View Full Version : PlanetSide Next Producer Letter Coming
2011-03-31, 09:07 PM
2011-03-31, 09:52 PM
Sounds good to me. Though I find it funny that now were supposed to be hyped about getting a letter. When a month ago it was being hyped the game was launching in March. :lol:
2011-03-31, 10:45 PM
Is this like those count downs on websites which result in another count down?
I wonder if we'll end up with any leaks from disgruntled ex-SOE employees
2011-03-31, 11:17 PM
Funny how things can turn around so quickly. :lol:
2011-04-01, 12:39 AM
It's a good time to be a Planetside fan. :D
2011-04-01, 02:39 AM
Good news to hear, I had been worried about the axing of around 200 Sony employees affecting the game. But seems like its somehow a good thing as the story Here at Massively ( reports that PS Next will receive more resources.
Definitely looking forward to it!
I SandRock
2011-04-01, 04:51 AM
From the layoff news it sounds like they are making Planetside a bigger focus than they had in mind before. It's common for games to be delayed, but its not THAT long ago they thought they were on early in the year beta release (december or so he said that?). Sounds like they decided to give PSN more polish and perhaps some additional features to make it a larger release than before. Only good news to me i think.
Anyone have any speculations as to what the producer will say? or hope they will say?
2011-04-01, 09:01 AM
Anyone have any speculations as to what the producer will say? or hope they will say?
part mission statement, SOE love letter, ego trip ;) and hopefully some credible insight into just what the future of PS-N has in store for us :D
2011-04-01, 01:11 PM
I (Because i'm self absorbed) waited all this time for a damn notification of a letter in a week? ... :cry:
I SandRock
2011-04-01, 01:25 PM
Anyone have any speculations as to what the producer will say? or hope they will say?
"More than a few words'
So it'll be:
We appreciate all the support you've given us and we are very excited to bring you the next planetside installment. And trust me when I say the game is going to be AWESOME!!!!
2011-04-01, 01:37 PM
I am expecting:
Release month
Beta signup month
Core feature list.
2011-04-01, 02:43 PM
You're expecting a lot! I wouldn't trust any timeline presented by SOE. They'll probably launch or whatever it is and have a big COMING Q4 2011!!! image on it. That'll be all.
2011-04-01, 02:49 PM
I expect to hear about how the beta is coming soon, no date will be given.
2011-04-01, 03:20 PM
I imagine the letter will be short on details. I'd be shocked if we see a specific date for anything. I really just hope it's the real official beginning of getting information about the game and we'll be getting more and more information gradually and fairly regularly as time goes on.
2011-04-01, 03:57 PM
I'll take any tidbit of 'official' news.
2011-04-01, 04:46 PM
Though I find it funny that now were supposed to be hyped about getting a letter. When a month ago it was being hyped the game was launching in March. :lol:
I'm predicting they drop the infamous "soon"
2011-04-01, 05:04 PM
Well on one hand, im glad we are getting something on the other im pissed that they havent lived up to their word yet. But a MMO developer that actually does what they say they are going to, when they say they are going too is a pretty rare breed. But one can hope....
Im not expecting anything more then a cheesy two paragraph letter, that way I wont be disappointed this time!
I just hope they dont put loads of people onto ps:n , ship it out , then move everyone over to work on eq3 and leave ps:n with a skeleton crew of 2 hamsters and a gerbil to run it for the next 7 years ..again.
The Desert Fox
2011-04-01, 07:09 PM
I am expecting:
Release month
Beta signup month
Core feature list.
You Sir, Are on Fucking Drugs.
2011-04-01, 07:39 PM
You Sir, Are on Fucking Drugs.
He's on Viagra?
2011-04-01, 09:27 PM
I just hope they dont put loads of people onto ps:n , ship it out , then move everyone over to work on eq3 and leave ps:n with a skeleton crew of 2 hamsters and a gerbil to run it for the next 7 years ..again.
Indeed but this is SOE here. Ship it a little raw, don't support it, then make massive changes that annoy existing players when sub numbers start dropping. That's the usual plan of action.
But hey if they are only focusing on running two games primarily maybe it will change. Oops I just knocked a hole in my piece of wood here.
2011-04-01, 10:15 PM
Well get another smiley face following, "I'm sorry, did you think this year March?"
2011-04-02, 12:54 PM
My god I need this game.
2011-04-02, 03:35 PM
Can't wait! I have Day dreams about a new planetside!
2011-04-02, 04:56 PM
So... Midnight tonight is "Next Week" right?
I will be F5in frantically. And for those of you expecting way more then a few paragraphs of words, you might want to reevaluate your posistion, that way nobody gets their feelings hurt :)
2011-04-02, 05:34 PM
You Sir, Are on Fucking Drugs.
