View Full Version : Birthday

2011-03-07, 03:13 AM
It's my birthday today so I am hoping that because I am so cute and nice that Smedley will throw me a bone in terms of a Planetside:Next screenshot. :D :D

Please? :D

2011-03-07, 09:52 AM

It would be sweet to see something else soon.

The Desert Fox
2011-03-07, 11:42 AM
SOE has officially run out of fake screenshots to show us, the game is never coming out. Your entire life has been a lie. I am sorry.

2011-03-07, 12:29 PM
SOE has officially run out of fake screenshots to show us, the game is never coming out. Your entire life has been a lie. I am sorry.


Way to ruin my birthday! :cry:
