View Full Version : What do you hope is REMOVED from PS:N
2011-01-30, 11:45 PM
Thread Spam!
So along the lines of the other thread, what aspect of PlanetSide Live would you most like to see REMOVED from the game.
Please do not mention BFRs! These are already confirmed ( to be removed.
Personally I never liked any of the ancient tech, I hope that it doesn't play a role in the next game.
Tear out the Grief system and replace it with something else. I don't have any ideas on that but the grief system was near useless to stop actual harassment.
1.) Plasma's initial burst damage (it's strong enough without it)
2.) AV / AA max effectiveness against softies (discourages max spam)
3.) Galaxy Gunship
4.) Traps (do they actually do anything?)
5.) The New hacking
6.) Personal shield
7.) The Thumper's ability to shoot plasma (see #1)
8.) The flamethrower (it's a really annoying weapon to fight against and to have teammates alongside you using it)
9.) The instagib cloaker pistols
10.) Vehicle door camping
11.) Vehicle pad camping
12.) The radiator and maelstrom's grenade mode (radiator was nothing but annoying)
13.) Unimax Cert (see #2)
2011-01-31, 12:05 AM
Grief seemed to be the high-scoring-player-eliminating weapon of choice. Just run in front of them as a stooge in the same empire, but now that the CN's are largely gone, I think that problem should be over. They raised selfishness and predatory kill-stealing to near godlike proportions.
Ancient tech? Only thing I liked was the Router. The ultralightningOMGZZrifle or whatever it was called was just annoyingly overpowered.
Hoverspamming. Kill that or make hovering take a GREAT deal of effort to maintain attitude and altitude.
ADAD strafing at warp (yes, pun intended) speeds. Make strafing take stamina, or something. I'm not talking about jinking left and right while running around. I'm talking about bouncing left and right while doing nothing else but fondling your HA weapon, and lapping up the delicious killspam due to exploiting lag and ping.
Any ability to see an infiltrator, period. Anything short of absolutely invisible will most likely find someone gamma-correcting or just outright hacking and making cloakers as stealthy as a lodestar with a BFR inside it. Or make them one floating small black dot when they move. There. Gamma correct THAT to make it stand out.
As an alternative, cloakers who are just an array of black dots would be hard to gamma-radiate to make them stand out, wouldn't they? Was the idea of cloaking ONLY to make it so cheaters could easily hack their way into seeing cloakers from their sanctuary?
Cheaters. Eliminate them through diligent fanatics who live for nothing more than to see cheaters banned from PS for life. Sony can do this easily. It won't take long before the cheaters realize it is play clean, or receive a ban.
Devs with twisted personality disorders, megalomania, and personal grudges. Definitely need them gone. Flying tanks burrowing underground should receive bans, not people who say to the dev "Man, you're a stupid ******." If you want prissy fights with your lover, go to some gay SM place, devs, and vent your fagness there, then come to work and act not only like an impartial professional, but an adult impartial professional.
Outfit leaders who are the same as aforementioned devs.
Any ideas where the mass of marching morons, all bowing down in front of one outfit leader get to vote ANYTHING into or out of commission in the game. They functionally did this with the VS, whining and barfing until the VS are just moving targets. We don't need in-game Short Man Syndrome sufferers taking revenge on anyone who is smarter than they are (i.e. everyone) by ordering their sycophants to vote him "off the island." As I have mentioned before, the first "Survivor" which should be called "Best gay backstabber" because that is who won it, is not the format we need for anything in the entire universe, let alone creating another universe where the idiot with the most people gibbering in fear of his gay highness have to vote someone better out of ANYTHING.
AMSes and Aegises that can be gamma-detected or other hack/exploit/whatever. Make the AMS deploy out to a flat bunch of terms on the ground, so even if the bubble is eliminated by hackers, there is nothing they can see without being almost on top of it.
Sensor Disruptors that can be seen through AMS and bubble.
Generators that can be blown up. It has been too rare for any fight to not degenerate, literally and figuratively, five minutes or so after it starts by Mr. EggFooYong dashing to the gen and blowing it. Woot! 5CEP for the capture!
ADAD strafing at warp (yes, pun intended) speeds. Make strafing take stamina, or something. I'm not talking about jinking left and right while running around. I'm talking about bouncing left and right while doing nothing else but fondling your HA weapon, and lapping up the delicious killspam due to exploiting lag and ping.
This will be gone as long as they have good net code. If PSN has good netcode there's no reason for them to tweak the actual mechanics. Trust me, when people don't lag there's no amount of ADADA spamming that will help you.
2011-01-31, 12:40 AM
This will be gone as long as they have good net code. If PSN has good netcode there's no reason for them to tweak the actual mechanics. Trust me, when people don't lag there's no amount of ADADA spamming that will help you.
That's good news, Bags. It isn't the ADAD that is the problem. It is the fact that it is effective because the person is like a flea in a hurricane combined with a ghost. Oops! I'm here. Oops! I'm not. blech.
2011-01-31, 12:45 AM
I don't want anything removed, and was saddened by the BFR comments. :'(
Any ability to see an infiltrator, period. Anything short of absolutely invisible will most likely find someone gamma-correcting or just outright hacking and making cloakers as stealthy as a lodestar with a BFR inside it. Or make them one floating small black dot when they move. There. Gamma correct THAT to make it stand out.
I'd prefer pure invisibility while cloaking and semi-visibility while running. From a networking perspective the server wouldn't send any position data for a crouched moving cloaker, but then it would send data for one that's moving while standing.
AMSes and Aegises that can be gamma-detected or other hack/exploit/whatever. Make the AMS deploy out to a flat bunch of terms on the ground, so even if the bubble is eliminated by hackers, there is nothing they can see without being almost on top of it.
Honestly this is more of a lazy network programmer. There's no reason to send entity data for an object like an AMS that hasn't been shot at. This includes entity data for units in the bubble. Assuming they programmed the netcode correctly it won't be a problem anymore. (I've talked to game network programmers in the past and their often under constraints so everything isn't perfect).
2011-01-31, 01:13 AM
Third-person as infantry. Is there a long-standing joke that's gone over my head? The first feature of Planetside, described on their own website, is that it is a massive multiplayer first person action game or MMOFPS. First. Person. Need I say more?
2011-01-31, 04:27 AM
Third-person as infantry. Is there a long-standing joke that's gone over my head? The first feature of Planetside, described on their own website, is that it is a massive multiplayer first person action game or MMOFPS. First. Person. Need I say more?
I agree an would go a step farther an say first person only on vehicles too. Or at least a very close up over the shoulder view.
Though please do keep the animations of climbing into a vehicle cause those were awesome to me. So many games don't have that.
2011-01-31, 06:30 AM
Core Combat caves. I think they should keep the fighting areas to a low number so you get these epic battles.
2011-01-31, 06:43 AM
Vanu Souvereignity:
No more purple armour. No more abilities/weapons/vehicles that are impossible to balance with other empire's.
2011-01-31, 10:37 AM
No CEP through old methods.
Suggestion: CEP could be earned by how each leader (squad, platoon, etc) evaluates their fellow leader-comrades (other leaders on the continent). This way, ultimately, players decide who is their Commanders and Commodores. (Read more... (
No Unholy Water. I want to swim! I want to play amphibious!
No Invincible Trees. Nerf the trees!
No Harrasser. It was ugly and barely ever used.
No Warpgates.
Let's have a more subtle route onto continent with old alternatives (HART, Rebirth, Instant Action, player-transport) and new (sychronized hot-drops).
No Vanu Sovereignty but still three-way. They didn't really make sense to me.
No Third-Person View. No more of that for infantry!
No Ancient-Tech. What the hell is this shit, really?
Empire MAX ability.
Suggestion: All unique abilities, still, but instead they give a same result (e.g. More damage inward or outward).
2011-01-31, 11:05 AM
I'd prefer pure invisibility while cloaking and semi-visibility while running. From a networking perspective the server wouldn't send any position data for a crouched moving cloaker, but then it would send data for one that's moving while standing.
Honestly this is more of a lazy network programmer. There's no reason to send entity data for an object like an AMS that hasn't been shot at. This includes entity data for units in the bubble. Assuming they programmed the netcode correctly it won't be a problem anymore. (I've talked to game network programmers in the past and their often under constraints so everything isn't perfect).
Ah, yeah, I could see that, another pun, yes, but not intended. but, as I said, making the cloaker movement avatar out of black or very dark dots (whose color changes often among dark colors, to prevent cheaters from programming their computer to make all black dots have giant rotating waypoints sprouting from them) would be good.
I am a cloaker, and even I think cloakers would be too uber if they were completely invisible all the time.
By making them MUCH harder to goof up with cheats, cloakers will be where they should be: out of sight, and definitely not out of mind.
2011-01-31, 11:09 AM
Kill the caves.
I just hardly ever visited the caves after imprinting all three of my CR5s for the BFR, which I used for a day or so then never went back to.
The caves always felt like punishment, especially rewarding for cheaters and hackers, and no one else.
2011-01-31, 11:16 AM
as I said, making the cloaker movement avatar out of black or very dark dots (whose color changes often among dark colors, to prevent cheaters from programming their computer to make all black dots have giant rotating waypoints sprouting from them) would be good.
By making them MUCH harder to goof up with cheats, cloakers will be where they should be: out of sight, and definitely not out of mind.
Agreed. Cloaking should be exploit- and cheat-proof.
Chaotic Cow
2011-01-31, 03:27 PM
No CEP through old methods.
Suggestion: CEP could be earned by how each leader (squad, platoon, etc) evaluates their fellow leader-comrades (other leaders on the continent). This way, ultimately, players decide who is their Commanders and Commodores. (Read more... (
No Unholy Water. I want to swim! I want to play amphibious!
No Invincible Trees. Nerf the trees!
No Harrasser. It was ugly and barely ever used.
No Warpgates.
Let's have a more subtle route onto continent with old alternatives (HART, Rebirth, Instant Action, player-transport) and new (sychronized hot-drops).
No Vanu Sovereignty but still three-way. They didn't really make sense to me.
No Third-Person View. No more of that for infantry!
No Ancient-Tech. What the hell is this shit, really?
Empire MAX ability.
Suggestion: All unique abilities, still, but instead they give a same result (e.g. More damage inward or outward).
Swimming? Okay but not in Heavy armor...that would make no sense.
Trees are good because it gives infantry cover. I like my trees.
Vanu are fine...just need to be balanced correctly.
No ancient tech. Why not? Weapons need to go but I liked the vehicles.
Except flail...
2011-01-31, 10:13 PM
If you take out the Flail, then you need to replace it with another piece of artillery. This game begs for artillery. The maps are huge, and you really need teamwork to make it effective. Just change the art, and reduce the rate of fire and put it in the game. I actually wish the game had a weapon that was like a mortar team. Indirect fire like the Flail that needed teamwork, but smaller and more manueverable.
