View Full Version : No MAX
2011-03-14, 11:54 PM
Simple: No MAXes in PSN.
2011-03-15, 01:22 AM
How about make it require a tech plant as opposed to just a tower?
2011-03-15, 02:32 AM
I'd only agree if we also removed all forms of air.
Since you didn't mention that. No. Maxes have a place in planetside.
2011-03-15, 02:32 AM
What were your problems with MAXs? For me it was a number. I wanted to see 1 MAX per 5 to 10 infantry.
Few other issues too but that was the main one.
If I had to choose one absolute or another I'd choose no maxes, but I think that's extreme.
2011-03-15, 04:13 AM
I don't think you could call it PS if it didn't have MAXes tbh
2011-03-15, 04:32 AM
How about make it require a tech plant as opposed to just a tower?
What would be the point of that? Infantry fights would just turn into mini version of vehicle fights, only the side with tech would have the stronger stuff without going to sanc.
I'd only agree if we also removed all forms of air.
Since you didn't mention that. No. Maxes have a place in planetside.
MAXes aren't needed for AA.
What were your problems with MAXs? For me it was a number. I wanted to see 1 MAX per 5 to 10 infantry.
Few other issues too but that was the main one.
They are too affordable, yes.
If I had to choose one absolute or another I'd choose no maxes, but I think that's extreme.
Nah, it isn't extreme.
I don't think you could call it PS if it didn't have MAXes tbh
What a silly statement.
2011-03-15, 06:04 AM
What a silly statement.
Just as silly as your statement of "No maxes", you don't even give a reason or arguement why
2011-03-15, 07:30 AM
Buff MAXs movement speed and mobility, and make them more viable outdoors in open fields.
I want my Mobile Infantry dammit!
Max's are such an integral part of Planetside. How dare you propose change! Just kidding ;)
But step back a moment and look at this from a new game perspective.
I could see the base/tower combat be more challenging without maxes. So personally I wouldn't hate this idea of no maxes.
I'd rather them be modified than take them out completely. If I could get one thing changed it would be to remove the auto-run. Basically make them slow and more dependent on vehicle transport. I never liked when people would auto-run them right into a base or tower during a battle.
2011-03-15, 09:09 AM
Max units do not need a buff. They're perfect defensive infantry meat grinding machines with no effective indoors counter.
"But, but... they can't open doors or heal themselves!"
They can't open doors or heal/repair themselves in enemy bases that is, when they're by themselves.
I have a whole list of fixes for max units as it currently stands, which nerfs defense, limits their capabilities when by themselves (for example by making it so that an AA/AV max doesnt have a faster TTK then a rexo with decimators), and in general makes them more balanced.
2011-03-15, 10:27 AM
I don't think it should be removed from the game. I see a MAX the same way I see Battle Armour in Battletech (Mechwarrior for you non-nerds) - a sort of super-heavy infantry.
Require a certain "tree" to get to it, instead of just plugging in X-amount of cert points.
1) Medium Assault
2) Reinforced Exosuit
3) MAX (which has a slightly higher-than-average cert-point cost)
2011-03-15, 12:56 PM
I don't think it should be removed from the game. I see a MAX the same way I see Battle Armour in Battletech (Mechwarrior for you non-nerds) - a sort of super-heavy infantry.
Require a certain "tree" to get to it, instead of just plugging in X-amount of cert points.
1) Medium Assault
2) Reinforced Exosuit
3) MAX (which has a slightly higher-than-average cert-point cost)
4) BFR
It's only been a matter of time that someone suggested getting rid of MAX units. Then it'll be reinforced exosuits to go because they make indoor fighting unfair. :rolleyes:
Nah but in all seriousness I like Max units. I used to use the VS AA max and it was fun and served its purpose. It's not like it's hard to kill a max. I used to pull out decimators all the time and lob them down the corridor. Though I haven't played in a while, and I can imagine from the current way cert points are that it could get out of hand if everyone had them. Obviously if cert points are balanced then it will be a choice among many options in such a way that it's a trade-off to cert it.
2011-03-15, 02:00 PM
A few things:
- Max crashes are incredibly fun. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't, but they are always fun.
- I don't know where this idea comes from that Maxes are insanely powerful. Am I the only one that carries AV and just sees Maxes as an easy target?
