View Full Version : Sniping....rehashed...

2003-02-27, 07:53 PM
Do you think the bolt drive will be the sniper rifle of choice? With the range implant any weapon can be used at long range, and weapons like the Lancer or the Guass rifle fire very damaging rounds, and the Guass is far faster firing then the bolt driver. Also anyone who snipes in FPS's knows that you often snipe at closer range then the Max, so would not a cycler, with its 4x range bost be more usefull at most ranges? I myself see many TR snipers using the cycler as a sniper weapon that has use as a defensive weapon up close, and a damn good one, wheres the bolt driver is not very useful up close. What are your thoughts?

The Eternal
2003-02-27, 07:55 PM
Bolt driver is the only sniper rifle, it does massive damage, and has killer range, in addition you don't need the range magnifier as it already has the best zoom of all weapons

2003-02-27, 07:56 PM
Bolt driver will be better I think. They said each weapon only has so much effective range and that the bolt driver fires the furthest. That, and some of the weapons give off trails when fired, especially the Vanu ones. Can't have that as a sniper. :nono:

2003-02-27, 07:57 PM
yes, very inteligent tobias, i see you read his post thoroughly. I agree with you the eternal, i think that the Guass will probably be one of the most used long range weapons. I think this could be bad and good. On one hand, i like to get up close and personal in games, on the other, it will be cool for the NC, whoo hoo

2003-02-27, 07:59 PM
well it does have great range and good damg like arshune and the eternal stated. If i snipe, ill still use it because of the range. I think it would be effective at picking off some less armored scouts or somthing.

2003-02-27, 08:33 PM
I think the Bolt drivers slow recharge will make sniping with it near impossible. If a character is at full health you cant kill him with one shot. So the bolt will be good for picking off the wounded and the guass for normal infantry. And as stated the vanu weps will blow your cover. Im going to use the Gauss as my main wep probably so with that and the range mag ill be able to snipe if the need should arise and also get right into the frontline at other times.

2003-02-27, 08:44 PM
Reading this, the BD does seem a little underpowered. Maybe they'll fix it in a patch or something.

2003-02-27, 09:18 PM
The bolt driver can kill people in standard, infiltration, and I think agile armor in one shot, no matter where you hit them. I may be wrong about agile, but the other 2 are one-hit kills.

2003-02-27, 09:20 PM
you can use any gun as a sniper rifle but it wont be as acurate or efective

2003-02-27, 09:30 PM
You guys are forgeting, the boltdriver is the only gun with a crosshair. Sure you can zoom other weapons, but you still have the cone of fire to aim with. The bolt driver has a scope, and therefor a crosshair. That will make it much more accurate then the guass or cycler. Plus....it looks so cool. :cool:

2003-02-27, 09:35 PM
The bolt driver can kill people in standard, infiltration, and I think agile armor in one shot, no matter where you hit them. I may be wrong about agile, but the other 2 are one-hit kills.

Oh, I didnt know that. Maybe sniping will be a little better then I had it figured to be. I hope there are alot of elevations such as moutains and rocks to utilize.

HRR Raven
2003-02-27, 09:40 PM
You know that big mountain in the center of the continent? To get to the sage on the top you have to run the gauntlet of snipers sitting on that mountain.

"Oh wise man, what is the meaning of li.... screw that, when's PS coming out, dude, and who do I have to bribe to get into the next round of beta?"

2003-02-27, 09:49 PM
Oh yeah, the cone of fire thing...if you look at the screens, most of the cones look to be about a centimeter or so in diameter, that's a pretty big cone at long range.

2003-02-27, 09:51 PM
The bolt Driver still pwns, It can kill in one shot on some armors, has a crosshair, and has no bullet travel time.

2003-02-27, 09:56 PM
Honestly, I believe that both weapons will do good and bad, there is also alot of diffrent ways each weapon will be used. There is prob alot of diffrent types of terain and what not.

Well just my 2 �

2003-02-27, 10:12 PM
Boltdriver can only kill standard and infiltrator armor in one shot.

