View Full Version : Planetside Next release date -Not this march? not Q2? not this year?

2011-02-02, 01:27 PM
As much as I would like to see PS:N next month, I don't see it happening. I think that a lot of sites have really jumped the gun on this and I'm nearly certain that what was promised was an announcement in Q1/Q2 of this year. Can blame shoddy reporting and bandwagoning for publicity for this. All we have is 2 screenshots. Not even a trailer. Hardly a word about Beta. I don't see this all suddenly materializing into a game in the next 3-5 months and I'm hesitant to start hyping it to my friends who didn't play PS the first time around until I have more info.

In my experience it's normally minimum 1 year from the first trailer to launch, more if they take time to do it right. Therefore my prediction is we'll get a trailer and a first look at the game in may at E3. This would be Q2 as promised. Then they will either push to get it released in may next year in time for the 9th anniversary, or they will take their time to get everything right and have it out christmas 2012. Knowing SOE my money is on them pushing rather than taking their time to get everything right.

What are your thoughts?

2011-02-02, 01:37 PM
Shh, we don't want to think about that.

2011-02-02, 01:41 PM
My opinion is that they'll mimic PS's beta and release schedule from 2003. So, perhaps we'll see beta in March-ish, and then release at the end of May or beginning of June.

2011-02-02, 01:55 PM
It's hard to blame the media for this one because everything we know about PSN at this point has come from Smedley himself. I'm rather skeptical of a Q2 release as well, but I can definitely see it happening this year.

For example, look at another recent SOE game, DC Universe. The teaser for that was just released at Comic-Con in July and the game is out now. I'd be surprised if SOE doesn't take advantage of the exposure from an event like E3 or SOE Fan Faire to get the word out, but we probably won't see a big media blitz like we would want.

You have to keep in mind, they didn't just start working on PSN. It appears they've been working on this for awhile, so we are likely alot closer to the finish line than we had thought. Perhaps Q2 will give us the closed beta.

2011-02-02, 02:00 PM
Look I hope I'm wrong really, but the chances of that are low :p

But in all seriousness, like I said, I want to hype this to my crew of friends who are planetside virgins but if they start reading about march release then 6-8 months from now they're gonna be like "WTF vaporware". I think it'a irresponsible for a lot of sites to jump the gun on this and when it doesn't materialize, people will think bad on PS:N for it. I'm glad to see they are clarifying it in the FAQ here at PSU.

2011-02-02, 02:16 PM
Considering we are in February now, a March release seems extremely doubtful. However, using DCUO as a solid reference (SOE, mmo, current), the teaser is released in July 2010, the release date is set for November 2010. In October, they announce release date is pushed back to January 2011. The game gets released then. Big success.

So, with that in mind, I fully expect a summer release with a worst case scenario of November 2011. Then in the back of my mind, I try to ignore how long Duke Nukem was in development hell.

2011-02-02, 02:28 PM
It's really all speculation at this point but one thing is clear.. the entire thing is a bit strange. I've never seen a video game release lead-up like this before. :lol:

Even what John himself has said is a bit cryptic. Personally it sounds to me like a release date will become available closer to the end of Q1 rather than actual release. Especially considering all screenshots are in a model viewer and not in game yet.

Heck remember these (http://www.planetside-universe.com/media/index.php?cat_id=5) or these (http://www.planetside-universe.com/media/index.php?cat_id=27)?


The game ended up looking nothing like that - we got those WAY early on. :lol:

2011-02-02, 02:29 PM
I keep thinking about what Smed actually said:

" we haven't announced a release date for it but you can expect it... We're looking at late first-quarter, early second-quarter [2011]."

Expect what? A release, or a release date announcement?

2011-02-02, 02:54 PM
Nobody expects this game to release in March - if you do, you need to pull your head out of the ground and get with the program. We haven't seen closed beta or open beta. If they plan to release (and not announce a release) according to schedule, my guesstimation is that you've got at least a month before they even get around to talking about beta invites.

2011-02-02, 03:09 PM
Hey I don't have any delusions about it coming next month, but with 75% of these "Gaming news" sites with headlines such as "Planetside next planned for release early this year" - (from PCGamer) - I can see how some people might actually believe they'll be playing next month. And PCGamer is hardly a fringe, borderline-unknown outfit. I guess what I'm saying is, I would like to see more responsible reporting, otherwise the game might get an unfair shake for not meeting these release expectations. Bottom line is if the playerbase is diminished, we all lose out.

2011-02-02, 03:23 PM
Wow. Those screenies are so cool. Too bad the game looked nothing like them. Well, the soldiers were humanoid... I guess it looked somewhat like it.

What I loved about Unreal is that it transported you into a completely different, darker universe. I used to play, at work, at night, with all the lights off. Dang, talk about immersion! Woo hoo!