- I know it's been said in jest here, but frankly it wouldn't be Planetside without Maxes.
- It's a great way for new players to learn the game. The extra armor helps the survivabilty, and the more you can learn how to live longer, the better you get. I was having a really hard time staying alive when I first started playing, and if it wasn't for Maxes, I may have given up in frustration before I ever really got into the meat of the game.
Edit: I'd like to see the Uni-Max cert removed. I didn't think it needed to be added in the first place. If you really want all the Max suits, then you can spend the certs for it and sacrifice something else.
2011-03-15, 02:19 PM
Most players don't know how to use a max to it's full potential.
Maxs are powerful (more so on defense then anything else) due to their durability, fast TTK vs. infantry and lack of effective counters indoors.
They have essentially 2 counters inside, and oddly both are lacking in their jobs in the majority of scenarios.
Decimators and AV maxs
Unfortunately for the decimator, every single max unit in the game has a faster TTK then a rexo wielding said decimator and the decimator is only useful when a max is chasing you, but he doesn't have to chase, he just has to defend, and if it's his base, the combination of interlink + medical terminals + auto run means he can run you down from multiple angles.
and the AV max, the only way to kill multiple maxs without suiciding is to keep your distance so splash doesn't kill you, but doing that exposes you to decimators and ESAV.
Not to mention a person with unimax certed could switch to an AA max with 1hp left and then it's impossible for him to die, because the moment you get 2 decis into him he can switch to a AV max, then once again you get 2 more decis into him he can switch to an AI max, oh wait that's 4/6 shots of your decimators you've used, your going to die.
Making the max unit into 1 suit with inter-changeable weapons (like the BFR) and making AV max a prequisite to purchasing the AI max would cut out quite a few problems (keeping in mind to reduce the cert costs of the MAX, the AV max could be 3 points with AI/AA being 1 point each), then reducing the effectiveness of AA/AV weapons against infantry. Not allowing pshield for maxs, making auto run use a capacitor or stamina, disallowing MAX abilities while auto-running. Reduce the scatmaxs TTK to MA weapon times to bring it inline with the DC/Quasar. Introduce a 4th type of MAX suit, which would be the Anti-Max max, based around the concept of the original DC max, no splash damage, but is basically a AI max with armor piercing rounds.
One idea I've been playing with is making AP weapons actually pierce the armor and do health damage, you can keep the TTK/Number of shots the same, but doing this prevents someone from switching to a max suit to save their life. Someone can get into a max suit with 1 HP and now they're completely invunerable to health damage until you get their armor down. But introducing AP rounds means that as long as you can get a decimator/AP weapon out fast enough, that max is no longer a way to escape death.
2011-03-15, 02:37 PM
Most players don't know how to use a max to it's full potential.
Maxs are powerful (more so on defense then anything else) due to their durability, fast TTK vs. infantry and lack of effective counters indoors.
They have essentially 2 counters inside, and oddly both are lacking in their jobs in the majority of scenarios.
Decimators and AV maxs
Unfortunately for the decimator, every single max unit in the game has a faster TTK then a rexo wielding said decimator and the decimator is only useful when a max is chasing you, but he doesn't have to chase, he just has to defend, and if it's his base, the combination of interlink + medical terminals + auto run means he can run you down from multiple angles.
and the AV max, the only way to kill multiple maxs without suiciding is to keep your distance so splash doesn't kill you, but doing that exposes you to decimators and ESAV.
Not to mention a person with unimax certed could switch to an AA max with 1hp left and then it's impossible for him to die, because the moment you get 2 decis into him he can switch to a AV max, then once again you get 2 more decis into him he can switch to an AI max, oh wait that's 4/6 shots of your decimators you've used, your going to die.
When I read this stuff, I honestly wonder how much you've used the Max units. For example, you talk about the TTK between a Max and a Rexo with Deci's. Well yeah, if they are standing there, toe to toe, the Max should wipe the floor with the Rexo, but it never happens like that. The Rexo will fire, duck behind cover, reload, pop out and fire again, repeat as neeeded. The Max can eaither run away, or try to close the distance, but even a Rexo is quick enough to stay ahead of the Max. So practically speaking, a single Rexo with AV has the advantage over a single Max....unless they are locked in some hypothetical room with no cover.
Or you bring up this idea that someone with uni-max can just keep switching armor in the middle of a fight? Honestly, how many times has this happened to anyone? I don't know if I've ever seen anyone do this in all the years I've played. It's like worrying about a tornado in New York City. Sure in theory it's possible, but the likelihood of that happening is so remote it's not even worth discussing.
2011-03-15, 03:43 PM
When I read this stuff, I honestly wonder how much you've used the Max units. For example, you talk about the TTK between a Max and a Rexo with Deci's. Well yeah, if they are standing there, toe to toe, the Max should wipe the floor with the Rexo, but it never happens like that. The Rexo will fire, duck behind cover, reload, pop out and fire again, repeat as neeeded. The Max can eaither run away, or try to close the distance, but even a Rexo is quick enough to stay ahead of the Max. So practically speaking, a single Rexo with AV has the advantage over a single Max....unless they are locked in some hypothetical room with no cover.
Or you bring up this idea that someone with uni-max can just keep switching armor in the middle of a fight? Honestly, how many times has this happened to anyone? I don't know if I've ever seen anyone do this in all the years I've played. It's like worrying about a tornado in New York City. Sure in theory it's possible, but the likelihood of that happening is so remote it's not even worth discussing.
It would seem I've used a max and fought against them more often then you have going off how you've NEVER seen any of the above. If you read my first sentence, it specifically says most players don't use max units to their full potential, meaning that most players don't know how to use a max, they just go charging forward while wearing a blind fold so they die a stupid pointless death.
Notice I said every max has a faster ttk then a rexo wielding decimators, this includes Anti-Air and Anti-Vehicle maxs, notice very carefully that it doesn't say Anti-Air+Infantry, or Anti-Vehicle+Infantry. They shouldn't be a effective counter to infantry, simple fix reduce damage to infantry while using AA/AV max weapons.
Also you mention pop and using cover with a decimator, carefully re-read my statement about max units. In order to use the decimator like this, this requires the max to follow/chase you, unfortunately that doesn't exactly cover a pretty large portion of the game, including hypothetical rooms with no cover, particularly when that max is on defense.
As for using the ability to reset armor with multiple max suits, just because it's not done often, doesnt mean it hasn't been done, or that it isn't imbalanced. I've seen quite a few people use it, and I've done it as well on my br40, the fact is, anyone who's close to a terminal can do it, just because some people aren't smart enough to figure out how to do it, doesnt mean it's not worth discussing.
2011-03-15, 03:50 PM
Sobekeus, Effect, mind if you two get the *beep* back to forumside and be *beep* there?
No maxes, seriously. Should we also remove all kinds of vehicles, support certs, bases, gens, etc?
What about just 4 rooms? 3 Spawn rooms and one giant hall to fight in. Oh, and the game is called "Planetside: Quake"
But to be fair, i agree there should be less maxes. But the problem didnt occur before they implemented BR40. Before BR40, only very few players wherent really happy with their certs. I had my tree done and fine, without any need to ever change a cert again. BR40 just gave me, and alot of others, new options, and allowed a shitload of people to get a max.
That wont happen in PSN, so stop making an issue out of something that isnt an issue...
2011-03-15, 04:12 PM
Sobekeus, Effect, mind if you two get the *beep* back to forumside and be *beep* there?
No maxes, seriously. Should we also remove all kinds of vehicles, support certs, bases, gens, etc?
What about just 4 rooms? 3 Spawn rooms and one giant hall to fight in. Oh, and the game is called "Planetside: Quake"
Because planetside has more depth then quake, however, max units do nothing but disrupt combat indoors, and actually make things less fun, especially when smart players actually use a max to it's full potential to blatantly abuse how broken it is (note this happens when fighting max units on defense more so than offense). Not that I blame the players, it's SOE's fault for not implementing appropriate measures to make sure that there are decent counters for it.
and btw, I'm not for completely removing max units from the game (as I do see their place in PS as the game currently stands), only changing them so planetside is a game where strategy, tactics, situational awareness, and even "skill" actually make the difference in PS, and not spam and attrition (not that numbers shouldn't affect the outcome of a battle).
So do you have an actual constructive argument rather then the always bad "removing max units from PS will make it just like quake or CS!" argument. Note this argument doesn't do anything, considering the game is not divided between "HA/Mossie players" and "max users".