Another factor to consider is that unlike many games where choosing the sniper class severly limits you (like RTCW or BF1942) in PS reinforced armor gets 2 rifles, so a sniper might have a BD AND a gauss or lancer.

2003-02-27, 10:38 PM
i'd prefer to see the sniper rifle remain underpowered .. but that's a very old and rehashed flamefest awaiting.

2003-02-27, 10:40 PM
yes, bolt driver is a powerful weapon. thing is, there is no one shot kills. no head shots, body shots, etc.... everytime you hit someone, its the same damage.

2003-02-27, 10:45 PM
I think that the reasons the Bolt-Driver will be used for sniping is simply the size of the cone of fire at range. Also, I think that the Vanu weapons will be good for sniping. It hasn't been made official, but I would think that most energy-based weapons would have little recoil. As the Lancer is the second fastest weapon, I also think that the pulsar will be quite fast.

However fast the bullet travels, it will still have a travel time, and you will still have to lead. So, the speed itself may be enough to keep the Bolt-Driver in good sniping use.

2003-02-27, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by Fire_Monkey
The bolt Driver still pwns, It can kill in one shot on some armors, has a crosshair, and has no bullet travel time.
No, the bullet has travel time, but it is the fastest traveling bullet in the game.

Anyhow, I imagine most snipers will be in reinforced armor, with a few in agile, so most can afford to keep two rifles on themselves.

Sniping with anything other then the bolt driver will be damn near impossible after a certain range. The reason bolt drivers will be the best gun for sniping:
1. Fastest bullet travel time in the game.
2. Only gun with a crosshair
3. When using a boltdriver, recoil doesn't come into play, unlike a normal gun. Everyone knows the farther you try to fire a gun, the more of an effect recoil is going to have. When you fire a rifle at a sniping range, how many of those shots will really land?

Again though, standarad armor? Take both. You really need a firefight gun anyhow.

2003-02-27, 11:53 PM
I don't think it is the only one with a crosshair,at least the suppressor has a crosshair.
Check it out (http://www.planetside-universe.com/media/viewer.php?img_id=353)

I don't know if the crosshairs are customisable, or different for every weapon.

The outer lines are the ones that move to show COF. If you look close at THIS ONE (http://www.planetside-universe.com/media/viewer.php?img_id=351) the four dots are still there but the outer lines have moved.

Also, in this INTERVIEW (http://www.mogonline.com/pdf/mog1/p...ide_preview.pdf) he says that "when crouched and stationary, the cone of fire is very tight and close to 'pixil perfect'"

This leads me to believe that the COF isn't as bad as some seem to think. It shouldn't be anywhere near a few centimeters, unless you are running, jumping, ect...
So, you can very well snipe at medium ranges with the gause/implant or cycler. Which is what I intend to do. But for longrange sniping the B.d. is the only way to go.

Just some observations.

2003-02-27, 11:53 PM
There are a few misconceptions flying around here. I'll atempt to clear things up a bit.

1) The bolt-driver bullet does have travle time. However, it is the fastest bullet, to the travel time is signifiganly less than standard weapons. This means you don't have to lead or worry about gravity as much.

2) Even when zoomed, the B-D has a cone of fire. However when crouched and stationary, the cone is very small, especialy compared to other weapons. This means you have a greater probability of actualy hiting the enemy you are aiming at when they are a great distance away.

3) There are 1 shot kills on the infiltration and standard armors with the B-D. This means newbie pilots and stealthers will get picked off more often than other armor types. Sniper-rifles are not meant to be assault weapons.

4) All weapons that use the standard 9mm round will use the occational tracer, but the rate that tracers are going to be used is probably being modified by beta(guess at non-tracer weapons are as follows: Sweeper, Jackhammer, Mag-scatter, Bolt-driver). From what we've seen, all energy rounds have a tracer-aspect to them, but this may be changed in beta.

