't bring up balancing issues until the game actually comes out.
Noobs who are having fun. This is something the 10,000 dollar computer crowd are REALLY hoping to eliminate, but Sony isn't stupid enough to do that this time around, I hope. The noob with the middling computer who certs up HA and owns my ass is gonna make this game grow. Making it the exclusive domain of low-ping, high-dollar effete geeks with no other life whatsoever will make it shrink again, like it did the first time.
Try to stay on topic.
Feel free to discuss this stuff, but let's keep the focus on what you would like to stay, and a brief but intelligent statement if you don't agree with someone else's choices.
2011-01-31, 02:04 AM
Hate tells, tons of detail in bases, footzerg, the incredible continent sizes. Lots of unused area is good, it makes the battlefield feel bigger and gives lots of place to hide out and screw around if need be. Voice macros too, preferably the exact same list. VSAM VVZ VVV
And the current grief point system.
2011-01-31, 04:33 AM
Some of these might seem obvious but as we only have 2 screenshots, better to be safe than sorry:
1) Persistent, massive world. Planetside is of course not seamless as it is, but I've never heard anyone seriously gripe about it because it remains massive. Even thinking about straying from the current setup would be sad indeed.
2) Top-to-bottom customization of gameplay (certifications, implants). I would hate to see Next made more mainstream by having preset classes like Battlefield.
3) Sanctuaries. I don't think they impede gameplay. Planetside doesn't have a starting menu where you need to search for servers or create your classes (CoD style). Instead, all you do is click your server and there's nothing to think about. Once you spawn you prepare amongst friends, practice with a gun you've been thinking about certing, actually cert the thing, and then you acquaint yourself with the current status of the outside Planetside world and join it accordingly. Basically, the out-of-combat self-maintenance required for each player and expected in any FPS is put in to the game itself. It has a perhaps understated psychological impact that really makes Planetside feel like an MMOFPS.
The detail of #3 is a response to Mr. Smedley's comments about sanctuaries ("The whole Sanctuary concept is something that slowed things down too much"). Mr. Smedley, Call of Duty: MW2 developers probably told themselves the same thing about having stand-alone servers. How'd that turn out?
Yeah I agree I am not sure what was wrong with Sanctuaries. I mean if they think they can come up with something better that offers all the same benefits then i'm willing to try it. But hearing they possibly removed them has me worried. Unless they decided to put multiple city like areas around the game world instead. But completely removing the place where you can meet people an get up sounds bad.
I agree on the other points too an will also add to keep the animations for stuff. Like getting in an out of vehicles.
2011-01-31, 06:27 AM
Well I hope they keep the core of the game the same so you don't lose the Planetside feel of the game.
But to list a few things I would like to see stay
Rank system and cert system(though not to many combo certs)
Choke points on the continents most of these produced some of the greatest battle
Base and towers
Vehicles! In my opinion they do not need to change much here except for maybe adding additional vehicles and doing minor tweaks on the old ones. Most of the vehicles had a purpose. If they ditch Core Combat stuff I hope they find a suitable replacement for the Flail because that vehicle was awesome if you had some teamwork.
2011-01-31, 07:04 AM
I would like to see the Merit system carried over and improved upon. Maybe even somewhat customizable so outfits can give awards to their members in game.
I agree. Combine the merit system with more customization options for weapons/vehicles or characters. Something among those lines was planned originally, if I remember correct (see Liberator merit).
Example: Reach a new merit level: gain access to larger magazines for your assault rifles (+5 bullets).
2011-01-31, 07:48 AM
3) Sanctuaries. I don't think they impede gameplay. Planetside doesn't have a starting menu where you need to search for servers or create your classes (CoD style). Instead, all you do is click your server and there's nothing to think about. Once you spawn you prepare amongst friends, practice with a gun you've been thinking about certing, actually cert the thing, and then you acquaint yourself with the current status of the outside Planetside world and join it accordingly. Basically, the out-of-combat self-maintenance required for each player and expected in any FPS is put in to the game itself. It has a perhaps understated psychological impact that really makes Planetside feel like an MMOFPS.
agreed. I'm a little concerned with the "gotta get people into the middle of the action this very second" game design philosophy. Part of what made the game enjoyable to me were the lulls in action when you were traveling to a fight or doing an ant run. So I hope that's preserved in one way or another.