Edit: And yes BR40 was a terrible addition to PS, it shows exactly why many of the things in PS are currently broken, aircraft, max units, SA/hand grenades, and many more!
2011-03-15, 04:45 PM
If people only had as many certs as they had at Br20, I imagine any problems of too many MAXs would largely fix itself.
As far as supposedly being too powerful...If the majority of players that use a MAX "aren't using it to it's full potential", then what is it that makes the skill ceiling so high for those that are? What is it about the MAX that allows whoever's so much better at using them to be able to do so?
2011-03-15, 04:56 PM
Effective is the most qualified poster on PSU right now to talk about PS as it stands right now. He has more kills on deleted toons than my lifetime total, including ActiveX. He may be a TRx muppet now, but his PS credentials are beyond challenge.
I think MAXes are like BFRs, too much of the wrong thing and just ended up being nerfed into annoyance. Yet BFRs had the MAX Effect on vehicleside, which was out of the question apparently.
Do I use MAXes? Yes.
Do I think they are a good element in PS? No.
MAX suits seem to be filling roles infantry already can or should fill.
2011-03-15, 04:58 PM
As far as supposedly being too powerful...If the majority of players that use a MAX "aren't using it to it's full potential", then what is it that makes the skill ceiling so high for those that are? What is it about the MAX that allows whoever's so much better at using them to be able to do so?
It's intelligence, this quote from my clan's gaming theory section pretty much covers your question.
"I believe there are four categories that every single gamer fits into. These could even be extrapolated upon in sports or other arenas.
* Group 1: This is the group of gamers who are intelligent and just plain good. They are the ones discovering the game mechanics, bugs and/or exploits and taking advantage of them. Exploring and experimenting with the game to its limits. They dictate the nature of the game and are the ones creating playstyles and strategies. These are considered the best players of a game.
* Group 2: This a group of players who are intelligent enough to be good, but lack the creative spark necessary to revolutionize and dictate the way the game is played. They often are able to copy playstyles and strategies from the first group. This essentially makes them as good as the first group, until Group 1 creates counters and they then have to relearn them.
It is possible to transition into Group 1 from Group 2. These kinds of players typically start the game late, or simply improve upon and modify what they've learned from Group 1, thus transitioning them into Group 1.
* Group 3: These are the players who at first glance, and perhaps will always remain, pretty nooby. For whatever reason they just don't grasp the game mechanics, and/or maybe aren't very competitive. In order for these players to ascend to one of the other two groups, it generally takes an epiphany inspired by external sources. Although it is possible for them to come to the realization on their own.
* Group 4: This group is pretty much on permanent scrub status. Whether it due to lacking the ability and intelligence to succeed, or just a complete lack of drive that will never materialize, these players will always be bad.
It should be noted that there are two subgroups to Group 3, as is briefly implied. The one group has the epiphany on their own accord, the second group needs that outside stimulus in order to reach that point. You could also probably include another group in between Group 3 and Group 2. This is the group that can be (usually painstakingly) trained in order to perform somewhere below Group 2. If any game mechanics change or new mechanics are implemented they will have to be retrained, provided they are a permanent member of this group."
Of course it doesn't cover things like players who are bad due to an old PC etc, but I think you get the point.
Edit, I feel I should add in that things like max units and special assault tend to attract players who are less creative then others, typically players in the categories of 3 and 4, call it condescending, but I view that as something of the truth. When players who really knew how to use those weapons used them, it spelled trouble quite loudly.
2011-03-15, 05:03 PM
It would seem I've used a max and fought against them more often then you have going off how you've NEVER seen any of the above. If you read my first sentence, it specifically says most players don't use max units to their full potential, meaning that most players don't know how to use a max, they just go charging forward while wearing a blind fold so they die a stupid pointless death.
Notice I said every max has a faster ttk then a rexo wielding decimators, this includes Anti-Air and Anti-Vehicle maxs, notice very carefully that it doesn't say Anti-Air+Infantry, or Anti-Vehicle+Infantry. They shouldn't be a effective counter to infantry, simple fix reduce damage to infantry while using AA/AV max weapons.
Also you mention pop and using cover with a decimator, carefully re-read my statement about max units. In order to use the decimator like this, this requires the max to follow/chase you, unfortunately that doesn't exactly cover a pretty large portion of the game, including hypothetical rooms with no cover, particularly when that max is on defense.
