View Full Version : Spawning Suggestions
2011-02-17, 10:52 AM
I am shamelessly stealing this idea/concept from Miir. :D
What kind of spawning options should they implement in the new game?
For one, I would love to see them adopt a spawn on the squad leader. That would lend to a quick return to the battlefield and also open up other achievements or possibility for BEP for leadership roles.
Or, maybe spawning on medics who have certain certifications.
2011-02-17, 11:00 AM
Neither one of those options sound good to me. If you are a sniper or a hacking under cloak and your trying to be quiet the last thing I would want is for my team to spawn on me and give up my position. Plus I can see people abusing this.
The medic doesn't sound so bad, but I can see this getting overwhelming. I currently like the way spawning works. I believe since they wont most likely have Sanctuarys that they need to change a general entry to a planet.
2011-02-17, 11:03 AM
An i'll just cut this from the other thread then.
In Battlefield 2142 the squad leader could drop this beacon on the ground where all his squad members could choose as a respawn point via orbital drop pod. It worked pretty well but then that game was 64 players max so scale was different.
Thing is I very much like the AMS. An a large part of the battle in Planetside is about control over places to respawn when it boils down to it. So letting people respawn all over the place willy nilly has to be done carefully cause this ain't COD.
Both Headshots an respawning on Squad Lead may just not belong in Planetside though I could see at least giving the latter a test run in Beta to see how it goes.
Oh an that thing about a Infiltrator not wanting squad members to spawn on him is funny cause that was a problem in BF 2142 actually. If you were a Sniper SL that would totally screw you over when two nublets spawn next to you an attract attention of a Tank an your Sniper tower gets asploded.
2011-02-17, 11:33 AM
All of these critiques (and they are good points) can be handled by reducing the spawns to a certain pool with a cool down or using up beacons in your pack, etc. This would prevent the eternal spawn in the generator room, etc.
Also, you can limit it to medics in REXO to prevent the cloaked spawn thing.
2011-02-17, 11:52 AM
I think the beacons are the best options on this.
2011-02-17, 11:57 AM
Beacons are a cool idea.
Use the same Hart/Orbital Platform mechanics, meaning you can only select drop locations outside an enemy SOI until your squad leader places a beacon.
2011-02-17, 12:05 PM
In my upgrade project I have medics able to deploy respawn points from their inventory. These Medical Stations would be relatively large and wouldn't have a cloak.
Spawning on squad leaders in BFBC2 was bearable, but I hated it when you opened fire on someone just to have a couple of their buddies pop out of thin air next to them (even if I did manage to kill them as well :cool:).
Medics would get this spawn point with advanced medic.
2011-02-17, 12:09 PM
Beacons, totally. Would be a good command ability.
Rules i would put on it..
Spawns with CUD.
Has a 10 minute cooldown.
Only works if placed before someone dies.
Works for the squad leader as well.
Only spawns you with your previous loadout.
Its not horribly OP like straight up spawning would be.. The beacon could be destroyed, and the fiery trail keeps it from being done covertly.
The real question.. Would it allow maxes to spawn? Theres no logical reason it wouldn't. But...
Beacons would work for me... :)
I'm not against the AMS either as a forward mobile spawn point to fall back on once your squad leader or beacon is not available anymore. Same with towers or bases for that matter. I just find it annoying to have to run back to the fight each time I'm killed.
Neither one of those options sound good to me. If you are a sniper or a hacking under cloak and your trying to be quiet the last thing I would want is for my team to spawn on me and give up my position. Plus I can see people abusing this.
Easy fix to that would be not to be the squad leader or maybe have the option to disable it for those roles?
I'd be happy sticking with the status quo. In my opinion its not needed, and I can't see it bringing anything new to the game.
Take Squad Leader spawning for example. All that encourages is SLs to hold back and act as a spawn point for their guys, when their main role should be leading. I'm not sure if any of you are familiar with a mod for BF2, Project Reality. But these guys took out SL spawning and the result was far more tactical gameplay, the team actively moving up to support one another, building firebases (their version of towers I suppose) to allow the team a base before moving up once again.
I could see SL spawning, and to a lesser extent this beacon idea making each squad less dependant on the team, and promoting a sort of whack-a-mole style gameplay.
I could see a beacon being used in other senses though. Say a platoon/outfit could set one up, with some organization, and it allows you to HART into locked conts, or SOIs or the like?