Yeah, I often find myself let down :p
So... Midnight tonight is "Next Week" right?
Shit you're right. We only have about 6 hours before "OMG its this week and nothing has happened!?!? Wtf lies this game isn't happening. Conspiracy! They all lied to us. There's no way we're getting a letter this week." Etc.
Can't wait.
2011-04-02, 06:53 PM
Yeah something tells me next week is sometime on Monday when the Producer gets to the office. But it wont stop people from raging tonight an tomorrow.
The Desert Fox
2011-04-02, 07:51 PM
Yeah something tells me next week is sometime on Monday when the Producer gets to the office. But it wont stop people from raging tonight an tomorrow.
Something tells me next week is next Saturday at 11:58p.m and his letter will be telling us that we can expect a big announcement/launch soon. it will be super cryptic and give us no real information.
I'd guess it'll be during business hours. So if anything they'll make us wait until end of the day Friday.
I'm hoping they'll feel sorry for us and give us something on Monday.
Hey...If they need someone to do some spell checking and grammar they could always post it here I'm sure we could help them out :)
2011-04-03, 02:50 AM
Greetings faithful followers of Planetside, I wanted to take this time to personally address the loyal fans of Planetside after last weeks news of SOE closing down some studios. We wanted to assure you that releasing Planetside Next as a quality MMO is one of our top priorities so we have allocated alot more manpower to the Planetside development team.
We're abit behind on our initial time of a March beta, we have delayed that to sort out some issues and put the game under further inhouse testing before letting you touch it. You will see beta soon, but at this stage we cant comment on when.
yada, yada yada...
About all the info we will get.
2011-04-03, 08:07 PM
About all the info we will get.
2011-04-03, 08:47 PM
Sounded like a thinly veiled dig at PSU and Smedley...
Can't wait. While I like pictures I would rather have a more laid out letter with what the game actually will be. I know we heard it will basically be PS with new graphics, but I am curious with any changes such as the sanc being gone and if it is still 133vs133vs133 for fighting on the maps.
2011-04-04, 01:13 AM
If this 'letter' dosn't contain at least 1 peice of actual game info (I don't care about release date or that your behind schedual - deal with it) I will be serverly disapointed...
Don't not let me down... umm Smokejumper? Whoever has it. WHOEVER, who has it!
2011-04-04, 03:30 AM
If this 'letter' dosn't contain at least 1 peice of actual game info (I don't care about release date or that your behind schedual - deal with it) I will be serverly disapointed...
Don't not let me down... umm Smokejumper? Whoever has it. WHOEVER, who has it!
Don't get your hopes up. It's probably just saying "We are now working on a new PlanetSide title! Here is the website to check for news."
2011-04-04, 05:39 AM
Hey, its SoE, which means it's all about opposites and expecting the unexpected. When they've said 'we're going to improve this game that's already awesome!' they've destroyed it. So by that logic, 'at least a few words from the Producer' could mean so much more!
...I can dream...
2011-04-04, 06:06 AM
Don't get your hopes up. It's probably just saying "We are now working on a new PlanetSide title! Here is the website to check for news."
website? Lies.
website? Lies.
No I think it's plausible that they could say "here is a website to check for news" then drop a link to PSU :P
2011-04-04, 08:27 AM
I know I like spicey chicken wings...
My powers of mind reading and second guessing are really poor though.
Please guys chill out and just get some patience, if not please make do with ulcers.
We can not change anything or hurry anything up but we do know it has been green lighted which is very very cool.
2011-04-04, 10:32 AM
You know... They added more people to 'focus' on the game and then delayed it (possibly). Dosn't that mean the version of the game they planned to release was crap? :P
Or I guess it could mean they have time and manpower to put BFRs and Flails in for launch? YAY!
2011-04-04, 11:07 AM
I would guess that they're in the very, very early stages of development.
They're probably still making the strategic decisions: What tech to use for the new engine (or what engine to reuse), what philosophies to develop with, organizational hierarchy for the new team, etc.
I don't think PS:N will have a 2011 release at all. At the earliest I'd predict a beta around this time next year.
2011-04-04, 11:14 AM
I think they are further along than that! I mean think of all those people that resubbed for beta? Does SOE take them for suckers?
2011-04-04, 12:52 PM
I would guess that they're in the very, very early stages of development.
They're probably still making the strategic decisions: What tech to use for the new engine (or what engine to reuse), what philosophies to develop with, organizational hierarchy for the new team, etc.
I don't think PS:N will have a 2011 release at all. At the earliest I'd predict a beta around this time next year.
Okay, seriously, who the heck are you? STOP TROLLING!
The game is in development for quite a while now. The Code is apperently mostly finished according to The9, they are doign artwork as we already saw screenys, in fact they are already in the internal alpha for quite a while now. Now get you damn facts right and stop trying to troll us.