Also, 86 the caves like Traak said.
2011-01-31, 10:21 PM
Hm. What kinds of artillery would not be bad?
They will all have tracers, of course. What could have the range you need and the punch you want?
I agree, some artillery and a mortar, too would be kewlz.
2011-02-01, 04:44 AM
The lasher, it cant be balanced after 8 years, stop trying.
2011-02-01, 06:26 AM
I hope they do not remove the Flail. I like it and it would be a shame to see it go. If they do intend to remove it they should at least throw in some other artillery vehicle.
2011-02-01, 11:10 AM
The Level Cap. Why should I have to alt to get a different character type? Lock the experience needed at level 23ish and let the players keep getting cert points on their main forever.
On the Flail keep it, but use it like Artillery is supposed to be used, if no one calls for artillery with the laser pointer the flail can't shoot. Problem solved.
Bunny hopping, chain gunners in particular are annoying bevises, if infantry get hit while jumping double damage or cool off on the jump.
Not being able to tell if you can climb that mountainside by sight. The slope between able to climb and not is sometimes not very apparent.
Experience penalty for bailing from an air vehicle or better yet driver can't bail if moving over x speed. Yes we built this fighter for you to use as a parachute.
2011-02-01, 12:20 PM
The lasher, it cant be balanced after 8 years, stop trying.This made me lol. :lol:
2011-02-01, 12:22 PM
The Lasher is balanced (and it lashes Vanu).
It's called, I loot one and use their gun against them.
2011-02-01, 12:27 PM
The Level Cap. Why should I have to alt to get a different character type? Lock the experience needed at level 23ish and let the players keep getting cert points on their main forever.
This is actually a rather fundamental part of the game (or at least I think so). When you limit the number of certification points you stop players from being a master of all trades. That is it forces specialization. Remember though that you can forget certifications and learn other ones.
I kind of agree on getting rid of the level cap. Would be cool to continue to level even after you get all your certification points. It wouldn't do anything gameplay wise, but it would give BEP a purpose that doesn't exist in the current game after level 40.
2011-02-01, 01:15 PM
This is actually a rather fundamental part of the game (or at least I think so). When you limit the number of certification points you stop players from being a master of all trades. That is it forces specialization. Remember though that you can forget certifications and learn other ones.
but see thats the point it doesn't stop master of all trades, it just means they relog with an alternate character. What is so unbalancing about a level 60 player able to switch to any weapon?
The challenge comes in having the right weapon for what just showed up in front of you. He can still only carry the same amount of weapons as everyone else, his tank is no better than anyone elses. He still only has 10 favorite quick spawn configs.
In the past, you had xyz1 throgh 12 and each level 18 character had one role. I would like to keep one character instead of alts.
Perhaps a compromise? I wouldn't mind only spawning with a favorite config, so you would have to set up your 10 configs ahead of time and you can only adjust your configs at the sanctuary.
2011-02-01, 02:02 PM
but see thats the point it doesn't stop master of all trades, it just means they relog with an alternate character. What is so unbalancing about a level 60 player able to switch to any weapon?
The challenge comes in having the right weapon for what just showed up in front of you. He can still only carry the same amount of weapons as everyone else, his tank is no better than anyone elses. He still only has 10 favorite quick spawn configs.
In the past, you had xyz1 throgh 12 and each level 18 character had one role. I would like to keep one character instead of alts.
Perhaps a compromise? I wouldn't mind only spawning with a favorite config, so you would have to set up your 10 configs ahead of time and you can only adjust your configs at the sanctuary.
I gotta disagree with you here. I thought people had just enough cert points when the cap was BR25. When everyone is a super-soldier that can use every kind of weapon, max, and vehicle... it really decimates the need for teamwork. So if someone wants to have an alt with a different set of skills, so be it. Let them switch to the alt, but they will still need to rely on teammates for the skills they don't have.
If you want to keep "leveling up", then just set up a Prestige system like in Call of Duty. Have it wipe your BR and cert points, but unlock an extra saved equipment loadout slot (can't remember the name). It's extremely successful in Call of Duty and is a simple way to extend the joy of dinging.
2011-02-01, 02:17 PM
Okay I hadn't thought about the team work side, the armor repair and med's. Everyone with both would kill SEP's and I hadn't thought about that side.
I'd like a way to not have to alt character, so I could be xyz everytime I logged on. I've only just reupped my sub and respecing used to be like one cert a day, is it still that limited? Seems a set number of points per day, like 3 cert points or one Certification would solve some of the alt problems.
2011-02-01, 05:03 PM
By God's Will...
No Generators and Control Consoles on top of facilities.
2011-02-01, 05:41 PM
Okay I hadn't thought about the team work side, the armor repair and med's. Everyone with both would kill SEP's and I hadn't thought about that side.
I'd like a way to not have to alt character, so I could be xyz everytime I logged on. I've only just reupped my sub and respecing used to be like one cert a day, is it still that limited? Seems a set number of points per day, like 3 cert points or one Certification would solve some of the alt problems.
You hadn't thought about teamwork...? Seriously, you need to play another game because planetside is ALL about teamwork
2011-02-01, 05:42 PM
Really tough question. I guess I would like to see less waiting around for bases to capture. There should still be some bases that require the full 15 mins because Galaxy rescues are really awesome, but maybe they could just leave the old style capture for strategic bases and have all the others use LLU.
2011-02-01, 09:17 PM
but see thats the point it doesn't stop master of all trades, it just means they relog with an alternate character. What is so unbalancing about a level 60 player able to switch to any weapon?
The challenge comes in having the right weapon for what just showed up in front of you. He can still only carry the same amount of weapons as everyone else, his tank is no better than anyone elses. He still only has 10 favorite quick spawn configs.
In the past, you had xyz1 throgh 12 and each level 18 character had one role. I would like to keep one character instead of alts.
Perhaps a compromise? I wouldn't mind only spawning with a favorite config, so you would have to set up your 10 configs ahead of time and you can only adjust your configs at the sanctuary.
its not really the weapons, its more the fact that, everybody has Adv med, adv hack, rexo, transports, CE and everybody and their mother has an AI max.
In a squad you used to have 1-2 adv hacks 1-3 adv meds, 1 guys with AMS maybe a max or 2 and an everybody has everything.
2011-02-02, 11:38 AM
Traak have you played VS????
The best kill/death ratios I ever had were with the Lasher, at all points of its existence.
2011-02-02, 12:36 PM
Hey all my first post here, old school player back from before the benting... or bending whatever heh ;)
So far two of my major dislikes from this game seem to already have been earmarked for the dustbin
BFR - Never liked the idea of a Alpha class armor mech in the game, it really threw the entire balance of the game out of whack.
CC - Core combat oh how I hated thee, to me it felt more of a punishment than a reward expansion. Remove most of the useless ancient Vanu tech and replace the few things that worked into modern PS tech currently in use.
Like the Flail, turn it into a standard artillery unit but one that needs a proper spotting crew and isn't able to just spam shell a tower and kill everyone even through the walls.:mad:
Planets (plural) - The bending. Bring back Auraxis and have the 3 Empires trapped and isolated in a singular planet for now. Rebuild the core of what original PS was. Then maybe if some expansions warrant it and it can be done right a little bit of off world, no further than the limits of the Solar System that Auraxis is in.
just my 2 cents
2011-02-02, 05:25 PM
Artwork on the box (first box, not expansions) that actually looks like the game. Granted characters looked correct but wtf were those aircrafts? and I never saw a base that looked anything like that.
2011-02-03, 08:05 AM
ahhh concept art. Allot of that stuff makes its way on to game boxes.
2011-02-03, 09:44 AM
Planets (plural) - The bending. Bring back Auraxis and have the 3 Empires trapped and isolated in a singular planet for now. Rebuild the core of what original PS was. One planet - Auraxis! Bring it back and keep it that way! :mad:
2011-02-03, 12:05 PM
The Level Cap. Why should I have to alt to get a different character type? Lock the experience needed at level 23ish and let the players keep getting cert points on their main forever.
I disagree. I think the the BR40 level cap that's in game now is a problem to be honest. You don't have to make any tough choices when it comes to certing a character. Everybody has med, engie, heavy assault, av, hacking, half a dozen vehicles through multicerts.
2011-02-03, 12:45 PM
One planet - Auraxis! Bring it back and keep it that way! :mad:
fair enough ;)
It is called planetside for a reason I guess hehe
I disagree. I think the the BR40 level cap that's in game now is a problem to be honest. You don't have to make any tough choices when it comes to certing a character. Everybody has med, engie, heavy assault, av, hacking, half a dozen vehicles through multicerts.
I think the reason why they raised the level cap for players to have alot of differant roles was due to dwindling player pool to draw from. Instead of having 10 players with various roles that worked. They started having gaps as players left and those who stayed were unable or unwilling to recert away from what they liked or were used too thus needing to have more certs available so the roles got filled.
2011-02-03, 09:03 PM
I hope major differences between the factions are removed. MA differences rather than HA or AV differences. I'd prefer closer balance to empire variety. Some minor variations are fine. Major variations or vastly different capabilities are imo bad.
I hope major differences between the factions are removed. MA differences rather than HA or AV differences. I'd prefer closer balance to empire variety. Some minor variations are fine. Major variations or vastly different capabilities are imo bad.
It works fine in SC/2.
2011-02-03, 10:26 PM
It works fine in SC/2.
And the reverse works fine in BF2.
The differences in SC2 are not really comparable anyway, since you can pick any race you feel like, and your team can have any combo of races.
At any rate, I doubt it would happen. Though I do hold out hope that if it is free to play, accessing enemy equipment is one of the things you can purchase.
2011-02-04, 06:00 AM
PS:Old had ridiculous huge spinning waypoints in my way. So incredibly freaking annoying, and that one big repressed aggravation is still there spinning in my head making me rage. :P
2011-02-07, 02:26 PM
fair enough ;)
It is called planetside for a reason I guess hehe
I think the reason why they raised the level cap for players to have alot of differant roles was due to dwindling player pool to draw from. Instead of having 10 players with various roles that worked. They started having gaps as players left and those who stayed were unable or unwilling to recert away from what they liked or were used too thus needing to have more certs available so the roles got filled.
I think there is truth in that. My current character is still about BR21-23 or something, and once I'd got Advanced Medic, Combat Engineering and Rexo suit, It didn't leave a huge pool of cert points to play with. I specialised in infantry combat, with a Harasser to get myself from A to B. It wasn't until I found out recently that I could uncert my Rexo suit and wear it for free that I was able to join the Mosquito taxi crowd.