2011-02-17, 12:33 PM
You know what might be color then a SL spawner or even a beacon is an air-ship spawner. Something a little larger then a lodstar that can spawn troops inside the hull of the ship and allow them to get their equipment then drop in a HALO jump. Then you could even limit it to a certification access level of cr 10 or something plus previous airsupport cert. It could include things like area radar, cloak, and gunports for protection.
i like the spawns the way they are but with no sanc you know there are going to have to be some changes. beacons would have to be implemented in a way that solo players could use them also. i imagine there will be an option something akin to spawning in the hart and picking where you drop.
I SandRock
2011-02-17, 05:18 PM
I liked the BF2142 beacon the most too. It should make a bunch of noise and perhaps show up on the radar as a trade off. I think spawning on team leader is too open for exploit. For instance, you just stealth into the generator room as infiltrator, let your entire team commit suicide or just get killed and respawn on top of you. Though the same could be done with a beacon... Unless you make beacon only deployable outside ^^
2011-02-17, 05:42 PM
I have a feeling that the Gal will act as a spawn point in PS2.
2011-02-17, 06:00 PM
I am of the firm belief that spawn points should always be stationary at the actual time of spawn, a.k.a a deployed AMS. So, I hope that if the galaxy is a spawn point, it would only be so when grounded and "deployed" in some way. However I think that would remove the whole point of using a galaxy as a spawn point, as you could just use an AMS though it would of course, not be as quick over long distances. Galaxies are also very high profile, high priority targets in many cases.
I think a beacon would work well in conjunction with command rank. A more defensive/command-ish ability than straight up OS and EMP. I agree that such a device should require a CUD, with the deployer being in the SL position. Only deployable outside, without cloak as others have said.
Another thing that I think would be pretty cool would be the addition of firebases as deployable "structures." All the basic tools are already in supply in PS. Man-able turrets, automated turrets, shields, barricades, etc. I would like to see a condensed conglomeration of those things, which would create a small defensible base in the field. Perhaps these could incorporate spawn points as well? Because the end result would be relatively large and useful, I would think that maybe several soldiers with the correct certification would be necessary to construct one. It could even be an upgrade for an AMS in the same vein as base wall turrets, making it immovable but more useful in many situations.
2011-02-17, 06:06 PM
Another thing that I think would be pretty cool would be the addition of firebases as deployable "structures." All the basic tools are already in supply in PS. Man-able turrets, automated turrets, shields, barricades, etc. I would like to see a condensed conglomeration of those things, which would create a small defensible base in the field. Perhaps these could incorporate spawn points as well? Because the end result would be relatively large and useful, I would think that maybe several soldiers with the correct certification would be necessary to construct one. It could even be an upgrade for an AMS in the same vein as base wall turrets, making it immovable but more useful in many situations.
This would be interesting...where different troopers would carry specific pieces of the COP and combining these pieces could make a COP where people could begin to spawn, repairs could be made and other very slight outpost functions. It would use NTUs as well so possibly a backpack NTU supply item could be humped/driven to a WarpGate and filled then brought back.
2011-02-17, 06:16 PM
This would be interesting...where different troopers would carry specific pieces of the COP and combining these pieces could make a COP where people could begin to spawn, repairs could be made and other very slight outpost functions. It would use NTUs as well so possibly a backpack NTU supply item could be humped/driven to a WarpGate and filled then brought back.
Ahh yes, I didn't even think about separate, combinable pieces. That would be excellent, and as an added bonus would almost require close teamwork in order to construct such a useful structure.
I SandRock
2011-02-17, 07:08 PM
I am of the firm belief that spawn points should always be stationary at the actual time of spawn, a.k.a a deployed AMS. So, I hope that if the galaxy is a spawn point, it would only be so when grounded and "deployed" in some way. However I think that would remove the whole point of using a galaxy as a spawn point, as you could just use an AMS though it would of course, not be as quick over long distances. Galaxies are also very high profile, high priority targets in many cases.
I think a beacon would work well in conjunction with command rank. A more defensive/command-ish ability than straight up OS and EMP. I agree that such a device should require a CUD, with the deployer being in the SL position. Only deployable outside, without cloak as others have said.