As for using the ability to reset armor with multiple max suits, just because it's not done often, doesnt mean it hasn't been done, or that it isn't imbalanced. I've seen quite a few people use it, and I've done it as well on my br40, the fact is, anyone who's close to a terminal can do it, just because some people aren't smart enough to figure out how to do it, doesnt mean it's not worth discussing.
I don't care what type of max unit you are in, if a rexo is just standing there in front of you trading shots, any max should win everytime. As a rexo, if you are too dumb to try to out-manuever a max unit, then you should continue to die until you figure that out.
Then I don't understand what you mean by poping out from cover to fire a deci ONLY works if the max is chasing you. I'm not trying to be arguementative here, I honestly don't understand what you mean by that. From my experience, that tactic works whether the max is chasing you, you are chasing the max, or it's just standing there.
As for the switching max armors tactic you keep bringing up, it's so rare, I have a hard time calling it a problem. Its actually probably more effective to die, respawn 10 seconds later, and just pick up a new max suit. I do see what you mean by having a constant max rotation available, but using it in a context of a 1v1 fight just is not even worth discussing. I mean I've seen alot of crazy things in this world. I've seen a fucking bear riding a bicycle, but that doesn't mean I'm worried about bears when I go on a bike ride.
But keeping in mind the fundamental issue of being able to constantly rotate max units, I think there is room to increase the timers for the max armors, perhaps giving them a universal timer. At the very least, I think they should get rid of the Unimax cert. If somebody wants to try to do something like that and just spend all day in maxes, thats fine, but don't give them a discount. Make them spend the certs for it.
2011-03-15, 05:03 PM
I'm in Group 1, or at least that is what my mommy always said.
2011-03-15, 05:13 PM
I don't care what type of max unit you are in, if a rexo is just standing there in front of you trading shots, any max should win everytime. As a rexo, if you are too dumb to try to out-manuever a max unit, then you should continue to die until you figure that out.
Then I don't understand what you mean by poping out from cover to fire a deci ONLY works if the max is chasing you. I'm not trying to be arguementative here, I honestly don't understand what you mean by that. From my experience, that tactic works whether the max is chasing you, you are chasing the max, or it's just standing there.
As for the switching max armors tactic you keep bringing up, it's so rare, I have a hard time calling it a problem. Its actually probably more effective to die, respawn 10 seconds later, and just pick up a new max suit. I do see what you mean by having a constant max rotation available, but using it in a context of a 1v1 fight just is not even worth discussing. I mean I've seen alot of crazy things in this world. I've seen a fucking bear riding a bicycle, but that doesn't mean I'm worried about bears when I go on a bike ride.
But keeping in mind the fundamental issue of being able to constantly rotate max units, I think there is room to increase the timers for the max armors, perhaps giving them a universal timer. At the very least, I think they should get rid of the Unimax cert. If somebody wants to try to do something like that and just spend all day in maxes, thats fine, but don't give them a discount. Make them spend the certs for it.
If you think about it, the decimator is specifically designed to be killed max units, as projectile is to slow and the clip is to small to be dangerous to anything but small vehicles that aren't moving, which would mean that a rexo wielding a decimator should win vs. an enemy max suit (with the exception being against an AI max unit, as that would defeat the purpose of using an AI max if you couldnt kill him).
As for using the decimator, I'm referring to smart max users as opposed to dumb ones, and a bit of how max units are extremely powerful on defense. A smart max user in a defensive situation, isn't going to let you simply deci him for free, you'll likely die trying to do it, as all he has to do is corner hump and wait for you to approach him, depending on what your goal is (be it the spawns, the cc, the gen, etc). Now if your on defensive, your chances are obviously much better at killing him.
As for addressing rotating max armors (and I don't see this as rare, considering I did it all the time when I had unimax)/max spam as a whole, my idea/concept is actually a buff and a nerf at the same time.
Make the max unit 1 intergrated suit, keep the overall cert cost 5-7 points. The kicker is, that the max user can switch weapons without penalty, like a BFR, but it doesn't reset his armor, and he isn't able to move into another max suit if he dies to soon. Make the AV max the base max suit platform, then you can purchase the AI/AA max for 1 point each.