If the population wasn't so low that finding and flagging down a transport becomes difficult, then I wouldn't have to worry. As it is, I have to cert a light vehicle to find the people I'm supposed to be supporting! :lol: As it stands, I have to log out, pick an alt and nag for a squad reinvite if I ever need to use a proper vehicle. I don't support being able to do everything with one character, but it's fiddly, and forces you to leave your squad and rejoin if you want to try different tactics. This game is about teamwork, so that part shouldn't happen.
As for what I would personally like to see removed, I would say that I never want to see the game telling me that the frequency of my deaths has affected my respawn time. Look, Planetside, I'm sorry, but it wasn't my fault that I got hit by a flail walking out of a doorway, and then respawned at an exploding AMS, it was just misfortune. I'm sure something similar has happened to everyone at least once, and that message is frustrating.
Oh, and the Maelstrom. I suppose on paper it's a clever way to stop people huddling up and zerging, but when one weapon can chain it's way through a line of people and injure them in the next room, it's a bit harsh. Since I like to play medic, it's a pain when you're trying to heal someone and you find yourself getting cooked alive because one of your team had the nerved to open the door halfway down a corridor in the next room. :p
2011-02-07, 02:32 PM
Oh, and the Maelstrom. I suppose on paper it's a clever way to stop people huddling up and zerging, but when one weapon can chain it's way through a line of people and injure them in the next room, it's a bit harsh. Since I like to play medic, it's a pain when you're trying to heal someone and you find yourself getting cooked alive because one of your team had the nerved to open the door halfway down a corridor in the next room. :p
That thing was kinda impressive. I also liked the Radiator - I used to put a pair of them, and a Thumper, down at the back door hallway during base defense, along with a pair of shooters. Short of a MAX crash or a couple of Lash-holes, you could hold that back door almost indefinitely.
2011-02-07, 03:18 PM
The Phoenix (in its current incarnation): I played NC hardcore for the first 3 years. I had no idea until I switched to VS just how annoying Phoenixes are, hitting people from complete cover. The new Phoenix should be laser goes where your crosshair is. Obviously this means you can get shot while using it, which is the same risk a VS and TR Anti-vehicle user suffers from.
Less empire specific infantry weapons: Make the MCG and JH both available with HA, and if they get rid of the Lasher I won't shed any tears. MCG would be better at covering points of entry and laying down cover; JH would be for charging and assaulting fortified positions. Both would be good at either offense or defense, just one has a slight advantage over the other depending on the situation. (I do like keeping empire specific vehicles more than empire specific guns).
2011-02-07, 03:38 PM
Less continents/worlds, whatever they're called nowadays. I like the different climates, but we really don't need two deserts, two antarticas, two lush, etc. Bring the pop back up to the max, and at varied locations.
Dismiss the separate servers for the caves. I liked the caves, I didn't like being disconected from the action on the continents. So lets bring the action to the caves, because going to the caves for some action really didn't work. Let each (or a select few) continents own a cave. Owning said continent would give next continent benefits.
TR goggles, ze do nothing!
2011-02-07, 03:57 PM
You can't get rid of TR Goggles, what kind of monster are you? :p
If ve don't have zee goggles, zhen what vill zhere be to do zee nothinks?!
The Phoenix (in its current incarnation): I played NC hardcore for the first 3 years. I had no idea until I switched to VS just how annoying Phoenixes are, hitting people from complete cover. The new Phoenix should be laser goes where your crosshair is. Obviously this means you can get shot while using it, which is the same risk a VS and TR Anti-vehicle user suffers from.
Less empire specific infantry weapons: Make the MCG and JH both available with HA, and if they get rid of the Lasher I won't shed any tears. MCG would be better at covering points of entry and laying down cover; JH would be for charging and assaulting fortified positions. Both would be good at either offense or defense, just one has a slight advantage over the other depending on the situation. (I do like keeping empire specific vehicles more than empire specific guns).
So pretty much ruin what makes PS and SC great? (hint: different weapons, decent balance)
2011-02-07, 06:43 PM
No self respecting member of the Terran Republic would ask for the goggles to be removed, SPY!:evildrop:
2011-02-07, 08:29 PM
Multiple shards: Be gone!
Put every fucker in the same server.
Also: MA that sucks. It always basically sucked compared to the HA and other options. I want a usable assault/battle rifle. Which basically means get rid of: one hitbox, the circle of fire's horrible relaxation time and huge HP/low damage per shot model in general. I'd prefer it to be much more akin to Bad Company 2 on hardcore mode. No armor? Two/three the the chest and you go down.
2011-02-08, 01:42 AM
PS:Old had ridiculous huge spinning waypoints in my way. So incredibly freaking annoying, and that one big repressed aggravation is still there spinning in my head making me rage. :P
Yeah, the waypoints can really suck up a lot of video bandwidth and slow the game to a crawl.
Now, instead of OS's, if we could have the Prancing Waypoints instead, to afflict enemies with, that would be something, where we couldn't see them but they could.
Something stupid and annoying, that is.
2011-02-08, 03:39 AM
So pretty much ruin what makes PS and SC great? (hint: different weapons, decent balance)
MA differences and balance were perfect. Everything else, not so much. Slight flavor changes, not major capability changes. Especially if you are limited to one empire on a server.
2011-02-08, 05:54 AM
Every base must be unique. I want people to get lost in them.
Remove the run and gun mentality by rewarding conservative warfare. The idea that no loss is acceptable.
Bases. Let us fight over cities, towns, resources.
Warp Gates. We should be able to fly from continent to continent.
2011-02-08, 07:58 AM
cities and towns?
i have to disagree with that. i don't think that would really be in the storyline - nobody dies, everyone is sided..the factions are focused entirely on warfare. i don't think i would like that at all.
2011-02-08, 08:36 AM
cities and towns?
i have to disagree with that. i don't think that would really be in the storyline - nobody dies, everyone is sided..the factions are focused entirely on warfare. i don't think i would like that at all.
remember Auraxis was planned for full scale colonization before the wormhole collapse and rebirthing technology was discovered. There had to have been large urban zones / habitation areas for all the military, scientists, administrators, logistical personnel, support staff and all the other people who would have been required.
Consider them urban combat areas.
Sorry for being OT.
2011-02-08, 08:43 AM
cities and towns? Nah I would just prefer a bigger variety in the base layouts. If I wanted to blow up civilian buildings I would go play World in Conflict or something. :)
2011-02-08, 12:49 PM
We were promised urban warfare in CC, we are still waiting for that promise to be kept.
Auraxis is not a wasteland we are fighting over (if it is, why are we fighting?). Each faction is fighting for their particular vision of the future of the entire planet and its people. I for one, would rather have some kind of city to fight over, even if only one of them per continent. Give them variety too though, none of that putting all of them smack dab in the middle of the conts.
The rest of the bases need to be typed with all of the things a typical military installation would have. Each building being capturable with a flag to signal who controls the Command Center.
Multiple shards: Be gone!
Put every fucker in the same server.
Also: MA that sucks. It always basically sucked compared to the HA and other options. I want a usable assault/battle rifle. Which basically means get rid of: one hitbox, the circle of fire's horrible relaxation time and huge HP/low damage per shot model in general. I'd prefer it to be much more akin to Bad Company 2 on hardcore mode. No armor? Two/three the the chest and you go down.
Er, the Gauss and Pulsar can seriously hold their own in CQC against MCG / Lasher. I'm not sure how you think 2 - 3 shot kills on an assault rifle is going to make the game fun...
2011-02-08, 01:11 PM
I'd prefer it to be much more akin to Bad Company 2 on hardcore mode. No armor? Two/three the the chest and you go down.
I like how you think...
2011-02-08, 02:12 PM
No armor ..... but this is the future!
I prefer PS system of armor for infantry, maybe a tweek here and there but keep it as is I say
2011-02-08, 04:23 PM
You guys are misunderstanding "No armor?" is a question. Basically, "are you wearing standard/agile?" A guass rifle would put you down in decently aimed couple-shot trigger pulls. One hit in the head. Rexo might take three/four bursts or two dome-poppers.
You really need to play a more serious shooter to get what I'm saying, CS:S is kind of like it. BC2 hardcore is the real model.
Essentially I want to make things really quite deadly. This has a few effects:
1. People value cover and tactical positioning more. If you get caught in the open you're toast, not just inconvenienced when you reach the next cover.
2. Aiming and weapon control becomes a much more valuable skill. (especially when implemented with a real recoil system, instead of equal probability COF wackiness).
3. Getting the drop on someone makes more difference. When I played PS, a rexo/HA could make a full turn around at close range and kill an agile/MA that was shooting him in the back because of the cof bloom and HP differences. That's dumb.
4. Longer distance combat and outdoor combat becomes more prominent. If MA can pick you off instead of being, mostly, an annoyance suddenly the struggle doesn't just focus near as much around stairwells and corridors like PS used to.
Basically a system where HA is about close range domination and long range sustained fire and suppression, while MA is more of a general use thing. They basically kill you in about the same # of hits, but HA is going to be able keep longer bursts for the chaotic short range stuff, while MA gives you more precision at longer ranges.
The theory the same as to the current HA/MA stuff, but it's been aligned so they over lap far more. HA would also be able to deal with MAX to some degree while MA would not fare well.
DISCLAIMER: I haven't played PS recently, I know the COF silliness is still present, I dono about relative weapon lethality any more.
2011-02-08, 05:16 PM
I fully support making ma more deadly. BF is for me perfectly balanced between infantry and vehicles. Aircraft perhaps not though.
MA is already really good. It's no HA in HA situation, but it's a lot more versatile than HA. Cycler needs to be rebalanced though, IMO. Not much point to 50 bullet clips if your target can hide after the first few shots. Gauss kills before they hide. :D
2011-02-08, 06:16 PM
HA should be something you have to 'deploy' to use. Making yourself a turret basically. Standing up with an HA should make it pretty much worthless for shooting anyone never mind running with it.
2011-02-08, 06:18 PM
When I played PS, a rexo/HA could make a full turn around at close range and kill an agile/MA that was shooting him in the back because of the cof bloom and HP differences. That's dumb.
Nah makes sense. MA is actually a range weapon. One of my favorite guns was the Punisher which makes quick work of enemies at a range. Also rexo has more armor points allowing it to take 100 more damage which is just enough for the rexo to make an offensive. At short range though always bet on the HA rexo.
I thought the number of bullets and the time to kill was perfect. You could take a few shots and find cover. Get sniped and duck to heal without worrying about any long range instant kills. It really made having healing and engineering advantageous and in a way helped teamwork. If everyone had died two hits in front of you repairing them would be almost meaningless. That and it would remove most of the differences in the armor types except for the inventory. So the idea is to make healing and repairing a worthwhile activity.
HA should be something you have to 'deploy' to use. Making yourself a turret basically. Standing up with an HA should make it pretty much worthless for shooting anyone never mind running with it.