Another thing that I think would be pretty cool would be the addition of firebases as deployable "structures." All the basic tools are already in supply in PS. Man-able turrets, automated turrets, shields, barricades, etc. I would like to see a condensed conglomeration of those things, which would create a small defensible base in the field. Perhaps these could incorporate spawn points as well? Because the end result would be relatively large and useful, I would think that maybe several soldiers with the correct certification would be necessary to construct one. It could even be an upgrade for an AMS in the same vein as base wall turrets, making it immovable but more useful in many situations.
I think this is a great idea because it solves the problem I have with planetside: Respawning miles away away from the action and fighting out in the open way too much where vehicles seem to dominate.
I don't want vehicles to be nerfed so much they are just glorified armor. But I feel that in planetside they currently play a too pivotal role for the majority of the game. Vehicles seem to rule supreme until you get to the actual base and start your base fight.
With these deployable bases it would become more like trench wars, urban combat, quicker to the action without making it another generic FPS run in die and spawn game.
Love it, Smed, get your ass in here and listen to this man! :p
I like the firebase idea... my only concern with that or other deployable static bases vs. a mobile/dynamic squad leader spawn point is that they just become a focal point for player congestion and an easy target for an orbital strike or a vehicle assault. Unless the shields on a firebase would repel such an assault to a degree?
Another angle that just popped in my head is ... say your squad/outfit is pretty serious or competitive. You take some real time to plan out your attack on a base. You are instructed to deploy an AMS at a certain location. As soon as you deploy your AMS it basically become a public spawn point. Then average joe player may spawn at your AMS location and start shooting his pistol at the first reaver that flys overhead giving away the AMS's position. Those sorts of things are out of your control once it's a public spawn point. With a squad based spawn point. At least with a semi serious outfit you likely would find yourself booted out of the squad/maybe even outfit for doing something non productive like that.
With a mobile spawn location the battlefield is more fluid and a different animal. It allows different tactics for both attacking and defense. It keeps players in the battle more. Which I think most people want? Although I guess doing that run over from the closest tower on every death made all that work they put into the landscape a little more justified. :P
Anyways... I would suggest they put all those ideas in.
Static Spawn Points:
Deployable Spawn Points:
AMS (perhaps with squad/outfit/public toggles)
Firebases (same as AMS)
Squad Spawn Points: (with restrictions on cloaking armor)
Squad Leader or Beacon or Medic (all are good by me)
2011-02-17, 08:41 PM
Lodestar + AMS = flying spawnpoint
Ams + router = beacon
But that require the total amount of 2 ppl to cooperate
Why even have AMS and router if you have beacons/squadleader?
And whats the point of Mines and CE if none needs to move to the battle area the conventional way?
Whats the point of outside battles when a SLs in mosquitos can afterburn past all outside battles and hotdropp on a base/tower and start deploying beacons?
2011-02-17, 11:30 PM
Some awesome ideas in this thread and judging from Smed's comments they always thought it was to slow getting back into battle. We are going to see some changes for sure based on that and hopefully something along the lines of the discussions here.
2011-02-18, 01:50 AM
I'm with Pillow here. Beacons and such sounds like it would obviate the AMS, which I think is a bad move. Want a forward respawn point? Get an AMS in position.
What I am sympathetic to, though, is the notion of setting something up to defend such a forward point. To that end, I think it would be neat to take, say, the lodestar chassis, and convert the cargo space over into making a variant that is essentially a deployable defensive structure, complete with bunkered firing points and a couple mannable turrets.
2011-02-18, 02:17 AM
Yeah the AMS concept is awesome - logistics/enemy objective, excellent gameplay (this is the kind of thing that made Planetside the best game ever made before they ruined it lol).
There definately needs to be more infantry cover in the open or more deployable cover.
I SandRock
2011-02-18, 05:27 AM
AMS is an empire spawn point while the beacon would be a squad-only spawnpoint. You could also give it a certain amount of charges, longer spawn time, it would have no cloaking, bleep and show up on the radar quite easily. It's for squad coordination more than anything. Especially when you're on the move.
2011-02-18, 05:27 AM
Those saying the Galaxy may become a respawn could very well be right. That's probably what Smed meant an i'm not sure I like the idea. I mean on the one hand I guess it neat that you will want Aircraft patrolling an shooting down Galaxies. But it will also make things a lot more chaotic with lots of highly mobile aerial AMS dropping people in all directions.