For the record, I always that the instant action button was stupid.
Chaotic Cow
2011-01-31, 08:09 AM
I hope they don't drop out sanctuaries. Where else would you go to regroup or go afk for dinner?
If he doesn't want it slow, make the HART accessible all the time.
2011-01-31, 11:54 AM
Base antennas need to stay. Great place to stand in a VS AAMax and cause the NC and TR to go peeing their pants to mommydev in frustration.
2011-01-31, 01:54 PM
I hope the Massive Continents stay.
I would love to see the old Oshur back. Get rid of that battle island crap. If they want to implement islands put some out in the water around Cyssor and other continents where the only way to get to a base is to use the Gal. That would make for some interesting game play.
I hope the visual armor upgrades as mentioned above stay.
I hope the Sanctuary stays in the game even though Smed said differently. I really enjoyed grouping their and preparing for big raids.
I hope they keep BR/CR
There is so much of the Original that I hope stays I can't list it all out.
2011-01-31, 10:29 PM
I want my Reaver so fucking bad it hurts. I loved playing the role of tank buster because you could really feel your impact on a battle. Once I got the hang of how to lead vehicles with my rockets, I never got tired of it. I was actually really glad when they nerfed the rockets vs infantry because it was waaaay too easy.
As I've said in a couple other threads, I'd like to see them drastically reduce low end acceleration for aircraft to encourage pilots to keep their speed up. It was always more fun to do strafing runs, flying low, attacking from different vectors, but if there was no AA, you could just be lazy and float around.
2011-01-31, 11:10 PM
Base antennas need to stay. Great place to stand in a VS AAMax
omg you just reminded me. If the physics are better that would be sweet to stand on top of an air vehicle and take AA maxes up in the air again. Hard to get right, but it was fun shooting liberators out of the air at the ceiling :p
2011-02-01, 10:54 AM
More fun doing it on a Phantasm, because then everyone thought OMGH4XXX0RRZZZZ!!!!!11111111oneoneoneeleveneleven.
But, again, finding anyone who was enough of a team player to do that was next to impossible, either to pilot the phant for an AAmax, or find a pilot when you were an AAmax.
As I have said many times, most people absolutely blow at teamwork.
2011-02-01, 11:21 AM
I like the way experience is designed. The CEP, SEP, BEP awesome job.
I'd like the laser pointer to actually be used for spotting. This was a great idea that never really got play because flails could spam shoot and there are no laser locking missles.
Invisible has to stay. It's just fun to sneak around.
I like the combat engineer as well.
Der Baron
2011-02-01, 02:55 PM
Voice Macros.
Dear god, I hope they keep the voice macros. They were just awesome! V-V-B all the way, suckers.
Another really neat little thing are the animations when entering a vehicle. Didn't have that in any other multiplayer shooter before (or after). It really contributed to the atmosphere of the game.
2011-02-01, 03:53 PM
Vanguard sound. How they got that honestly mechanical clank-clank-clank-clank-BOOM (respawn sound effect) so perfect I dunno, but it warned me many times a big, mean ol' vannie was near so often.
2011-02-01, 04:46 PM
Good point Der Baron.
The voice macros rock and were kind of a nod to Tribes. I'd love to see them stay and be improved upon a bit.
Or bring back the SmokeJumper version of "Incoming MAX Units" :lol:
2011-02-01, 04:52 PM
Or bring back the SmokeJumper version of "Incoming MAX Units" :lol:Strange how when a memory is cued you vaguely recall it and it drives you crazy from curiousity.
2011-02-01, 05:57 PM
Or bring back the SmokeJumper version of "Incoming MAX Units" :lol:
2011-02-02, 12:47 PM
We have the sound clip somewhere I will have to pull it up. :P
2011-02-02, 01:02 PM
I want my Reaver so fucking bad it hurts. I loved playing the role of tank buster because you could really feel your impact on a battle. Once I got the hang of how to lead vehicles with my rockets, I never got tired of it. I was actually really glad when they nerfed the rockets vs infantry because it was waaaay too easy.
