View Full Version : my issues with wish list threads
2011-02-19, 07:17 PM
ok there are a lot of threars on here with people posting new ideas for planetside next and i've been fairly negitive to most so thought i'd create a thread to explain.
now all the idea's i've seen are all very cool my issue with them is they are mostly about creating easy fixes for small issues people have with the game play, easy repairs/easy ammo/ easy respawns and the issue I have with that is that all the games that are out now make that all so easy cod, you take to much damage hide in a corner for 10 seconds bam full health.
bad company 2 you die at the front lines having snuck past a choke point no problem spawn on your team mate and have him through down an unlimited ammo crate.
but for me the fondest memorys for gaming are going back to playi9ng BF1942 desert combat , planetside being short on ammo and having to engineer your own fix to it. creating your own solutions to problem in the games design.
i've got 100+ memorys of stunts i've pulled of in planetside and desert combat which will stay with me forever yet cant honestly remember 1 from bad company 2 which I played for 4 months last year. for the reason everything was made so easy.
I rarely run out of ammo in planetside. Today in a tower farm I got over 15 softy kills with 250 MCG bullets and a few grenades. I mean you can run out of ammo, but it's really hard to. I can't figure out where these "we need more ammo" posts are coming from.
I SandRock
2011-02-19, 07:32 PM
None of the suggestions I've seen propose something as extreme as the games you listed. There are two extremes, you have to find the sweet spot :p
I SandRock
2011-02-19, 07:33 PM
I rarely run out of ammo in planetside. Today in a tower farm I got over 15 softy kills with 250 MCG bullets and a few grenades. I mean you can run out of ammo, but it's really hard to. I can't figure out where these "we need more ammo" posts are coming from.
That's amazing considering every TR I see holds down MCG and then starts running around corners and through hallways not letting go of that button till they've wiped out everyone around them. Perhaps that says something about the MCG clip more than anything :P
But yeah I've not found ammo a big issue in PS.
That's amazing considering every TR I see holds down MCG and then starts running around corners and through hallways not letting go of that button till they've wiped out everyone around them. Perhaps that says something about the MCG clip more than anything :P
But yeah I've not found ammo a big issue in PS.
It was a lot of flanking targets that weren't watching me. Not sure what that has to do with the MCG's clip, since I rarely got more than one or two kills per run. I wasn't mowing down 15 people a clip :p. I could have done the same with a jackhammer and a few boxes of ammo tbh.
2011-02-20, 03:04 AM
respawning should be a bitch. ok maybe not a bitch but instant action is horseshit in a mmofps where attrition should mean something for craps sake.
If I kill 3-4 guys attacking my town / base / mother damnit it better mean something they should have to work at least a little bit to get back to the fight to come kill me.
2011-02-20, 06:53 AM
None of the suggestions I've seen propose something as extreme as the games you listed. There are two extremes, you have to find the sweet spot :p
I know there extremes but i've seen suggestions of deployable medical termals that heal players around it. deployable ammo termals for players just to refill at.
squad leader spawns, squad spawns they've all been thrown about some where.
games nowadays all make it so easy for players, ammo should be a limited resource you should be able to run out of itr and not just put down an ammo termal and spam grenades from behind a rock. other wise whats the point in having ammo in the game as a resource.
if somebody dies and cant be ressed it should take them a few minutes to get back to the fight. I dont mind so much them putting a few more AMS like options in the game so there are different means of people to create static spawn points outside I just dont want to see spawning on players inside bases on squad mates
2011-02-20, 07:09 AM
There are been uncountable amount sof ideas for PlanetSide. Some really stuck out in the past. Gunships and Ancient-Tech MAXS and stuff on DviddLeff ('s website (
It's an expression of passion. The ideas spawn from faith and respect of the game that is PlanetSide, and influenced from our emotive experiences and memories of the game. We all had a great time and would love to see the game become better, which it should be doing this year!
It's an expression of expectation. When we expect something and it doesn't happen we become disappointed greatly or somewhat... Always happens. People expected a good game from Global Agenda, expected changes to the better, and now look at it -- it's shit. Ancient-old ideas like the gunship must have encouraged the Galaxy Gunship to exist without a doubt and that thing is damn ugly. These are the only two problems I'm seeing with a Wishlist.
I SandRock
2011-02-20, 07:30 AM
It was a lot of flanking targets that weren't watching me. Not sure what that has to do with the MCG's clip, since I rarely got more than one or two kills per run. I wasn't mowing down 15 people a clip :p. I could have done the same with a jackhammer and a few boxes of ammo tbh.
Yeah it wasn't directly related to you. You just reminded me of the annoying MCG and the way people use it. Spray and pray to the extreme.