2011-02-02, 03:33 PM
Sells Only Everquest makes sense now. :P

2011-02-02, 05:23 PM
They've had 8 years to work on it, I can't imagine it will come 2012.

2011-02-02, 06:11 PM
I suspect beta released/announced in March, just before PAX.

2011-02-02, 06:36 PM
I suspect beta released/announced in March, just before PAX.

Great call. I almost forgot about PAX. That should work out nicely. Now Smed just needs to feed us a couple of more tidbits until then.

2011-02-03, 01:03 AM
I keep thinking about what Smed actually said:

" we haven't announced a release date for it but you can expect it... We're looking at late first-quarter, early second-quarter [2011]."

Expect what? A release, or a release date announcement?

This is quite possibly right. The date they release the Release Date might be in the coming months. Personally, I hope they don't. Beta would b too short, not enough community looking at the game and what they have changed.

2011-02-03, 08:01 AM
I don't think the major news outlets are being irresponsible I just think Smed has been a bit to cryptic. I can understand why he is doing that but he may set expectations that will serve to make the community a bit angry.

2011-02-03, 08:12 AM
I hope they announce it soon. I want a trailer to drool over. Hell it doesn't even have to be ingame I just want to be feed with something. :D

A new site for the new Planetside game would also be nice. :)

2011-02-03, 01:26 PM
I personally, as Im sure everyone else does, hope that they release a beta in March, if thats realistic, no one knows; Alpha for PS1 Began on January 1st, 2001; The game was released in May, 2003; They took their time and it ended up working as well as one of the first MMOFPS's ever to be released could.

Though this is unconventional; it is possible that SOE is attempting a new kind of Marketing Strategy that we havent yet seen before. I think specifically to a movie like District 9; who was advertising on a budget. People didnt hear a thing about this film until roughly 8 weeks before it came out in theatres. Suddenly, the viral advertising for the film was everywhere; and it ended up being VERY successful; on a much cheaper advertising budget than most films.

2011-02-03, 02:04 PM
I don't want to be "that guy" but at this point I don't mind if they push the release or beta back. The Sandy Bridge processor recall made my laptop order go from shipping yesterday on February 2nd to end of March or April. :rolleyes:

I don't want to see this game on low settings. :(

2011-02-03, 02:05 PM
Though this is unconventional; it is possible that SOE is attempting a new kind of Marketing Strategy that we havent yet seen before. I think specifically to a movie like District 9; who was advertising on a budget. People didnt hear a thing about this film until roughly 8 weeks before it came out in theatres. Suddenly, the viral advertising for the film was everywhere; and it ended up being VERY successful; on a much cheaper advertising budget than most films.

I'd like to think you are right, but I'm a little hesitant to think that SOE are being that clever. I mean the original had almost no marketing, and with that in mind it feels like it might be the same for PSN. I think we'll have a better idea after PAX on what SOE's marketing plan is...if they even have one at this point. They did a pretty good job with DCUO, but that had a slightly more popular intellectual property behind it.

2011-02-03, 02:11 PM
Wait what? Since when has SOE ever spent money advertising their games? (See: EQ, EQ2, SWG, PS, Vanguard etc) the only places you seem to hear about them is on gaming news sites, fan sites or at station.com. and chances are if you're on either of the latter 2 then you already know about the game. There's nothing wrong with word of mouth but it requires a lot of time and a decent trailer or 2.

2011-02-03, 03:09 PM
If SOE do balls up the marketing this time around it will probably be down to word of mouth again. No doubt though some member of the community will be able to make an amazing trailer and I think it will be easier for the community to get the word out this time around with all the practise we had from last time.

2011-02-03, 03:17 PM
Well I did see a commercial for DCUO during the NFL playoffs, but I think that was basically right at the release date. But hey, if PSN is even getting write-ups on places like IGN or G4tv, then I'll be as happy as a pig in shit.

2011-02-07, 03:38 PM
Wait what? Since when has SOE ever spent money advertising their games? (See: EQ, EQ2, SWG, PS, Vanguard etc) the only places you seem to hear about them is on gaming news sites, fan sites or at station.com. and chances are if you're on either of the latter 2 then you already know about the game. There's nothing wrong with word of mouth but it requires a lot of time and a decent trailer or 2.

I don't think people mean like TV spots or anything, I think what bothers people is that you go to sites like ign.com and gamespot and they have zero info on PS:N, yet the game is possibly (based on Smedley's comment) going to be released in the next couple months? That would be unheard of for any sort of major game release. It makes people (including me) worry that this game is some sort of half-baked effort. I would certainly hope that what he meant is that they will be announcing a release date in Q1/Q2 2011.