As I've said in a couple other threads, I'd like to see them drastically reduce low end acceleration for aircraft to encourage pilots to keep their speed up. It was always more fun to do strafing runs, flying low, attacking from different vectors, but if there was no AA, you could just be lazy and float around.
very much agree, especially the end
2011-02-03, 11:00 AM
I noticed some people want to get rid of the caves. I'm all for it since they were never used, but I think fighting in them was a very different experience. It would be cool if the caves broke through the surface and became a tunnel system in the Auraxis planet. The underground bases could be removed though.
I hope that the echoing is kept in the game someplace. :P
2011-02-03, 09:00 PM
While I know BFRs won't be in(Though i had nothing against the idea, merely the implementation), I hope one of the concepts they brought into the game is carried on in PSN.. Namely, the idea of treating vehicles as a chassis with equipable weapons.
In such a scenario, players would choose the chassis based on their mobility and survivability requirements, and equip weapons to it based on the threat they feel they need to defend against. I'd separate the weapons into roughly 3 size groups, and offer several different weapons that players can place in the appropriate weapon slot on the vehicle.
This would make vehicle combat a lot more varied and interesting, as players can then alter their loadouts like grunts do to fill a need on the battlefield.
Want a fast AV mobile? Get a buggy with a railgun. Want heavy AA battery? Get a tank with flak on it. Of course, certain combinations may be overpowered or underpowered, but those can be handled on a case by case basis. The tank with flak, for example, might need to just be firing really slow shells with a low ROF, so its useful against larger, slower aircraft.
2011-02-04, 05:45 AM
While I know BFRs won't be in(Though i had nothing against the idea, merely the implementation), I hope one of the concepts they brought into the game is carried on in PSN.. Namely, the idea of treating vehicles as a chassis with equipable weapons.
In such a scenario, players would choose the chassis based on their mobility and survivability requirements, and equip weapons to it based on the threat they feel they need to defend against. I'd separate the weapons into roughly 3 size groups, and offer several different weapons that players can place in the appropriate weapon slot on the vehicle.I greatly disagree. Simplified as PlanetSide:1 was is what attracted me about the game. The suggestion also gives leaders and commanders a harder time micro-governing each member. Commanding is hard enough in PS:1 already, and this move may just make it more difficult for everyone.
Want a fast AV mobile? Get a buggy with a railgun. Want heavy AA battery? Get a tank with flak on it. Of course, certain combinations may be overpowered or underpowered, but those can be handled on a case by case basis. The tank with flak, for example, might need to just be firing really slow shells with a low ROF, so its useful against larger, slower aircraft.Still, I disagree. Instead, Common weapons and vehicles could have their own Empire-specific design variations. A cosmetic solution to variation.
2011-02-04, 12:16 PM
I hope they keep Sanctuaries and the continents - including Oshur, and they can do away with those stupid Battle Islands. Honestly, WTF was that? I know this is a sci-fi game, but that whole Bending thing was just waaay overboard.
Pretty much just about everything from the original PS can stay, as far as I am concerned, except for Corpse Combat crap-caverns and BFRs and ancient tech stuff.
2011-02-04, 01:19 PM
I want my Reaver so fucking bad it hurts. I loved playing the role of tank buster because you could really feel your impact on a battle. Once I got the hang of how to lead vehicles with my rockets, I never got tired of it. I was actually really glad when they nerfed the rockets vs infantry because it was waaaay too easy.
As I've said in a couple other threads, I'd like to see them drastically reduce low end acceleration for aircraft to encourage pilots to keep their speed up. It was always more fun to do strafing runs, flying low, attacking from different vectors, but if there was no AA, you could just be lazy and float around.
My wish has been granted. *single tear*
2011-02-05, 11:08 AM
I've not played in a few years, so maybe these features have been removed, but two things I really liked were:
ANT runs - the pressure of racing an ANT to a base whose silo was near empty (and knowing that you were very easy to kill) was always exciting.