Topic: we know nothing. We know absoluty nothing how long till we see beta, how long till we get facts, and how long till the producer letter comes along. But in any way, THIS week will be the first week of actual, solid information. Not sit down, stay tuned, and get a towel ready, because you may want to dry your pants after you wet them. ;)
2011-04-04, 02:45 PM
FortunadoAE antacids ftw!!!! oh and bridges and goats.... mmm manmarinade goat...... shame you can't eat that with ulcers.
Read Mr Smedleys post if you don't believe it thats fine but I doubt you will get another source telling you anything else from Sony.
2011-04-05, 07:43 AM
Just gone through Smedleys posts and I see nothing about bridges and goats! :(
2011-04-05, 12:25 PM
I keep on checking, but no producers letter yet... I know we got a small slice of info yesterday, but its only acted as an appetiser for me; I want the main meal. :D
2011-04-05, 12:40 PM
Well after the display by Smed NC & T-Ray VS, this new producer better be a TR sycophant or there will be trouble! :trrocks:
2011-04-05, 04:02 PM
I keep on checking, but no producers letter yet... I know we got a small slice of info yesterday, but its only acted as an appetiser for me; I want the main meal. :D
Well they did say the letter would be this week, so I'm expecting it on Friday. If it comes any sooner, then bonus.
Yeah, and Smed popping his head in yesterday was a great little appetizer. It was literally like going to a fancy restaurant, you order a really nice entree, and then the head chef comes to your table to give you a special appetizer while you wait for the prime rib.
I agree with you, the appetizer was awesome, but I'm ready for some prime rib too.
2011-04-05, 04:49 PM
Well they did say the letter would be this week, so I'm expecting it on Friday. If it comes any sooner, then bonus.
Friday is pretty typical for such announcements. The layoffs/PS:N announcement on 4/1 was cruel though. I spent the weekend hoping it wasn't an April Fools.
2011-04-06, 10:36 AM
Yea Friday evenings seems to be SOE's typical operating procedure.
2011-04-08, 10:30 AM
Need to send a care package consisting of (Beer, Wine, Whiskey, Gin, and Vodka) to the SOE staff.
Because as we all know “What Soberness Conceals, Drunkenness Reveals”…
2011-04-08, 04:24 PM
Every other SOE game has had it's Producer's Letter come out, and even though we were told explicitly "this week" still no letter. If it doesn't come out today..../facepalm is all I can say.
Every other SOE game has had it's Producer's Letter come out, and even though we were told explicitly "this week" still no letter. If it doesn't come out today..../facepalm is all I can say.
''we hope to bring you at least a few words from the Producer next week to whet your appetite and anticipation for the future''
not 'promise', 'guarantee', not even 'explicitly told' are anywhere in that sentence , directly copied and pasted from the official forums.:rolleyes:
2011-04-08, 04:39 PM
If there's no letter by the time I wake up I'm going to be a sad panda.
2011-04-08, 04:43 PM
Im assuning it wont come out this week (maybe I be wrong yay?) so im expecting someone to post some update about when it will be. Ill facepalm if they don't do that. :P
If there's no letter by the time I wake up I'm going to be a sad panda.
Me too , I want the mystical 'Holy Grail' letter as much as everyone else . I've just grown tired of speculation and mis-quotation , and wishful thinking . When it comes , great . In the meantime I expect nothing so no dissapointment arises.
2011-04-08, 05:19 PM
hope is the key word, I don't expect to see anything.
2011-04-08, 06:21 PM
''we hope to bring you at least a few words from the Producer next week to whet your appetite and anticipation for the future''
not 'promise', 'guarantee', not even 'explicitly told' are anywhere in that sentence , directly copied and pasted from the official forums.:rolleyes:
ahhhh, well shit on me. I must have missed that word, but you guys are right. "Hoping" to have the letter this week certainly is not a promise. I'm still disappointed, but also kicking myself a bit for missing that key word.
The letter will come, and I'm sure it will be short on details anyway. I'm just looking forward to the actual start of the marketing push. I know the game is real, but seeing that will make it even more real and alot closer.
EDIT: You know, for once here, I'd like to see SOE do what we do in our company. Tell the clients that it will be 2 weeks, and then get it done in 1 week so you suprise the client and look like a hero.
ahhhh, well shit on me. I must have missed that word, but you guys are right. "Hoping" to have the letter this week certainly is not a promise. I'm still disappointed, but also kicking myself a bit for missing that key word.
The letter will come, and I'm sure it will be short on details anyway. I'm just looking forward to the actual start of the marketing push. I know the game is real, but seeing that will make it even more real and alot closer.
EDIT: You know, for once here, I'd like to see SOE do what we do in our company. Tell the clients that it will be 2 weeks, and then get it done in 1 week so you suprise the client and look like a hero.
