View Full Version : PSNext, Idea's that you think are cool...
2011-04-05, 07:49 PM
Hey all im a massive planetside fan and have played the game pretty much since launch and the only reason that I dont play the game anymore is because I dont have a PC, anyway I came up with a cool idea for planetside a while ago with a friend that also plays the game ill try and make it short and sweet haha.
Anyway to mix up the fight a little i though about instead of just fighting on land why not take the battle to the sea and have some bases out at sea, not too far out but far enough for a cool ass sea battle, you would have to change a few bases around so hacking certain ones would give your empire resources to spawn battle boats that could man up to 6, and little speed boats that can get you around faster could be upto 2 man, I know some vehicles like the thunderer can go on the water already but are very slow alos the VS may have advantage on the water as they get magriders but i think the whole thing would work and give PS:Next an awsome new dynamic that not many games can say they have done, plus its not impossible to do this, I personally think it would be a brilliant idea for PS:Next I just wish I could take my idea to the game makers, i bet they havnt thought about this ;) and im guessing old players and even new ones would think this is a pretty sweet idea, plus having sea bases could give your empire an advantage and maybe some little perks, not sure what but something cool, nothing that kills the balance between empires too much though, anyways thats pretty much my idea so far what do you all think?
2011-04-06, 01:24 AM
Welcome to the forums.
This is one of the most asked for features, pretty much since the game came out.
2011-04-06, 01:26 PM
Yeah I'm afraid to say its an idea almost as old as the game itself.
I hope they take it into account however when they make the new game, and include coastal warfare at least in the game, allowing us to fight over beach heads and use large ships as mobile bases and fire platforms.
2011-04-06, 01:34 PM
If we do get naval warfare, I want to be able to get my Kenny Powers jet ski.
You're fucking out. I'm fucking in.
I always imagined what would have happened if instead of Core Combat we would have got a Naval Warfare, or Space Combat expansion.
I don't think the world was ready for that kind of awesomeness.
2011-04-06, 02:00 PM
The thing about naval combat is that it'd have to be in from the start. it depends so heavily on map design that it can't be an afterthought.
2011-04-06, 05:35 PM
Yeah I agree that it would have to be in the game right from launch, as doing it after would be a bit weird, Lets just hope they have took it into consideration but I guess we will find out in the beta! I can see the game being released at the end of this year now too, argh cant bloody wait!
2011-04-06, 11:05 PM
Want boats!
I always thought it would be fun to fight over oil platforms off the coast or, I guess NTU platforms in the Planetside universe. The empire who controls them could enjoy having the NTU in their bases refilled across the continent or whatever. Gives a reason to have a few boats and a differently laid out 'base' to fight in too.
Want boats!
2011-04-07, 06:37 AM
I just can't see a naval version of PS working tbh, there's alot of other types of land based combat I'd rather see first.
2011-04-07, 06:59 AM
I just can't see a naval version of PS working tbh, there's alot of other types of land based combat I'd rather see first.
I find myself about a third agreeing and two thirds disagreeing here. Land combat should be a priority, yes, but naval warfare with four or five guys crewing a destroyer, and 2/3 for a cruiser or corvette, single-man PT boats, (good lord, if we had) 3 man subs, stealthy Zodiac-style boat insertions... if we hit or surpassed the max pop limit, it would be large scale (a fleet of two battleships, three cruisers, two subs, and four PT boats could be twenty four guys, and that would be an awesome battle to watch!) and entirely viable while keeping the land battle exciting and large.
2011-04-07, 07:49 AM
The only issues I see with naval combat are.
The transitions from sea and land.
Aircraft having a huge advantage being able to go anywhere and amphibious craft being comparable (why grab a battleship when you can fly or get a mag/deli?).
Line of sight, so the ships would have to be somewhat big.
You get it all right, and you could have something like this..
YouTube - Battlestations : Pacific - Official Island Capture Teaser
I love the look of the barrage at :32
2011-04-07, 10:51 AM
Empires that have control of the bases at sea would have a advantage but i wouldnt say a massive advantage, lets say theres a base close to the beach and you need to control this base to spawn boats and battle ships to travel and take bases out at sea, when thinking of a battle ship i was thinking along the sides maybe twice as big as Vindicator with AA guns on and cannons for taking out other boats and troops, so not a massive battle ships, plus they would only have the advantage on water but would have to go back on land to save the base that links to the bases out at sea, hmm there is lots of ways of doing this type of game play in planetside but it would have to be well thought out.
