View Full Version : The Galaxy
2011-02-21, 02:29 PM
theres be rumours going that the galaxy will be a spawn platform in PS:N I hope this doesnt happen but one idea I had was that you could load the galaxy up with a drop deployable spawn platform.
AMS's deploying ontop of towers was always a massive help in taking towers during tower fights my idea is simlair no more AMSs on top of towers instead a galaxy flys over deploys a squad onto the tower and drops a Spawn platform that needs to be deployed by one of the squad on the ground once deployed this platform only has the energy to stay active 15 minutes. this is to combat the easy at which these things would be able to be deployed.
2011-02-21, 02:36 PM
I'm not sure I understand: is this idea to combine the galaxy with a router and AMS combo in one cert?
I kind of like the galaxy as it is, a dropship transport. I don't think they need to combine the capabilities of different equipment. We want to promote teamwork so people will have to specialize in different aspects (like AMS/Router/Galaxy certs) to be an effective part of the TEAM. If we combine abilities of things like allowing the REK to repair stuff or the med cert to drop replenishable healing fields then everyone will be a one-man army and teamwork will completely dissolve.
2011-02-21, 02:53 PM
Smed's comments were it would play a more "pivotal" role. At this point folks are speculating as to what that could mean. The most logical thing would seem to be some kind of mobile spawn point (I can't say I like that idea much though)
2011-02-21, 02:59 PM
or that orbital planetary-relocation thought that I mentioned in the other thread. Imagine how awesome that would be. No need to use eye-sore Warpgates ever again.
2011-02-21, 03:15 PM
I'm not sure I understand: is this idea to combine the galaxy with a router and AMS combo in one cert?
I kind of like the galaxy as it is, a dropship transport. I don't think they need to combine the capabilities of different equipment. We want to promote teamwork so people will have to specialize in different aspects (like AMS/Router/Galaxy certs) to be an effective part of the TEAM. If we combine abilities of things like allowing the REK to repair stuff or the med cert to drop replenishable healing fields then everyone will be a one-man army and teamwork will completely dissolve.
it wont be an ams/router combo just a short term stationary ams that lasts 15 minutes this is cause I like hamma dont like the idea of the galaxy being a mobile spawn platform as there are rumours it will be. i'd rather see something like this that can be used tactical then a galaxy spawn machine
2011-02-21, 03:25 PM
No need to use eye-sore Warpgates ever again.
Eye-sore Warpgates? You mean the same warpgates that are the logo of a particular uber-badass Planetside fan website?
2011-02-21, 03:39 PM
I just hope it offers a way to change loadouts while flying.
2011-02-21, 04:17 PM
Well, maybe not eyesore. I was thinking more... headsore.
2011-02-21, 07:54 PM
Eye-sore Warpgates? You mean the same warpgates that are the logo of a particular uber-badass Planetside fan website?
I always thought warp gates were really cool. I'm not sure where the spawn "Rumors" are coming for the Galaxy because I have not heard them or seen them anywhere.
2011-02-22, 12:45 AM
I think I have it figured out. The Galaxy's new pivotal role is that it transforms into the chest piece of a new giant BFR robot formed from different vehicles.
2011-02-22, 03:01 AM
I think I have it figured out. The Galaxy's new pivotal role is that it transforms into the chest piece of a new giant BFR robot formed from different vehicles.
The Boob-Bot?
2011-02-22, 03:41 AM
or that orbital planetary-relocation thought that I mentioned in the other thread. Imagine how awesome that would be. No need to use eye-sore Warpgates ever again.
Already got that on the PUP ( :)
Galaxy and Lodestar Orbital Re-entry
The Galaxy and Lodestar can now enter a continent at any point by entering a new warp gate at the centre of their Sanctuary. Similar to a drop pod the Galaxy or Lodestar pilot chooses their entry point and then enters from the atmosphere, the pilot regaining control at 400m and potentially levelling out at 300m. This is designed to avoid warp gate stalemates, and allow for more guerrilla strikes.