I had the feeling HA was designed to be both offensive and defensive. It sounds like you want to make it a defensive weapon which really restricts its uses.
2011-02-08, 06:18 PM
I agree. I fell in love with the Gauss so much that it was one of the main reasons I switched from VS to NC back when Johari merged with Markov. Gauss totally pwnd at range, and really held its own in close combat with HA too.
HA should be something you have to 'deploy' to use. Making yourself a turret basically. Standing up with an HA should make it pretty much worthless for shooting anyone never mind running with it.
No, it shouldn't. Maybe you feel that it should be, but it isn't and won't be. Ha is plenty fine as is. HA should remain both offensive and defensive.
PS would hemorrhage subs so bad if they changed HA.
I agree. I fell in love with the Gauss so much that it was one of the main reasons I switched from VS to NC back when Johari merged with Markov. Gauss totally pwnd at range, and really held its own in close combat with HA too.
Gauss is really what makes me have trouble picking between TR and NC
TR; love the MCG pretty much anywhere when I've got good fps, love the striker, hate the cycler, hate our deliverer variant, love our Buggy, hate their BFR AV gun, and neutral on our tank.
NC: Love the JH in towers, neutral on phoenix, love the gauss, love their deliverer variant, dislike their buggy, love the particle cannon on BFR, and neutral on their tank.
2011-02-08, 07:09 PM
No, it shouldn't. Maybe you feel that it should be, but it isn't and won't be. Ha is plenty fine as is. HA should remain both offensive and defensive.
PS would hemorrhage subs so bad if they changed HA.
No it wouldn't. People would just switch to MA and deal with it.
And HA was never fine. It promotes the worst elements of PS.
2011-02-08, 07:19 PM
And HA was never fine. It promotes the worst elements of PS.
Which would those be? Close quarter combat?
Which would those be? Close quarter combat?
Fun! dun dun dun
2011-02-08, 07:35 PM
The reason so many people cried about HA is because so many people used it. You take it out, then the crying would all be about the MA balance. You take that out, they would all cry about the balance of whatever weapon most people were using.
Seems there's always a percentage of people in any game that are never satisfied with balance.
2011-02-08, 07:36 PM
Take it ALL away and let people shoot the Suppressor for a day. It's the same Suppressor for TR, NC and VS.
Let them eat cake.
The reason so many people cried about HA is because so many people used it. You take it out, then the crying would all be about the MA balance. You take that out, they would all cry about the balance of whatever weapon most people were using.
Seems there's always a percentage of people in any game that are never satisfied with balance.
I'm pretty sure they cry about HA because they're bad.
2011-02-08, 08:31 PM
I think increasing the lethality of the weapons anymore would ruin outdoor combat. Rexo and Medical certs would be almost worthless if some unseen assailant can down you in two bullets in about half a second. Having something unleasant happen to you in a game without warning that you can't react to is generally considered frustrating. Here's an article in the TF2 blog thats does a better job of explaining my opinion than I do.
2011-02-08, 08:49 PM
I think increasing the lethality of the weapons anymore would ruin outdoor combat.
I think the Cycler could do with a small damage buff, I was fighting in the caverns earlier today when I spotted a rexo suited vanu beneath me. Now I'm not going to be modest, I'm a pretty decent FPS gamer having played numerous games from Counter-Strike to Halo on the PC, so when I start burst firing into the back of this Vanu I'm expecting an easy kill.
Nope. He whips around and fires full auto with his Pulsar, I use a med kit while still firing on him but then I'm dead and confused, wondering how my trusty Cycler failed to down this guy.
I think increasing the lethality of the weapons anymore would ruin outdoor combat. Rexo and Medical certs would be almost worthless if some unseen assailant can down you in two bullets in about half a second. Having something unleasant happen to you in a game without warning that you can't react to is generally considered frustrating. Here's an article in the TF2 blog thats does a better job of explaining my opinion than I do.
My thoughts exactly. There'd be no point to repairing yourself if all it would do is extend your life by maybe one shot. Best chance would be to run around in agile / pajamas.
I think the Cycler could do with a small damage buff, I was fighting in the caverns earlier today when I spotted a rexo suited vanu beneath me. Now I'm not going to be modest, I'm a pretty decent FPS gamer having played numerous games from Counter-Strike to Halo on the PC, so when I start burst firing into the back of this Vanu I'm expecting an easy kill.
Nope. He whips around and fires full auto with his Pulsar, I use a med kit while still firing on him but then I'm dead and confused, wondering how my trusty Cycler failed to down this guy.
Agreed. Gauss is amazing and Pulsar is pretty damn good. Cycler makes me cry.
2011-02-08, 08:51 PM
but then I'm dead and confused, wondering how my trusty Cycler failed to down this guy.
Rexo + P-shield + Cycler w/yellow rounds :p
2011-02-08, 09:29 PM
I'm pretty sure they cry about HA because they're bad.
Not crying, I just don't see the point in having perfectly good MA and then no reason to use it in 85% of combat scenarios when HA is better universally. HA could be far more interesting than being just another bigger gun.
2011-02-09, 10:11 AM
Not crying, I just don't see the point in having perfectly good MA and then no reason to use it in 85% of combat scenarios when HA is better universally. HA could be far more interesting than being just another bigger gun.
I tended to use the supressor and Punisher most of the time. I never had HA certed in the game for very long. I guess it depends on how you play the game. Like if I saw someone in a base I'd often back up and get a little cover then crouch down and launch a grenade from my Punisher and shoot a few rounds to kill them.
Not crying, I just don't see the point in having perfectly good MA and then no reason to use it in 85% of combat scenarios when HA is better universally. HA could be far more interesting than being just another bigger gun.
I know right? I rarely use MA on NC, I just footzerg with a jackhammer. Shit does so much damage at range!
2011-02-09, 02:19 PM
I know right? I rarely use MA on NC, I just footzerg with a jackhammer. Shit does so much damage at range!
You wouldn't think it does, but I've killed people 'outside of JH range' with a JH.
2011-02-09, 02:36 PM
I think increasing the lethality of the weapons anymore would ruin outdoor combat. Rexo and Medical certs would be almost worthless if some unseen assailant can down you in two bullets in about half a second.
Also, increasing lethality of the weapons would make cloaking unbalanced. It would mean that you'd die in a single hit, but that wouldn't be so much of a drawback if you knew a rexo could only take two or three bullets more.
You wouldn't think it does, but I've killed people 'outside of JH range' with a JH.
I too have killed someone who has 10 hit points with a shotgun blast at 40 yards. Doesn't make it viable.
2011-02-09, 04:25 PM
While I loved hardcore mode in BFBC2 and the type of gameplay that it promoted, I don't think it would work in PlanetSide. There's just to much open space where a rogue bullet from across the field could strike you down.
I do think it should be a bit easier to kill people but again, this is a sacrifice that had to be made in an MMOFPS. Maybe with technology changing like it has this will be different in PSN.
I never had a huge problem with HA myself. As mentioned previously if HA was removed people would just want something else removed. I think it could be tweaked down a little bit and maybe some more movement penalties introduced, I don't think it should be a deployable type weapon though.
I am happy they got rid of surgiles back in the day. Jackhammer Surgiles almost caused me to quit this game on numerous occasions. :lol:
HA is really no problem to defeat with MA unless you have horrible fps or they warp, which shouldn't happen in PSN. I mean, if it's equal skill, yeah HA > MA, but how often does that happen?
2011-02-09, 05:48 PM
I too have killed someone who has 10 hit points with a shotgun blast at 40 yards. Doesn't make it viable.
Either way, that wouldn't fall into the 85%.
2011-02-09, 10:50 PM
- Vehicle collision system. Bring back the mowers. If you don't like getting mowed, cert CE or stay near cover.
- Automatic grief. Everyone has killed a teammate or has been killed by one by accident. Bring up a window asking if you want to punish, and options for "automatically punish/do not punish."
- Like being discussed, revamped MA for better fights in the field. Reduce the CoF and damage degradation. I would say on agile armor, make it take the same amount to kill as an engineer's SMG in Bad Company 2 in normal difficulty. So about 6-9 bullets? At any rate, it should equate to "If you can't find cover in 1.5 seconds, you are dead. If you can get to cover, you will be wounded but alive."
It's a fine balance, but any careful player should be able to move up in the middle of a large battle with little difficulty, and would have an even easier time with a squad.
- Vehicle collision system. Bring back the mowers. If you don't like getting mowed, cert CE or stay near cover.
- Automatic grief. Everyone has killed a teammate or has been killed by one by accident. Bring up a window asking if you want to punish, and options for "automatically punish/do not punish."
- Like being discussed, revamped MA for better fights in the field. Reduce the CoF and damage degradation. I would say on agile armor, make it take the same amount to kill as an engineer's SMG in Bad Company 2 in normal difficulty. So about 6-9 bullets? At any rate, it should equate to "If you can't find cover in 1.5 seconds, you are dead. If you can get to cover, you will be wounded but alive."
Gauss kills in 10 bullets at 50 - 100 yards. At least, I was taking 10 health damage per bullet in rexo.
Cycler is the only MA that needs a buff.
2011-02-10, 03:43 PM
Remove global chat or at least have a way for other CR5 to mute someones global / continental chat. I guess that could be exploited but there needs to be some sort of solution to CR5 who talk crap to the whole empire.
We had some guy in our squad today calling us all noobs and telling us how bad we are for some reason, we kicked him because we were fed up with his crap and chat spam, but then...
[Global] RakkanTR: Ohhh nooo, I got kicked by noob 12 year olds
or something to that effect, and he continued to have a one sided argument with us in global chat despite no one replying to him.
2011-02-10, 09:29 PM
- Automatic grief. Everyone has killed a teammate or has been killed by one by accident. Bring up a window asking if you want to punish, and options for "automatically punish/do not punish."
I think someone a long time ago mentioned adding a "/forgive" command. I'd be all for that. I don't think it's necessary though. You don't get to max grief by accidentally hitting a friendly a few times.
- Like being discussed, revamped MA for better fights in the field. Reduce the CoF and damage degradation. I would say on agile armor, make it take the same amount to kill as an engineer's SMG in Bad Company 2 in normal difficulty. So about 6-9 bullets? At any rate, it should equate to "If you can't find cover in 1.5 seconds, you are dead. If you can get to cover, you will be wounded but alive."
I like the COF, but it should be mixed up a bit. I liked the Punisher because it allows you to "burst" fire without hurting the COF much. More fire modes could fix this though. 1.5 seconds is way too quick to die at a range. Even the sniper takes a few seconds to take a life.
2011-02-10, 11:02 PM
I like the COF, but it should be mixed up a bit. I liked the Punisher because it allows you to "burst" fire without hurting the COF much. More fire modes could fix this though. 1.5 seconds is way too quick to die at a range. Even the sniper takes a few seconds to take a life.