The "flat" skill tree. Being able to use any weapon or vehicle from the start makes the game very accessible to new and casual players, instead of only getting useless gear at first and needing to play for hundreds of hours to get the good stuff.
2011-02-05, 06:14 PM
Hi everyone, I've been a lurker for a very long time. I played straight from the beginning in 2003 :). Nice to be finally registered! to the topic --
Sanctuaries -
When I started playing PS with my buddies way back then, I absolutely loved getting prepared to go somewhere. We would pull two harassers around the corner, and start filling the trunks with supplies that we may need on our trip. Ammo, grenades, health. We'd buckle in and go on our road trip through the warpgates. Was a great experience that no other game to this date has given. I would absolutely hate if I just got sent into action, please please please give us a place to prepare.
Unit inventories -
I loved that fact that you had to organize your inventories so you could fit more items. Gave a sense of actually finding room in a space that didn't really exist.
Player/Vehicle animations -
One things I loved about Planetside was that your character didn't feel like it transformed into a vehicle. You actually watched your character climb up into the cockpit. So many games fall short in this aspect, and Planetside was way ahead of its time.
Those are a few things that seem like they could be thrown out in the process, but they are extremely important for Planetside's immersion.
2011-02-07, 03:59 AM
I haven't seen the music listed yet. The sound effects may have left a lot to be desired, but I don't think I ever saw anyone complain about PS's music, all I ever saw was praise.
As far as I am concerned, they can just copy/paste PlanetSide's music into PS:N
2011-02-07, 12:59 PM
I hope the synergy between the laze pointer and the Flail is kept, but I don't mind if the ancient tech designs were scrapped for empire specific artillery or something, but I remember rare moments of getting a friend to roll (float? :p) a Flail and I would sneak around in an infil suit painting targets, and then running away like a big coward before I either get chased down by a hundred angry Darklight rexos or blown up by my teammate. When you got a direct hit on a sniper nest, however, it was fantastic. A less cumbersome laser pointing/target painting system would be great.
I could have mentioned a load of different vehicles, but from what I've seen, the redesigns so far don't stray that far from the original designs, they just take more inpiration from real vehicles this time round. I guess this means when I jump into a Prowler I won't feel like I'm in a VW Beetle anymore. :lol:
2011-02-07, 01:15 PM
I hope the synergy between the laze pointer and the Flail is kept, but I don't mind if the ancient tech designs were scrapped for empire specific artillery or something
For being so far advanced, artillery in that game was ridiculous. I enjoyed the Flail - a guy in our outfit came up with the idea of setting up a Firebase, so we went to Cyssor and started setting up a number of Flails on the mountain as high up as we could go. Massing Flail fires with a spotter was pretty neat.
I'd like to see AT scrapped, and put in a generic common-pool arty piece (empire-specific arty is dumb because VS will be laser blobs and TR will be multi-tubed equivalent of a cap-gun). I don't care if it fires "dumb" shells or Copperhead guided munitions. I don't care if it's a tube or SPARTY. Just make it somewhat representative of the fact that artillery fire has been relatively accurate since at least 1950s. You'd think with ancient tech and Planetside-era human technology, they'd have unfucked themselves.
2011-02-07, 02:30 PM
I don't care if it's a tube or SPARTY.
(My emphasis...)
Now this idea would rock.
2011-02-07, 02:34 PM
Put in something like a Paladin, oh yeah. And it's gotta be ARTILLERY. Not some crappy hover-mortar. Give the sucker some hitting power and some range!
they need to make sure they keep xfaction tells, none of this wishy washy WoW no xfaction communication BS
2011-02-08, 01:26 PM
They got rid of that, is it back now?
They got rid of that, is it back now?
Wow they removed xfaction tells in the current ps? ...
2011-02-08, 02:05 PM
I wouldn't have asked if I knew. When I was active, first you could send/receive enemy tells. Then they removed it. When was your last log-in?
2011-02-08, 02:51 PM
It is not out now that I am aware of. Someone killed me the other day and apologized to me.. :lol:
2011-02-08, 02:58 PM
Put in something like a Paladin, oh yeah. And it's gotta be ARTILLERY. Not some crappy hover-mortar. Give the sucker some hitting power and some range!