2011-03-15, 05:43 PM
clarification for Raymac the dummy-head
Well, that makes more sense to me. Thanks for taking the time to clarify. Anytime I hit a moving vehicle with a Deci, it feels like I just threw a touchdown pass. You really have to lead your target just right. I still think a good Rexo with AV could beat a good corner humping Max, but it would be a closer fight.
Back to your original idea of 1 max suit with different weapons, I think it is a very interesting idea and certainly not too complicated or farfetched. I can't wait to see what they are actually going to do.
2011-03-15, 08:09 PM
I don't think the number of maxs has been a problem, but I would like to see them beefed up a bit and have a much higher cooldown, resource, or cert cost.
2011-03-15, 08:55 PM
How about the timer starts at death, not at the equipment terminal. You only get one actual suit for that timer, but you can swap out the weapon BFR style. And the cert cost goes something like this:
3 Rexo (preq for MAX)
3 -MAX Basic (MAX armor with AI/AV weapon options and no special ability)
3 --MAX Advanced (AA and special abilities unlocked)
6 ---MAX Master (reduced timer, increased inventory, 350 additional armor [1000 armor vs 650])
So 9 pts for what 6 gets you today, and 15 for the Master cert for ppl who want to specialize exclusively in MAXes. Which is sort of the theme I'm going with in all my cert suggestions. Master certs for those who specialize in one thing above all else.
I really agree with Effect on this one, I don't want to see Maxes get taken out, but I think that they really need some changes. Make it harder to cert, maybe a longer cooldown time to get the armor, and definitely make Armor piercing rounds more effective, that stuff was generally useless from what I remember.
Also, I think the maxes could in general use a redesign in terms of looks. They all seem kinda ugly. And where is my NC railgun? WHY DO WE NOT HAVE MORE OF THESE?
Also, I always thought we could have a 4th (or 5th, counting Effect's anti-max max) armor with jump capabilities, but lighter armor and weapons. I think it would make base gameplay a lot more interesting, but I guess Vanu wouldn't feel so special (small violin)
2011-03-16, 02:27 AM
Well I like MAX cause its one of the more unique elements of th game. I don't want to play a game where its near 100% same military units as real life. Which with BFR's being gone if they removed MAX's then the only none boring unit would be hover tanks if even those are still in.
Honestly I agree with others that if BR is lower an Unimax is gone the problem will largely go away. I think they gave Unimax so people would perform AA an not just farm Infantry. But like BFR's people doing too much is bad.
2011-03-16, 08:59 AM
MAX's are great entry level protection for noobs learning the game. I also like slow moving targets.
2011-03-19, 07:46 AM
MAXS just need to be more 'filed' with ordinary infantry armors. At the moment they're as if in their own 'filing cabinet' isolated from the masses. I don't like that.
I'd like for MAXS in the next game to keep their constrictions from their armor but express worthy companion instead of what feels like a burden for teams. This can be done by making it easily to manoeuvres around in them and be able to sustain themselves like everyone else but keeping some constriction or restriction from the clunking mass of the armor.
Bit sceptical about it, really. I know they're "meh" to make-better from original, I guess, and need some clarity on the thought... :ugh:
2011-03-23, 10:22 AM
Unnerf decimator damage vs. MAXes (wow, that's an old nerf), and make the lockout timer apply to ALL MAX types you have certed, so you can't just cycle through your UNIMAX options constantly despite short lifetimes.
That should reduce their efficacy on defense, particularly in towers, and give a better indoor counter back to the playerbase.
I also do like the idea of removing auto-run and making them more vehicle dependent for transportation.
2011-03-23, 06:10 PM
I think that if you remove auto-run you need to add a lighter kind of vehicle that can transport 2-4 maxes plus a driver w/o a tech plant (or similar capture requirement).
2011-03-23, 10:23 PM
Unnerf HA damage vs. softies (wow, that's an old nerf), and make the lockout timer apply to ALL softie armor and weapon types you have certed, so you can't just cycle through your RExo/Agile/Standard and AV/HA/MA/SA/Standard options constantly despite short lifetimes.
That should reduce their efficacy on defense, particularly in ADADAD hallways, and give a better indoor counter back to the playerbase.
I also do like the idea of removing Personal Shield and making them more vehicle dependent for transportation, and unarmed except for a knife and pistol if they are a pilot or backseat gunner in a plane.