A few years ago when I used it you had to burst fire or the accuracy would be so shit you wouldnt hit anything. Now all I see TR do is press the button down before they see anything, walk around a corner shooting, kill 2-3 of VS a person then let go of the button when were all dead :P
2011-02-20, 01:40 PM
Everyone has their own vision for the next game and there is allot of passion out there for PlanetSide. It wasn't massively successful in the grand scheme of things but this community is very passionate about their ideas and about this game.
The idea threads are an expression of that passion and it doesn't hurt to say what you would like for the game. Now certainly some of the ideas our outlandish.. but that doesn't mean they will be implemented. :D
It's healthy for a community such as this one to express their ideas openly, and the developers are reading it so that's even more incentive. :D
Yeah it wasn't directly related to you. You just reminded me of the annoying MCG and the way people use it. Spray and pray to the extreme.
A few years ago when I used it you had to burst fire or the accuracy would be so shit you wouldnt hit anything. Now all I see TR do is press the button down before they see anything, walk around a corner shooting, kill 2-3 of VS a person then let go of the button when were all dead :P
The MCG hasn't changed in the past few years to my knowledge. And the best way to use it indoors is to hold down fire constantly, as your COF doesn't reset if you're taking constant damage. You can do the same with the lasher.
2011-02-20, 03:13 PM
Wrath, your issue seems to be about people asking for the game to be made quicker and easier. While PS vets are used to the pace of the game, your old school FPS player has played in order(ish) Quake, UT, Team Fortress, Counterstrike, BF1942, Halo, BF2142, TF2, CoD: MW and BFBC2, in this vaguest of time lines you can see that game speed was initially high, slowed with CS and BF1942 and has been speeding back up since Halo. The new breed of FPS player have been weaned on CoD and Halo and they expect almost zero downtime.
Planetside 2 needs to cater for all styles of play and as long as their is a spawn point close enough to the front lines it will do so (ie, the zerg). The tactical players can still take their time to pull off the impressive feats, and that will naturally take time.
I do hope that respawning requires destroyable respawn points and we don't have people popping out of thin air around their squad leaders or have regenerating health without the help of a medic/engineer.
When did they change the MCG so that it doesn't bloom until the 11th shot or so? Basically a free kill when it only takes about 12 rounds to to the job; I have HA certed solely so I can loot the MCG as the Lasher is a poor substitute.
I believe the way to make Planetside successful it to incorporate what the average FPS gamer is use to playing. Maybe they can have a Planetside Veteran toggle that allows you to do everything the slow way?
I'm a veteran player but after 8 years of playing other FPS games post Planetside I know what I like and the pace of PS needs work. Maybe it doesn't need to be as fast as current FPS titles but some slight adjustments would be most welcome.
When did they change the MCG so that it doesn't bloom until the 11th shot or so? Basically a free kill when it only takes about 12 rounds to to the job; I have HA certed solely so I can loot the MCG as the Lasher is a poor substitute.
It doesn't bloom until the 12th shot if you aren't being attacked.
If it's such a free kill machine why don't you go on tr and show us all how it's done? ^_^
2011-02-20, 03:50 PM
I believe the way to make Planetside successful it to incorporate what the average FPS gamer is use to playing. Maybe they can have a Planetside Veteran toggle that allows you to do everything the slow way?
I'm a veteran player but after 8 years of playing other FPS games post Planetside I know what I like and the pace of PS needs work. Maybe it doesn't need to be as fast as current FPS titles but some slight adjustments would be most welcome.
2011-02-20, 04:34 PM
It doesn't bloom until the 12th shot if you aren't being attacked.
If it's such a free kill machine why don't you go on tr and show us all how it's done? ^_^
I like a challenge, and the TR just have it way too easy :-p
Plus I love purple!
I like a challenge, and the TR just have it way too easy :-p
Plus I love purple!
Yeah... ok.
I SandRock
2011-02-20, 06:33 PM
The MCG hasn't changed in the past few years to my knowledge. And the best way to use it indoors is to hold down fire constantly, as your COF doesn't reset if you're taking constant damage. You can do the same with the lasher.
Except the lasher's ammo clip is way weaker, the overall damage is way weaker and people say the slow travelling orbs are a pro, i see them as a con. MCG bullets are pretty much direct hits which means direct damage and not damage over delay.