Wow man. Another play on words from SOE. First they say they have a "big launch" coming March, which from a neutral POV you can see that they are referring to a launch of a new game meaning the release of a new game. Now they said they "hope" to release a producer's letter this week, and everyone a week ago was anticipating something from SOE regarding the status of the game since they have neglected us for 2 months, but there it goes again... SOE fools us.
SOE: Stop providing nonsense garbage to the fans. If you can't promise us anything, then it is better to keep your mouths shut than to LIE or to speak very very very vaguely and in an obscure fashion
2011-04-08, 09:32 PM
Do you people HAVE REAL jobs? Holy crap. Things happen. People get VERY busy. Maybe he caught a virus. MAYBE THEY ARE REALLY FOCUSED ON THE GAME. Maybe they are restructuring the company because if all the terminations. Maybe he started writing it and his wife called him for a booty call, having a failing relationship he decided that goin home to see her was important.
No wonder this country is so fucked, everyone throws a hissy fit when things don't happen 3 days ago.
2011-04-08, 10:38 PM
So then dont promise things peace... I have a job and when i say something will be done next week i have to... you know do it next week. We are the customers...
2011-04-08, 11:08 PM
The letter's going to be released soon enough. I'm sure it will be days, not weeks.
So then dont promise things peace... I have a job and when i say something will be done next week i have to... you know do it next week. We are the customers...
Exactly. SOE's PR is doing a terrible job. Next week means next week, stop trying to defend SOE. They lied to us, just admit it people.
The letter's going to be released soon enough. I'm sure it will be days, not weeks.
"Soon" has been forever. We don't want vague description. Give us dates, give us an exact time.
PS:Next got delayed, but when was it supposed to be released?
Is PS:Next going to end up like Black Mesa Source? A project in the works for many years, "still in the alpha stages," and from time-to-time release screen shots, but no time-frame for the game's release? Yep, sounds like it.
2011-04-08, 11:57 PM
Odd checked back today (11:54 PM at the moment in my time zone) thinking I would see something on the front page.
I agree with the exact date things. If you say you're going to give an announcement or something at least make the pre-announcement have an exact day. Like "On April X at 5 PM EST we'll be releasing information about the announcement to the announcement of Planetside Next".
2011-04-09, 12:34 AM
Technically in America at least they could still post it tomorrow an have got it done in the week they said they would lol.
But yeah i'm surprised it wasn't posted. Someone must have just plain forgot about it. That or it needed to be sent to some PR guy for approval and he didn't realize it was time sensitive.
2011-04-09, 01:53 AM
They didn't "lie" they said they were going to try do this. Yall act like someone told you you were going to die and then you didn't calm down and be patient. Its a virtue very few seem to have. Ya'll are ridiculous
The big difference between swg/eq and ps:n is that the former are games published , so a producers letter is quite easy . Just say hello and give a few words on how you hope to maintain their support and talk about upcoming events in the pipeline.
PS:N is a different fish. They are trying a new engine , maybe thats fucked up and they are back to drawing board, or suddenly it opens up a whole new world of cool stuff and ideas they threw away and now brought them back. Anyway, making a new game is an organic process , and sometimes shit happens . Maybe the Producer was busy till midnight with the game development , or just waiting till they have a semi-concrete idea what to reveal so as not invoke the wrath of the community by promising hovering vanguards then replacing them with rubber dingies.
I'd be interested in hearing about any of that for my own sheer curiosity , but unfortunately thsi isn't Paul Barnett from Mythic doing his little Podcasts , it's soe . They are still learning , look at original planetside advertising or lack of it if you dont believe me. You should all be used to this by now , so just be patient.
2011-04-09, 03:41 AM
They didn't "lie" they said they were going to try do this. Yall act like someone told you you were going to die and then you didn't calm down and be patient. Its a virtue very few seem to have. Ya'll are ridiculous
We haven't dissected the meaning of every word in the sentences yet of Smed's posts. I'm sure it's a code of some kind maybe a date. :lol:
2011-04-09, 03:59 AM
It sure seems like ya have. Take it with a grain of salt and a dash of respect guys. The letter will probably be dropped next week. Are you going to not play the game because of this? I hope not.
2011-04-09, 05:01 AM
At least they arn't doing a valve ARG...
2011-04-09, 01:20 PM
So then dont promise things peace... I have a job and when i say something will be done next week i have to... you know do it next week. We are the customers...
Nothing has been promised.
2011-04-09, 03:33 PM
I don't think i've ever been this excited about a letter :groovy::groovy::groovy:
2011-04-09, 03:51 PM
"Soon" has been forever. We don't want vague description. Give us dates, give us an exact time.
How do you like that shit, huh?