Unless they just have certain planets that are basically water based and others that are land based with no boats...
Im not sure how this would work with the cert system.
Would you need to cert naval certs to use them ? In which case it would really have to be worth many peoples efforts to use valuable cert 'space'.
If that happened you could end up with what we had in the caves ie a few that liked them and always down there and some who simply ignored them unless they were absolutely forced to go there if there was no fight anywhere else.
It's an odd scenario to specialise in , if there only a few continents with enough ocean and tactical advantages to be worth the investment , unless all these craft fell under normal tech certs alongside the vanguard /mag/ prowler.
My only question is what happens to vanu vehicles that can just float on the water?
2011-04-07, 02:25 PM
Why not have the really big battleships be bases? The object is to board and hack it. CR5's can change the destination of the ships, and as long as it's defended, could supply spawn points for vehicles, aircraft, and other, smaller boats? Or have some battle base ships be aircraft carriers, and some be vehicle cargo ships, and others have a way of deploying other watercraft (I get the image of a protoss carrier in starcraft :)
To launch the land vehicles you would have to beach the boat and have a giant ramp come out of the bow to act as a bridge from the ship to land.
2011-04-08, 12:44 AM
Why not have the really big battleships be bases? The object is to board and hack it. CR5's can change the destination of the ships, and as long as it's defended, could supply spawn points for vehicles, aircraft, and other, smaller boats? Or have some battle base ships be aircraft carriers, and some be vehicle cargo ships, and others have a way of deploying other watercraft (I get the image of a protoss carrier in starcraft :)
To launch the land vehicles you would have to beach the boat and have a giant ramp come out of the bow to act as a bridge from the ship to land.
The problem would be, what happens when no one's left to pilot it?
That being said, I am a fan of the ramp idea. Starfish anyone :D?
2011-04-08, 10:36 PM
How about mountains? Yes they are in the game but are very static.
Im talking like, your on a ledge with a sheer drop to your left mountain. Would have bridges connecting to various levels. Hell make it a canyon. Canyon/mountain part would be awesome, and it could include a few caves or tunnels to satisfy that need. Air would have a fun time, least I would. Limiting wide range to small areas/ledges/caves/high altitude would be a good addition.
Of course dont over do it, a continent made purely for it might even be to much, but a bit here and there, maybe even a base thats on a mountain ledge would be cool.
2011-04-08, 11:21 PM
Add one more Continent bonus. All sand continents give you the benifit of "Sandbags". All your bases have sandbags around your towers/bases for extra defence. And all units gain special ability "Pocket Sand!!!" Throw sand in enemies eyes to temporarily blind. Does not effect MAX suits. :rofl:
2011-04-09, 06:15 PM
How about mountains? Yes they are in the game but are very static.
Im talking like, your on a ledge with a sheer drop to your left mountain. Would have bridges connecting to various levels. Hell make it a canyon. Canyon/mountain part would be awesome, and it could include a few caves or tunnels to satisfy that need. Air would have a fun time, least I would. Limiting wide range to small areas/ledges/caves/high altitude would be a good addition.
Of course dont over do it, a continent made purely for it might even be to much, but a bit here and there, maybe even a base thats on a mountain ledge would be cool.
Ceryshen has cliffs like those.
2011-04-09, 06:52 PM
2011-04-09, 08:20 PM
I want a zepplin
2011-04-09, 09:28 PM
I want a zepplin
I got a Led one here for ya.
2011-04-11, 06:26 AM
Haha I can imagine zepplins being a nice target for the reaver though as there slow as hell, unless you are packed with a zep carrying AA :P
2011-04-11, 08:01 AM
Naval forces would be obsolete in an age where the big guns are carried by spacecraft.
2011-04-11, 09:23 AM
thaty looks ace, it looks like a big hovercraft hehe, did you design that your self...?
2011-04-11, 11:26 AM
Yup, all part of my upgrade project website, which you can find through my sig.
2011-04-11, 03:10 PM
I really hope the Planetside devs are looking at your website. Really cool ideas there
2011-04-11, 08:51 PM
You know what idea would be awesome? Shooting laser beams from my cock.. Taking names and burning faces with cock laser beams.
Sea warfare would be fun.
2011-04-11, 09:25 PM
You know what idea would be awesome? Shooting laser beams from my cock.. Taking names and burning faces with cock laser beams.
Sea warfare would be fun.