2011-02-07, 03:43 PM
I would certainly hope that what he meant is that they will be announcing a release date in Q1/Q2 2011.
I'm suspecting that's the case.

2011-02-07, 06:09 PM
Chances are March is when they will actually reveal it not release it. There is just no way. To launch a game without any real media lead up to it would be massively stupid. Granted SOE's business decisions are not the brightest but I don't think even they are that dumb. The question to me is whether Beta starts in March.

2011-02-07, 09:24 PM
I'd be surprised if it wasn't released Q1/Q2 to be honest. Presidents of companies like SOE don't just go out there and say a game will be released at a certain time and not have a grain of truth. And, I'm pretty sure a Smedly wouldn't be trying to "fool" these interviewers about the actual release date of PS:N. That doesn't make sense.

The reason they are not giving a lot of information, advertising, and in general keeping pretty quiet is because of the closeness of the release dates of DC Universe and PS:N. To me it is very obvious the marketing campaign of DC Universe is not done because I've seen multiple commercials on TV and adds throughout the internet. Basically if they started giving information out about PS:N and started advertising, it would bring unwanted competition for both SOE games. They will have a short and effective marketing for PS:N, after DC Universes.

^ My thought process as to what is going on - no need to flame, but to me that is what makes the most sense.

Going over quotes brought to us from multiple places -

"We have a very big launch coming in the month of March," Smedley said. "It's a big first person shooter franchise that we're really happy with."

I took a leap of logic and asked whether it was Planetside.

"Could be," Smedley said sheepishly. "We haven't technically announced it." He then told me that I could say that he "hinted" that the new Planetside was imminent, which translates to 99% of a confirmation. "This is the farthest I've gone [discussing it with the press] and the PR people are going to shoot me." SOURCE; http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/105953-Sony-Online-Strongly-Hints-Planetside-Sequel-Coming-This-Spring

First, I've never heard of information released for a game, alpha, or beta referred to as a launch. A launch of a game is when its released. He also says that the PR people are going to shoot him, maybe supporting the idea of interfering with DC Universe marketing. (last part maybe long shot lol)

"And we haven't announced a release date for it but you can expect it... We're looking at late first-quarter, early second-quarter [2011]."

I think were looking to hard at this quote. It states they have not yet set an exact date for PS:N but they are looking for a Q1/Q2 launch.

After all this went on, Virrago on the forums posted this...

"We’re excited to confirm that we will be continuing the PlanetSide franchise with an all-new FPS action game next year. More details will be coming soon…" - Virrago (in 2010)

Says continuing Planetside Franchise with an entirely new game for next year. Not stated Q1/Q2, but confirming 2011.

I was bored thought I'd write this up and give my ideas. To me it is weird that it would be released in Q1/Q2, but you have to look at the facts given. Unless it has changed over the past month.

2011-02-07, 09:39 PM
I agree with the above. If it was anyone else but smed I'd be more skeptical, but it'd be pretty bad for the CEO to stretching/fudging the truth so publicly.

2011-02-07, 10:21 PM
Makes me worry... I really hope it does not come out so early, unless they are only intentionally showing us models and not in game images. Also they better have some bad ass marketing cooked up to wow the world in such short notice.

2011-02-07, 10:29 PM
anyone think well hear something from GDC end of Feb to early march?

2011-02-07, 10:29 PM
Makes me worry... I really hope it does not come out so early, unless they are only intentionally showing us models and not in game images. Also they better have some bad ass marketing cooked up to wow the world in such short notice.

If they've got the game mostly finished, I doubt a march release but end of Q1/early Q2 doesn't sound terribly far-fetched.

A month for advertising isn't too short.

2011-02-08, 02:19 PM
anyone think well hear something from GDC end of Feb to early march?

Hard to say - there are quite a few gaming conferences coming up hopefully we will hear something from one of them.

2011-02-08, 02:24 PM
A month for advertising isn't too short.
Not in SOE's case... consider the sort of advertising that the original game got. Man I hope they don't fuck this up. I *REALLY* hate having to tell experienced FPS gamers about Planetside. Thankfully numbers are going up so they don't have to try the game on a dead server.

I remember being at SOE Fan Faire in 2006 and some smarmy little shit from SOE was at a PS briefing and said something like "Pshaw! I've done more for Planetside's marketing in the last six months than they ever did from day one!"

I said "So you've done zero. Two times zero is still zero."

Fucker had a drink in his hand. I thought he was gonna dash it on my shirt.

2011-02-08, 02:41 PM
Lol, how did he respond? Just an angry glare?

2011-02-14, 10:31 AM
I remember my Freshman Year at Full Sail I met the CEO and his board of SOE, at a Table Discussion. SOE that I know of has always been willing to make last minute decisions. I agree with the being cryptic will most likely make people angry. But that I know of no one especially when comes to subscriptions, ever goes into a game without at least a few months of Beta. Even if they just jump into Open Beta.