Fucking Christ, you people sound like a bunch of toddlers in the throes of the Terrible Twos. Don't have kids? Shocker, but fair enough - here's a text-based interpretation:
2011-04-09, 05:39 PM
Nothing has been promised.
Perhaps, but the expectation was clearly set:
As stated above, there will be a Producer's Letter next week.
If they couldn't meet that expectation, the least they could have done would be to post and tell us why and how long the delay would last.
2011-04-10, 12:40 AM
Perhaps, but the expectation was clearly set:
Mightymouser, let me borrow a phrase from my favorite pirate of all time, the Dread Pirate Roberts. He once said to a young lad, "Get used to dissapointment."
You and everyone else who can post here are GAMERS. Dissapointments ARE OUR LOT IN LIFE!
Life is not fair. Get used to it. You'll serve you and those who surround you much better by knowing and believeing those two sentences.
2011-04-10, 12:49 AM
Doesn't mean we have to accept them or apologize/defend for SOE.
Don't know why you guys are jumping on us for jumping on them... They say something is going to happen they should come through or be held accountable by the players and fans just as I would anything else.
And Sent you know I am a Cubs fan I'm plenty use to disappointment. I don't accept their failure anymore and either do other Cubs fans who showed it by not going to the games finally. The 4th game of the year was the lowest attendance since 2003.
2011-04-10, 02:55 AM
Exactly as duff said above; failure in the past is no excuse for failure in the future. To be honest, I don't see anyone here bashing SOE, or whining or anything that would be the virtual equivalent to the super-large bold text at the top of this page. What I see are people calling SOE out for setting an expectation (one which would be pretty easy to meet, mind) and then failing miserably to meet it.
How hard would it have been for our new producer to make a post saying, "Sorry folks, we're a bit backed up with everything going on, but we will get information to you as soon as we can". Any post would be better than silence; given that they told us there would be a post. (And yes Amnerys said "there will be a Producer's Letter next week." So drop this 'hope' business) They didn't make even that minimal effort, I think we have a right to call them on it.
2011-04-10, 03:36 AM
Well I didn't really count on seeing anything. But I got to say I agree with some people here that they shouldn't say anything in the first place because expectations are always set when you say something.
I think they are better off keeping it quiet and having it come as a nice surprise if they manage to deliver which frankly is a bit odd when you think about it. A producer letter can't be that hard to piece together just to show a life sign?
How hard would it have been for our new producer to make a post saying, "Sorry folks, we're a bit backed up with everything going on, but we will get information to you as soon as we can". Any post would be better than silence; given that they told us there would be a post. (And yes Amnerys said "there will be a Producer's Letter next week." So drop this 'hope' business) They didn't make even that minimal effort, I think we have a right to call them on it.
I agree , it would take like 2 minutes to log on . If a customer in my line of work was expecting something and I thought there was a chance of a delay , I would ring them and tell them . 9 times out of 10 they would say ''fine, thanks for letting me know''. It would stop them from ringing up complaining , and take the worry out of my mind that I would expect them to ring up complaining and want to take their custom elsewhere. It's just good manners.
I can't explain it , I try to offer a reasoned theory and some resemblance of not hanging onto every word as if its set in stone.
The dev team has a real opportunity to wipe the slate clean with PS:N and be really involving with the community . Smedleys posting here last week was great for morale , I really hope this continues at least on a semi-regular basis where it's needed.
2011-04-10, 02:28 PM
With any luck, they'll get around to sending it out this week...But regardless, TRex you hit the nail on the head. I left PS a while back to focus on schoolwork and whatnot, but now that things are winding down I've started to come back. I think there's more commentary from Smed and the others now than there was the last time I played (I legitimately can't remember when that was though). It's refreshing and encouraging to see them trying to keep us abreast of what's going on, especially when the community has been a bit neglected in the past.
I feel like I'm complaining about an ex, but you know what I mean. This community is rather dedicated, so when they reach out and make promises/deadlines, then they're important. It's not the end of the world when they miss a deadline, obviously, but there's nothing wrong with expression annoyance.
And Sent you know I am a Cubs fan I'm plenty use to disappointment. I don't accept their failure anymore and either do other Cubs fans who showed it by not going to the games finally. The 4th game of the year was the lowest attendance since 2003.
Sports disappointment? Ah, there goes my day...I can relate...I'm from Cleveland. Disappointment is our primary export.
2011-04-10, 02:55 PM
Holy crap guys seriously.. they said "Hope"
to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence.
Regardless... we will get it.
2011-04-10, 03:14 PM
Planetside: Hope.
2011-04-10, 03:27 PM
A freaking mountain is being made out of this mole hill of a letter.
2011-04-10, 03:48 PM
Holy crap guys seriously.. they said "Hope"
to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence.
Regardless... we will get it.
I understand they said "hope" Hamma and i respect that, but you really should'nt say it to begin with.
I mean you have a load of gamer's who have waited along time to see or hear something of Planetside 2 (Planetside next) ... so in my opinion, they should'nt have said anything unless they WERE going to release the letter on time.
But i'm not moaning, i can wait :D ... just figure i'd throw my 2cents out there haha
2011-04-10, 03:57 PM
Dear Valued Fans,
Just wanted to update you on the progress being made on our next exciting installment of Planetside. We recently made the decision to use a new engine. This decision has pushed our timeline for beta and then release back by a fairly significant amount. While the delay now is unfortunate, you will see that it was worth the wait when you are battling the other empires for dominion of Auraxis in amazing HD! We recently expanded the PS:N team as part of SOE's restructuring. These new resources will allow us to create a top notch gaming experience for you to enjoy. At this time we can not release any specific details about the game play, but can assure you original Planetside players that you won't be disappointed. We thank you for you continued patience and support.
Do you know how long this took me? 2 minutes. That they didn't even bother doing this when they had a whole week is supremely disappointing.
2011-04-10, 04:10 PM
They also later said "Will"
may be expected or supposed to
You guys are acting like we're going on some sort of tirade, and hooting and hollering and threatening to unsub; I don't see anyone doing that. I just see people saying SOE should have been able to meet this expectation, and still failed to do so...
I've always heard that bad press can still be good press. So maybe this is a part of their marketing strategy to get people talking about the game?
I don't mind that the game is postponed but I can't seem to find a single reason why they wouldn't release a producers letter on time or in a timely manner. It seems like a pretty trivial thing to do.
Maybe they don't even have a producer for PS:N yet. :p
2011-04-10, 04:57 PM
No news is good news. Why because they are probably firming up the project plan. Once this has been agreed then they will have a clear idea of how long it will take and what are the key milestones . A milestone for those of you not familiar with the project term is a key delivery which indicates the progress of the project against a metric normally time or money.
We are all die hard Planetside fans we all want to hear the next news. Hell I am even doing multiple searches in different search engines at work when I have 5 minutes to see if I have missed anything. But lets not ignore what has happened in the last two weeks and work out what that will have on any inflight project.
Huge influx of new people working on a solution – what are they going to do? And what tasks are going to be allocated to them? (let alone moving offices potentially) This will take up a huge amount of managerial effort to sort out.
What will the lapse time be for introducing new team members and technology? Both of these are potentially huge!!!!
All of the above questions need to be fed into the program plan and that will determine what stage the game is at. More importantly it will also trigger Marketing and advertising which will determine when we will get our grubby little paws on more information / product.
I am sure once the Project plan has been finalised we will get the letter. I am just hoping it will contain something of substance and the crock of gold would be the beta (I will even do Alpha testing or unit testing if its going:D)
Reality check we are getting information passed to us from the CEO of SOE FFS people calm down it is brave and direct engagement. I have been involved in some big projects and this in my experience is rare close to unheard of. Personally I would never do the same thing with my customers so openly, what I discuss over a beer or a coffee is informal. So please calm down and appreciate what we have and the fact we have been included when we have no right to be.
2011-04-10, 06:00 PM
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this importance of this...
Honestly; I am thrilled to be getting so much information from Smed (or Smed's account). Such informal discussions with a CEO (while not unheard of) are more rare with larger companies. However, the problem with the information is that it is so informal.
'No news is good news' only applies when the only possible news is bad news. Do we have a right to information? Surely not; but given how much crap a few of us have put up with over the years, I think we have earned the privilege of knowing, through official channels, what's up...
On a related note: I gotta say, it seems you guys defending SOE are far more emotional about this than those of us saying they dropped the ball, just saying...
2011-04-10, 06:24 PM
Why try and pull this down to sides or defence? Other posters and myself are just trying to be reasonable.
The wording on the messages is open, I guess you are a glass is half full kind of guy which is cool.
We are all customers who subbed for Planetside hoping PSN will be around the corner. If this does not work out well or in a timeline which fits we can all choose to stop being customers. As for putting up with shit that’s your choice you also have the same options being a paying consumer.
I think everyone wants the same thing which is an evolution of our favourite game.
2011-04-10, 06:26 PM
Why try and pull this down to sides or defence? Other posters and myself are just trying to be reasonable.
Well, because your implication is that other posters and myself are being unreasonable...
I personally don't see anything unreasonable about saying that after confirming that we would be hearing officially from PS:N's producer; the least they could do was take 5 minutes and drop us a line. In not doing that, they dropped the ball.
The wording on the messages was; "As stated above, there will be a Producer's Letter next week." I am not a glass is half full/half empty kind of guy; I am a 'the glass has X oz of liquid in it' kind of guy. They said there would be a letter; and failed to deliver.