Was also a good point against Beacons about SL's just hotdropping in with Mosquito. Guess that's all the more reason for Pilot suits or getting rid of hotdropping if were going to consider something like Beacons.
As for deployable base's an cover. It sounds good in theory but could also be exploitable. If its outdoors only maybe not too bad. But I would make it take a construction vehicle.
2011-02-18, 05:48 AM
squad leader spawns is a bad idea hated it in battlefield takes away all the conseques of dieing. I wouldnt mind a limited time/use spawn beacon that could only be used outside.
and to I SandRock vechiles should dominate the outside thats the point. I think the main problem in planetside isnt that vechiles are so over powered its the fact that all the terran. most of it is open flat landscape with long clear lines of sight where a vechile will be at its best. some more urban landscapes like they tried to bring in with core combat would help with that massively
I SandRock
2011-02-18, 06:25 AM
squad leader spawns is a bad idea hated it in battlefield takes away all the conseques of dieing. I wouldnt mind a limited time/use spawn beacon that could only be used outside.
and to I SandRock vechiles should dominate the outside thats the point. I think the main problem in planetside isnt that vechiles are so over powered its the fact that all the terran. most of it is open flat landscape with long clear lines of sight where a vechile will be at its best. some more urban landscapes like they tried to bring in with core combat would help with that massively
The problem is that you spend the majority of the game outside and the inside base fights are the least amount of time. It would be better if both get equal consideration not to reduce the game to one type of play too much.
2011-02-18, 06:44 AM
What about if the AMS could fit into the back of a Galaxy for easier deployment to the front along with it's troops?
A complete mobile package :)
2011-02-18, 06:45 AM
I don't really get it. We have the AMS to make us able to spawn closer to the battle is and I never really experienced problems with spawning far away from the battle? Sure if you have vehicles but that won't really be fixed here either.
I agree with Wrath that dying should have consequence and you shouldn't be able to get your ass back into battle too fast which probably only would cause players to behave more suicidal as there isn't really any consequence to dying if you make spawning closer to easy.
2011-02-18, 07:09 AM
The problem is that you spend the majority of the game outside and the inside base fights are the least amount of time. It would be better if both get equal consideration not to reduce the game to one type of play too much.
fighting inside the bases doesnt need to have equal consideration like I said if the terrain was different vechiles can be made less effective. urban enviroments with lots of buildings for abushes and obstructed sight lines make using vechiles harder.
I think sony released after launch that there level designs where to open and made to much for the vechiles which was why core combat focused more on infantry combat. what they need to do is make it so in PS:N is make sure not all the maps are so vechile friendly and create more enclosed urban feeling atleast eviroments.
I SandRock
2011-02-18, 07:17 AM
fighting inside the bases doesnt need to have equal consideration like I said if the terrain was different vechiles can be made less effective. urban enviroments with lots of buildings for abushes and obstructed sight lines make using vechiles harder.
I think sony released after launch that there level designs where to open and made to much for the vechiles which was why core combat focused more on infantry combat. what they need to do is make it so in PS:N is make sure not all the maps are so vechile friendly and create more enclosed urban feeling atleast eviroments.
I don't mean actual base fights should get equal time. My initial comment you replied on was talking about the suggestion to make deployable bases. Which would make infantry fighting more successful and provide some form of urban combat.
When i say both playstyles should get equal consideration I mean that of infantry battles and vehicle battles.
2011-02-18, 08:23 AM
I agree about the terrain. Really needs to be more rocks an dense trees to provide some cover to Infantry outside. An if they do actually have any Urban combat zones those will be very popular i'm sure.
As to the AMS being able to be carried in the Galaxy suggestion. I would surely prefer that over making the Galaxy into a flying AMS.
2011-02-18, 08:57 AM
I don't really get it. We have the AMS to make us able to spawn closer to the battle is and I never really experienced problems with spawning far away from the battle? Sure if you have vehicles but that won't really be fixed here either.
I agree with Wrath that dying should have consequence and you shouldn't be able to get your ass back into battle too fast which probably only would cause players to behave more suicidal as there isn't really any consequence to dying if you make spawning closer to easy.
The draw of the game for most is to be involved in battle. If you spend 10 minutes running to the battle and you get killed within 2 minutes of combat, many people get discouraged with that "down time" making their way back to battle. What we are saying is tighten up that "down time" somehow. Get people in battle faster.