2003-02-28, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by Kyonye
yes, bolt driver is a powerful weapon. thing is, there is no one shot kills. no head shots, body shots, etc.... everytime you hit someone, its the same damage.

That's only half true. There is no area specific damage, so every bullet does the same damage no matter what, but the BD kills people who are wearing stanard or stealth armor in one shot. Someone in agile will get killed in about 2.

2003-02-28, 12:40 AM
The ammount of damage a bullet does to you is dependant on your armor level. Inf has now and standard has 25, to them the bolt driver does 100 damage, but to someone in an agile, which has 50 armor, it does less damage. As your armor becomes damaged the ammount of damage you take increases.

2003-02-28, 12:52 AM
Tobias, you are wrong, wrong, wrong, and did I mention wrong?

Sandard and infiltration have an armor value of 0. Zip, nadda, zilch. This has been stated in dev chats, and I think metioned in the AGN interview.

Although it is true that higher armor values will likely have amor that takes more of the damge rather than transfering it to your health, the total damage done by a bullet(health damage+ armor damage) will probably always be the same.

The folowing numbers are only for explanitory purposes, and do not represent any in game numbers:

If you are in agile armor and are hit for 30 damage, you may take 20 health damage and 10 armor damage. If you are in Reinforced armor and take 30 damage, you may take 15 health damage and 15 armor damage. The ratios will probably be different, but you get the idea.

Tobias, please stop pulling info out of your ass, I know you've been around long enough that you should know these things.

HRR Raven
2003-02-28, 01:10 AM
In the second pic that Headrattle posted one of the devs says in the chatbox "I miss my crosshairs" I don't see any crosshairs in there, so perhaps they eliminated them and only have a COF now on some guns?

2003-02-28, 02:39 AM
Well, actually santrout, unless its been changed very recently, ure slightly misinformed over the whole standard armour issue. Heres a screenshot: http://www.planetside-universe.com/media/viewer.php?img_id=99 that shows that standard armour does actually have an armour value, being 25.

Dunno bout infiltration suit though, havent seen any piccies of that yet. Also about the whole damage thing, yer, you take damage on both armour and health when hit by standard rounds, but when ure in reinforced armour and above, seems that initial damage goes Armour only, untill you drop below a certain percentage level.

2003-02-28, 03:16 AM
Originally posted by {HRR} Raven
In the second pic that Headrattle posted one of the devs says in the chatbox "I miss my crosshairs" I don't see any crosshairs in there, so perhaps they eliminated them and only have a COF now on some guns? Actually, it's more likely to be a beta bug, or a temporary thing that perhaps wasn't working correctly, so they took it out to work on it. I highly doubt there will be any weapons in-game that don't have some form of crosshairs, except for possibly the knife.

2003-02-28, 04:06 AM
Originally posted by SandTrout
Tobias, please stop pulling info out of your ass, I know you've been around long enough that you should know these things.
*cough* Maybe if you think you should make an attack, you should double check your info eh?

As pointed out in the pic, the Standard Armor DOES have 25 armor, not 0. Standard armor is the EQUIVALENT of having no armor, but it doesn't actually mean you have no armor. Also, on that same note, I believe the Infiltration suit is also 25 armor.

2003-02-28, 06:14 AM
PS sniping model just means that you have to grab a sniping bud or 2 and organise the hits, no problem =)

2003-02-28, 07:15 AM
i've been a fps sniper for alot of years, and the thing to do, is not get found, so regardless of whether or not your weapon has a trail on it or not, usually you have to be REALLY effective for someone, or a few even, to come looking for you, so if you suck, snipe w/ whatever you want, if you dont, make sure you can melee just as good, unless you have a tank sitting behind you....

2003-02-28, 11:53 AM
does anyone know how fast the weapon swap speed is? If its fast you can smack someone with a bolt driver then follow up with a gauss if you get rushed or something.

2003-02-28, 11:53 AM
does anyone know how fast the weapon swap speed is? If its fast you can smack someone with a bolt driver then follow up with a gauss if you get rushed or something.