Ohhh yeahhhh.....
2011-02-08, 03:34 PM
Win, that would be sweet.
2011-02-17, 12:21 AM
Cooperative vehicle crews. I love gunning.
Transports. I love driving the bus. Hopefully, it'll be more fun/useful to ride in the bus, too.
Command rank. I liked getting some recognition for being the guy in our outfit who would decide what we were gonna do that night, for better or ill. I had a few misses on predicting where the action would be, but getting that nice, yellow uniform for the times I picked well? Very satisfying. Now, if only they hadn't linked orbital strikes to it, maybe we'd see more leaders and fewer people trying to mooch CR to get the lootz.
2011-02-17, 01:21 AM
2011-02-17, 01:57 PM
Noobs who are having fun. This is something the 10,000 dollar computer crowd are REALLY hoping to eliminate, but Sony isn't stupid enough to do that this time around, I hope. The noob with the middling computer who certs up HA and owns my ass is gonna make this game grow. Making it the exclusive domain of low-ping, high-dollar effete geeks with no other life whatsoever will make it shrink again, like it did the first time.
The Skyguard. Even the stupidly over-armored Flying Vanguard, er, Reaver had to run away from a properly-manned Skyguard. The most demanding team play of the game was in the Skyguard, especially using voice macros instead of TS.
SA. I love to spam the right ammo in the right situation and receive zero grief. Takes a light touch on the trigger and restraint, but it can be done. Without FooYong zerglings leaping to the fore to maximize your grief, the Thumper can be useful again.
Sniping. God but I hate being sniped. I do not snipe. Without it, the game would just not be the same, however.
Advanced CE. All of it, and then some more. Makes the game playable for the non-uber-computer users.
Aegises. But larger dome that has the same effect if a plane runs into it as does a cliff face.
Spawn timers. We don't need instazerg mayhem like UT. No.
Weather that no one can dial out of existence.
AA wall turrets
AV wall turrets, but make them not suck. Having shells going so slow made peeing at enemy vehicles feel like it would have more range and more effect.
Capitol domes
Bridges. Looooong bridges.
Cloakers. No game for me without it.
Towers. I would build a house that looked like one if I could.
Lots of good ones. I just want to highlight bridges, though.
Whenever somebody asks me what I think of when I think of PlanetSide, my answer revolves around the bridge between the two bases in the southeast of Cyssor, at the end of beta. Pamba and.. Shangor? Anyways, it was the last night of beta, and there was a massive battle on the banks of that strait there, and the bridge. It was spectacular, and enormous.
There were tanks on either side shelling the approaches to the bridges, and the opposing tanks on the other shores. There were deliverers trying to brave the water crossing. There were AA MAXes trying to contain the air strikes. There was infantry pouring across the bridges. There were combat engineers lacing the mouths of the bridge with defenses against an eventual successful infantry push to make it across. There were multiple AMSes per side providing close support, and roving reavers hunting them down. There were ANT runs being called for to sustain the vehicular respawn demands of 2 hours of attrition.
It was, quite simply, epic. And it was just a fight in the middle of nowhere, around a naturally defensible chokepoint -- it wasn't even the siege of a base or a tower!
This was Planetside at its best. Everything that is tried, tuned, and balanced, should be done with this, and inspiring and promoting and rewarding this, in mind.
2011-02-17, 10:30 PM
Had some amazing fights down there as well it was a great spot.
2011-02-17, 11:14 PM
Keep the animations when you enter and exit vehicles dont make it like the battlefield games where you just teleport in and out.