Well, I think there should be a COF or recoil, definitely. I believe that the TTK should be largely determined by distance, which means a large scaling back of damage degradation. As mentioned above by someone, it takes 10 shots to kill with a gauss at 50-100 yards. I believe it should take 10 shots to kill at 200m. However, let me clarify that by saying it will take much longer to kill them because they are a smaller target, so less of your shots will hit. You have to keep the COF tight, so your rate of fire slows. If they are moving, you have to lead them. Finally, if they're mostly behind cover, it might not even be worth taking the shot and giving away your position.
It's hard to get into detail when we don't even know the basics(If there is a sprint option in PS:N, then 1.5s to kill sounds about right to me, if there isn't sprint, then I believe it's too quick). I just want good firefights where the weapons are balanced so that using cover and teamwork is necessary to win. For that to even evolve, some commonly used weapons need to have the ability to hurt at distance.
Well, I think there should be a COF or recoil, definitely. I believe that the TTK should be largely determined by distance, which means a large scaling back of damage degradation. As mentioned above by someone, it takes 10 shots to kill with a gauss at 50-100 yards. I believe it should take 10 shots to kill at 200m. However, let me clarify that by saying it will take much longer to kill them because they are a smaller target, so less of your shots will hit. You have to keep the COF tight, so your rate of fire slows. If they are moving, you have to lead them. Finally, if they're mostly behind cover, it might not even be worth taking the shot and giving away your position.
It's hard to get into detail when we don't even know the basics(If there is a sprint option in PS:N, then 1.5s to kill sounds about right to me, if there isn't sprint, then I believe it's too quick). I just want good firefights where the weapons are balanced so that using cover and teamwork is necessary to win. For that to even evolve, some commonly used weapons need to have the ability to hurt at distance.
Well, to be honest it is called MEDIUM Assault, not LONG RANGED Assault. HA/SA is generally 0 - 20m ish, MA is 20 - 200ish, Sniper is 200+.
2011-02-11, 12:41 AM
Well, to be honest it is called MEDIUM Assault, not LONG RANGED Assault. HA/SA is generally 0 - 20m ish, MA is 20 - 200ish, Sniper is 200+.
Thought about this earlier. If the sight range changes in the game this might need re-balancing, but we'll see.
2011-02-12, 01:10 AM
One thing I really REALLY hope is not in the game is the stupid looking Core combat vehicles and weapons. :rolleyes:
Take away the flail and give me a Thunderer sized vehicle with a long cannon that deploys.
2011-02-12, 01:13 AM
Yeah I agree the alien tech stuff might fit the storyline but I didn't like it either. Just make special vehicles/weapons that still visually match up with the Empire using them.
2011-02-12, 03:23 AM
PS:Old had ridiculous huge spinning waypoints in my way. So incredibly freaking annoying, and that one big repressed aggravation is still there spinning in my head making me rage. :P
If it was like the OS marker it would be fine in my eyes. Maybe for a far away LOD make it all big and thick again.
The reason flails were such bull, was because it fired one giant blob and it was almost perfectly accurate. So people would just point it to the enemy vpad, and just fire away 'till they got bored. Outside of that, the flail wasn't really that effective. The solution however, is artillery that fires scattered shot that kind of randomly hits within the general area (like how the scorpion worked, but more random and with more audible warning). Basically putting it to luck, in exchange for shooting over cover.
2011-02-12, 07:09 AM
Like UT2004's SPMA? That works fine, its weakness being the driver cant see who's by his own vehicle when he's using the artillery 'camera drone' and that drone can be shot down (maby a little too easily in 2004)
2011-02-12, 03:15 PM
Another thing I'd like to see removed is self healing/repairing with the Medical Applicator and BANK (Body Armor Nano Kit) tool.
Removed might not be the correct wording, but I really hope they change the way it works so that self healing/repairing becomes less effective.
The support roles in aiding others seriously get handicapped, because pretty much every veteran Planetside player is packing a BANK tool for self armor repairs. The Medical support role is slightly less common because of medkits or regeneration implant, yet still its not on uncommon sight to see a player equipped with both a BANK and Medical Applicator tool.
Self healing/repairs being less effective, slower and costing more would be a good start. Smaller clip size would also be a good thing, those out to support others pack reloads, most one man army soldiers pack only one BANK or Medical Applicator that is good for several heals/repairs
2011-02-12, 03:24 PM
Another thing I'd like to see removed is self healing/repairing with the Medical Applicator and BANK (Body Armor Nano Kit) tool.
Removed might not be the correct wording, but I really hope they change the way it works so that self healing/repairing becomes less effective.
Maybe add certs to become a quicker healer/repairer? Whether or not it should be slower with the standard med cert is another thing. I personally don't mind self repair/heal.
2011-02-12, 03:26 PM
BFRs and any other possible future atrocities that can infringe on the structure of the game.
Never again SOE, please learn from your mistakes!
2011-02-12, 05:59 PM
Maybe add certs to become a quicker healer/repairer? Whether or not it should be slower with the standard med cert is another thing. I personally don't mind self repair/heal.
The 2nd tier engineer/medic speeds up healing/repairing in planetside if i'm mistaken. I don't mind self healing/repair either, but as it currently is in planetside, you can patch your self up just as fast as when some one else assisting you. I just believe if self repair/healing is less efficient and slower that support roles will have more value and add more meaning to the game, it stimulates getting healed/repaired by others instead of doing it your self.
2011-02-12, 09:31 PM
Flails. If the game really needs an artillery its range should be shorter. It's absolutely ridiculous to have enough range to sit 2-3 bases away or even right on the edge of a warp gate and be able to one shot everything that exists. The ROF should also be much lower. It's silly that a single player can hold left click down and permanently have a terminal/door/pad camped. The vehicle should also have less armor. Why are flails in Planetside so tough?
2011-02-12, 09:38 PM
I agree with the artillery, maybe make the artillery an engineer building or something that can be placed down but destroyed quite easily.
2011-02-13, 12:54 AM
Flails. If the game really needs an artillery its range should be shorter. It's absolutely ridiculous to have enough range to sit 2-3 bases away or even right on the edge of a warp gate and be able to one shot everything that exists. The ROF should also be much lower. It's silly that a single player can hold left click down and permanently have a terminal/door/pad camped. The vehicle should also have less armor. Why are flails in Planetside so tough?
Yes, long range arty was largely unneeded and counterproductive. A very poor playstyle as well.. Hold button, watch for kill spam.
What would actually be worthwhile and valuable on the battlefield is a vehicle with a mortar that has a high arc, for hitting behind the cover everyone is crouching behind.
2011-02-13, 01:45 AM
Like UT2004's SPMA? That works fine, its weakness being the driver cant see who's by his own vehicle when he's using the artillery 'camera drone' and that drone can be shot down (maby a little too easily in 2004)
As an old UT vet I feel I need to correct you. :)
The SPMA is a vehicle in UT3 and not UT2004. :)
2011-02-13, 02:00 AM
I think a key problem with Planetsides design in general is focus on kills. Obiovusly the game didn't support anything else and that is the problem. If your big gun didn't kill lots of people nobody would use it.
Having such a limited scope for designing gameplay (it must kill and kill fast) is what ruined AA, artillery, BFRs etc etc.
Imagine if kills were seen as an extra for the skilled players and getting score and xp based on actually doing your job as your role you chose would be considered the main point.
Then artillery that was more about applying presure to an enemy position thats currently under attack by other forces would be possible. Right now in Planetside orignal? No one would care.
The problem is do the devs realise this? And if they do how would you calculate 'doing your job'? Maybe just convert damage to XP?
2011-02-13, 02:34 AM
Going, again, to BC2, you'll find the medic is still quite great to have around. Even in hardcore mode.
The real key in the "weapons are fucking deadly" scenario is that medics can revive people quickly. *Zap* and the dude is up and running. The area of effect medic kit is also important. Having to point at people to heal obviously doesn't work in a couple shots = dead kind of game.
My real concern is that weapons actually feel a bit like real weapons, instead of the random-line-of-ouch generators they felt like in the original PS.
Going to sniper rifles: I am not a fan of the one-hit kill sniper. Essentially the bold-driver did the right amount of damage, but it should be able to fire aimed shots quite a bit more rapidly and while still zoomed. Think Halo sniper, among others.
2011-02-13, 03:57 AM
I think a key problem with Planetsides design in general is focus on kills. Obiovusly the game didn't support anything else and that is the problem. If your big gun didn't kill lots of people nobody would use it.
I always wondered if giving BEP for simple damage dealt would work for the game, with perhaps a bonus for the killshot. It would make area denial weapons that are difficult to get kills with a more valid choice, and things like AA wouldn't have to kill so damned fast to have a chance of getting the kill before the aircraft ducks behind a hill. And on a happy note, it would also piss of those people that loved to swoop in and steal your kill. :D
2011-02-13, 02:24 PM
Realised I never replied properly to this thread, so here goes.
Infantry third person
Pilots able to use heavy weapons
Mossie nose gun
Realised I never replied properly to this thread, so here goes.
Mossie nose gun
This. Just leave it as a transport vehicle and we're golden. That or don't let it shoot when facing slightly downard, like how you can't bomb in a lib at an angle.
Realised I never replied properly to this thread, so here goes.
Infantry third person
Pilots able to use heavy weapons
Mossie nose gun
I agree; I personally would like to see MAX units go and replaced with cert-able infantry alternatives besides an AI MAX equiv. Such as shoulder mounted AA launcher similar to the Stinger. Also something like the Javelin AT launcher to replace the Anti-Armor MAXes. Say they branch from the Anti-Vehicular tree and have their own cert cost.
Aircraft pads at towers, air-cav had enough merits without the ability to repair so easily.
If base designs stay relatively the same (hopefully not) I'd hope the base designer has the common sense to include a canopy cover for the outer base walls. We aren't fighting in old English/French castles during the 100 year war, at a time when they didn't have to worry about aircraft or long range arty.
Plasma, just get rid of it. Also, grenades in stacks of 3, depending on how the inventory system is setup.
Heavy Assault in its current form. I say this because the killing potential shifting from MA to HA is too much of a jump. Don't get me wrong, I loved my MCG but it made both the Cycler and Sweeper next to useless for me. Other empires worked differently obviously, most noticeably, NC in which the Gauss and JH played their roles well. However, you'd be hard pressed to find someone willing to use a Punisher over a Gauss any day, even with the GL.
In my eyes Heavy Assault should have been more akin to squad level support weapons, high rate of fire, large ammo capacity, and possibly deployable. The MCG is the closest thing but it's COF silly to say the least and nullifies existing empire and common pool weaponry.