2003-02-28, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by Subliminal
does anyone know how fast the weapon swap speed is? If its fast you can smack someone with a bolt driver then follow up with a gauss if you get rushed or something.
I would guess a few seconds. Just think of an animation with you putting your gun away, and then pulling out another.

2003-02-28, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Subliminal
does anyone know how fast the weapon swap speed is? If its fast you can smack someone with a bolt driver then follow up with a gauss if you get rushed or something.

This is was I was thinking about as well. I don't recall off the top of my head what a sniper's carry limits are likely to be, but I'm sure it will be limited by that.

However, I also recall in Tribes, the tactic of lining up a disk on someone facing the other way, firing it, switching to the sniper rifle, and hitting them just as the disk impacts. This allowed you to take out folks you couldn't one shot with the sniper rifle.

That makes me wonder if the same thing will work in this game. Even if you can't carry the appropriate weapons yourself, you could team up with someone, or just watch for incoming slow rounds on a target of opportunity.

And sniper teams will still be quite interesting. I was just flipping channels the other night, and saw a bit on RL sniper teams coordinating attacks on a patrol.

If you got a well coordinated team, look out - you could take out that wave of lightly armored folks, team up by twos to take out a group of mediums, or have everyone take on that anti-air MAX, to make way for the air attack and landing.

Of course, such coordination would take lots of training and practice to be really effective, which is not likely for most pub type players. A sniper team clan, tho' - <shudder>

2003-02-28, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by Chanfan
This is was I was thinking about as well. I don't recall off the top of my head what a sniper's carry limits are likely to be, but I'm sure it will be limited by that.

The carry limit is based on the armor. The common ground sniper will probably be in reinforced armor which allows them to carry two rifle items.

However, they may be in Agile armor so they can pilot/drive all vehicles at well. If that is the case, then they can only have one rifle item.

2003-02-28, 01:38 PM
Thank God that infiltration suits have no rifle carrying abilities, otherwise we'd have invisible snipers taking out hordes of people. :eek:

2003-02-28, 01:41 PM
yes, DAMN the man!!!!

2003-02-28, 01:47 PM
Raven said In the second pic that Headrattle posted one of the devs says in the chatbox "I miss my crosshairs" I don't see any crosshairs in there, so perhaps they eliminated them and only have a COF now on some guns?

Well, They are pretty close to crosshairs. Those four dots in the middle (while they don't "cross") don't move. Much better then that circle at least. My CS Crosshairs don't cross either.
Reguardless, That pic was taken on the 20th of febuary.

2003-02-28, 04:37 PM
The dots in the center of the reticile(sp?) are not a crohair. A crosshair does cross, and in most games is supposed to represent the exact place where your bullet should hit.

All weapons in PS use a Cone-of-Fire reticile that has no 100% impact point.

2003-03-01, 12:15 PM
cs sucks dude. never compare it with something like planetside.

2003-03-01, 12:33 PM
Just a thought...

The advanced targetting implant gives you a better zoom, sure, but I doubt it would affect your weapons firing cone.

The gauss rifle probabally has a wide enough cone (while stationary / ducking) for it not to be effective at long range, so even if you can see a target in the distance, regardless of your own mouse accuracy and twitch, the firing cone would disallow pinpoint accuracy.

The bolt driver (as per a "shaky-cam" movie I've seen), has an uber-narrow firing cone while stationary, which would allow firing accurately over long distances.

The point being, you may be able to see an enemy clearly with a 12x zoom, but supreme accuracy over distance is ONLY given by the bolt-driver.

Combined with the previously mentioned fact that projectiles from some weapons might "die" before reaching a target at long distances, the bolt-driver seems like the only weapon capable of effective sniping. It will be the staple sniper weapon.


2003-03-01, 07:31 PM
like its said bolt driver is the best sniper rifle but a sniper could always have a gauss rifle att the side or something to finish the target of.. if hes not in a sniper squad that do organized sniping

2003-03-02, 12:03 AM
The whole point of the bolt driver is to be a sniper, if all of the guns had the power and range as the bolt driver with anywhere near the accuracy the bolt driver would be useless. I doubt i will see anyone sniping with anything other then the bolt driver. To me, it sounds like the range the sniper will be using will be extremely far away, out of realistic hit time range, unless the target is standing still, and looking to be killed. Does that make any sence at all? or am i rambling

2003-03-02, 12:03 AM
the bolt driver will be the bane of infantry and the horsefly of vehicles (you don't like getting bitten but it doesnt hurt you too much.). simplest plan of attack for a sniper: get somewhere and wait. one shot is all you get before you are compromized and are being avoided. your best bet is to hit with the biggest, baddest gun, in this case the bolt driver. if you miss, shift positions and hope for better luck. if it comes to a melee unless you have an ace-in-the-hole secondary and a helluva lot of grenades, you are so screwed it hurts.

2003-03-02, 12:06 AM
Oh yeah, a little word of advice to people who think taking a crosshair off an unzoomed sniper rifle is any deterrent at all...consider that Awptimus Prime knows how to use duct tape in many creative ways.

2003-03-02, 12:10 AM
I am gonna be a sniper but I plan to use the bolt drive for long range work, and if I am close to use a stolen cycler for up close or a Vanu assult rifle.

2003-03-02, 02:41 AM
Originally posted by Arshune
Oh yeah, a little word of advice to people who think taking a crosshair off an unzoomed sniper rifle is any deterrent at all...consider that Awptimus Prime knows how to use duct tape in many creative ways.

We're not commenting on the crosshair itself, but rather what it represents. In most FPSes the crosshair represents the exact point where the bullet will hit, but in PS even the sniper rifle has a COF so that it is not infinately accurate.

2003-03-02, 03:21 AM
Ya know, all the problems with the fraggin sniper rifle being not powerful enough/too powerful would be solved in a pinch by damage zones.

The point of game balance is to make it fun and accessible for all , right? Damage zones would do that. In my current favorite FPS, CnC Renegade, it is bleeding hard to hit someone in the head, and if they are running and/or dodging, it's best to not even try. If that means I'm not that good at sniping, that's probably why I drive a tank all the time...

Maybe just two damage zones, head and everywhere else. Then you could safely lower the power of the BD. Make a BD just powerful enough to off someone with a heashot, but just do a lot of damage with a body hit. As it is now, any n00b can pick up a BD and almost cancel me in one shot. Sniping should be HARD, but very rewarding for those with the patience to practice it. As it is, it's too easy.

If it were my game, a BD shot to the dome could drop any battle-armored infantry. (reinforced included) But not be powerful enough to seriously use if all one can count on is body hits.

As long as I am wishing, a unique uber-weapon for each side, rather than having 3 flavors of bazooka, 3 flavors of assault rifle, etc. would be cool. Something for each side that has no equivalent weapon. I think the TR should have a fast-firing sniper rifle, the VS a lightsaber, and the NC a mortar or something...

2003-03-02, 03:33 AM
Yeah i would like to see damage zones, but i dont know if this will happen. Mainly to make the game operate more smoothly. I would imagin that damage zones numbering above 2 would creat a considerable server load, so i the interest of fluidness, i dont know if the dev's will include to many dmg zones, if more then one at all.

2003-03-02, 02:03 PM
I think the main reason that they are not implementing hitzones is because lag mights cause it to hit the wrong zone, as in headshot when there shouldn't have been, body shots when there should have been a headshot. You get the idea. I was originaly very opposed to no hitzones, but I see the wisdom in the devs' decision now.

2003-03-02, 03:45 PM
N00bs. A whole load of n00bs.
First, let me get this off my chest. About 80% of ppl who say they're snipers, are posers. Just trying to be all big and bad, cause it's "the cool way" to kill. Now I know you think I'm just talking trash, and probley a poser too. Well good, cause the only way to test the metal of a sniper is on the battlefield.