I always thought warp gates were really cool. I'm not sure where the spawn "Rumors" are coming for the Galaxy because I have not heard them or seen them anywhere.
I suggested it in the PUP, and then stated it in the thread following Smed's comment.
However I only want it to work when the Gal is landed, or perhaps when there are spare seats available in the Gal itself when its airborne.
The gal could also be customised by the pilot to have any ONE of the following options:
Vehicle Bay (existing)
Extra seats
Extra MAX seats
Spawn Point
Gunship (existing)
2011-02-22, 03:49 AM
Already got that on the PUP ( :)
Galaxy and Lodestar Orbital Re-entry
The gal could also be customised by the pilot to have any ONE of the following options:
Vehicle Bay (existing)
Extra seats
Extra MAX seats
Spawn Point
Gunship (existing)
Gigantic mega-cannon that has a bore the size of the whole fuselage. Just the backblast puts OS's to shame. It can reduce a whole base to rubble in one shot.
Cool. I like that last one, especially.
2011-02-22, 03:52 AM
Yeah, it fires ANT bombs!
2011-02-22, 04:16 AM
Yeah, it fires ANT bombs!
I have to admit, I don't know what an ANT bomb is. I have never seen this in action that I recall.
2011-02-22, 07:28 AM
fully charged ants used to make a big boom when they exploded. Gals would drop ants. Ant bomb.
2011-02-22, 04:24 PM
Galaxies would have a pivotal role if they were the only way to get infantry to the tops of structures, kinda like we all thought they'd do before we played the game. If bailing out from non-galaxies were removed, people would actually use galaxies, because attacking towers or bases from alternate angles is a pretty powerful strategy.
I think that galaxies should have a few additional perks:
1. People have mentioned customizing the bays for extra weapons or extra players: I like that.
2. I think bail outs should be limited in other air craft, and it should just be in Galaxies. Or at least have it so that only galaxies have the hot-drop function, while other aircraft have more of an ejector-seat style, so they can't land wherever they want. Gear limitations in other aircraft would be nice too.
3. What about having a Galaxy drop miniature supply stations, capable of repairing health, armor, and ammo to players or vehicles right next to them? Make it a limited repair capability, but the Galaxy is capable of respawning stations after a while.
4. Give the pilot a chaingun. A nasty one too.
Galaxies would have a pivotal role if they were the only way to get infantry to the tops of structures, kinda like we all thought they'd do before we played the game. If bailing out from non-galaxies were removed, people would actually use galaxies, because attacking towers or bases from alternate angles is a pretty powerful strategy.
Or they could just make galaxies more attractive and leave planes well enough alone?
2. I think bail outs should be limited in other air craft, and it should just be in Galaxies. Or at least have it so that only galaxies have the hot-drop function, while other aircraft have more of an ejector-seat style, so they can't land wherever they want. Gear limitations in other aircraft would be nice too.
I think sony kind of wants a lot of people from PS to sub for PSN, which won't happen if they start eliminating all play styles other than yours.
2011-02-22, 04:57 PM
Or they could just make galaxies more attractive and leave planes well enough alone?
I guess if they want to reproduce the flop that was Planetside then yeah, they should probably leave the broken elements alone. Otherwise though they may want to do something about them.
I guess if they want to reproduce the flop that was Planetside then yeah, they should probably leave the broken elements alone. Otherwise though they may want to do something about them.
How does making galaxies more attractive as transport equate to leaving the game alone? Or are you intentionally being dense?
Or they could just make galaxies more attractive and leave planes well enough alone?
I think sony kind of wants a lot of people from PS to sub for PSN, which won't happen if they start eliminating all play styles other than yours.
I was actually almost exclusively an air-cav pilot who used mossies just to get around, and would even ditch a reaver just to get into combat quickly. And in hind-sight, I think its dumb game design that ruins the point of a team-based mmofps.
But I would also be a galaxy pilot for my outfit when we did runs, and often tried to get dropship flights going. And thats what I and many people I played with enjoyed most.
Ultimately, I think this is addressing a deeper problem in Planetside design: role of vehicles, and their worth.