2011-04-10, 06:42 PM
The wording on the messages was; "As stated above, there will be a Producer's Letter next week." I am not a glass is half full/half empty kind of guy; I am a 'the glass has X oz of liquid in it' kind of guy. They said there would be a letter; and failed to deliver.
I would say the glass is twice the size of what it needs to be.
2011-04-10, 06:46 PM
Thats what you get for trying to sit on it.
2011-04-10, 06:49 PM
Smed (or Smed's account).
I assure you it is him. :p
I'm not defending SOE I am defending this particular situation. :brow:
The Desert Fox
2011-04-10, 07:08 PM
Well, because your implication is that other posters and myself are being unreasonable...
I personally don't see anything unreasonable about saying that after confirming that we would be hearing officially from PS:N's producer; the least they could do was take 5 minutes and drop us a line. In not doing that, they dropped the ball.
The wording on the messages was; "As stated above, there will be a Producer's Letter next week." I am not a glass is half full/half empty kind of guy; I am a 'the glass has X oz of liquid in it' kind of guy. They said there would be a letter; and failed to deliver.
Well MM I want to say I agree with you on this one. I am not the type to bitch or moan about how we deserve this or that. The fact that SOE has continually dropped the ball with the dates they have been setting is whats frustrating me. I would rather not have been told anything instead of being misinformed consistently. I do not care what the Producer is going through right now it doesn't take more then a couple minutes to re-assure a playerbase with a letter. I wouldn't even ask for something like that, but when you say your going to do something. do it, its not that fucking hard. Don't throw his "hope" and "maybe" bullshit my way, The fact that a company like SOE would use those words as a defense is pathetic, and the fact that all the people defending them are getting upset is also unbelievable. I understand you want to believe in them, I do too but we have a right to be a little frustrated. Most people here aren't even really criticizing them, just pointing out what their doing wrong.
I have tried so hard to not post when it comes to this topic because I don't want to get wrapped in an argument, and I really believed we would see something this week because it's really not that fucking hard. I see both sides of the topic because yes they are working hard and we aren't entitled to anything, but when you say your going to do something, do it or at least update people on why. If I tell a friend I will try to get his car fixed by friday, and it's not done yet. well I give him a quick call or email saying "hey sorry not done yet heres why" takes like a 5 fucking minutes.
I'm holding out because this game means so much too me, but honestly I am losing faith in not the game but the company, because I don't plan on giving my money to a company who is really starting to show their true colors when it comes to their opinion of their own player base.
and that is all I plan on saying about that.:D
2011-04-10, 07:29 PM
YouTube - Much Ado About Nothing (1993) Trailer
It's a letter, people. I mean I guess I was playing this up as much as anyone else, but lets just take a step back here and realize this is over a stupid letter that, as soon as it is released in a matter of days, we will have something new to debate about.
2011-04-10, 07:34 PM
You're missing our point though Raymac; which is not that we're all so wound up waiting to know what's in the letter we can't hold off until it gets here.
Our point is that even for something as simple as posting a letter; SOE couldn't be bothered to uphold the expectation/deadline they themselves set.
2011-04-10, 07:39 PM
No. I get it. I just still think its trivial.
Well MM I want to say I agree with you on this one. I am not the type to bitch or moan about how we deserve this or that. The fact that SOE has continually dropped the ball with the dates they have been setting is whats frustrating me. I would rather not have been told anything instead of being misinformed consistently. I do not care what the Producer is going through right now it doesn't take more then a couple minutes to re-assure a playerbase with a letter. I wouldn't even ask for something like that, but when you say your going to do something. do it, its not that fucking hard. Don't throw his "hope" and "maybe" bullshit my way, The fact that a company like SOE would use those words as a defense is pathetic, and the fact that all the people defending them are getting upset is also unbelievable. I understand you want to believe in them, I do too but we have a right to be a little frustrated. Most people here aren't even really criticizing them, just pointing out what their doing wrong.
I have tried so hard to not post when it comes to this topic because I don't want to get wrapped in an argument, and I really believed we would see something this week because it's really not that fucking hard. I see both sides of the topic because yes they are working hard and we aren't entitled to anything, but when you say your going to do something, do it or at least update people on why. If I tell a friend I will try to get his car fixed by friday, and it's not done yet. well I give him a quick call or email saying "hey sorry not done yet heres why" takes like a 5 fucking minutes.
I'm holding out because this game means so much too me, but honestly I am losing faith in not the game but the company, because I don't plan on giving my money to a company who is really starting to show their true colors when it comes to their opinion of their own player base.
and that is all I plan on saying about that.:D
exactly, i totally agree with you.
any producer that is truly enthusiastic with the game would take just a few minutes to write something for the fans, not writing something when you said you would is not a good sign
i dont care how busy soe is... it takes a few minutes!!!!!!