Now second, ppl seem to forget, it doesn't matter if you don't kill in one shot. For example: you hit someone, doesn't kill them. Well, what are they going to do? If you're at a good vantage point, you can still see them running, or crouching. Second shot, and BOOM!, they're gone.
Don't forget, you could be sniping the enemy in the middle of a battle from a distance. One shot might not kill, but you will be weakening them for your own grunts to finish off. Like how back in the day when long bowmen shot a rain of arrows on the enemy before a battle.

Personally you'll find me atop a snow peaked mountin, or over a hill, sniping the enemy, and if i'm discovered, just jump in my skeeter, and fly off.

2003-03-02, 07:39 PM
And eat a Lancer beam during your getaway.
Jeez. Scold people then do the exact thing you were scolding them for. I laugh at you, hypocrite! :lol:
Again, I hope sniping with Lancer and mag implant works as well as everything combined I've heard on the weapon implies. Then, I won't give a damn about damage zones. Who needs a head shot when the weapon is designed to take out tanks?

2003-03-02, 07:59 PM
Oh yeah, anything not single-fire is NOT going to work. Anyone play Ghost Recon, yeah, aiming sounds like it's going to be like that.

2003-03-02, 08:02 PM
The cof in Ghost Recon reacted a lot better than the cof in Splinter Cell, damn that thing takes a long time to reset.

2003-03-03, 06:32 AM
Do ya think the lancer will work?

All the other Vanu weapons seem to be laser-like, but I imagine a shot from a Lancer (the counterpart to the other side's rocket launchers) will be more like a slow-moving plasma ball or something.

It is really hard to snipe with something that you have to lead the target with...

2003-03-03, 06:49 AM
Lancer, seems kinda implied in the name that it fires a "lance" or a beam of energy...

Source: Vanu Sovereignty
Handling: Energy Discharge
Damage: High
Maximum Range: Long
Refire Rate: Slow

The Lancer is a shoulder-mounted beam weapon utilized by the Vanu Sovereignty to combat enemy vehicles. It is specifically designed to inflict high damage versus armored targets.

2003-03-03, 10:51 AM
And its projectile speed is definately NOT slow. It is the second fastest in the game, beaten only by the Bolt Driver itself.

2003-03-03, 12:53 PM
The Lancer is an Anti-vehicular weapon, and would probably suck for sniping unless you are sniping vehicles. Also, I completely agree with RCB Ghost. You all seem to be afraid that snipers will be too hard to use due to lack of 1 shot kills. IT ISN'T THAT HARD TO SHOOT SOMEONE TWICE! If there were one shots kills on agile and standard, the bolt driver would be WAY overpowered. With some skill it isn't that hard to hit someone who is moving, and it should require skill, like everything else.

2003-03-03, 03:59 PM
Thank you {XoO}FraBaktos. Someone seems to get it.
Everyone seems to be concerned about, to snipe, you need power. That's only a half truth.

The key to sniping is:

Being hidden, out of the line of fire.
Be able to strike fear, confushion, and damage upon the enemy.

Of course, killing the enemy is always the number 1 priority.

Implants will make almost any weapon long range, but it won't make it a sniper rifle.

2003-03-03, 04:54 PM
I'm pretty sure the only thing that limits the Lancer considerably in sniping is that it will draw a huge purple line right to you. Read up on it, if you're interested in taking the argument further (you DO want to make sure you know what you're talking about, don't you?).

2003-03-09, 02:21 AM
Are ya sure it's the second fastest in the game, I haven't seen that, where is it?

There may be a big purple line to you, but if the wrong end of the big purple line ends in a smoking red or blue corpse, then what's the big deal? If it IS indeed that fast a projectile/beam/whatever, I can't imagine anyone being in any condition to come after you after you pop them with it. Unless they've got friends around, in which case you should have picked someone else to pick on. Unless you've got friends, in which case they'll be sorry they came to pick on you.

In CnC Renegade, there are two sniper rifles, the harder-hitting of the two leaves a visible trail. Some folks prefer the extra power over stealth. I myself use the weaker one and stay hidden. Choice is good.