2011-02-18, 10:11 AM
The draw of the game for most is to be involved in battle. If you spend 10 minutes running to the battle and you get killed within 2 minutes of combat, many people get discouraged with that "down time" making their way back to battle. What we are saying is tighten up that "down time" somehow. Get people in battle faster.
yeah but to be honest thats what team play is for you die and see you've got to spawn all the way back at the nearest base cause you've no towers or ams you get an ams or go take a tower
now I dont honestly know what its like in planetside now my experinces are from years ago when there where still 3 servers and atleast 1 conti would be pop locked at any time you logged in.
but back then I never had an issue or complaint about the traveling to battles it could be frustrating when ams's got blown up but thats the point defending teams blow the ams's up and counter attack simlpy giving people an easy way to spawn back at the front lines constantly will make defending almost impossable.
and i'm sorry but if having a down side of a little run as a consiquence of a death puts off the average brainless cod run and gun player I wont complain.
2011-02-18, 10:40 AM
The draw of the game for most is to be involved in battle. If you spend 10 minutes running to the battle and you get killed within 2 minutes of combat, many people get discouraged with that "down time" making their way back to battle. What we are saying is tighten up that "down time" somehow. Get people in battle faster.
Wow. Why are you *running* 10 minutes to get back to the battle? Get some transports running, man!
On the subject of open outdoor terrain, I agree. I'd like to see areas without roads be much more hostile to vehicular navigation, particularly for larger vehicles. That would give a better niche for things like a basilisk, as well as channeling vehicle combat to roadways, both of which could be very good for gameplay.
I hear where Manitou is coming from. 10 minutes may be a bit extreme for a run but if you look at how quickly your squad can get broken up it can actually be a lot more than 10 minutes of waiting or running to get reorganized and back to a coordinated fight.
Here's an example:
I'm sure everyone has been in the situation when you are in a good squad and people start dieing. When you go to respawn you have a couple options on the map. The closest AMS, the closest tower or falling back to a base. You want to stay in the action with your squad. So you click on the close AMS.
You watch your spawn bar slowly go down... then poof. You spawn. Except... in a completely different location? WTF? just happened? You assume the AMS was destroyed or hacked. But then when you run over from the nearest tower to check on the AMS and it is still there? Odd must have been a fluke.
Anyways... you continue on down into the base to meet up with your squad. But during the travel time back most of your squad gets taken out. (Damn!)
Suddenly you are by yourself. So you have a couple choices.
Fight and hopefully your squad gets back before you die.
Get killed and respawn regroup. (quickest)
Run back to the spawn point and regroup. (more running up to 20 minute now for Manitou)
You wait at the spawn point for your squad when you die the first time then move out as a team. (boring)
I think most people take the first option. But usually that results in your dieing again and you are still potentially not with your squad.
All the other options have down time while waiting or running to hook up with your squad. If you factor in everyone in your squad has similar issues...or even that some people may run into trouble on the way back. You could potentially always be waiting for someone.
That is what takes the time assuming you want to play "together".
It never seems that bad because I think most of us just keep fighting and make the best of it. But when you want to play with your friends and execute tactics as a team than that's where I think a squad based spawn point would be beneficial.
2011-02-18, 11:14 AM
Wow. Why are you *running* 10 minutes to get back to the battle? Get some transports running, man!
On the subject of open outdoor terrain, I agree. I'd like to see areas without roads be much more hostile to vehicular navigation, particularly for larger vehicles. That would give a better niche for things like a basilisk, as well as channeling vehicle combat to roadways, both of which could be very good for gameplay.
That was simply an example, my good man, using hyperbole. ;) Evidently my point was lost there. My point is people want to be in the fight.
Miir just did justice to my thoughts...thanks man, you nailed it. :D
2011-02-18, 11:48 AM
ofcourse you want to be in the fight but there has to be balaince in the game play as well. you bring in squad spawns, towers, ams even bases become useless. so you take away the tactical need for working with the whole of your team to bring in small squad play.
planetside was always about slow paced game play its not call of duty and its not bad company 2. the end of the day people can be ressed if your with a good squad and you die then you'll be ressed if your squad cant res you then you either did something stupid or your squads going to die.