In the vast majority of games, vehicles are a rare and valuable component of team play. People shouldn't just use fighters or land transports to move one person from point a to point b. In planetside, vehicles were so easy to come by that there was no real worth placed on them, with a few exceptions. I think that should change, but then again thats just my opinion.
2011-02-22, 06:34 PM
3. What about having a Galaxy drop miniature supply stations, capable of repairing health, armor, and ammo to players or vehicles right next to them? Make it a limited repair capability, but the Galaxy is capable of respawning stations after a while.
I like this idea, like in war films where soldiers in desperate situations could get a package parachute dropped from a passing friendly aircraft.
2011-02-22, 07:43 PM
Bags please ease up a bit, you are getting my attention again and that's not a good way to roll. Repeating the "Removing others play-style" in every thread is not contributing - people are entitled to their own opinions.
In the vast majority of games, vehicles are a rare and valuable component of team play. People shouldn't just use fighters or land transports to move one person from point a to point b. In planetside, vehicles were so easy to come by that there was no real worth placed on them, with a few exceptions. I think that should change, but then again thats just my opinion.
I tend to agree with this.
2011-02-23, 12:13 AM
I'm not sure I understand: is this idea to combine the galaxy with a router and AMS combo in one cert?
I kind of like the galaxy as it is, a dropship transport. I don't think they need to combine the capabilities of different equipment. We want to promote teamwork so people will have to specialize in different aspects (like AMS/Router/Galaxy certs) to be an effective part of the TEAM. If we combine abilities of things like allowing the REK to repair stuff or the med cert to drop replenishable healing fields then everyone will be a one-man army and teamwork will completely dissolve.
Thought - However if you have AMS certed as well, perhaps then this ability is open to you? Thus allowing someone who likes piloting to also pitch in with spawn points? This is just a thought, sort of like if there is a medic in a vehicle in Battlefield nearby troops get healed.
2011-02-23, 01:43 AM
How does making galaxies more attractive as transport equate to leaving the game alone? Or are you intentionally being dense?
The galaxies mechanics weren't specifically the problem, the fact that they were obsolete the minute they let people bail out of aircraft with HA was the problem. If people couldn't use any old aircraft as methods of conveyance to the tops of towers and such, galaxies would become more popular. I think galaxies could use a few tweaks as well, but that isn't the crux of the issue.
e: I also don't know how you gathered anything about "leaving the game alone" from what I wrote earlier. What I meant was that the mechanics of aircraft in Planetside are quite obviously poorly done, and if they want the game to do well they should address them rather than doing as you said and leaving them essentially untouched. So you'll have to forgive me if I misled you in some fashion and implied that you or I or anyone else said anything about "leaving the game alone".
2011-02-23, 03:58 AM
Most people agree that air cav being used as a combat insertion vehicle is a bad thing for a heap of reasons:
It makes the Gal pretty much obsolete.
It gives a single player too many roles at the same time (you shouldnt be an effective assault vehicle one second and an effective grunt the next.
It gives air cav pilots a free life almost every time.
It allows players to totally bypass the outdoor fight with minimal risk.
Now the problem is caused by a few game systems:
Too many cert points; as soon as everyone had spare certs we certed air cav to simply get from A to B, instead of relying on slow, dangerous ground transport.
Pilots able to weild HA and AV weapons (why are there 3x6 and 3x9 weapons when every suit can carry either?)
Pilots and drivers can wear Agile (what is the point of Standard?)
Bailing is pin point accurate; add in an ejector seat which throws you up and out in a random direction.
2011-02-23, 04:12 AM
I still don't see the reason for bailing in the first place. I mean its not for realism because thats a dumbass reason (same reason we don't want pilots or drivers limited to a pistol). Gameplay? Nothing but tower dropping adds to gameplay and that is just stealing the galaxy's role (but better) anyway.
Immersion? Seems rather big deal for simple immersion.
Its also inconsistent, why can't MAXs bail into standard?
It just never made sense for pilots (of ANY vehicle) to bail.
