View Full Version : Galaxy Gunship: Done Right
2011-02-16, 02:18 AM
Man, after playing PS for a week or so with all the new additions I've got a much better idea of what makes this game right and what is wrong. IMO of course. Anyways I want to talk with you all about the relatively new Galaxy Gunship, this thing is an abomination, totally done wrong. The only thing that can take it down is massed AA fire, and if its going to make it into PS/N it needs a redesign.
1. All gunner slots are moved to either the left or right of the aircraft (Yes this thing should be a near clone of the very real, very effective, AC-130U Spooky Gunship)
2. Rapid fire guns, Splash damage rapid fire cannon, anti armor cannon
3. DPS should be VERY high vs ground targets only.
4. Maneuverability and Cones of fire on gunner seats very limited
The gunship should be great at pointing in one direction and making everything in that vicinity die. It shouldn't be the roaming air battleship it is now. They should be incredibly vulnerable to aircraft and less of something that you cant get near unless it doesn't see you. It needs coordination between the pilot and the gunners.
I feel that the more gunners you manage to get on this thing the more effective it should be. If that means 8 guns on one side thats fine. Just makes it a juicier target. Only to be used in situations where air superiority is more or less a given, Interceptors should make you think twice of bring this to the field.
2011-02-16, 04:23 AM
I agree, remove them entirely.
2011-02-16, 04:42 AM
Hmm, I actually like the Gunship. I never pilot one and I rarely hop on as a gunner but they are fun and easy shooting AA missiles at. :D
2011-02-16, 09:06 AM
I agree, remove them entirely.
What Sobekeus said.
They introduced this concept at SOE Fan-faire 2006. I sat in on that panel. I strongly suggested that it mimic an actual Spectre gunship. Everything you just said, they already knew.
2011-02-16, 12:19 PM
I say remove the guns completely and let us stick are wieners out the holes
2011-02-16, 12:22 PM
It is most definately inspired by a huge forum topic that I and maybe Hamma witnessed, and many other elders. This forum discussion was increasibly old before old - it was an inspirational discussion of ancients. Gunships were a community idea that got alot of attention. All conceptual. Some months or year(s) later the Galaxy Gunship was created and it was damned lame shit.
Galaxy Gunship best not exist in the next PlanetSide game. I'd rather see something more like the capital ships ( in Anarchy Online: Alien Invasion.
2011-02-16, 12:43 PM
If it's done PROPERLY, it could be feasible. But the thing is, anything in-game is available to just about anyone who plays. And a Gunship should be a rare support tool. But you can't balance population and specialties.
2011-02-16, 02:11 PM
I guess I'm in the minority, but I like the gunships. I loved the initial concept. I was slightly disappointed that they just slapped some guns on a galaxy, but it was fine. They rained alot of steel onto the ground, but as a pilot, they were easy pickings in the air.
I was a fan before, so I'd wouldn't mind seeing them in Next.
(I know alot of you really hate them, so please be gentle)
2011-02-16, 02:31 PM
Whats the problem with them?
Ive been back two months and have been killed by them only a couple of times.
2011-02-16, 02:58 PM
I do not really have a problem with them either, all I really want is for a single person bomber, preferably stealth with cloak or just radar jamming tech.
2011-02-16, 03:20 PM
I'm curious also what is wrong with them also I haven't seen them around a ton since I got back into things.
2011-02-16, 03:32 PM
I like the idea of mimicking the AC-130 in having all the guns on one side. It's boring being on the other side of the aircraft anyway. If the gal pilot has to fly in tight circles at an angle to make it devastating then I'm all for that idea. It'll be balanced and reward outfits with good gal pilots (would hate to be on the receiving end of it though :scared:).
2011-02-16, 03:39 PM
The only problem I have with all the guns being on 1 side is, it would be totally defenseless on the other side. It's bad enough that I can just sit above the gunship without worrying about return fire. Having no guns on 1 side would make it a death trap.
2011-02-16, 03:56 PM
Whats the problem with them?
Ive been back two months and have been killed by them only a couple of times.
Evidently in addition to not mimicking an AC130, they were ridiculously OP.