I dont think its needed and i think if such a feature where to be added it would unbalance the attack/defend game of planetside so that defences would become almost impossable due to not being able to remove the attacking teams spawn points.
2011-02-18, 12:25 PM
Honestly as Smed has stated (and I mentioned) there is no question that there is going to be less downtime in PSN:
Sancs will likely be gone and spawn mechanics sped up in some way.
Question is how is it going to be done. I really like the squad spawn mechanic idea. And the Galaxy will be "More Pivotal". Now what does that mean? I would think it means the Gal has a spawn mechanic to it also. I just hope it's a mechanic that involves the galaxy being landed and some specific conditions being met. I would hate to see Galaxy spawn points just dumping people out over a base.. :lol:
And "Squad Spawns" should be just that, you should not have an entire army fighting over a base spawning on top of you. It should be a mechanic that is not in by default but requires someone specialized into that task.
I SandRock
2011-02-18, 12:57 PM
Perhaps if the galaxy has some sort of fuel mechanic and it would need a run way and couldn't just hover and then you could respawn in a galaxy it could work
OR simpler
You can only respawn in a galaxy in a friendly SOI.
It would help a lot for squad gameplay as long as you keep that galaxy alive. You dump, the pilot lands, waits for entire squad to die or succeed. If they die, they respawn inside the galaxy for another run. If they succeed, he goes to pick them up.
2011-02-18, 01:03 PM
or it has to land and deploy like an AMS
I SandRock
2011-02-18, 01:05 PM
or it has to land and deploy like an AMS
Well with the wheels on it I was hoping perhaps we get runways, which would make it hard to land the beast in the middle of nowhere. It would also keep it unique and different from an AMS if it would only be deployable in a friendly SOI. Otherwise it just sort of becomes a flying AMS without cloak and resupply :>
2011-02-18, 01:14 PM
Well with the wheels on it I was hoping perhaps we get runways, which would make it hard to land the beast in the middle of nowhere. It would also keep it unique and different from an AMS if it would only be deployable in a friendly SOI. Otherwise it just sort of becomes a flying AMS without cloak and resupply :>
Just an idea maybe a specific AMS Galaxy
As for landing sites I think just on steep slopes would be a problem, with roads ways leading to bases and towers across the continents you have plenty of open spaces to land and I'm sure there will be other areas around with enough space and room. There has to be a drawback to make it fair is that the Gal is out in the open without the cloak, don't see why you can't put a resupply terminal on it and no weapons
A ground based AMS can get into more discrete places making them still very viable.
2011-02-18, 01:28 PM
Well tbh just thinking of the top of my head. A squad spawn could be quite easily exploited if lets say the squad leader sneaks in behind enemy lines and than the rest of the squad suicides.
Well this just popped into my head I might have overlooked something. :)
2011-02-18, 01:34 PM
Well tbh just thinking of the top of my head. A squad spawn could be quite easily exploited if lets say the squad leader sneaks in behind enemy lines and than the rest of the squad suicides.
Well this just popped into my head I might have overlooked something. :)
You could prevent this from happening repeatedly by only allowing one spawn per bind to the squad leader. Say the squad leader has to have the certs, then he has to have specific equipment to which the squad must bind. Once it is used, it needs to be recharged again at a friendly base, thus preventing the repeated spawn.
2011-02-18, 01:36 PM
I sincerely hope the sanctuaries are not removed. We need a safe zone from which large assaults can be organised.
One of my favourite ideas for spawning is giving squad leaders a beacon, perhaps a command ability where they can call in a spawn point, similar to a HART drop pod with equipment terminals attached.
The whole squad will be bound to the point when it is called in.
2011-02-18, 01:56 PM
I have never really had a problem with spawning. I loved planetside for the teamwork. if you didn't work together you wouldn't get nearly as far. This is not always true but when you played with a good squad you would last a lot longer (i was the adv med). I liked the fact that you had set spawning locations. Even the ams you knew that if a group of people were coming from a new direction there was a single place they were spawning from. When you start to add in the fact that people can spawn out of thin air like a squad leader spawn it changes everything and doesn't have a set structure. I love the idea of a squad spawn point that you can make. my personal thoughts you would need.