And keep and improve voicemacros the "clueless" voicemacros crack me up :)
2011-03-06, 02:15 PM
I'm new to this forum but probably spent way too much time playing PS. For years, this game kept my interest with the personal gameplay and team aspect of cooperative battle with friends, online and real life. Picking out what I want to keep from the original is easier said than done because the game changed so much with patches, nerfs and buffs. I guess I would want to keep the aspects I liked the most. Advanced engineering and medic, bridge battles that took hours and even days to win, organized MAX rushes, liberation, zerg vs zerg battles on pop locked continents, rolling 20 tanks out of a courtyard at one time (tanks being the armored battlefield power they should be) I miss the Pounder of old when it was an overpowered AI max. It certainly wasn't unbeatable but at the top of the stairs in a tower, it was a force. The grief system was made for this max and gave it a unique weakness. The cycler was never feared in the same way. AA maxes are needed for balance but it sure is sad to get owned by an MCG or JH in seconds while in a max suit. Something should be done about that but I'm not sure what. Personal armor, be it a Rexo or agile (lack of one shot kills) made the game fun. Knowing I wouldnt die in two shots, even after spawning nekkid, spawn was camping alot less feasible and I for one hate spawn campers. If you wanna kill the kill the spawn room, kill the tubes. Being able to respawn and get right back in the action without having to wait till the end of a round separated PS from other shooters. I loved PS from the beginning and take away *cough* BFR's *cough* with the hackers and cheaters.... even with it's faults, I would still play and pay the $12- $15/mo. Big bang for the buck imho. Give NEXT some crisper graphics and a tweak here and there, take away the obvious developmental mistakes and hackers, you have a great game that people in the FPS gaming world are begging for.
2011-03-07, 07:36 AM
I want my assault buggies to stay. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't run my Enforcer/Skyguard/Harasser/Thresher (The Maruader sucks, but even it is fun to jack and drive around in.)
Big tanks are no fun, little stuff ftw.
Also, cloakers. Aside from needing a minor buff (in the form of a DL nerf) they really add to infantry combat in planetside.
(The Maruader sucks, but even it is fun to jack and drive around in.)
Wash your soul out with soap.
2011-03-07, 12:47 PM
Love the buggies, simply lots of fun to drive around in.
Cyssor was SICK. I loved that place.
As for what I hope stays?
Land transports, though i think they could be reskinned a bit.
The core idea of the Caves, just not their current implementation (close together infantry spawns, sans heavy vehicles? Yes. Crazy ass ziplines, ridiculous geography, and rotating entry points? No thank you.)
Hart dropship: I'd like this to not just be a form of transportation from the sanctuary, but also a valid attack strategy. Anyone here play Warhammer 40K? Space Marines in that game can use orbital drop pods to launch attacks, but can only allow infantry, heavy infantry, and dreadnoughts (kinda like fairly large robots... it'd take a while to explain)
Lots of other stuff, but most of this was what I had a lot of fun with.
The music
Not all of them were amazing, but I still remember most of the music from Planetside, and while they were short, they were awesome. If they can come up with longer and enhanced versions, I would be a very happy man :)
*Plays the temperate_travel music*
2011-03-09, 11:51 AM
Gonna add a third nod to battles over chokepoints. They don't necessarily even have to be bridges. Canyons work as well, and would provide many opportunities for tactical advantage. Imagine getting dropped on to a high mesa that you couldn't walk up and getting in position for an ambush on an incoming armor and infantry advance? You would need to bring AA to guard against air attacks.
The "urban combat" concept of the caves was also ok but, as mentioned, poorly implemented. Cities would not be amiss. Even small supply villages that provide no concrete benefit but a tactical advantage for squads that are experienced in urban combat.
Towers are awesome. I love attacking them and defending them.
2011-03-09, 09:42 PM
I really love Cyssor as well everyone seems to hate it.
Yeah, everyone seems to hate it for having stagnant battles, but I love huge stagnant battles.
2011-03-10, 12:26 AM
cyssor was my #1 fav. some of the best battles happened on that cont.
2011-03-10, 01:55 PM
If CEP was gained for fighting, and not just capping, people would let fights to be anywhere they happen.
2011-03-10, 05:32 PM
If CEP was gained for fighting, and not just capping, people would let fights to be anywhere they happen.
How about fights over grid squares? Then field battles take on a whole new allure.
2011-03-10, 05:41 PM
I really just hope the core design of Planetside stays the same.
3 factions: Needs in a faction based PvP game to provide dynamic PvP, not a boring 2 faction tug a war.