2011-02-16, 04:21 PM
I have gunned for one and it is tricky to learn to use the cannon effectively, but you get the hang of it in probably 30 mins. However as soon as we were over a hot enemy base we had to bug out as the amount of heat coming our way was eating through the armour at a reasonable rate.
I have had trouble using my sub par air cav skills to do any damage to one, but then I am rubbish at it anyway.
The last thing I ever want to hear in PSN is the deathly rain of a Galaxy gunship in its current form.
2011-02-16, 09:36 PM
The only problem I have with all the guns being on 1 side is, it would be totally defenseless on the other side. It's bad enough that I can just sit above the gunship without worrying about return fire. Having no guns on 1 side would make it a death trap.
You obviously have not gone up against a good crew. Theres no way to get near them if the pilot and gunners are idiots. Especially in the air. These things should be defenseless unless supported by friendlies. Unless of course they are pointing the correct side at the threat... in that case.... swiss cheese.
Honestly a lodestar would make a better option for a gunship.
2011-02-16, 10:57 PM
Like I said before if they do add a gunship the guns should be in capsules capable of moving from one side of the ship to the other through the center. The ship would be large and 3 machine gun capsules would move from the left to the right of the ship with one capsule that moved up and down vertically from the top to the bottom of the ship with flak. That is a 5 person gunship.
2011-02-17, 02:07 AM
My problem with the GG was lack of gameplay.
Air cav had little gameplay unless the GG pilot was pretty good so Id rather see a gun on the back so that 1-2 aircraft had to watch out for that damage rather be blown out of the sky with the main cannons. Since thats its only air defense it would be vulnerable to air. Also rewards air cover.
Like some one suggested make the guns less wide angled and have a more defined role. The skill of the pilot would be putting himself at a range and perpendicular angle to the target that allows his gunners free rain (it also encourages and rewards communication).
Infantry should not be dieing to this thing, if they are the pilot is too close. Therefore they should also not be hitting it. Infantry should stay out of this one unless they are not in cover and the GG has run out of real targets I guess.
Vehicles would be the main target sending them running for cover. Focused fire from all three guns would bring one down quickly (like 5-10 seconds).
The skyguard is simply fodder for the current GG (unless you know exactly where it is BEFORE you meet it lol). It would be scared of and thus prioritize something like this:
Oh holy AA, we prayeth at thy alter. May though prtoecteth our skys and save us from the unholy damnation of the vanu probes.
Its my personal opinion that gameplay is fun. :)
Gameplay happens when you act or react to the enemy. If your dead before you can react, there is no gameplay. If your only option is to run away, there is no gameplay. If you need to avoid damage, prioritise targets, worry about something while doing something else. Thats all A or B quality gameplay. The stuff you want in your games.
2011-03-12, 08:43 AM
I agree, remove them entirely.
2011-03-12, 08:35 PM
reward outfits
Lost me there.
2011-03-14, 11:11 PM
I really love flying a Gunship. I've only been playing a couple weeks, and gone for years before that so no idea what the impact has been like. I really haven't seen a problem with them, in a big battle they're usually focus fired pretty hard.
If the Gunship is tossed I really really want some kind of huge assault aircraft. I love the huge vechs with multiple gunners idea.
2011-03-14, 11:30 PM
I do too but they are too powerful in the smaller fights. Put all the guns on one side with a smaller firing arc. Simple fix to a simple problem. I really like the idea, but two problems always arise when they are used.
1. They can cover everywhere but forward in a rain of death
2. When they are actually being used they take a ton of damage and the gunner cant even see what hes aiming at.
I think putting ALL the guns on one side would make them easier to engage, and also give a boost to the amount of hurt they can lay down in a swath.
2011-03-15, 06:26 PM
Another ground pounder on would be nice. There's always too many targets lol.
PS Next is gonna be such a clusterfuck I don't think they'll be as effective as they are now, with low pops AA is the first thing to go.
2011-03-15, 07:57 PM
Speaking as a Gunship pilot I really think all the guns on one side would make it OP lol (at least without any changes to the guns). One of the biggest hassles is engaging targets so both sides can get a shot. Or to alternate back and forth. Sure if it's a big field of infantry and light vechs it doesn't matter I could plow into the middle. But with most fights that have AA, air, and heavy vechs, getting close enough for both sides to accurately hit targets is suicide
Point being, if all the firepower was on one side it would only encourage me to hit from max range and circle like an AC130. With 2 sides manned it encourages me to get further into the fight, get on top of them or weave between targets.
