View Full Version : UK player thinking of joining again?

2011-03-17, 03:05 PM
Hey there everybody, I used to play quite often, and recently started to miss PS, I'd been thinking of re-subbing for ages, but the lack of players put me off.

I've heard that this is no longer an issue, But I wondered if my timezone would be an issue? I assume most of the active players are from the US and I'd just like to play with an outfit that would be active the same time as me : O

Cheers in advance to any responders (:

The Desert Fox
2011-03-18, 08:08 AM
What time do you normally play? Here at http://the-bwc.com/smf/index.php we do our best to play when it works with our soldiers. Were a highly organized, Military based outfit thats quite active and has a lot of fun! Let me know if you have any questions.

2011-03-18, 08:26 AM
I rejoined 2 weeks ago as a test, and can guarantee populations within EU time zones no issue at all, even the tags seem the same a:mad:s Werner :)

2011-03-18, 12:17 PM
My Playing times can be quite sporadic, But I'll be on most nights throughout the week and weekend, I'll be sure to sign up and Give you a message (:

and cheers Shakrah, I know there never used to be an issue, but I wondered if there would be due to less population, you've put my mind at ease!