2011-03-23, 11:50 PM
I think that if you remove auto-run you need to add a lighter kind of vehicle that can transport 2-4 maxes plus a driver w/o a tech plant (or similar capture requirement).
I've always wanted a transport that worked like Supreme Commander. It just picks up and drops MAX suits.
2011-03-24, 11:11 AM
While I have never liked MAXes that much and pretty much never used them myself, they did serve an important role in combat, wether it was as support for Infantry to fight against vehicles and aircrafts or to allow a break-through through heavy defended doors and areas in a base. (Most backdoor or Interlink defenses would be almost impossible to break with just infantry, as only the MAXes can survive for long enough to cause some troubles.)
That beeing said, MAXes should be balanced a bit better in the next game. Something like the UniMAX cert should not exist and an Anti-Infantry MAX should definitely cost more. The MAX special abilities should also be more balanced. Overall the MAXes should function as Infantry support and not as solo killmachines.
Regardless of how they get implemented in the next game, their appearance on the battlefield should not be that numerous anymore. (I have no idea how the game changed in the past 4 years). In a squad of 10 people there should on average only be 1 MAX .. a maximum of 2.
2011-03-29, 09:46 AM
I feel armors should be something along these lines.
Standard - The most common armor to see (otherwise whats the point?). Has one medium weapon slot (rifles/shot-guns), one light weapon slot (smgs/pistols). Purpose = General
Agile - Less armor than standard, faster movement than standard. One light weapon slot. Purpose = Speed
REXO - More armor than standard. Slower movement than standard. One heavy weapon slot (mini-guns/flame-throwers). Purpose = DPS
MAX - Lots of armor. Very slow. Lower accuracy. Large clip/ammo supply. Purpose = Tank
Infil - Little armor. Very quick. Cloaks. Small clip/little ammo. Purpose = Stealth
Basically, I'd like to see armor rolls developed.
2011-03-29, 01:28 PM
That isn't a bad notion... I'll whip something up along those lines.
2011-04-12, 09:56 PM
I have a whole list of fixes for max units as it currently stands, which nerfs defense, limits their capabilities when by themselves (for example by making it so that an AA/AV max doesnt have a faster TTK then a rexo with decimators), and in general makes them more balanced.
Maxes are fine they way they are. Just let me be able to hot swap. And if u in rexo and couldnt take down a max "YOU" were doing something wrong, unless u were fighting a splattermax and he was in ur face.
2011-04-13, 05:13 AM
I have to disagree about no max units, I love playing with a max unit, its one thing in PS that I really enjoy, if they got rid of them It would be disapointing, why do you say no max units anyway?
I have never had problems playing a max unit or even fighting against one, they give an extra dynamic to the game that troops alone cant do, the fact that you can use AA, AV, or AI is great and its fun to see a reaver or a mossie trying to get away from an AA max they play a big part in PS in my opinion so I really hope they dont mess them up and are still playable in PS:N
2011-04-13, 05:29 AM
The only problem with maxes was trying to push into a base and just having so many you couldn't physically kill them with the amount of deci's the offence could carry
Personally i'd stick all MAX's on a shared timer, meaning you wouldn't get tonnes of AA soaking up ammo
Then i'd make all maxes weaponary only effective against their intended targets, AA and AV maxes should barely scratch infantry likewise AI maxes should do nothing against vehicles or other MAXs, that way any MAX is going to get slaughtered if its not being supported by other troops
I think the AA and AV maxes are ok , albeit AV needing a buff slightly against vehicles .
As for AI maxes, I think their role should be reworked and they become more of a support vehicle indoors , and have dual roles. But no offensive weaponry.
They should have lots of armour , and 3 abilities : one is a frontal shield , combined with their armour be like the front row of an American football team , forcing their way through the front line to act as a shield for the infantry behind them.
The 2nd ability would be to be supportive/medic . Normal infantry could still use med/eng but a max would be the equivalent of a mobile advanced medic station and fast revival of the fallen , armour and hp at the same time. Their extra armour puts them ideal in this role to be able to revive and heal under pressure or fire.
They would still be a threat to the enemy since their functionality is to keep the fight moving forward , and taking them down is a blow .
The 3rd ability would be like tesla troopers from c&c red alert : if the generator is blown in a base , they would have the ability to charge the generator from their capacitors for a limited time , but obviously this would be the same power source as their shield so couldn't use both simultaniously.
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