2011-03-19, 08:04 PM
I'm for having all the guns on one side, whenever I fly one the gunners on the side I'm not using just jump out anyway.
And when mossies and reavers attack you have to turn the side gunners at them because the tailgun can't hit targets above you.
2012-01-08, 04:11 PM
i dunno bout you guys but this actually looks/sounds very fun
Hushpuppy and The Baconator - YouTube
2012-01-08, 04:50 PM
It is most definately inspired by a huge forum topic that I and maybe Hamma witnessed, and many other elders. This forum discussion was increasibly old before old - it was an inspirational discussion of ancients. Gunships were a community idea that got alot of attention. All conceptual. Some months or year(s) later the Galaxy Gunship was created and it was damned lame shit.
Coincidentally, the BFR's were introduced the exact same way.
I guess the moral of the story is: don't let the community come up with any good ideas. The developers will make them into really bad realities.
Well, at least that's how it was 8 years ago :p The PS2 team seems to have their heads on right.
2012-01-08, 05:11 PM
No need for Gal gunship it would replace my liberator.
2012-01-08, 06:11 PM
I think that both the Dev team and the Planetside community should stay away from "super weapon" vehicles. Things like artillery, gal gunships, super tanks, outfit capital ships, whatever. I don't think the devs messed up because they were bad devs. I think these kinds of weapons are inherently difficult to balance. They sound really cool in theory, but in practice they're simply very frustrating. The devs need to make sure that everyone has access to them, so that everyone can get a chance to experience the content, which means they can't be limited in a way that only a few people can use. However, this means that they're constantly over-powered or under-powered, since their balanced around the unquantifiable (sp?) factor of teamwork instead. A lot of people want these long cool-down or resource intensive vehicles, but limiting content to a small percentage of the player base is the last thing the devs should want.
2012-01-08, 06:14 PM
i think units like the gal gunship promote coordination as seen in the video i linked.
(forgive for necro)
2012-01-08, 06:40 PM
Why don't you just "see beta" on this one. "Galaxy customisation" suggests that Gunship mode will barely have so much firepower.
2012-01-09, 03:35 AM
yeh - have to be honest I don't really see the need for the gal gunship to get a redesign by the sounds the "liberator gunship" is more than filling its niche.
2012-01-09, 03:48 AM
Never had a problem with the GG to be honest, as soon as it's seen on the battlefield its an AA magnet, and its easy to engage from the air in a Wasp sitting at reasonable missle range you can stand off pumping missles at it out of cannon range :)
2012-01-09, 04:46 AM
Galaxies should never be able to be turned into gunships, but liberators should!
2012-01-09, 05:34 AM
I'm curious also what is wrong with them also I haven't seen them around a ton since I got back into things.
Ever seen three flying around in a low to mid pop fight and literally obliterate everything? That reminded me at least off a group of OP-BFRs after their release: it completely dominates the field and it made it impossible for our outfit to drive Thunderers and Deliverers (our main form of going around), as even a squad of deliverers could not compete with it: every 3 seconds one of us died. You stood more chance against 10 buffed Reavers, at least you could down three or so of those and try to escape to safety of AA cover as the individuals would break off pursuit.
Basically everyone in the SOI has to switch to AA, just because of three to five people in a single unit (sixth is irrelevant as he can't aim anywhere properly). That makes it incredibly easy for the rest of said empire to push.
Once you are camped inside, you cannot break out anymore because it'll hover over to the side that was weakly defended by the campers, obliterate you all and your AA MAXes before they get a shot off at it - especially since you'll be busy fighting the ground forces first and foremost.
2012-01-09, 05:37 AM
i dunno bout you guys but this actually looks/sounds very fun
Hushpuppy and The Baconator - YouTube (
Yeah Acosmo, but fun for who? If it is only fun for the Gunship people, DON'T IMPLEMENT IT.
OP BFRs were fun for some people too...
2012-01-09, 07:08 AM
Gunships are ok, but I'd never have gunner is both sides. One side facing the enemy and never plough through the middle of a fight.
2 flak turrets take a GG down easily.