I SandRock
2011-02-14, 06:32 AM
-Those silly caves
-The ability to cert into Adv med, engineer, heavy weapon, rexo and then some so easy. The grunt spec was too... cookie cutter? :P
- Walking for ages without a fight
- Jackhammer's sound. Make it something cute and friendly. I hated hearing that thing go off near me. I'd go into fetus position and cry like a baby just hearing it come nearer. SHA-BOOM SHA-BOOM SHA-BOOM SHA-BOOM. It's still the object of many of my nightmares
2011-02-14, 09:29 AM
I think a key problem with Planetsides design in general is focus on kills. Obiovusly the game didn't support anything else and that is the problem. If your big gun didn't kill lots of people nobody would use it.
Having such a limited scope for designing gameplay (it must kill and kill fast) is what ruined AA, artillery, BFRs etc etc.
Imagine if kills were seen as an extra for the skilled players and getting score and xp based on actually doing your job as your role you chose would be considered the main point.
Then artillery that was more about applying presure to an enemy position thats currently under attack by other forces would be possible. Right now in Planetside orignal? No one would care.
The problem is do the devs realise this? And if they do how would you calculate 'doing your job'? Maybe just convert damage to XP?
I’ve to agree with this, the only way you earn experience points is by landing the killing blow. Whether people are aware of this or not, there mind set will still be trying to kill the enemy before it is able to kill them or one of your allies. This has resulted to what some might call kill stealing and in my early days of planetside, I’ve been killed by friendly because being accused of steal killing.
When in a squad this isn’t much of an issue, that is, as long as one of your squad mates lands the killing blow.
If damage can be tracked to base experience rewards on, I expect it to be done client side, to track who all caused damage and how experience will be awarded to the damage dealers when you’re finally are slain in combat. (fully healing/repairing your self should reset this tracking record)
I don’t expect server side damage tracking to be done or maybe only in small amounts as an anti cheating verification, for I assume it will be a huge performance hit on the server if it has to keep track of each and every bullet round that hit a target.
I SandRock
2011-02-14, 09:35 AM
I’ve to agree with this, the only way you earn experience points is by landing the killing blow. Whether people are aware of this or not, there mind set will still be trying to kill the enemy before it is able to kill them or one of your allies. This has resulted to what some might call kill stealing and in my early days of planetside, I’ve been killed by friendly because being accused of steal killing.
When in a squad this isn’t much of an issue, that is, as long as one of your squad mates lands the killing blow.
If damage can be tracked to base experience rewards on, I expect it to be done client side, to track who all caused damage and how experience will be awarded to the damage dealers when you’re finally are slain in combat. (fully healing/repairing your self should reset this tracking record)
I don’t expect server side damage tracking to be done or maybe only in small amounts as an anti cheating verification, for I assume it will be a huge performance hit on the server if it has to keep track of each and every bullet round that hit a target.
Anything that is done client side is hugely open to hacking. Doing something like XP based on damage off client side numbers is a guaranteed one-way ticket on the fail train
2011-02-14, 09:41 AM
Heh... If your hacking your client, getting more XP is the least annoying. Id take that over the "scatter max love island" one anyday!
Not to mention you are telling the server what you hit with, and who - not how much XP you get. The server would do the calculations so you can do sanity checks if any damage is involved from the client.
1. Splash/ spam weaponry or at least a degradation of their effect
2. 3rd person -indirectly and directly synonymous with point 1 above
3. hacking/ netcode tweaking or whatever that can be described as 'cheating'
4. max units in their current form - I see them as a vehicle same as any tank or buggy -a jammer grenade should be all thats needed to take weapons and specials offline , an engineer can remove the 'jam' using a bank . Give them more armor and harder to kill to make up for it .
2011-02-14, 06:18 PM
This. Just leave it as a transport vehicle and we're golden. That or don't let it shoot when facing slightly downard, like how you can't bomb in a lib at an angle.
Bombing can't be done at an angle when internal munitions are involved because of the danger of munitions striking the aircraft before clearing the bay doors. Forcing a mode of only shooting when absolutely level is fucking stupid. Sorry. There's no other way to put it.
Bombing can't be done at an angle when internal munitions are involved because of the danger of munitions striking the aircraft before clearing the bay doors. Forcing a mode of only shooting when absolutely level is fucking stupid. Sorry. There's no other way to put it.
Well, it's the only solution that allows people to dogfight while not being able to instagib infantry in the mossie, bar completely nerfing the AI damage. I am well aware why we can't bomb at an angle... it was just an example. On second thought, nerfing the AI damage makes 1000x more sense.
I mean...
WHY CAN'T YOU DISCUSS CONSTRUCTIVELY? You disagree with me, thus you are not being constructive! :p
2011-02-15, 05:20 AM
I would like the "Bending" to be removed so we can get rid of the interstellar map and fight on one planet again as it should be.
2011-02-15, 07:02 AM
Give the mossie an offset gun, like the 20mm on the reaver. Pretty much would solve every issue right there with being a super infantry farmer, and would reinforce its more suitable role of air superiority fighter.
2011-02-16, 02:45 PM
This may have been mentioned but the one thing I really want to go away and I do not really know what to call it is, the team hit points that pop up on your screen because so jack wagon run infront of you and 20 other people while your are all blasting the hell out of a enemy behind a door or in the open.
Also add a better locking system on air-crafts especially for air-to-air. I know they said piloting will be more intense but still. The current system is primitive at best.
2011-02-16, 05:57 PM
Well, it's the only solution that allows people to dogfight while not being able to instagib infantry in the mossie, bar completely nerfing the AI damage. I am well aware why we can't bomb at an angle... it was just an example. On second thought, nerfing the AI damage makes 1000x more sense.
You wouldn't be able to dog fight if you had to be level. What if your opponent turns or moves up and down? How would you shoot then while chasing? Yes, reducing the infantry damage is better.
2011-02-16, 06:08 PM
This may have been mentioned but the one thing I really want to go away and I do not really know what to call it is, the team hit points that pop up on your screen because so jack wagon run infront of you and 20 other people while your are all blasting the hell out of a enemy behind a door or in the open.
Grief points. Pro-tip: Don't shoot friendlies no matter what. :)
2011-02-16, 07:09 PM
Grief points. Pro-tip: Don't shoot friendlies no matter what. :)
Ok cool wasn't sure what to call them besides annoying red noise of doom. It happens all to often where some cloaker thinks he/she can run into the base with friendly fire shooting at the door to kill the people inside.
You wouldn't be able to dog fight if you had to be level. What if your opponent turns or moves up and down? How would you shoot then while chasing? Yes, reducing the infantry damage is better.
Yeah as I said, reducing damage is 1000x. I have no idea why I thought it would be a good idea.
2011-02-18, 10:39 AM
I said this in another thread, but please remove FLAK. We aren't even using that shit anymore in this day in age.
2011-02-18, 02:37 PM
Really tough question. I guess I would like to see less waiting around for bases to capture. There should still be some bases that require the full 15 mins because Galaxy rescues are really awesome, but maybe they could just leave the old style capture for strategic bases and have all the others use LLU.
I love "defending the hack." It's a great source of tension. What can make it suck, though, is when all resistance just disappears, and you're "defending" against, well, nobody. I think defending the hack is a better mechanic than LLUs, there simply needs to be some balance and mechanics tweaking done to ensure that the defenders don't either just give up entirely, or find themselves unable to mount a resistance. Some of this is population related, and I'm open to discussing ideas on the rest of it.
You really need to play a more serious shooter to get what I'm saying, CS:S is kind of like it. BC2 hardcore is the real model.
But I don't like more "serious shooters." I like good team games that I can at least keep up in and contribute despite my lack of a desire to play daily 6 hour sessions to hone my reflexes. I'm not knocking the "serious shooters," I simply think that a) the market has a glut of them, and b) it's a radical departure from the original, which will alienate some fans of the franchise.
Essentially I want to make things really quite deadly. This has a few effects:
1. People value cover and tactical positioning more. If you get caught in the open you're toast, not just inconvenienced when you reach the next cover.
2. Aiming and weapon control becomes a much more valuable skill. (especially when implemented with a real recoil system, instead of equal probability COF wackiness).
I'm all for getting people to value cover and tactical positioning. There are other ways, though, that don't sacrifice the pace of combat and over-penalize (in the context of the franchise's history) slower reflexes.
Also, COF management is just as interesting as more authentic and predictable recoil. It's a different feel, that's all, and any choice you make will have advocates and detractors.
3. Getting the drop on someone makes more difference. When I played PS, a rexo/HA could make a full turn around at close range and kill an agile/MA that was shooting him in the back because of the cof bloom and HP differences. That's dumb.
Then you didn't manage your range adequately, despite getting the drop on him. Or you weren't managing your COF bloom as well as he was. This has never been the case in my experience. He might get a chance to injure you, but HA at ideal range is superior to MA, whenever I've played.
4. Longer distance combat and outdoor combat becomes more prominent. If MA can pick you off instead of being, mostly, an annoyance suddenly the struggle doesn't just focus near as much around stairwells and corridors like PS used to.
It sounds like you're speaking from a heavily TR perspective, here. Pick up a gauss or a punisher sometime. The cycler's a lousy example, because it suffers some balance issues of its own, but the problem isn't MA, or ranged combat outdoors. Vehicles might actually be a contributing factor here, though, to be honest. Your goal whenever is exposed is to get to shelter before a vehicle/aircraft notices you. This is a bigger hindrance to outdoor ranged combat than the efficacy of MA.
Basically a system where HA is about close range domination and long range sustained fire and suppression, while MA is more of a general use thing. They basically kill you in about the same # of hits, but HA is going to be able keep longer bursts for the chaotic short range stuff, while MA gives you more precision at longer ranges.
The theory the same as to the current HA/MA stuff, but it's been aligned so they over lap far more. HA would also be able to deal with MAX to some degree while MA would not fare well.
I disagree that they need overlap. Planetside follows a set of loose rock/paper/scissors schemes. Limiting overlap is key, there.
Honestly, the gauss, punisher, and pulsar are all pretty good. The cycler needs a bit of adjustment, but not much. The gauss is a joy to use (it's my primary memory as NC) and pretty well defined infantry combat for me in PS. I would be disappointed to see much change about that. I think the above weapons set excellent baselines for kill times against various armors and engagement ranges in Planetside.
Nah makes sense. MA is actually a range weapon. One of my favorite guns was the Punisher which makes quick work of enemies at a range. Also rexo has more armor points allowing it to take 100 more damage which is just enough for the rexo to make an offensive. At short range though always bet on the HA rexo.
I thought the number of bullets and the time to kill was perfect. You could take a few shots and find cover. Get sniped and duck to heal without worrying about any long range instant kills. It really made having healing and engineering advantageous and in a way helped teamwork. If everyone had died two hits in front of you repairing them would be almost meaningless. That and it would remove most of the differences in the armor types except for the inventory. So the idea is to make healing and repairing a worthwhile activity.