2011-02-23, 07:19 AM
Someone probably thought it'd be cool if people could bail, never thought much about the balance implications, and all the subsequent lead designers were likely too afraid of scaring away Planetside's dwindling playerbase to actually take a step toward better gameplay and remove it.
2011-02-23, 07:45 AM
I don't mind ejecting before you get destroyed its just the way air cav is used as a transport vehicle for combat troops that irritates me.
Firstly, huuuge ego boost that Hamma actually agrees with me.
Secondly, I think the Galaxy as a supplier would work, even with the AMS, because your AMS should be intended as a stealthy insertion point, not as a true supply station. It's one thing to get some gear from it when you spawn, another if you're trying to re-arm or repair a vanguard.
Thirdly, this might sound a little nuts, but what if the certs for air craft were to be re-arranged? Have support craft like the Galaxy or the Lodestar come up first, and then later get the reaver. Not sure where the mossie would go, probably pretty early, but it should definitely require light armor to pilot, because it's a recon craft. That or remove bail outs as they are now.
I've suggested in other threads that maybe a small dropship should be included too (maybe like the phantasm, I never got to use it, so I don't really know about it). I could see this working out as a tree of certs, where you need to spec the more team-work oriented craft first (starting with small dropship and mossie, then moving up to galaxy, liberator, lodestar, wasp, reaver.) Point of the whole process should be that if you want to be a pilot, you shouldn't get the killing machines first, right? Maybe that's just me.
2011-02-23, 12:12 PM
I like the changing around of the certs. I was just thinking to raise the air cav cert amount but i like your idea making the transport ships first and then keep certing in more specialized killing machines. Far less people would use the mosq and also infuse more team work oriented play. I do want to add that if it does go this way they should lower the AA guns damage a little bit or keep the damage but dont make it fire and forget. I Haven't played in years and dont fly much but the few times i have (so yes im nub at it) recently i died pretty quickly both gal and mos.
2011-02-23, 12:22 PM
Air cav needs to be brought in line. I tend to agree, nobody really thought of the implication and when the population died out, it was probably left in as a means of allowing people to get back in the fight. Plus when you increase the BRs to 40 and thus allow just about every cert, you've gone and fucked the game up. So fix it - make Mossie air-to-air, hell make it a damned helicopter so there's no bailing. Ever see a guy eject from a helicopter?
I disagree with this idea that "giving the Galaxy a more pivotal role" means giving it a portable spawn. That shit is lame, hello Battlefield 2. Leave it as a troop transport. Equipment terminal? Nah. You want to change your underwear in mid-flight? Tough, shoulda got on board with the right cert load-out. Wait til you hit the ground, troop.
Portable respawn? AMS. It has wheels. Drive it. Or if you can't drive it because you forgot your license that day, get a Lodestar. Matter of fact, Lodestar could be like a socket/transformer. Stick an AMS in the back and plug it in, the Lodestar becomes a respawn vehicle WHEN IT'S PARKED.
2011-02-23, 02:05 PM
Air cav needs to be brought in line. I tend to agree, nobody really thought of the implication and when the population died out, it was probably left in as a means of allowing people to get back in the fight. Plus when you increase the BRs to 40 and thus allow just about every cert, you've gone and fucked the game up. So fix it - make Mossie air-to-air, hell make it a damned helicopter so there's no bailing. Ever see a guy eject from a helicopter?
I disagree with this idea that "giving the Galaxy a more pivotal role" means giving it a portable spawn. That shit is lame, hello Battlefield 2. Leave it as a troop transport. Equipment terminal? Nah. You want to change your underwear in mid-flight? Tough, shoulda got on board with the right cert load-out. Wait til you hit the ground, troop.
Portable respawn? AMS. It has wheels. Drive it. Or if you can't drive it because you forgot your license that day, get a Lodestar. Matter of fact, Lodestar could be like a socket/transformer. Stick an AMS in the back and plug it in, the Lodestar becomes a respawn vehicle WHEN IT'S PARKED.
I second those thoughts. :)
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