2012-01-09, 07:18 AM
Ever seen three flying around in a low to mid pop fight and literally obliterate everything? That reminded me at least off a group of OP-BFRs after their release: it completely dominates the field and it made it impossible for our outfit to drive Thunderers and Deliverers (our main form of going around), as even a squad of deliverers could not compete with it: every 3 seconds one of us died. You stood more chance against 10 buffed Reavers, at least you could down three or so of those and try to escape to safety of AA cover as the individuals would break off pursuit.
Basically everyone in the SOI has to switch to AA, just because of three to five people in a single unit (sixth is irrelevant as he can't aim anywhere properly). That makes it incredibly easy for the rest of said empire to push.
Once you are camped inside, you cannot break out anymore because it'll hover over to the side that was weakly defended by the campers, obliterate you all and your AA MAXes before they get a shot off at it - especially since you'll be busy fighting the ground forces first and foremost.
Why doesn't your Squad/Outfit simply recall load up the HART with AA maxes and then spank that GG's ass from behind?
2012-01-09, 03:19 PM
I tend to fly a lib like a gunship already, so yeah, we don't need no stinkin GG.
2012-01-09, 03:57 PM
Why doesn't your Squad/Outfit simply recall load up the HART with AA maxes and then spank that GG's ass from behind?
because its easier to cry and whine until you get it nerfed,welcome to the #1 reason PS failed
2012-01-09, 08:01 PM
Why doesn't your Squad/Outfit simply recall load up the HART with AA maxes and then spank that GG's ass from behind?
1. We never did use MAXes as we do spec. ops. and amphibious assault as primary. For AA, I only had Flaklet myself which I regularly switched for Phantasm. All other certs in infiltration and engineering, ATV, AMS and Ground support, expert hacking for resec. I don't even have AV or HA. The rest of the crew was either similarly specced (DrBuggs), or had some aircav.
So where am I going to get AA MAXes?
2. Besides, our role as an outfit was fielding enough ground vehicles to preoccupy enemies, hit and run from the side. A group of AA MAXes is not going to flank a bridgehead full of Magriders, our primary food. So let's all stop the Gunship (right, as if we'd take him out) by dropping in the middle of their terrain, become instant Reaver and Magrider food, in the meantime letting the Magriders roam to clear our bridgehead.
Ehr no. Thanks.
3. A group of AA MAXes does not fight its way to the lobby of a camped base, let alone is able to get out and get a lock onto an aircraft (Sparrow, yeah right, AA... Falcon would be better!). Before you can get enough shots off everyone is dead to the GG spamming the doors with mortar fire, supported by a few dozen troops, a couple airchavs and possibly tanks.
4. So you say recall and drop in somewhere else, that leaves the defenders 5-12 men short for a while, since we'll probably be on a HART timer for 3 minutes next to needing to recert, group, plan attack. And then die to the first AV capable units that spot us HART into the vicinity of a base fight.
5. That GG will be back in 3-4 minutes because it'll never be on a timer of consequence and its crew will be bound to the Dropship Center.
No really, fun. Not to mention the situation when the Dropship Center is also the capital of the continent and next to the only chokepoint of the continent which you have to cross. Ceryshen bridge? No really, that's going to work out great.
Sorry for being so cynical, but the GG drained the last bit of fun I had in vehicular combat after BFRs and Reavers buffs.
That one noob
2012-01-09, 08:51 PM
I'd prefer that the Galaxy would have a skill tree for itself, with stuff branching off for armor transport, ground attack, and regular troop transport. I can see the Galaxy taking the role of the Lodestar seeing as no one even mentions the damn thing as well as the fact that not many people used the Lodestar often. It could be similar those Republic Gunships from Star Wars, the variant that carries the AT-TEs
2012-01-10, 01:55 PM
Little known fact, but the actual gunships had armor. It was heavy and probably wouldn't help other than psychologically, but it was there (until weight reduction programs). So that got me thinking, why not have the gun side armored or power shielded and have the other side a little weaker. That puts balance in the game. A GG wouldn't be able to stay on station long without support, or if it couldn't keep the enemy corralled. But if you had reavers covering your three o'clock, you could hang.
2012-01-10, 02:02 PM
sounds great, beeker.
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