I had the feeling HA was designed to be both offensive and defensive. It sounds like you want to make it a defensive weapon which really restricts its uses.
I agree with you on all points.
I think increasing the lethality of the weapons anymore would ruin outdoor combat. Rexo and Medical certs would be almost worthless if some unseen assailant can down you in two bullets in about half a second. Having something unleasant happen to you in a game without warning that you can't react to is generally considered frustrating. Here's an article in the TF2 blog thats does a better job of explaining my opinion than I do.
And you, as well.
I think a key problem with Planetsides design in general is focus on kills. Obiovusly the game didn't support anything else and that is the problem. If your big gun didn't kill lots of people nobody would use it.
Having such a limited scope for designing gameplay (it must kill and kill fast) is what ruined AA, artillery, BFRs etc etc.
I would certainly be pleased if PS did a better job of rewarding roles and goals rather than simply kills. I think it can be done, and I hope they seek some input if they're having a hard time figuring out how to go about it. Rewarding roles and goals, and the teamwork that promotes, is one of the reasons I love TF2 as my multiplayer shooter of choice. Support classes are rewarded for supporting. Everybody's rewarded for objectives. It's great, and teams of random people will actually play to the objectives and support each other rather than trying to get the best killstreak on the server.
-Those silly caves
-The ability to cert into Adv med, engineer, heavy weapon, rexo and then some so easy. The grunt spec was too... cookie cutter? :P
- Walking for ages without a fight
- Jackhammer's sound. Make it something cute and friendly. I hated hearing that thing go off near me. I'd go into fetus position and cry like a baby just hearing it come nearer. SHA-BOOM SHA-BOOM SHA-BOOM SHA-BOOM. It's still the object of many of my nightmares
I loved the jackhammer sound (even though I was a SA/support player, myself). It meant the cavalry was on its way. ;)
I said this in another thread, but please remove FLAK. We aren't even using that shit anymore in this day in age.
Flak is among my favorite weapons in Planetside. The burster alone had me considering defecting on numerous occasions. Oh, if only I could have hacked a burster corpse, as it were, and made my sparrow cert worthwhile.
As for me?
I want to see the terribly thought out AV MAXes scrapped and taken back to the drawing board. We've got what seems like the slowest projectile in the game with a lousy damage, we've got an indirect fire splash damage weapon system, and, honestly, I don't remember the Vanu AV that well, so it might have been alright or terrible.
I want to see most of the alien tech infantry weapons removed, and the alien tech support vehicles replaced with non-alien tech and brought into better balance with the ecosystem, as it were.
I want to see the decimator nerf removed. Make the space in my backpack and time switching weapons worth my attention again.
I want to see reaver hovering removed.
I want to see personal flight transport removed. I think I saw somebody mention here penalizing you for bailing out of an aircraft as the pilot. That could be a good call. Or maybe hike up the cert cost of reavers and mosquitoes, so they're not considered personal transport over air superiority craft.
I want to see merit pre-reqs removed. The game on release meant that anybody could take a new character on a spin through the tutorial and in 20 minutes (if they already knew what they were doing) have that character able to pick up any one cert they wanted. That's a selling point -- the first session you log in, there's nobody out there who has equipment you're not allowed to have, if that's what you want.
I want to see LLUs removed. The capture the flag mechanic takes me out of the war mindset, and puts too much of the focus on one guy and maybe the vehicle he's riding in. I'd much rather defend a position.
I want to see musical bases removed. Give the defenders the motivation, ability, and time to put up a fight instead of capturing the base you just left.
2011-03-12, 08:06 AM
Upgraded Spitfires and wall turrets
Gal gunship (or at least nerf it so it's not such a ridiculous monster)
the ability for aircraft to shoot while hovering (as to reduce aircraft hover spam and door camping)
The primary mode from Grenades (excluding jammers) and the thumper.
The interlink benefit
BR40 + Extra cert points beyond 20-23
2011-03-30, 04:48 AM
Devs with twisted personality disorders, megalomania, and personal grudges. Definitely need them gone. Flying tanks burrowing underground should receive bans, not people who say to the dev "Man, you're a stupid ******." If you want prissy fights with your lover, go to some gay SM place, devs, and vent your fagness there, then come to work and act not only like an impartial professional, but an adult impartial professional.
I TOTALLY agree with Traak on this topic. I was banned from the game by a dev for allegedly insulting him or one of his buddies in-game. Well, not only was I booted from the game, but he had my SOE account cancelled without a warning or going through a review process. I had subscribed to PS when it came out in 2003 until about 2005.
I had invested alot of time and money up to that point. I love PlanetSide the game but will not be playing again until all devs are made accountable. I want to see a webpage we can go to that has all the devs listed and their in-game screen names along with a way to file a complaint if you are treated unfairly.
I'm a team player and willing to help my comrades and new-comers alike, but when someone throws an arbitary insult at me, I will return it in kind. The devs and their buddies in-game think they have the power of little gods, that they can use a cheat against you, kill your character, bait you to respond, then get your account cancelled.
I'm not sure how many other players were done wrong like this, but I refuse to play again and spend good money until this issue is addressed by SOE.
Thanks to my fellow PlanetSide are missed
2011-03-31, 03:41 AM
Kill the caves.
I just hardly ever visited the caves after imprinting all three of my CR5s for the BFR, which I used for a day or so then never went back to.
The caves always felt like punishment, especially rewarding for cheaters and hackers, and no one else.
The caves became the last refuge against Vehicleside. You could actually get good infantry battles there. They weren't perfect by any stretch, but I also don't think any of us who were there at launch believe that Vehicleside can hold a candle to the fun of launch Planetside.
2011-03-31, 03:56 AM
The caves became the last refuge against Vehicleside. You could actually get good infantry battles there. They weren't perfect by any stretch, but I also don't think any of us who were there at launch believe that Vehicleside can hold a candle to the fun of launch Planetside.
That's why I'm hoping for some Urban combat area's for PS-N, you'll be able to have vehicles enter the area sure on the streets and alleys but it would primarily be designed for infantry vs infantry in building to building fighting.
2011-03-31, 10:12 AM
I would like the gun position to be lowered some relative to the character model. Currently it's almost at the top of the model. This change would prevent ridge snipers, as they would actually have to stick their head out to get a shot off.
2011-04-02, 04:28 AM
The caves became the last refuge against Vehicleside. You could actually get good infantry battles there. They weren't perfect by any stretch, but I also don't think any of us who were there at launch believe that Vehicleside can hold a candle to the fun of launch Planetside.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of TR mossies in Byblos. What were you saying?
Personally, I want bailing gone from aircav and air to suck against individual infantry. Everything else is perfectly fine. Even BFRs are more fine than air.
2011-04-02, 09:26 AM
Bail lock, is just a a lazy way to skirt around the real issue. The real issue is people thinking they deserve a kill. If it's too hard to get a kill in general, then you buff or nerf something. You don't remove a feature like that.
2011-04-02, 10:04 AM
Bail lock, is just a a lazy way to skirt around the real issue. The real issue is people thinking they deserve a kill. If it's too hard to get a kill in general, then you buff or nerf something. You don't remove a feature like that.
I want to be able to bail out of my Rexo and into a Wasp. Or out of my Vanguard at all.
2011-04-03, 02:26 AM
2011-04-03, 02:09 PM
2011-04-03, 02:22 PM
I said this in another thread, but please remove FLAK. We aren't even using that shit anymore in this day in age.
FreeSpace/FreeSpace 2 had flak weapons.
And you know what? FreeSpace 2 is freaking awesome.
2011-04-03, 07:10 PM
Bail lock, is just a a lazy way to skirt around the real issue. The real issue is people thinking they deserve a kill. If it's too hard to get a kill in general, then you buff or nerf something. You don't remove a feature like that.
The real issue is that aircraft can easily escape from any ground combatant while attacking with relative impunity. (Breaking missile locks is EASY. Only flak poses a real threat to an alert pilot, and even then it is not terribly hard to get away.) Why should a player who has given up virtually of their ability to kill infantry to counter air be denied a kill they almost certainly deserve because their target hit alt-g?
Worse, why should they get PUNISHED with the hotdroppers decimator ending up in their face?
Even worse, the players who swapped to an AA vehicle/max? Against an equal number of players in reavers they have a 50% chance of success should the reaver target them! (Two reavers can kill a SG before the SG kills both reavers, should the reavers coordinate their attacks)
Not to mention that bailing totally removes the need for transport vehicles of any kind.
Bailing. Needs. To. Go.
2011-04-03, 08:27 PM
Not to mention that bailing totally removes the need for transport vehicles of any kind.
Bailing. Needs. To. Go.
No, it does not. It's only so bad at the moment because everyone has so many certs that they can have a Mosq and it won't inconvenience them in the slightest. When PS:N is released, having a Mosq to bail out of will be a real choice, as you could have had AV, hacking, etc...(if that's how it works in PS:N).
The prevalence of hot droppers is but a symptom of the state of Planetside today. We don't need to remove something that(at least IMHO), is one of the things that makes Planetside...Planetside.
2011-04-03, 11:08 PM
No, it does not. It's only so bad at the moment because everyone has so many certs that they can have a Mosq and it won't inconvenience them in the slightest. When PS:N is released, having a Mosq to bail out of will be a real choice, as you could have had AV, hacking, etc...(if that's how it works in PS:N).
The prevalence of hot droppers is but a symptom of the state of Planetside today. We don't need to remove something that(at least IMHO), is one of the things that makes Planetside...Planetside.
Yeah but even if you think a person should be able to get their own personal transport by buying an aircraft cert. That doesn't make his other points less valid. Anti-air units seem to be underpowered in most FPS games I have played. It was like that in Battlefield as well.
Developers not wanting to inconvenience pilot players with a real threat of dying by making missiles too slow or easy to break out of a lock. Meaning playing AA turns into a frustrating role of never getting any kills an being able to do little more than scare away a plane every once in a while. Then it just comes back an the process repeats.
Also in real life bailing is little more than an attempt to save a Pilots life. They don't jump out of the aircraft armed to the teeth with AR's an Missiles ready to blow up the AA platform that shot them down. I think being able to choose a respawn point near the battle is good enough for Pilots who got shot down but want to participate in the ground conflict.
I stopped playing before the implementation of the new hacking abilities. While some are useful, I find many annoying. Notably the NTU drain and radar hack. I love the NTU drain, but one guy can wreck havoc on one cont with it, really should take a squad to do such actions. The radar is what mostly gets to me. If it was changed to always have softies up and still allow some use of enemy detection with audio amp would be better. If not just take this feature out of the game.
Continent benefits I cannot stand to this day when SOE put it in the game. Too much of a rift is caused in the command chain. Having commanders calling for X benefit to be defended to keep a stupid benefit over getting one base on a home cont.