-A Squad leader with a certain CR can have a peice in his backpack to put down
-Adv med would have to use up his med equipment by shooting it with med gun
-Adv eng uses up eng equip by shooting with eng gun
-Has to be outside of the base
-No cloack
-Size i would say would be like the router teleporter pad
-Doesn't show up on radar automaticly
-Can be within enemy SOI but still a certain distance from the base
-Squad only so if a platoon of 3 squads means they need to set up 3 camps
-Can get equipment but no max suits.
Because it is a camp and can be setup stealthy is should be vulnerable.
The fact that it takes 3 people to set up makes it harder for it to happen and easier for it to be spotted like the ams. It is a set spot that cant but moved and a cool down timer for the squad leader to get the piece again. I think this type of spawn point would promote more team work and needs effort to be put into it to get a reward. So if you die and spawn right back you put the effort in before hand so you dont have to start so far back.
I SandRock
2011-02-18, 01:57 PM
I sincerely hope the sanctuaries are not removed. We need a safe zone from which large assaults can be organised.
One of my favourite ideas for spawning is giving squad leaders a beacon, perhaps a command ability where they can call in a spawn point, similar to a HART drop pod with equipment terminals attached.
The whole squad will be bound to the point when it is called in.
To me it might signify a 'win' condition. Capture a person's home continent and you win. Resetting the map.
You simply have one base on your home continent which functions as a sanctuary. You can't have that base be taken. Rather than have sanctuary on a separate zone.
2011-02-18, 02:55 PM
To me it might signify a 'win' condition. Capture a person's home continent and you win. Resetting the map.
You simply have one base on your home continent which functions as a sanctuary. You can't have that base be taken. Rather than have sanctuary on a separate zone.
at a guess i'd say they'll still keep nuetral places for people to go to check certs, do equipment stuff like that just do away with the zones on the planet
logical step for me would have people spawn on orbiting space stations they can do what they like then no need to wait for a shuttle just go into a drop pod down to the planet.
but i'll miss the sanctuary it was always a good place to regroup an attack had staled on a conti the CR5s would call for a regroup at sanc we'd go back kit up form up and all move out together to another target .
2011-02-18, 03:20 PM
Fight and hopefully your squad gets back before you die.
Get killed and respawn regroup. (quickest)
Run back to the spawn point and regroup. (more running up to 20 minute now for Manitou)
You wait at the spawn point for your squad when you die the first time then move out as a team. (boring)
I think most people take the first option. But usually that results in your dieing again and you are still potentially not with your squad.
All the other options have down time while waiting or running to hook up with your squad. If you factor in everyone in your squad has similar issues...or even that some people may run into trouble on the way back. You could potentially always be waiting for someone.
That is what takes the time assuming you want to play "together".
Pardon the trimming. Anyways, no, I do understand those situations, and I agree that something could probably be done about them.
Before we saw a "spawn on squad leader" option, though, or a beacon, or whatever, I think I'd rather see something that allowed your squad to hold a position in order to bring you back into the fight with them faster.
The stuff people have suggested in this thread makes me concerned that losing the teammate isn't, well, slowing down the squad any. He just clicks "spawn on the beacon my leader just placed" and he's right back there. Why did I bother killing him again?
How about this: scattered around, but not inside excessive defenses, we'd have single spawn tubes. These would be more accessible than the actual respawn room, and have no equipment terminals. If you don't have an adv. medic (why doesn't your cohesive squad that wants to play together as a team not have a medic, again?), you get your hacker to hack a tube for you, which you can then select so long as somebody with a CUD is in close proximity to the tube to "authorize" your respawn redirection to the non-standard spawn tube. It's a longer spawn time than the other options available to you, but, hey, it puts you right back with your team, right? So long as they hold the position and defend the guy hacking the spawn tube until you spawn, yes!
Now, the team who managed to kill one or more of your guys has benefitted from it: they have forced your squad to stop its progress and remain stationary in an only lightly defensible position. Your squad has to earn the chance to respawn you nearby; they have to defend the guy hacking it for the minute or whatever it'll take to respawn you. And they've also forced you into standard armor without replenished ammo, at least until you can find an equipment terminal to hack. But it's still a way for you to rejoin them in an advanced position.
Note: if you want to do this in a friendly SOI, the hacking is not necessary, but the spawn time is similar. Somebody with a CUD just needs to "authorize" it.
I think that idea is a better compromise between getting people back into the action with their squad with less downtime, without trivializing their death.
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