Levels=versatility not power: One of the great things about planetside, you don’t really get more powerful with levels.
No classes: you can play how you want, and change you character to whatever you like, without having to roll up a "scout" to stealth...
Large maps, with hundreds of spawn points & mobile spawn points, this is really needs again for dynamic PvP, if the spawn points are always the same, the fights would always be the same, sure planetside likes to lead to a nzame, tore...forget the tech planets name...but all in all each fight is somewhat different.
Lattice: its really needed, it leads to more global tactics, if there was no lattice there would be not much overall strategy to the game, its what makes planetside unique, its a FPS, but RTS at the same time.
thats about all i got for now, but i know im forgetting some things.
2011-03-11, 12:48 AM
How about fights over grid squares? Then field battles take on a whole new allure.
I for one think PS needs more divisions in territory. Forget Base SOI and the lattice system. Think RTS.
Take Cyssor and divide it up into smaller territories, control of a territory is directly linked to two things:
The resident base ownership.
The number of strategic points controlled.
Now, bases should still be relevant, but do this:
Move towers to be strategic points, not as permanent siege fortresses for each base.
Each territory has a base, and five towers. It can be like the current capitol shield system:
The base will only become vulnerable when the defender loses the majority of the strategic towers and the territory becomes contested on the map. Until the territory is contested, the base has a force shield protecting it.
NOTE: None of the strategic towers can be directly defended from the base nor are in a position to directly act offensively against the base.
Bases no longer have SOIs. Instead the entire territory is its own SOI. While the territory is secure (owner has possession of the base and the majority of the strategic towers, no enemy HART or OS ability works in that territory. When the territory becomes contested, invading forces can send reinforcements directly (HART) and Commanders can use the full spread of abilities (OS/EMP).
Capturing the base will be the same as now, you have to hack and hold.
You cannot skip territories. You must attack territories that are adjacent to territories you control (not just contested). This replaces the lattice by forcing a theatre form of warfare and delineates the front lines in a more zone basis.
CEP is earned by capturing strategic towers, resecuring stratowers (5 minute hack and hold), losing and recapturing stratowers (must rehack within 15 minutes of enemy capture to get bonus CEP), and of course the base captures.
Towers would be redesigned to be more like mini bases, complete with walls and guard turrets (turrets in this context, means bunkers atop the corners of the walls), and a main gate that has IFF. Stratowers would have vehicle repair and rearm, but not vehicle spawn ability. The roof of the tower is less vulnerable to hotdropping infantry since the entire roof is one giant bunker accessible from only inside the tower.
Stratowers are always vulnerable to enemy capture, regardless of the location of the host territory. But the territory will not enter contested state if the territory is not eligible to attack. This means the host base will still be protected.
Given that spec ops would be killed off with the above change suggestions, I want to add something else:
The only thing a shielded base is vulnerable to is a Phantasm that is not detected. Any infantry unit exiting the Phantasm inside the shield that is not in an infiltration suit will be exterminated. This limits the capacity of gen holds on backwater bases, but does not remove sabotage from the enemy strategic arsenal.
A territory locked base can only be hacked outside of the above outlined conditions if the base first becomes neutral. When a base becomes neutral, the territory is immediately contested and all Stratowers become neutral inside the territory.
Bases would need to be redesigned since the entire map could technically fall into an Interlink benefit... a bad thing.
2011-03-11, 01:55 AM
Anyone here play Warhammer 40K? Space Marines in that game can use orbital drop pods to launch attacks, but can only allow infantry, heavy infantry, and dreadnoughts (kinda like fairly large robots... it'd take a while to explain)
Lots of other stuff, but most of this was what I had a lot of fun with.
A picture is worth a thousand words
they stand twice the height of a space marine(each marine being around 9 feet tall) and they have angry robot fists and machine guns all over them.
But interesting that you bring up the drop pods, a friend of mine who had never played planetside but had seen space marine drop pods in dawn of war saw me drop podding in from a HART and was incredibly disappointed that i didn't just slam into the ground and make a gigantic crater.
2011-03-11, 08:47 PM
Some sweet ideas there Sobekeus :D
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