No third person. This will make the game more FIRST person shooter as it should be. You can't remove it now from the game, but it should not have any place for infantry come the next one. Wall humping has got to go.
2011-04-04, 01:54 AM
I said this in another thread, but please remove FLAK. We aren't even using that shit anymore in this day in age.
I say remove the planes instead. People can just spawn in, use Warpgates, and ground vehicles. Then flak won't be an issue. I love flak. Flying behind a tree doesn't get rid of it.
2011-04-04, 03:37 AM
Let's remove bullets. Nobody likes getting shot anyways, not that they really do much in the first place, and the weight! OMG the weight! Lugging those heavy ass things around with you go... Let's face it, they are just a burden on otherwise great game-play.
2011-04-04, 05:17 AM
Even though I know you two are joking... seriously, stop it. Ya'll are scaring me XD
2011-04-05, 06:07 AM
Something needs to go so that transport vehicles and ships are more useful. I don't know what, but something. Pilot bailing from combat ships... Maybe. Bailing from a combat ship usually ends in something stupid happening anyways- Like getting chased down by a reaver, running around in the middle of nowhere aimlessly, falling right into a horde of enemies, or landing behind a bunch of unsuspecting enemies and shooting them in the back (IMO, sorta unfair).
Ancient tech and caverns, GOOD BYE. I am almost sure they won't include them, and it would be so sad if they did.
I sorta like the 3rd person perspective, honestly. But I understand if they remove it.
I feel like they should have headshot hitboxes just so FPS fans can't talk shit on planetside.
I think the expanded hacking and engineering systems got out of hand. They didn't need all that stuff to make the game more fun, it really didn't change the experience.
Remove the limit on the terrian draw distance slider! As computers get better it would be nice to be able to keep upping our draw distance instead of imposing arbitrary caps.
The HART isn't really necessary.
'The Bending', supperr pointless. WTH were they smoking. It accomplished NOTHING.
Walking everywhere. They need a solution for getting stranded in the middle of nowhere. Just let us deconstruct easier if nobody is around... Or have some sort of airdrop ship pick us up and bring us into combat.
Strafing back and forth should ruin your cone of fire more so that players don't use their strafe keys so liberally.
2011-04-05, 10:15 PM
In PlanetSide, you can eat your cake and have it too.
2011-04-06, 12:00 AM
Strafing back and forth should ruin your cone of fire more so that players don't use their strafe keys so liberally.
Strafing back and forth should be encouraged!! I don't think I want to play a game where the player who can actively move around and still aim their weapon accurately is punished with a COF bloom. Kind of seems to me like this would lead to a whole lot of people standing still or just walking right at each other and shooting. That sounds fun. Person who starts with the most health/armor wins every time.
2011-04-06, 12:07 AM
Because ADADAD is skill, amirite?
Moving and aiming is part of FPS, not silly arcade stuff like that. May as well have rocket jumps and QUAD DAMAGE!11!!
2011-04-06, 12:22 AM
If all the person does is adad, then it's not hard to hit them (excluding network issues), because you already know what they are going to do next. If the COF hard large bloom during basic movements, it would just turn the game into a huge camp fest.
That is all pointless in talking about though, when we don't even know how the guns will work in the first place.
2011-04-06, 12:28 AM
Well regardless of how the machanics work we dont want effective actions that are 'skillless' (or more interesting actions never get used).
2011-04-06, 02:07 AM
Your argument doesn't really hold any weight though. You can't have something be skill-less. You can not like having to adad yourself to counter the effect, but calling it skill-less is illogical, because if anybody can do it so easily, then it shouldn't be an issue at all. It'd be like saying making guns fire is skill-less, but the fact that everybody can do it, means it's not an issue. It comes down to how you use it.
It sounds more like you just don't want to be forced to spam the keyboard every time you get into combat. You just need to remember that the opposite of adad, is not moving at all. Which honestly, I'd prefer the adad over, because at least then the combat is fast paced.
2011-04-06, 03:01 AM
Its a pretty simple argument. The classic OS-MCG illustrates it pretty well. That would be the ONLY weapon, the only tactic. Nothing would beat it. Horrible gameplay.
Most ADADA in PS, due to prediction code, causes overly effective results for a very simple action - thats bad design. Who knows what PSN will be like but I hope they get rid of dumb stuff like this.
I would prefer standing still to ADADAD, at least it would look more like Star Wars... :P
(Also most of the new players of Planetside would be used to far more advanced movement from games like 2005's Battlefield 2 Although they did have the dolphin dive, hated that shit!)
In regard to the OP question ( ie to be removed)
The ability to hack the new game ..anything else is just a wishlist on what I would like that lends itself to my own preferred playstyle ..and thats not fair to demand such I think.
2011-04-07, 02:38 AM
It's really easy to avoid getting OSed, they have a 3 hour timer, and they can be hard to place correctly sometimes. I mean, how many times do you see OSs that get no kills at all? Usually it's like 3 people an an abandoned vehicle.
When you see the huge kill OSes, it's because one side was being fucking stupid and being clumped together. This is why you will see me spam my OS macro, "OS Target... Spread Out!"
2011-04-07, 02:58 AM
Umm OS-MCG as in the classic example of the automatic OS gun... Its just an extream end of the counter to the "if everyone has it, its okay" argument.
Varied tactics and actions should be the design goal, if that means removeing the usefulness of something like ADADADA - go for it.
2011-04-07, 07:08 AM
Everyone having a gun that shoots OSs is called an even playing field. Meaning, the game would merely turn twitch based. Would it be fun? I don't think so, but that's not my point. Skill-less? Still no, it would always come down to human ability to manipulate the game.
Skill is just an easier way of saying, "ability to achieve a goal". It's an incredibly broad term with no real way to measure it, but certain elements can be considered to fall into the category. Like, aiming faster than your opponent, or out smarting them.
2011-04-07, 03:04 PM
WASP... almost as bad as the biffers. the regular mossie was already stupidly effective A2A. wasp just stupidly easy.
2011-04-07, 05:56 PM
Everyone having a gun that shoots OSs is called an even playing field. Meaning, the game would merely turn twitch based. Would it be fun? I don't think so, but that's not my point. Skill-less? Still no, it would always come down to human ability to manipulate the game.
Skill is just an easier way of saying, "ability to achieve a goal". It's an incredibly broad term with no real way to measure it, but certain elements can be considered to fall into the category. Like, aiming faster than your opponent, or out smarting them.
You seem kinda hung up on this term Skillless. Lets think about it:
Skillless. Not requireing much skill to acheive. Easy. Little effort invovled.
If a 'choice' is anyone of those above and is also effective it becomes the only choice (not a choice). This is basic bad design. ADADA, warping and early BFRs are all skilless (as they require little effort, remember?) and were very effective. I want shit like that removed.
So many words over such a simple concept lol.
2011-04-08, 04:34 AM
2011-04-08, 04:41 AM
The first thing that comes to my mind is bailing from aircav. I will throw a party if that's removed
Diddy Mao
2011-04-08, 09:10 AM
One thing I would like to return (Yes I know this is a removed thread, but it was removed from PS already!), which probably is possible seeing as through all these years that internet connections and latency would be improved in the games coding(dare I perfected),is the good ole Surgile. The main gripe I saw with it was partial coding and partially lag the framework of the game then just couldn't handle the load of fast moving characters in a large battlefield even in small encounters it just incurred instances of warping
BTDubs: First post in 6 years I'm surprised I remembered a password from 2003, and I'm stoked about PS:N
2011-04-08, 09:22 AM
You seem kinda hung up on this term Skillless. Lets think about it:
Skillless. Not requireing much skill to acheive. Easy. Little effort invovled.
If a 'choice' is anyone of those above and is also effective it becomes the only choice (not a choice). This is basic bad design. ADADA, warping and early BFRs are all skilless (as they require little effort, remember?) and were very effective. I want shit like that removed.
So many words over such a simple concept lol.
Actually, it means not having any skill..
Obviously warping is bad. I feel its safe to assume they have solved the big issue with it in PSN. So unless you are saying something beyond, "I don't want people strafing in combat" This argument is stupid.
2011-04-08, 03:01 PM
Undesirable side effects like the effectiveness of low skill repeative side to side movement instead of skilled placement, planning and coordination might well be removed by merit of changes they make in PSN.
Either way, I don't want any skilllow (is that a better term for you?) stuff like third person camping, ADADA, bunny hopping, dolphin diving, nube tubeing (remember that one?), powersliding - whatever.
If it is very effective and pretty easy to pull off, destroy it. Skill should be paramount! That is my argument.
The Desert Fox
2011-04-08, 03:42 PM
Vanu and NC AA Maxes :D
Undesirable side effects like the effectiveness of low skill repeative side to side movement instead of skilled placement, planning and coordination might well be removed by merit of changes they make in PSN.
Either way, I don't want any skilllow (is that a better term for you?) stuff like third person camping, ADADA, bunny hopping, dolphin diving, nube tubeing (remember that one?), powersliding - whatever.
If it is very effective and pretty easy to pull off, destroy it. Skill should be paramount! That is my argument.
I sort of get what you are saying , but the thing is all that you listed is common pool ie available to everyone. So in some respects , the one who avoids damage more efficiently and uses all the tools available to them , can be assumed to be more skill-full .
If you propose the next game be less arcadey , I can live with that . But if that renders the game the equivalent of stand back to back , walk ten paces , turn and fire it would get repetetive very fast.
2011-04-08, 11:03 PM
What I have hated the moment I played the game and forever will hate. NC Jackhammer
2011-04-09, 02:57 AM
I don't mind the ADHD monkeys, as long as their CoF is appropriately punished for such a ludicrous maneuver.
2011-04-09, 04:47 AM
If there is no effective way to dodge, camping would be absolutely terrible in PS. Look how much people whine about it already. Allowing people to strafe back and forth is the counter to people sitting still. Especially if they add in aiming down the sight.
It just seems absurd to me to punish someone for doing more than the other person.
2011-04-09, 04:41 PM
Okay, then eliminate the CoF bloom for crouched snipers. They get punished plenty for having to do more to hit a target than anyone else.
2011-04-09, 04:59 PM
There's nothing wrong with ADADADAD spam, the problem is the game not keeping track of the player's hitbox properly. If they want to smash those two buttons repeatedly, then perhaps their hitbox should be the total area of their ADAD strafing. This type of dodging would put you at a huge disadvantage, because CoF bloom would stil hit you.
Obviously the better solution would be to update the hitboxes more often, but I'm assuming they'll do that if its plausible.
Attempting to dodge bullets is going to result in failure the majority of the time, so it should be accurately represented in a game. You should try to move unpredectably, and hope your opponent cant keep his aim on you. Even better, find cover! The skill of the game shouldn't be in who can dodge better, but who can put themself in a better position to kill the other player.
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