I never see TR loot lashers and use it, only on rare occassions just for funsies. While VS is the scavenger empire. When we are fighting NC, I see everyone grabbing their JHs, when we are fighting TR, i see everyone grabbing their MCGs. Personally I think the Punisher beats the Lasher so I use that. It means I lose out on a direct 1vs1 fight with MCG in medium-close range but if I can sit and get the drop I stand a good chance. Or if I can manage to get em from behind and do LOLSTRAFE :P
Except the lasher's ammo clip is way weaker, the overall damage is way weaker and people say the slow travelling orbs are a pro, i see them as a con. MCG bullets are pretty much direct hits which means direct damage and not damage over delay.
The MCG outkills both the JH and Lasher with 1 clip; (L:35/6 = 5.83 kills, M: 100/13 = 7.69, J: 16/3 = 5.33), so VS are not alone in that regard.
However, I rarely have to reload with any of the HA during the middle of a fight, so honestly that point is fairly moot.
I saw two people today on TR with lashers in the hour I was on.
I SandRock
2011-02-20, 07:13 PM
The MCG outkills both the JH and Lasher with 1 clip; (L:35/6 = 5.83 kills, M: 100/13 = 7.69, J: 16/3 = 5.33), so VS are not alone in that regard.
Yes but the JH is easier to hit with (though that might be personal) and shoots it's 3 shots faster than the lasher shoots it's 6 requires to kill.
However, I rarely have to reload with any of the HA during the middle of a fight, so honestly that point is fairly moot.
That's probably because you don't keep the fire button on the lasher down before you even turn a corner and then run in spamming it with the button down like you do with the MCG :P
Or, more likely, you just die before you even deplete your lasher clip :P
Nobody can tell me the lasher isn't the worst HA to be around by far. There's nothing that will make me believe it. Ever!
That's probably because you don't keep the fire button on the lasher down before you even turn a corner and then run in spamming it with the button down like you do with the MCG :P
2011-02-20, 08:28 PM
Thread Derailed!
Weapon balance of the existing game is an entirely different thread.
2011-02-21, 07:44 AM
I think it's safe to say PlanetSide Next will be some what faster then the original when they mentioned sanctuaries slowing things down too much.
Maybe they can have a Planetside Veteran toggle that allows you to do everything the slow way?
That would never be used even by veterans in the long run.
2011-02-21, 09:37 AM
Theres a big difference between the pace of combat and the time to action.
One is a fixed instant action button (relabaled and bigger on the main page probably called "DEPLOY" which puts you into the biggest real battle avalible - maybe even wiht a HART droppod if they keep that idea. Just no queing for a shuttle).
The pace of combat is more important. This means damage and running speeds.
Faster and its more like COD which favours movement and 'rambo' style action.
Slower means large groups of people mauling each other at close range - a bit like a naval engagment from Empire Total War.
If its slow speed but fast kills its more like Arma 2 or Battleground Europe.
Fast run speeds and slow kills is very strange, more like a space battle.
2011-02-21, 09:50 AM
DviddLeff yeah that is exactly my issue making the pace of the game quicker and making things which should count for something so much easier to get.
my worry about the spawning suggestions is that it will create and imbalance in the game play to make defending bases so much harder. i've no idea what its like now in PS haven';t played for a few years but back when I was playing if you had a base under heavy attack with all surronding towers in enemy hands and ams's around the base. it a pretty much lost fight unless the ams's and towers where taken out.
I do like the idea of them creating a number of ways to create mobile spawn points rather then just an AMS. but I dont want people popping out on squad mates or galaxys being turned into mobile spawn points for infinate number of hot drops to land on a tower or base.
Miir making planetside next play with COD or BF:BC2 isnt going to make the game any more sucessful infact if anything putting the game into direct competion with the largest FPS francise out there will probably mean it'll fail. you do that and while you might grab a few players for 4-5 months CODs annual releases will mean they all go running back for another fix of insta gib.
planetside is a niche product it promotes team and rewards team work above all else it has the largest map and battles of any game out there thats its USP, them sort of battles and maps require people to play at a slower pace and work as a group to succeed not just run about getting kill streaks for overpowered rewards to get another kill streak to get an overpowered reward.
2011-02-22, 03:54 AM
I believe the way to make Planetside successful it to incorporate what the average FPS gamer is use to playing. Maybe they can have a Planetside Veteran toggle that allows you to do everything the slow way?
I'm a veteran player but after 8 years of playing other FPS games post Planetside I know what I like and the pace of PS needs work. Maybe it doesn't need to be as fast as current FPS titles but some slight adjustments would be most welcome.
I would like to toggle everyone ELSE to do things the slow way. I would pay extra for leetness, like if I was a rolling porcupine ball of Jackhammers that could curl up and roll down a hallway like a bowling ball that had all barrels firing, it would be awesome. The Sea Urchin of DOOM!
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