2003-03-09, 02:30 AM
SmokeJumper said that he thought the lancer was the second fastest weapon in the shoutcast (or it might have been the dev chat just days earlier, one of the two).

2003-03-09, 09:10 AM
I was just poking around the screeshots and saw this one: http://www.planetside-universe.com/media/viewer.php?img_id=371 which seems to show a bolt rather than a beam...?

Additionally, anyone else notice the shots of the VS guy in front of the Vanguard tank with the VS markings in the other screenshots on this page?

Must have taken it to Pay'n'Spray after he jacked it to get rid of some of his stars...

2003-03-09, 09:12 AM
Thats the Lasher, it fires orbs that lash out at enemies and detonate on impact

2003-03-09, 04:03 PM
You're forgetting that there are hundreds/thousands of other players and that specific player will likely have eight or ten buddies, Jrade. Of course, I will too. Yes I am sure, also. It's in the Devchats.

Whoah, Lasher shoots that fast?

2003-03-10, 03:44 AM
Oops, confuzzed, which part are you sure about?

I meant to say that the weapon in that screenshot was the Lasher (as it says so in the caption) and go on to say that not all VS weapons are beams and thus illustrate my point that the Lancer is probably a (comparatively) slow-moving bolt weapon... but it was 5 in the morning and I was half asleep. Pesky video-gaming induced sleep deprivation...

Yep, I think the Lasher will fire that fast. All the empire-specific assault weapons are roughly equivalent to each other, just a little different in execution. All three have pistols, knives, and assault rifles with differences so minor as to almost be cosmetic in nature only. The only real hand-weaponry differences between the empires are in the two big guns for each side.

The anti-vehicle weapons have actual, noticeable, differences. The TR Striker has an auto-homing feature which makes it more useful in most situations due to it's fire and forget capabilities. The NC Phoenix is operator-guided, making it very useful in certain other situations (firing over walls, scouting ahead, etc.) but less useful in combat. The VS appears to be a dumbfire bolt/beam with no homing ability. (more on that later)

The BIG difference is in the heavy assault rifle. (Useless fact: also known as a 'battle rifle,' a term in use with the militaries of most non-NATO nations, but not used here in the US since the introduction of the M-16) The TR Mini-Chaingun, the NC Jackhammer, and the VS Lasher are all meant to be wielded by heavy infantry and useful against both infantry in close quarters and light vehicles in open country. Thus, they all must fire fast AND hit hard. This power is balanced by requiring a cert specifically for this one weapon. If yer a combat wombat, the battle rifle is the way to go, thus endeth my long-winded yapping.

Lastly, I think I may now be convinced the Lancer is a super-fast bolt, as if it does not home in on a moving target, it would have to be fast to be balanced. It is probably a lot weaker in hitting power than the other empire's A-V weapons, but weaker than a TOW missile is still plenty to vape some hapless TR unwashed-yet-deadly grunt who thinks he's safe from snipers in his reinforced armor...

P.S. If any devs are listening, more variety between the sides please. Which did you like better, Starcraft (three sides different) or Dune 2000? (three sides same) Perhaps the first expansion pack...?

2003-03-10, 07:20 AM
Smokejumper has said that the lancer has the 2nd fastest traveltime, 2nd only to the boltdriver.

2003-03-10, 11:59 AM
How did this get dug up a week after it died :rolleyes:

anyway, the way i see it the 2nd best sniper rifle will be the Gauss. I see the Vanu weps as useless because of the trails.

2003-03-10, 04:36 PM
Gauss is assualt rifle, will probably have (when zoomed in) a very large CoF, as high accuracy is only specified for the Pulsar (I think that's what it's called) in the descriptions of assault rifles. Plus, "High" damage is a relatively broad term. Will probably be on the low end of "High" damage, making it necessary to fire repeatedly to kill someone, making that CoF bigger. Although that is speculation. I hate NDA.