Fan of the Beamer I see.
2011-04-12, 06:58 AM
Loving some of those ideas dviddleff, that base with the tower attached is sweet :). lets hope the devs are having a sneaky peak at some of your ideas :P
2011-04-12, 07:10 AM
why stop at airships when we could have bases in the sky?
Afterall the galaxy is going to play a more pivotal roll...hrm?
2011-04-12, 08:38 AM
Sweet pics there mate, I think bases in the sky is a great idea but i think the bases that are in the sky should always stay in that position as moveing them and controlling them would take too much and be difficult to do.
2011-04-12, 11:13 AM
why stop at airships when we could have bases in the sky?
Afterall the galaxy is going to play a more pivotal roll...hrm?
Why not? But how would they interact with my Air Cruisers idea? They would be farmed to death lol.
Sweet pics there mate, I think bases in the sky is a great idea but i think the bases that are in the sky should always stay in that position as moveing them and controlling them would take too much and be difficult to do.
It wouldn't be hard to control them at all... why would it be?
2011-04-12, 11:33 AM
Well a big moving base in the sky is going to be pretty important to the empire that owns it i guess as it would give the owning empire a very big advantage of taking bases as you could just stop over another base drop down and take it, so this meaning that the empire that hold the base in the sky is going to keep spawning up there unless they make the bases destroyable but doin that the bases wouldnt last long at all as everyone is going to keep shooting at it, plus when the base is dead where is it going to re-spwan its not like a vehicle so you cant just go get another one.
And moving them around would mean having a designated driver for the base and this driver is going to have to know exactly what he/she's doing, whats to say some noob doest come up hop in the seat and fly away with the base, it would cause loads of problems there will be peolpe wanting to fly it and arguing whos doing and then you get poeple that dont really care, it could potentailly be a good idea if done well but i think it will cause too many problems in the long run.
Sweet pics there mate, I think bases in the sky is a great idea but i think the bases that are in the sky should always stay in that position as moveing them and controlling them would take too much and be difficult to do.
I think they could work , like in Aion when the NPC faction mothership moves around the map in the Abyss. Like weather fronts.
I think the game is overdue a continent or planet with all air bases , no ground maybe a gas giant or something. And air to air is the predominant method of engagement , new flight mechanics all being part of it.
2011-04-12, 01:01 PM
Bring in Cloud City. Make that our urban combat area. Air Cruisers are the 'Towers' in the skies.
2011-04-12, 02:19 PM
I imagine few Air Bases that are immobile. They have a pad down below it that perhaps teleports troops up to the base.
2011-04-13, 06:22 AM
Air bases could work but there would have to be so much time and development to go into it, I would still say i would prefer air bases that are not mobile, so hacking a ground base would open a link to the air base the only other porblem i can find here is that if your a troop that doesnt have any aircraft certed (tbh would be me and a whole lot of other people too, as i really suck at flying in any game im more ground orientated :P) your going to struggle, yeah i agree there would be a galaxy to take troops up to the base or even a teleporter, but to attack the base as a diffrent empire would be hard as not everyone on the oposing empire is going to be certed with air cav, they could teleport upto the base but there just going to get camped when they arive on the other end of the teleporter.
2011-04-13, 10:28 AM
As cool as an air base would be I can imagine it would be extremely difficult to attack.
With only one way to attack the base - with air units - the defenders would simply need to mass AA weapons.
I was thinking more along the lines of the air bases being so high up no maxes or aa could intefere or possibly even exist up there , only scout aircraft . There could be a ship or ship(s) like that on every continent with some kind of uplink device upon it. You need to hack and hold the base to enable the continent map below to be viewed by your empire. Think along the lines of king of the hill but in the skies.
It could be an open plan type affair so you would need to defend the area or cover the hacker by flying and intecepting enemy aircraft. You could bail out over it, but no respawn area for infantry or aircraft . It could have landing areas , but its up to you whether you do that and remain vilnerable or risk losing your aircraft via hacking or it being destroyed.
Maybe if there were 2 or 3 would be ideal , and holding all 3 gave you instant access to the whole map . On the ground holding a base or area affected by your troops could be seen as you unravelled the map, but controlling the skies gave you immediate access and tactical advantage of a much larger area in more detail .
It would give genuine flyers a whole new playground to fight over , free of AA , and in return hopefully give the ground fight another dimention free of mossie sniping while still allowing reavers , liberators and galaxies a purposeful influence on the ground.
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