Here is how I think it will go. I think in March we will see a couple of things:
-A Website
-A Working Title
-A Trailer
-Concept Art
-Closed Beta/Open Beta Invites
-Developer Interviews
-Release Date

After atleast few Months of Beta You could expect to see a release. Not saying I haven't been surprised, but a pre-mature release is always bad.

2011-02-14, 06:54 PM
I have a feeling maybe for quite some time some department at soe have been working on a new engine , possibly with ps3 in mind as they were developing the ps3 and using planetside as a skin to test it out as a simulation or similar. Maybe just a small map like one of the battle islands .

Bring that forward , give it new artwork and you get variations from it , one of them being mag.

So, you could say from that, all they need to do was adjust the engine or code to work for the pc , and get the artists now that mag or whatever was released on the ps3 to start working as a side project on re-working the original planetside artwork for a more modern look.

Obviously , instead of just one battle island , they need to re-do all the continents but maybe keep everything battle island size to confine the area over which to fight and make it more intense and people in the battle area and less down-time . Instead of 9 continents , split them all into battle island chunks and you get 36 mini-continents .

Smaller maps , more active fighting , fighting over multiple continents , commanding requires more coordination over multiple continents , and a quicker ,more varied flow around the global map hopefully will result.

The added benefit of this is that since they are smaller maps , the idea is probably easier to function within the constraints of the ps3 , giving an alternative output for the finished article from the pc.

All theoretical I agree, but they have said they have been working on ps for quite some time , all we are seeing is artwork at the moment and the whole ps:n thing so far has been very vague and surreal with no real official soe announcement yet at all. I just have the feeling that the bigger picture is how soe can make the best investment , and Smedley is really just appeasing ps fans that something good is coming without revealing too much. It may be q2 is the point where beta is required methinks.

2011-02-14, 07:18 PM
Trex, minor punctuation editing aside, I think you might be close to the mark. With the success of DCUO being an mmo for both the console and pc, it's not far-fetched to think they might try to do the same for PS:N. At this point, I'd be surprised if it wasn't pc only, but crazier things have happened.

Also, from what was recently said from somebody working on the China version, the engine is basically done, they are just working on the artwork now. This would go a LOOOOOOONNNNNGGGG way to explaining why we are just now finally seeing some images. You can't give a screenshot of code and say, "Looks cool, eh?"

The closer they get done to the final artwork, the more we will start to see, and then it will be like flood gates opening.

2011-02-14, 07:34 PM
I think you're right Ray, I was also wondering if why we have been hearing so little of PS:N is because of how well DCUO is doing and that SOE does not want to compete one new game against another so soon.

2011-02-14, 07:54 PM
That would be fantastic, if so I think the MMO market could really thrive from consoles. I know the Graphical Possibilities are lower, but nonetheless I know it would be nice to play a MMO and only worry about buying a $299.99 Console, rather then a $599.99 Computer. It usually it ends up being on the higher end of $999.99.

Though I will say(I am not trying to start a console war when I say this.) the PS3's abilities to handle massive amount of particles, and instances of Particles and Events is quite extreme, and as far as MMO games with multiple sets/types of Anomalies, and Particles that would be very nice.

2011-02-14, 08:35 PM
That would be fantastic, if so I think the MMO market could really thrive from consoles. I know the Graphical Possibilities are lower, but nonetheless I know it would be nice to play a MMO and only worry about buying a $299.99 Console, rather then a $599.99 Computer. It usually it ends up being on the higher end of $999.99.

Though I will say(I am not trying to start a console war when I say this.) the PS3's abilities to handle massive amount of particles, and instances of Particles and Events is quite extreme, and as far as MMO games with multiple sets/types of Anomalies, and Particles that would be very nice.

Just as many people would hate it to be multiplatform though. We had a whole topic discussing this. A PS3 version will definitely have negative effects on the PC version. Smaller battles. Crappier interface an so on. A PS3 just is not a PC. At this point its quite dated an would greatly hold the game back if it had to run on it too.

That is unless they spent the sizable chunk of extra money an development time it would take to make two distinct versions of Next. If they do then I would be fine with it.

I SandRock
2011-02-15, 04:22 AM
Don't even say Console version man. Ugh. The worst thing is everything starts working with pop-up menus because it has to work with controllers. You'll only be using 4 buttons for the rest of the game :p

Aiming will probably be made easier since consolers with their shitty analog sticks need aiming aids to play properly..

Yes i hate console jocks! :P

2011-02-15, 08:51 AM
This is an MMO. Leave the fucking game on the fucking PC, and let the Xbox/PS3 people have their GTA5, 6, 7, 8, ad nauseum.