2011-04-11, 06:41 AM
I think the majority of comments here, over a "trivial" thing like a letter, simply shows how much the game means to so many people.
Everybody want this to work, and i totally understand people getting worked up about a no show by SOE.
“It's better to be thought of as a fool and to surprise people once in a while than to be thought of as a brain and to let people down when they need you the most.”
In other words, don't promise a producers letter, and then not produce it gets people angry. I'd rather not know, and log on one day to find a spectacular producers letter with every nitty gritty detail.
2011-04-11, 09:06 AM
I think the majority of comments here, over a "trivial" thing like a letter, simply shows how much the game means to so many people.
Everybody want this to work, and i totally understand people getting worked up about a no show by SOE.
“It's better to be thought of as a fool and to surprise people once in a while than to be thought of as a brain and to let people down when they need you the most.”
In other words, don't promise a producers letter, and then not produce it gets people angry. I'd rather not know, and log on one day to find a spectacular producers letter with every nitty gritty detail.
I fully agree withyou!
TL;DR: People care, don't say or promise - just do. *points at SOE*
2011-04-11, 09:55 AM
This morning I discovered a lump in my breast. It was very emotional for me.
Then I realized I had been eating pierogies in bed and had fallen asleep and apparently rolled over on one.
2011-04-11, 11:16 AM
No. I get it. I just still think its trivial.
I think that because it is so trivial and is easy is why it is so frustrating.
2011-04-13, 12:54 PM
I woke up this morning and something felt different. I just have a feeling we are going to see this mythical letter today. This isn't based on anything tangible, just a gut feeling.
The Desert Fox
2011-04-13, 12:59 PM
I woke up this morning and something felt different. I just have a feeling we are going to see this mythical letter today. This isn't based on anything tangible, just a gut feeling.
Does your gut have any opinions of a beta release date? It's 1/1 right now.
2011-04-13, 01:08 PM
Does your gut have any opinions of a beta release date? It's 1/1 right now.
HAHA! Well, we have a couple hours to see if I am right, but that would be pretty damn cool.
And if I do have this superpower of foresight now, you think I'm going to use it on beta date? I'll be working on the lottery numbers dude.
I woke up this morning and something felt different. I just have a feeling we are going to see this mythical letter today. This isn't based on anything tangible, just a gut feeling.
I woke up this morning and felt the wife . Got a clout and told to go back to sleep . Nothing different there :rolleyes:
2011-04-13, 01:16 PM
I woke up this morning and something felt different. I just have a feeling we are going to see this mythical letter today. This isn't based on anything tangible, just a gut feeling.
Hmm... T-Ray... Raymac...
2011-04-13, 01:20 PM
Hmm... T-Ray... Raymac...
No no no. I'm nowhere near as cool or artistic. Also a lighter skin tone. I'm just a fanboi.
2011-04-13, 01:22 PM
I’d be happy if they’d just produce a letter…. because as we’re all currently experiencing “Anything is better than pure silence”. Hell, I’d even settle for a short, yet very brief status in the form of –
Week 25 (Alpha 100% complete, Beta 78% complete)
Week 26 (Alpha 100% complete, Beta 85% complete)
Week 27 (Alpha 100% complete, Beta 95% complete, Production Phase: 1)…
2011-04-13, 01:26 PM
I’d be happy if they’d just produce a letter…. because as we’re all currently experiencing “Anything is better than pure silence”. Hell, I’d even settle for a short, yet very brief status in the form of –
Week 25 (Alpha 100% complete, Beta 78% complete)
Week 26 (Alpha 100% complete, Beta 85% complete)
Week 27 (Alpha 100% complete, Beta 95% complete, Production Phase: 1)…
If they're in week 27 with that much done, then I'd be worried about the quality of the game. No one makes anything that fast.
2011-04-13, 01:29 PM
Is it just me or did the topic change name?
2011-04-13, 01:48 PM
If they're in week 27 with that much done, then I'd be worried about the quality of the game. No one makes anything that fast.
Don’t worry, purely meant as an example only. There’s not enough time in my day to lay around speculating on an actual timeline.
2011-04-13, 04:29 PM
I woke up this morning and something felt different. I just have a feeling we are going to see this mythical letter today. This isn't based on anything tangible, just a gut feeling.
Hrrrm… That’s a very talented gut you have there. How is it a picking stocks?
2011-04-13, 05:20 PM
I think they may give us some form of a release date, maybe not an official one but some where close to it, hopfully! :P
I hope they give us some info on the story and lore of how PS:Next happend, like how its carried on form PS.
2011-04-14, 03:37 AM
Hell, I just want to shoot Barneys and Elmos. Most preferably I want to see them get blown up by a shell from my Vanguard. :D :)
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